Restlet 2.2 + Spring integration - spring

I have a fully functional Restlet app that I am trying to add Spring Data Jpa + Hibernate.
Firstly I need to get Spring and Restlet playing together.
The example below is from the Restlet docs, it is trying to set a root property on the Application Class, I can not find this root property, it must be from and old version of the API.
Can someone please post an example of Spring and Restlet 2.2 config, this is very frustrating.
<bean id="basecampAppliction" class="classpath to Application class">
<property name="root" ref="router" />
Also, all the examples I have found rely on Spring doing the routing, I would like to keep the routing in the Application code if that is possible.

The docs on the Restlet web site are out of date, please see fix above.


Correct Scope for vaadin 8 and spring

I have a project, work with Vaadin 8.6 and Spring 5, and vaadin-spring 3.1.1
In this, there is MainUI extends UI that a bean with scope="prototype" initialized in web-application-context.xml
Problem: when we connect to project from more than one client (browser), there is only one session available.
we search and find some manuals, but we can not use it in our project
<bean id="mainUI" class="ir.fanap.fanitoring.ui.MainUI" scope="prototype">
Vaadin Spring Add-on
how can we solve this problem? we did not use annotations for beans and all beans initialized in web-application-context.xml

Getting a non Spring Boot program such as ActiveMQ to work with Spring Cloud Config

I have modified my original question slightly to better reflect my question. I have a non-Spring Boot application that I would like to have working with the Spring Cloud Config Server. I have searched around online and tried many things but it seems like the crux of my issue is that the server only works within a Spring Boot context. Although ActiveMQ is a Spring application already, it seems non-trivial to convert it to be a Spring Boot one.
I would like to have an ActiveMQ Broker that is configured from the Spring Cloud Config. My local settings within the should be replaced by those that come from the server. This works in other servers I work on, now I need it to work for my Broker Filter plugins.
I added the following to activemq.xml:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">
NOTE: Several base packages omitted here but are similar to:
<context:component-scan base-package=""/>
<!-- enables annotation based configuration -->
<context:annotation-config />
After doing so I was able to get various #Value annotations to work with settings coming from my but the whole Spring Cloud Config Server thing seems to not replace my local file settings. Other Spring Boot application I work on do so I know the server is fine.
I have added the following jars to the apache-activemq-5.12.0\lib\extra directory:
refreshendpoint is not necessarily initialized when the constructor is called. You need to add a method annotation with #PostConstruct (or implement InitializingBean and implement afterPropertiesSet method) in which you'll perform refreshendpoint.refresh(); , e.g:
void init() {

Spring Security 3.0 functionality to Spring security 2.0.2

Can anybody tell me what is replacement of
<bean id="authenticationSuccessHandler" class=""/>
in Spring Security 2.0.2.
any help would be appreciated.
The same class in the same package is still there. If you use the namespace configuration, you don't have to declare this bean manually, because the <security:form-login> element will wire it up by default.

OpenSessionInViewInterceptor in a non web application

I have to use OpenSessionInViewInterceptor in a non-web application. I have configured OSV Interceptor as follows,
<bean id="openSessionInViewInterceptor" class="">
<property name="sessionFactory"><ref bean="sessionFactory"/></property>
I'm getting a Lazy load exception. Any pointers to where I'm going wrong? Is the configuration correct?
Or does a non-web app require OpenSessionInViewFilter instead of interceptor?
From the first line Java Doc of OpenSessionInViewInterceptor
Spring web request interceptor that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
So if you do not have a Web Request because you do not have a web application, then this Interceptor does not helps you.
The OpenSessionInViewFilter is for only Web Applications too.
So you will need to start your Session/Transaction "By Hand", for example with #Transactional.

Best way to enable timer on Glassfish web profile

I use web profile and it does not allow to use Java EE #Schedule functionality. So, I have several ways to solve the problem:
reinstall the server to use full profile. Problems: it's risky (functionality/performance) for my production and burdensome
Use other scheduling functionality like Spring. Problems: I don't know how to link Spring with JavaEE as I want to use CDI beans in my scheduler. Seam-spring module could help me ( but its documentation is not available at the moment and I don't really know the status of it.
So, which is the best way to enable scheduling inside my glassfish app?
We've had a lot of luck using the Quartz open source job scheduler within Spring on other projects so I can highly recommend it for scheduling. You can configure the scheduler to be started from a Servlet (into which CDI beans can be injected) and the scheduled job can call an EJB Stateless Session bean (into which you can also inject CDI beans).
Here are some links - hope this helps!
Initialze a Scheduler in a servlet container
Here's a great article on calling an EJB from Quartz
Ok, I managed to do this using spring module. Would be better to use embedded Scheduler J2EE functionality, but this is not included into Glassfish web profile, only to full (WTF??). As my project is in prod, I don't want to upgrade to full one, especially as there is no flexible way to do this upgrade. Only full server substitute. Very poor JavaEE....
So, first, we need to define some functionality, which will be run at schedule:
public class ClosePolisesTimer {
BusinessAttirbuteDAO attributeDAO;
#Scheduled(cron="0 0 0 * * *")
public void doCloseObsolete() {
// ...
Second, we should create the spring configuration file with the following configuration:
<bean id="businessAttributeDAOBean" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiName" value="java:global/KaskoCalculator/BusinessAttirbuteDAO" />
<bean id="ClosePolisesTimer" class="com.rstk.kasko.bean.service.ClosePolisesTimer">
<aop:scoped-proxy />
<property name="polisDAO" ref="polisDAOBean" />
<property name="attributeDAO" ref="businessAttributeDAOBean" />
<task:annotation-driven scheduler="closePolisExecutor"/>
<task:scheduler id="closePolisExecutor" pool-size="1"/>
That's all. I define EJB beans and use "aop:scoped-proxy" to initialize my scheduler by them. Spring schedule is included into core spring module, so only core spring dependency is necessary
