Disjoint Set Operation Find_Set(x) using linked list - algorithm

Its about naive Union-Find algorithm using linked-list representation of disjoint sets:
Find_Set(x) operation returns a pointer to the representative of the set containing element x.which requires O(1) time, since node containing x has a pointer directly pointing to representative of x.But before that first we need to find the particular node containing element x among all the disjoint sets.so this searching is not O(1).I don't understand how Find_set(x) is O(1)(As given in books), when we don't know in which disjoint set the node containing x belongs.

Each element is assumed to contain some pointer/reference to the set it belongs to (the set can actually be represented by one of its member element). So when querying Find_Set(x), since you already have the element x, you simply have to consult this pointer/reference and the operation is O(1). With a linked-list implementation, where each set is stored as a linked list of elements, each element holds a pointer to the head of the linked list which is chosen as representative element of the set.


Heap using double linked list

Suppose one wants to implement a Max Heap using a doubly linked list. Can
one achieve the same complexity for the operations Insert, ExtractMaxHeap and MaxHeapify using a doubly linked list as compared to the standard array implementation.
My answer is we can do all three operation in log(n) time using array
implementation. However, for doubly linked list
Insert - logn ExtractMaxHeap -o(1) MaxHeapify -
In a standard array implementation one can find the child of an element in constant time. If the current node is identified by index i, then the left child is identified by index 2i+1, and the right child by index 2i+2*.
*In heaps with k children, that would be ki+1, ki+2, ..., ki+k. The principle is the same
Given a node in a doubly linked list, there is no way to get to the first child in constant time. The deeper the node is in the list, the more steps it will take -- walking the chain of the linked list -- to get to the sub-chain having the child nodes.
In the array implementation you don't need to visit the elements that lie between a node and its children. The access to the child (by index) is immediate. This is not true in a linked list. You have no other choice than to first visit the next node, then its next, ...etc. until you arrive at the "index" where the child node is at. The length of this chain, to walk towards the child, increases exponentially with the depth of the node where you start from.
A similar inefficiency occurs when you need to find the parent of a node.
As all basic operations on a heap involve swapping child with parent values, this problem gives these operations a worse time complexity in a doubly linked list implementation than in the array implementation.
If the elements are stored entirely in a linked list, with no other structure, then no. If the elements are sorted, then insertion will be O(n). If they are not, then extraction will be O(n).

Processing "update elements" & "get min value among all element" queries efficiently

You are given an array a = [a0, a1, ..., an-1], process these Q queries. The queries has following two types:
Given two integers i and x, update ai to x
Find the minimum value among all elements in array
I already know the algorithm with segment tree (range minimum query), and the time complexity is O(n log n). But this way also can calculate the minimum value among any section, so I think there is more simple and good performance way that can process these two types of queries.
Is there any other way to solve?
Use an array and a minimum heap with references to the heap in the array.
The array has the elements by index (it's basically the actual array you have) and the heap is ordered by value so that the minimum is always on top. You add a reference (a pointer) from each array element to its corresponding node in the heap so you can find it easily there.
To perform the first query you access the array at index i and set the element value to x (after index validation and all that). Then you update the node in the heap that ai points to and heapify. This costs O(log n).
To perform the second query just get the minimum from the heap. O(1).

Find number of leaves under each node of a tree

I have a tree which is represented in the following format:
nodes is a list of nodes in the tree in the order of their height from top. Node at height 0 is the first element of nodes. Nodes at height 1 (read from left to right) are the next elements of nodes and so on.
n_children is a list of integers such that n_children[i] = num children of nodes[i]
For example given a tree like {1: {2, 3:{4,5,2}}}, nodes=[1,2,3,4,5,2], n_children = [2,0,3,0,0,0].
Given a Tree, is it possible to generate nodes and n_children and the number of leaves corresponding to each node in nodes by traversing the tree only once?
Is such a representation unique? Or is it possible for two different trees to have the same representation?
For the first question - creating the representation given a tree:
I am assuming by "a given tree" we mean a tree that is given in the form of node-objects, each holding its value and a list of references to its children-node-objects.
I propose this algorithm:
Start at node=root.
if node.children is empty return {values_list:[[node.value]], children_list:[[0]]}
3.1. construct two lists. One will be called values_list and each element there shall be a list of values. The other will be called children_list and each element there shall be a list of integers. Each element in these two lists will represent a level in the sub-tree beginning with node, including node itself (will be added at step 3.3).
So values_list[1] will become the list of values of the children-nodes of node, and values_list[2] will become the list of values of the grandchildren-nodes of node. values_list[1][0] will be the value of the leftmost child-node of node. And values_list[0] will be a list with one element alone, values_list[0][0], which will be the value of node.
3.2. for each child-node of node (for which we have references through node.children):
3.2.1. start over at (2.) with the child-node set to node, and the returned results will be assigned back (when the function returns) to child_values_list and child_children_list accordingly.
3.2.2. for each index i in the lists (they are of same length) if there is a list already in values_list[i] - concatenate child_values_list[i] to values_list[i] and concatenate child_children_list[i] to children_list[i]. Otherwise assign values_list[i]=child_values_list[i] and children_list[i]=child.children.list[i] (that would be a push - adding to the end of the list).
3.3. Make node.value the sole element of a new list and add that list to the beginning of values_list. Make node.children.length the sole element of a new list and add that list to the beginning of children_list.
3.4. return values_list and children_list
when the above returns with values_list and children_list for node=root (from step (1)), all we need to do is concatenate the elements of the lists (because they are lists, each for one specific level of the tree). After concatenating the list-elements, the resulting values_list_concatenated and children_list_concatenated will be the wanted representation.
In the algorithm above we visit a node only by starting step (2) with it set as node and we do that only once for each child of a node we visit. We start at the root-node and each node has only one parent => every node is visited exactly once.
For the number of leaves associated with each node: (if I understand correctly - the number of leaves in the sub-tree a node is its root), we can add another list that will be generated and returned: leaves_list.
In the stop-case (no children to node - step (2)) we will return leaves_list:[[1]]. In step (3.2.2) we will concatenate the list-elements like the other two lists' list-elements. And in step (3.3) we will sum the first list-element leaves_list[0] and will make that sum the sole element in a new list that we will add to the beginning of leaves_list. (something like leaves_list.add_to_eginning([leaves_list[0].sum()]))
For the second question - is this representation unique:
To prove uniqueness we actually want to show that the function (let's call it rep for "representation") preserves distinctiveness over the space of trees. i.e. that it is an injection. As you can see in the wiki linked, for that it suffices to show that there exists a function (let's call it tre for "tree") that given a representation gives a tree back, and that for every tree t it holds that tre(rep(t))=t. In simple words - that we can make a method that takes a representation and builds a tree out of it, and for every tree if we make its representation and passes that representation through that methos we'll get the exact same tree back.
So let's get cracking!
Actually the first job - creating that method (the function tre) is already done by you - by the way you explained what the representation is. But let's make it explicit:
if the lists are empty return the empty tree. Otherwise continue
make the root node with values[0] as its value and n_children[0] as its number of children (without making the children nodes yet).
initiate a list-index i=1 and a level index li=1 and level-elements index lei=root.children.length and a next-level-elements accumulator nle_acc=0
while lei>0:
4.1. for lei times:
4.1.1. make a node with values[i] as value and n_children[i] as the number of children.
4.1.2. add the new node as the leftmost child in level li that has not been filled yet (traverse the tree to the li level from the leftmost in right direction and assign the new node to the first reference that is not assigned yet. We know the previous level is done, so each node in the li-1 level has a children.length property we can check and see if each has filled the number of children they should have)
4.1.3. add nle_acc+=n_children[i]
4.1.4. increment ++i
4.2. assign lei=nle_acc (level-elements can take what the accumulator gathered for it)
4.3. clear nle_acc=0 (next-level-elements accumulator needs to accumulate from the start for the next round)
Now we need to prove that an arbitrary tree that is passed through the first algorithm and then through the second algorithm (this one here) will get out of all of that the same as it was originally.
As I'm not trying to prove the corectness of the algorithms (although I should), let's assume they do what I intended them to do. i.e. the first one writes the representation as you described it, and the second one makes a tree level-by-level, left-to-right, assigning a value and the number of children from the representation and fills the children references according to those numbers when it comes to the next level.
So each node has the right amount of children according to the representation (that's how the children were filled), and that number was written from the tree (when generating the representation). And the same is true for the values and thus it is the same tree as the original.
The proof actually should be much more elaborate and detailed - but I think I'll leave it at that now. If there will be a demand for elaboration maybe I'll make it an actual proof.

Printing out nodes in a disjoint-set data structure in linear time

I'm trying to do this exercise in Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al that has to do with the Disjoin Set data structure:
Suppose that we wish to add the operation PRINT-SET(x), which is given
a node x and prints all the members of x's set, in any order. Show how
we can add just a single attribute to each node in a disjoint-set
forest so that PRINT-SET(x) takes time linear in the number of members
of x's set, and the asymptotic running times of the other operations
are unchanged. Assume that we can print each member of the set in O(1)
Now, I'm quite sure that the attribute needed is a tail pointer, so it can keep track of the children.
Since the disjoint set structure already has a parent attribute, find-set(x) can easily print out nodes going in one direction. But now, having a tail pointer, let's us go the other direction as well.
However, I'm not sure how I would write the algorithm to do this. If anyone could help me out in pseudocode, that would be much appreciated.
Each node should have a next pointer to the next node in the set it is in. The nodes in a set should form a circular linked list.
When a singleton set is first created, the node's next pointer points to itself.
When you merge set with node X and set with node Y (and you've already checked that those sets are different by normalizing to set representatives), you merge the circular linked lists, which you can do by simply swapping X.next and Y.next; so this is a O(1) operation.
To list all the elements in the set containing node X, traverse the circular linked list starting from X.

Hashtable with doubly linked lists?

Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) states that a hash table using doubly linked lists is able to delete items more quickly than one with singly linked lists. Can anybody tell me what is the advantage of using doubly linked lists instead of single linked list for deletion in Hashtable implementation?
The confusion here is due to the notation in CLRS. To be consistent with the true question, I use the CLRS notation in this answer.
We use the hash table to store key-value pairs. The value portion is not mentioned in the CLRS pseudocode, while the key portion is defined as k.
In my copy of CLR (I am working off of the first edition here), the routines listed for hashes with chaining are insert, search, and delete (with more verbose names in the book). The insert and delete routines take argument x, which is the linked list element associated with key key[x]. The search routine takes argument k, which is the key portion of a key-value pair. I believe the confusion is that you have interpreted the delete routine as taking a key, rather than a linked list element.
Since x is a linked list element, having it alone is sufficient to do an O(1) deletion from the linked list in the h(key[x]) slot of the hash table, if it is a doubly-linked list. If, however, it is a singly-linked list, having x is not sufficient. In that case, you need to start at the head of the linked list in slot h(key[x]) of the table and traverse the list until you finally hit x to get its predecessor. Only when you have the predecessor of x can the deletion be done, which is why the book states the singly-linked case leads to the same running times for search and delete.
Additional Discussion
Although CLRS says that you can do the deletion in O(1) time, assuming a doubly-linked list, it also requires you have x when calling delete. The point is this: they defined the search routine to return an element x. That search is not constant time for an arbitrary key k. Once you get x from the search routine, you avoid incurring the cost of another search in the call to delete when using doubly-linked lists.
The pseudocode routines are lower level than you would use if presenting a hash table interface to a user. For instance, a delete routine that takes a key k as an argument is missing. If that delete is exposed to the user, you would probably just stick to singly-linked lists and have a special version of search to find the x associated with k and its predecessor element all at once.
Unfortunately my copy of CLRS is in another country right now, so I can't use it as a reference. However, here's what I think it is saying:
Basically, a doubly linked list supports O(1) deletions because if you know the address of the item, you can just do something like:
x.left.right = x.right;
x.right.left = x.left;
to delete the object from the linked list, while as in a linked list, even if you have the address, you need to search through the linked list to find its predecessor to do:
pred.next = x.next
So, when you delete an item from the hash table, you look it up, which is O(1) due to the properties of hash tables, then delete it in O(1), since you now have the address.
If this was a singly linked list, you would need to find the predecessor of the object you wish to delete, which would take O(n).
I am also slightly confused about this assertion in the case of chained hash tables, because of how lookup works. In a chained hash table, if there is a collision, you already need to walk through the linked list of values in order to find the item you want, and thus would need to also find its predecessor.
But, the way the statement is phrased gives clarification: "If the hash table supports deletion, then its linked lists should be doubly linked so that we can delete an item quickly. If the lists were only singly linked, then to delete element x, we would first have to find x in the list T[h(x.key)] so that we could update the next attribute of x’s predecessor."
This is saying that you already have element x, which means you can delete it in the above manner. If you were using a singly linked list, even if you had element x already, you would still have to find its predecessor in order to delete it.
I can think of one reason, but this isn't a very good one. Suppose we have a hash table of size 100. Now suppose values A and G are each added to the table. Maybe A hashes to slot 75. Now suppose G also hashes to 75, and our collision resolution policy is to jump forward by a constant step size of 80. So we try to jump to (75 + 80) % 100 = 55. Now, instead of starting at the front of the list and traversing forward 85, we could start at the current node and traverse backwards 20, which is faster. When we get to the node that G is at, we can mark it as a tombstone to delete it.
Still, I recommend using arrays when implementing hash tables.
Hashtable is often implemented as a vector of lists. Where index in vector is the key (hash).
If you don't have more than one value per key and you are not interested in any logic regarding those values a single linked list is enough. A more complex/specific design in selecting one of the values may require a double linked list.
Let's design the data structures for a caching proxy. We need a map from URLs to content; let's use a hash table. We also need a way to find pages to evict; let's use a FIFO queue to track the order in which URLs were last accessed, so that we can implement LRU eviction. In C, the data structure could look something like
struct node {
struct node *queueprev, *queuenext;
struct node **hashbucketprev, *hashbucketnext;
const char *url;
const void *content;
size_t contentlength;
struct node *queuehead; /* circular doubly-linked list */
struct node **hashbucket;
One subtlety: to avoid a special case and wasting space in the hash buckets, x->hashbucketprev points to the pointer that points to x. If x is first in the bucket, it points into hashbucket; otherwise, it points into another node. We can remove x from its bucket with
x->hashbucketnext->hashbucketprev = x->hashbucketprev;
*(x->hashbucketprev) = x->hashbucketnext;
When evicting, we iterate over the least recently accessed nodes via the queuehead pointer. Without hashbucketprev, we would need to hash each node and find its predecessor with a linear search, since we did not reach it via hashbucketnext. (Whether that's really bad is debatable, given that the hash should be cheap and the chain should be short. I suspect that the comment you're asking about was basically a throwaway.)
If the items in your hashtable are stored in "intrusive" lists, they can be aware of the linked list they are a member of. Thus, if the intrusive list is also doubly-linked, items can be quickly removed from the table.
(Note, though, that the "intrusiveness" can be seen as a violation of abstraction principles...)
An example: in an object-oriented context, an intrusive list might require all items to be derived from a base class.
class BaseListItem {
BaseListItem *prev, *next;
public: // list operations
The performance advantage is that any item can be quickly removed from its doubly-linked list without locating or traversing the rest of the list.
