Favicon needs to be updated - joomla

Hello I have new joomla 3.0 template but don't know how to change my favicon.
Did you have the same problem before or can help me with this? So please do.
My website is.

You simply need to create a new favicon and upload it to the following directory:
If you are not able to save your image as an .ico file, simply save it as a standard png or jpg file and use an online converter such as this one:
Once uploaded, if you don't see any changes, force refresh your page using CTRL + F5


Flask Image choose a local image and display it on html

I am running a flask server locally. I want to choose a local file first and display it on the website. Can I do this by not uploading it? If I can, how can I finish it? Thanks.
I just want to choose a file path using a file chooser and display it on HTML. But the solutions I get are all file uploading. Could you please help me with this?
Please refer this. HTML5 File API

How can I export gallery images from SquareSpace?

SquareSpace does not offer any way to export uploaded content directly. The only export option available is for WordPress, but this only generates a small XML file. What is the best way to download the actual image files from a gallery, other than right-clicking each image and choosing "Save as..."?
This worked for me [Python]. If you take the XML file that is exported for you, you can run the following against it.
I had only .png images uploaded. You will have to modify to include jpg and other image file formats.
import requests
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('filename.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for i in root.findall('wp:attachment_url'):
images = set([elem.text for elem in root.iter() if elem.tag=='link' and '.png' in elem.text])
for img in images:
resp = requests.get(img+'?format=3000w', stream=True)
local_file = open(f'images/{img.split("/")[-1]}', 'wb')
resp.raw.decode_content = True
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, local_file)
del resp
In Chrome: File > Save Page As > Web Page Complete
Do this for each page that you want to download the images from.
I just spent way too long figuring out how to do this, so I'm leaving this here in hopes that it will save someone else time. It's not pretty, and it involves a browser extension, but I believe this is the most efficient way. Broadly speaking, this is what the process looks like:
Set up new local WordPress installation. http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-local-wordpress-site-using-xampp/
Export your SquareSpace site for WordPress and import it into the new installation. Ignore errors about attachments. All image galleries will now show up as pages in WordPress, with each image hotlinked to the medium-sized version of the image in the original SquareSpace site. https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206566687-Exporting-your-site
Install a browser extension that lets you bulk-download images on a webpage. I used this Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bulk-image-downloader/lamfengpphafgjdgacmmnpakdphmjlji
Repeat the following steps for each gallery:
On the page editor, switch to text view. Copy the HTML into your favorite text editor, and use the find/replace feature to replace ".JPG" with ".JPG?format=2500w" on every image URL to force the full-size resolution. Paste the updated HTML back into WordPress and update the page.
View the updated page, and use the browser extension you installed earlier to download all the images on the page. If you have a large gallery, you might have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to force all the images to load before downloading them.
That's it. All said and done, it's a pretty simple and straightforward process. I went through a lot of different WordPress plugins in an attempt to rehost the external links to the local wp-content folder, export the media library by post, etc. This ended up being much faster and much simpler. Hope it saves you some time.
If you don't have too many images, you can do them one at a time from a gallery. While viewing a gallery (Chrome) I can right-click and open the image in a new tab and then save that (getting rid of the parameters after *.jpeg )
You can use this repo to download the images from Squarespace. It has a Tkinter GUI to make it easier to use :)
I just coded it and it works fine on my end.
Github link: https://github.com/Mascobot/squarespace_image_downloader
I downloaded the Image Downloader plugin from Chrome. Super easy to download all images into folders. Once installed, go to the URL of your website page, hit the plugin, and create a download folder. Done.
Here's an alternative:
Use a crawler like ScreamingFrog and crawl your entire domain.
Copy all of your image URLs.
Download the Chrome Addon 'Tab Save' and paste all the links in there.
Download them. Done!
Copy the image and open it in a photo editor like Preview and then export it.
That works well for a few images but not so well for many.
Or screen shots. Make the image as large as possible and screen shoot it that way.

How to load pdf file on CStatic control in VC++

I want to draw/load pdf file which contain image, on the CStatic control in my VC++ project.
But, I don't know how to load pdf file on CStatic control.
I have searched a lot, but dint find any right direction.
In Mac, Its possible using specific function, but is there any way in Windows ?
Can you please suggest me any right direction...
Thanks in advance.
I want to load image in PDF to CStatic, reason behind that I want to maintain image quality. Just load vector data of PDF image to on CStatic.
Please suggest ... !!!
There is no way to Show a PDF file inside a static control.
There are several ActiveX Controls that can show a PDF file. Also Adobe ships and AcroPdf ActiveX file that is free to use.
Here is a sample
If you just want to Show formatted data you can use an RTF-Control

How to add an external stylesheet/js file to a UIWebView without having it stored?

I want to change some CSS properties and HTML content from a random web, so I download and save the html file in the device and load it in a UIWebView to modify it.
The problem occurs when the html has referenced stylesheet/javascript files and they aren't loaded in the UIWebView.
Is there a way to access automatically to these files?
I've thought of getting the path through javascript and add the web url to it, and then download... but first I'll have to check if the path is relative or absolute and that...
Is there an easy and clean way to do this?
(I have the same problem with the images that are not url linked...)
Any idea would be appreciated :)

CakePHP is interrupting images

I am using fckEditor as text editor. When i upload images thru it the images were uploaded to app/webroot/fckeditor/images.
And when they're embedded it looks like
Until now it looks right.
But the image doesn't appear.
So when I browse the image directly, at here
instead of displaying the URL, Cake interrupts the image call and trying to render it in a layout. I often face this error when I point .html file for iframe scroller and .xml file for flash embedding. This is really embarrassing
You can see the page here
That image should appear before the text - "More" dont appear for short text.
Thanks for you help.
Try to change the path where the images are saved. Instead of
try to change to
I believe that it's possible.
It's resolved now.
It was not cake's fault.
I pointed incomplete absolute path at FckEditor so it didn't upload the files well.
However the uploader mistakenly passes the "OK" so the HTML tries to display it.
So cake tries to render something, as usual, when there is no physical file.
I spent about 10 hours to resolve this.
Now I don't hate cake as I did a few hours ago. (: :)
