How to restore a website offline. using XCloner on Joomla thats run on Xampp - joomla

I am totally new to this stuff. I have installed Joomla on my windows pc to test my changes to the site before I try them on the actual site and mess things up.
I was given a backup using XCLONER. I installed xcloner but cant seem to restore the website.
I am using XAMPP.
I am also unsure where to place the directory where the restore file should be.
Any help will help. Any tutorials on this? again, just starting out with this stuff.
Thank you in advance.

There are so many references and tutorials out there:
Also has adequate documentation for this.
I can't say exactly about how the XCloner works, but the general steps to replicate Joomla is:
Copy and place the files and folders at the new location
Download the database
Create a new database at the new host (your computer) and import the data from the one you downloaded.
Configure Joomla (configuration.php) to connect to the new local database (host,user, password, prefix -if changed).
At this point you should be able to run your site to the new location, but you probably want to change also the path for logs and tmp folders, to reflect the new location.


Install Modx on FTP Server

I am pretty new to cms and hope you can help me. I'd like to install modx on a ftp server. My problem is my predecessor created a website with joomla. Now I want to create a completely new website out of the old one (just content, layout and design will be new), but with modx. I know how to built it, but i do not understand how to install modx and building the new website without crashing the existing.
Can someone give me a little step by step (if possible as simple as you can, cause i'm really not so familiar to the topic) on where to install (some kind of subdirectory?!); and what i have to adjust in modx so while developing the old website can be used without some kind of crossing (or if possible, to install modx localy on a flashdrive and upload the website somehow when finished?).
And how, if the website is finished, to delete the old one (deinstall joomla,...) and get the new one to the root directory.
Ps. Sorry for my English, isn't the best... I am a German :)
Thanks :))
I you have access to the server management or some kind of control panel, I would suggest create a new subdomain, such as and install MODx there. I would also suggest using a separate database, evenou though that is not crucial as you can use the default modx_ prefix to easily tell one set of tables from the old joomla ones.
Once you are happy with the new site, either transfer it:
or just change the DNS of your server to point the main domain to the new subdirectory. That would depend on your hosting prvider.

Migration from MAc(using Wamp) to Windows (using XAmpp )

i originally developed and design my website on MAMP, then my professor(because the project is for my thesis ) tried to work it on windows pc with Xampp
we followed all the techniques to migrate our database
but when we try to open it through localhost we can't reach the website.
I know that the description might sound a bit novice but i would be really pleased if someone can at least give me a manual on how to do this kind of migration !
Thanks a lot !! :)
Joomla is not just a database, it's a database and the files in your websites directory.
The most reliable way to move a Joomla website is to use the Backup extension from Akeeba.
Download an install Akeeba Backup. Documentation here.
Run a backup.
Copy the backup file from /administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/
It will have a name like
Put the jpa backup file on the target computer/server (your Professors PC)
(You will need to put it in the directory you want to serve it from)
Download and install Kickstart from Akeeba.
Using a browser load the website directory (on the professors pc) that you put the jpa and kickstart files into.
Follow the Kickstart script making sure you read each step carefully (Documentation).

Feared: Blank frontPage yet accessible backend in joomla 1.5.22

I am no expert in Joomla... :)
On my local station using XAMMP, my Joomla 1.5.22 site is running fine but when I upload it to our server online, my problem began, when I visit the frontpage it pulled out nothing but I can still access its backend. I tried to search all over the net, I did some suggested fix but still failed :(
Look for error log in the root folder of your Joomla install, that will give you a hint on why this is happenning.
Also, instead of copying the files and database manually use Akeeba Backup extension for backing up complete site (all files and database) in a single archive. Then use Akeeba Kickstart script for restoring. Akeeba Kickstart will automatically change all configurations needed to run your site on the new server. The extension and the script are free and the process is very simple, look for Youtube videos that show the backup / restore process step by step.
Good luck.
I just get my site back, I just learned that a depreciated module caused the problem, because our server has been upgraded, so I just disabled all my modules on site then single by single I enable it again and find the module that caused the problem, which I did, I'm now replacing that depreciated module with new extension so that the site will be working back.
-- Update --
Now my site is back, I just found out that GD library is not installed on PHP, that's why it shows blank page in the first place, PHEW!

Joomla blank after changing server, admin panel good

I did a cPanel move of a Joomla 1.5 website and a PHPBB3 forum from one server to another, and when the DNS changes kicked in all I see is a blank page. The administrator panel works without any problems whatsoever. cPanel works. Website and forum (which is separate from the website) are both blank.
I have then manually downloaded and then uploaded all files (didn't move the databases manually), and some files wouldn't upload because of 555 file permissions. I changed the permissions to 777 temporarily to overwrite the file with the manually uploaded one. So all files are now the same as they were on the old server.
Even when I turn the Site Debugging on, the screen is blank.
There is no hidden index.html or default.html file which could be causing the problem.
The entire account was moved with cPanel so it's the same on the old server and the new server. The hosting provider reports no problems. The DNS changes kicked in two days ago.
PHP is working, as this link works:
In configuration.php, there is nothing specifically pointing to the old site.
var $dbtype = 'WeboMySql';
var $host = 'localhost';
All roads in these cases generally lead to configuration.php Check spelling and punctuation for mistakes. Also, enable one of the default Joomla Templates to be sure that whatever template you're using isn't also using old values.
Problem is solved.
The configuration.php file was to blame, as everyone suggested, but there was no possible way to change it manually and get it right, I had to make the system determine its own configuration.
I installed a fresh version of Joomla in a separate folder, and a fresh version of PHPBB3 in a separate folder.
Then I took the configuration.php and config.php files for those two things and put them in the existing folders of the website which didn't work.
Changed the minor details such as database prefixes (as I couldn't have entered the existing ones while installing), and that's it. Now it works.
So this might be a good workaround for anyone facing the same problem. Install a dummy version of Joomla and use the generated configuration.php file for the old, non-functioning website.
Before starting to debug the server, turn debug-mode on (in the admin CP)
First thing I would try is to delete the cache by running: rm –rf /var/www/html/<your website directory>/var/cache/*
The next thing I would try is to switch to another template - make sure that the template is not the issue.
Also, make sure to check the apache access log - just in case. also, you can check .htaccess for stuff like 301 redirect rules or any other problematic configuration (same applies for httpd.conf and configuration.php)
Good luck!

What is the correct way of migrating a Magento installation from WAMP to an online domain?

Say i have a Magento installation which i've configured and developed on a WAMP server (perhaps also adding products, etc.), what is the correct way to migrate this to an online domain.
I had pretty good luck with this approach when I did it. The WAMP install was on my own box so I didn't use SSH on that side.
I did have a couple errors related to the new domain that their help desk were able to resolve by modifying a couple entries in my .htaccess file. But other than that it was pretty seemless.
I've also done a full backup/restore by simply copying the entire contents from one box to the other. Copying up the MySQL DB, and then I reran the install procedure by simply deleting the app/etc/local.xml file (which forces Magento to run re-install scripts).
The script asks you for the location of the DB, passwords, etc... all the data, products, order history etc, survives a reinstall.
Oh, and make sure to clear your cache/cache folders before you move everything. That saves a lot of head-aches later and reduces the size of files you have to copy.
