maven overlay of exploded war: excluding items from exploded war - maven

I have been struggling to workout how to exclude items from the exploded war using the maven overlay plugin.
I have the following:
The web.xml and applicationContext.xml get excluded fine but they are located under: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/
The remaining directory and files in that exclude list are not excluded. These are located in the exploded war under: ${}/${}/WEB-INF/wro/
I am not sure what I could be doing differently to exclude the contents of ${}/${}/WEB-INF/wro/
No matter what I try those files are stilled overlayed despite the exclude.

After digging around for ages and trying different configurations I finally found what works.
Using mvn clean install -X on the child that is overlaying the parent I confirmed the files were being copied as there was a "+" symbol instead of a "-". In fact the files I though were being excluded because of the exclude block where actually excluded because the child has a file with the same name in the same location.
Eventually I looked in the plugin.xml for the maven-war-plugin-2.2.jar and I found this parameter: dependentWarExcludes which according to the xml is:
<deprecated>Use <overlay><excludes>
As can be seen in my question above I tried to use <exclude> in <overlay> as recommended but that was actually not working for anything. In the end dependentWarExcludes worked after restructuring the plugin block as follows:


How do I create an uber source jar with Maven?

Is there a well-known way to create an uber source jar? In other words, a jar of all the source code for a project and all its dependencies (or at least those that have a -sources.jar)?
I've looked into doing it with the maven-assembly-plugin, but using a dependencySet with includes of *.*.*.sources.* (or *.sources) doesn't work because those are not actually dependencies of the project, and I don't want to add them all.
You can use the maven-shade-plugin to create an uber jar. Just include the following within your <build> tag -
To modify the configuration, you can use Resource Transformers within org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource package.
And to define the contents of the jar, you can further use includes and excludes within the filters.
I found some information on working with sources in the maven-dependency-plugin.
<includeGroupIds>{your group prefix}</includeGroupIds>
So if I do that, and then run a maven-assembly-plugin referencing the unpacked files, I can do it in two steps.
with a file set in the assembly descriptor ubsersource.xml:
And then I get my uber source jar...
There is perhaps a subtle distinction in the way the maven-assembly-plugin and maven-dependency-plugin treats sources. If you reference classifier sources in a dependencySet of an assembly descriptor, it looks for sources that are actual dependencies in your pom -- not that useful. However, in maven-dependency-plugin, referencing sources classifier means that sources of your dependencies. Hence why this solution works.
I also wrapped this up in my own plugin using mojo-executor to make it single step, and single declaration in my pom, but that's optional
This is a lot more pom code, but I like it better than the maven-shade-plugin because it does just what I want, and nothing more.

Build JAR with custom manifest in maven

I am trying to get maven to create the artifact jar with a custom MANIFEST.MF.
Sounds like an easy task using the following snippet:
Problem is, that the maven-jar-plugin still "messes" with the manifest I created manually. The documentation states
The content of your own manifest file will be merged with the entries
created by Maven Archiver
Unfortunately this is not the case for the Manifest-Version. It will always be set to "1.0". (I know that in theory this is correct, but for reasons I cannot influence, I need a different value in there).
Any ideas on how to step the jar plugin from touching my manifest at all or at least keeping its hands of the Manifest-Version?
I finally managed to solve my problem using the maven-antrun-plugin:
<jar file="${}/${}.jar" update="true" manifest="${}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />

How to add a dependency into a lib directory of a jar using maven?

I have a jar that contains map/reduce code for hadoop. It needs a dependency, which I need to put into the jar's lib directory so that the jar is self contained and can work in hadoop.
This is what I did in my pom:
1) add maven-dependency-plugin to copy the libs that I need into the target/lib folder
2) configure the jar plugin to take the libs in the target/lib folder, and add it into the generated jar.
I am just unable to get this to work. The generated jar does not contain the extra libs.
I also tried adding the target/lib directory to the / tag in the pom, and that didnt work either.
Here is my pom, annotated....
<id>copy apache-httpcomponents</id>
<id>add lib directory to jar</id>
Any help appreciated!
It looks like you left off the closing bracket in your include.
Add a bracket here: ${ after outputDirectory, and in the same place on the next line as well.
And I think it should be ${}/lib instead of ${}/lib because by default is the target folder

Maven: use jar from URL as a source for resources

Dealing with a legacy project, I have the need to load text resources from a jar at an URL.
The text resources will be then filtered and included in the output; those resources come from a released artifact.
From resource-plugin I see it is only possible to give a number of directories; would it be possible to load resources as I need?
I want to do somthing like this, but using a remote jar instead of the oher project in the workspace:
<directory>../<another project on the same workspace>/src/main/filtered-resources</directory>
Remote resource plugin, as suggested in one of the answer doesn't work because no file from the imported bundle ends up in target; there is no way I can produce the original bundle using remote resource plugin (it's a legacy projetc still in use and completely out of my control).
I think the Maven Remote Resources Plugin will suit your needs.
Snippet obtained from the usage page of the plugin. That XML fragment will attach the plugin to the generate-sources phase (choose a different one if it doesn't fit your needs), will download the apache-jar-resource-bundle artifact and uncompress its contents into ${}/maven-shared-archive-resources.
For better results is recommended that the resources artifact had been created using the bundle goal of the same plugin.
<!-- Turn this into a lifecycle -->
EDIT 2: Alternative Solution using AntRun
If your artifacts don't suit Maven needs and you need something more customized, then using AntRun plugin you could get it somehow:
<get src="URL of the resource" dest="${}" />
<unzip src="${}/filename.[jar|zip|war]" dest="${}/${}" />

Files got overwritten in maven project when building a war

I'm building a web application project using maven, and packaging is set to "war". I also use YUI compressor plugin to compress javascript codes in the webapp directory. I've set up the YUI compressor like this:
If I do: mvn process-resources, src/main/webapp will get copied over to target/webapp-1.0/ directory, and javacripts are compressed. However, when I run mvn install, all the compressed javascripts are overwritten, apparently the packaging process copies the content from main/webapp one time before building the war file.
How can I get around this?
As you noticed, the /src/main/webapp dir (aka warSourceDirectory) contents is not copied into the project dir for packaging until the war plugin executes during the package phase. When the war plugin completes the archive is already built; too late to modify those resources. If the .js files you want to compress were moved into another directory (outside of /src/main/webapp) then you could do something like the below.
To test, I created a ${basedir}/src/play directory with a couple of files in it. I used the resource plugin for the example; you'd replace that config with the YUI compressor plugin config you needed and simply add the <webResource> element to your war plugin config as shown below; more info in the war plugin examples. My war ended up with the additional files right where I wanted them.
I think #user944849 answer is the correct answer, at least one of the correct answers. Another way of archiving this is to exclude the modified javascript directory from maven-war-plugin configuration, e.g.:
<artifactId> maven-war-plugin </artifactId>
<warSourceExcludes>**/external/ dojo/**/*.js </warSourceExcludes>
this will tell maven-war-plugin not to copy from the excluded directory, but since the modified javascript directory is already there, the war file still contains the javascript directory, BUT with the modified, in this case, compressed javascript codes.
in your execution directive, set the phase for applying your compression and copying to be install and that will hopefully do the trick. the code should be something like this:
Here is my solution, simply add an antrun plugin which updates the packaged war file using the processed outputs, which binds to the package phase:
<zip basedir="${}/${}"
