I am trying to have a makefile controlling the generation of beamer presentations that are formed by adding parts (slides) that cover different topics. I want to be able to specify in the makefile the parts and their order, which can change for different presentations.
For instance, I may have different .tex files each with slides on different topics, say topicA topicB and topicC. Then at some stage I may want to make a presentation where I want a PDF containing first the slides concerning topicA and then the ones on topicB, while on a different time I may want to do another presentation where I want first the slides on topicC and then the ones on topicA. I would like to control the order and topics to include on a presentation on a makefile.
The solution I'm trying to implement consists in having a top latex file (say top.tex) that in the end would have a command (say "\slidesorder") whose content would be a series of \input's with the names of the files with the slides of the topics to include.
In summary, I have:
top.tex (main latex file that near the end has the command \slidesorder )
topicA.tex, topicB.tex and topicX.tex (latex files with the slides on each topic)
Then I've written the following makefile that is not working correctly:
ROOT = top
SLIDES := topicB topicA topicC
TO_INCL := $(foreach V,$(SLIDES),\input{$(V)})
all: $(ROOT).pdf
${ROOT}.pdf: ${ROOT}.tex $(SLIDES:=.tex)
echo "\newcommand{\slidesorder}{$(TO_INCL)} \input{$(ROOT)}" | pdflatex
The idea would be that by changing the content of the SLIDES variable I would get different presentations from the same sources of slides. My knowledge of Latex and Make is very limited so any help is much appreciated.
OK, after the discovery of the problems with the backslash in the shell I've managed a working solution:
ROOT = top
SLIDES := topicB topicA topicC
TO_INCL := $(foreach V,$(SLIDES),\input{$(V)})
TO_PDFLTX := '\\newcommand{\\slidesorder}{'$(TO_INCL)'} \\input{'$(ROOT)'}'
all: $(ROOT).pdf
${ROOT}.pdf: ${ROOT}.tex $(SLIDES:=.tex)
echo $(TO_PDFLTX)| pdflatex
I am writing lots of Sphinx/RestructuredText and this includes Sequence Diagrams using PlantUML. I have lots of text that I am reusing, so to make things cleaner, I created a definitions.iuml file. In this file, I can create named text references (via !startsub/!endsub blocks) that allows me to reference them in several different Sequence Diagrams. Change it once in the source location, and they all change. Perfect.
My problem is how to use these references outside of Sequence Diagrams? I use the exact same code (!includesub ../defintions.iuml!NAMED-REFERENCE) in the .rst file, and when I make docx/pdf, I see that link, I don't see the text that it is referencing. To make things worse, Google has like no documentation or search results on this. Queries of includesub, startsub, endsub +sphinx come back with nothing.
Help me obiwan kenobi.
I found the answer, which only resulted in more questions haha. Anyway, one thing at a time:
To create reference variables in your text document, use rst_prolog or rst_epilog in your Conf.py file. Why there are 2 commands that serve the same purpose, I dont know.
rst_prolog = """
.. |Variable1| replace:: Monday
.. |Variable2| replace:: Tuesday
Now whenever you write |Variable1| in your text, the document will generate Monday.
The problem with the above is that its just for short words/phrases. You can't use it for code blocks, or anything that is more than one line. To reference in Code Blocks:
Create a new .rst file with the code you want to display. Best practice is to create a Code folder and place them all in there.
Further best practice is to stop using the '.. code block::' and instead use '.. parsed-literal::'. The output is the exact same, but parsed-literal allows you to use conf.py variables and ..codeblock:: doesn't.
So in this .rst file, first line is .. parsed-literal:: and all the text below it is the code you want to reference
In the original document that you wanted this code, type:
<4 spaces indent>.. include:: <Folder/File.rst>
Generate your document, and notice how the code is now being reference. You can include this reference all throughout your document.
I will soon be creating a new thread, this time asking how the text body and sequence diagrams can use the same reference. Currently, all text needs one reference, all sequences need another reference, and now we have double updates. Not ideal
I have done some experiments with writing programs that are also at the same time valid documentation that can be rendered as README's by e.g. Github - this ensures that code snippets are up to date and valid - and had some very interesting findings with Markdown. Unfortunately that format does not support having an automatically generated table of contents, so we looked into AsciiDoc which does.
I managed to copy an example using :toc: macro (to be able to place it after the opening summary), and then went on to make it valid Java, which essentially mean that you have to start the file with the /* characters but then I cannot make the table of contents appear any more.
The snippet starts with:
= Asciidoctor PDF Theming Guide
Dan Allen <https://github.com/mojavelinux[#mojavelinux]>
// Settings:
:idseparator: -
:toc: macro
ifndef::env-github[:icons: font]
:outfilesuffix: .adoc
:caution-caption: :fire:
:important-caption: :exclamation:
:note-caption: :paperclip:
:tip-caption: :bulb:
:warning-caption: :warning:
:window: _blank
// Aliases:
:conum-guard-yaml: #
ifndef::icons[:conum-guard-yaml: # #]
ifdef::backend-pdf[:conum-guard-yaml: # #]
:url-fontforge: https://fontforge.github.io/en-US/
:url-fontforge-scripting: https://fontforge.github.io/en-US/documentation/scripting/
:url-prawn: http://prawnpdf.org
Topics remaining to document:
* line height and line height length (and what that all means)
* title page layout / title page images (logo & background)
The theming system in Asciidoctor PDF is used to control the layout and styling of the PDF file
... blurb removed ...
/* (Experiment with asciidoc)
= Dagger 2 Hello World
// (Important: As an experiment Main.java is also a valid markdown file copied unmodified to README.md, so only edit Main.java)
This project is a single file Hello World Dagger-2 Maven project for
Java 8 and later, while also being its own documentation written in AsciiDoc.
My gut feeling is that the TOC does only work as expected if the file starts with lines parsed by AsciiDoc where this is set up and configured. If any output is generated before the configuration bits (like the Java comment) then the TOC is silently empty.
Hence I would like to know how I should do this correctly. All I want is a functional toc::[] macro in a file starting with /*
Asciidoc markup files are not Java source files. While I understand that this would be a compelling combination of the formats, that capability does not exist.
To keep source files up-to-date, your Asciidoc source files can use the include directive to include a source file. See: https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#include-directive
To include, say, a single method, you can use tags to mark the start and end of the method's implementation, and then you can include that tag-delimited code section like this:
Note that if the path to the Java source that you want to include is outside of the current directory, you may have to change the safe mode accordingly: https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#running-asciidoctor-securely
I have an article document in LaTeX in which I cite sources from a bibtex file. I want to be able to still cite these sources, but I also want to be able to compile the bibliography into a separate pdf document. This document is a grant proposal for NSF, and they want the bibliography to be in a separate document.
I have searched the web for solutions to this problem. Each solution is slightly different than what I need for my particular problem.
The sources are included at the end of the document, and they are labeled "References". I need them in a separate document, labeled "Bibliography".
Assuming your main file is called test, you can simply import its bibliography in a new file with \input{test.bbl} and change the \renewcommand{\refname}{Bibliography} or \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography}, depending on the documentclass. This way the references will have the same numbering as in the original document.
I am trying to generate a hierachical documentation in Sphinx.
I would like the following structure:
Quick start
Weather API (one general page + 2 subpages)
Sky API (one general page + 3 subpages)
Future API (one page is enough for this)
Assuming that there is one file per each line in the above TOC what should I do to achieve this?
I tried to include one or more .. toctree:: directives into the top index file, but the results seem to be quite random.
Create a directory and file structure that aligns with the following toctree entries, but the actual file names are appended with the .rst suffix.
.. toctree::
We do this in a part of Pyramid's documentation, although we also globbing because the order of the files is not important. Your order appears to have importance, so listing them in your desired order is necessary.
I'm using make to control the data flow in a statistical analysis. If have my raw data in a directory ./data/raw_data_files, and I've got a data manipulation script that creates cleaned data cache at ./cache/clean_data. The make rule is something like:
I do not want to touch the data in ./data/, either with make, or any of my data munging scripts. Is there any way in make to create a dependency for the cache/clean_data that just checks whether specific files in ./data/ are newer than last time make ran?
If clean_data is a single file, just let it depend on all data files:
cache/clean_data: data/*
If it is a directory containing multiple cleaned files, the easiest way is to write a stamp file and have that depend on your data files:
cache/clean_data-stamp: data/*
touch cache/clean_data-stamp
Note that this regenerates all clean_data files if one data file changes. A more elaborate approach is possible if you have a 1-to-1 mapping between data and cleaned files. The GNU Make Manual has a decent example of this. Here is an adaptation:
DATAFILES:= $(wildcard data/*)
CACHEFILES:= $(patsubst data/%,cache/clean_data/%,$(DATAFILES))
cache/clean_data/% : data/%
scripts/clean_data --input $< --output $#
Here, we use wildcard to get a list of all files under data. Then we replace the data path with the cache path using patsubst. We tell make how to generate cache files via a static pattern rule, and finally, we define a target all which generates all the required cache files.
Of course you can also list your CACHEFILES explicitly in the Makefile (CACHEFILES:= cache/clean_data/a cache/clean_data/b), but it is typically more convenient to let make handle that automatically, if possible.
Notice that this complex example probably only works with GNU Make, not in Windows' nmake. For further info, consult the GNU Make Manual, it is a great resource for all your Makefile needs.