Chrome data compression proxy and DWR - ajax

We are developing a web mobile application using DWR as Ajax framework and we are getting errors in Nexus 4 devices which have enabled the option Reduce data usage in the Bandwidth Management setting. The error displays an alert saying Error 502: Bad gateway and it happens when refreshing a page that calls a DWR method in the onload event.

(I am the lead on the Chrome data compression proxy.)
The problem is a bug in the DWR library which uses JavaScript comments to contain semantically-meaningful content. The Chrome data compression proxy removes JS comments, which it is allowed to do by the headers; the fix is for DWR to use "Cache-Control: no-transform" in the DWR response headers. I emailed the DWR dev list a while back to ask about this but never heard back. We are looking for a general purpose workaround but in the meantime there's no easy fix unless DWR is fixed to work through HTTP proxies.


Example of Using AJAX Oauth call from Suitelet to call a restlet

I have been trying this for quite some time and with no avail. Would someone point me to the right direction.
I have a simple suitelet
the suitelet dumps a html in the response by reading a file
The html has a button. On ajax call of that button, a restlet gets called and a request is sent.
This is working great with Login and internal calls. However, I want the suitelet to be available without login and also the restlet.
When I do that, I get CORS error and using jsonp when I relsolve that, I get 401 Unauthorized
Tried Outh and NLAuth, no avail.
Will really appreciate any help or pointers.
If the info isn't sensitive you can call the suitelet from the domain of your website. If you have enabled https on the site then that'll just work
e.g. becomes
If you are using SCA then you can also just do this by calling a .ss service function. The nice thing about that is that you can set the role on the .ss file and have better control of your resources without just making the customer center role capable of seeing everything. Same issue with https though.
If the info is sensitive you can get around the issue on most browsers by embedding an iframe at the https:// forms etc and using the onMessage operation to transfer info from the non-secure to the secure. (see
It's certainly possible to call a RESTlet from a Suitelet but it sounds like your issue is more how to call the Suitelet securely.

Proxy the right way to go for external REST Api?

We have a need to consume an external REST Api and dynamically update content on our website and have ran into the age old problem of cross site scripting and Ajax.
I've read up on JSONP however I don't want to go down that route in a million years as it seems like really a rather dirty hack.
As a solution to this issue is it "right" and "proper" to have a local service that acts as a proxy for any requests to an external Api? So on the client there would be an Ajax call to ../RestProxy/MakeRequest passing it the details of the request it needs to make to the external api, it performs the request and returns anything passed back.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
There are three ways to do this:
This is accepted by many popular APIs and frameworks. JQuery makes it easy. I would recommend this.
2. Proxy
Works pretty much as you described. Adds an extra step and server code and server load for you. However, it does allow you to filter or otherwise manipulate the results before sending them to the client.
3. Rely Access-Control-Allow-Origin
This is a header that the server can set to allow you to read json directly from their server even though you aren't on the same domain. This eliminates the need for the jsonp hack, but it requires the the server be setup to support it and it requires a web browser that supports it.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin is supported in:
Firefox 3.6+
Safari 4.0+
Chrome 6+
iOS Safari 3.2+
Android browser 2.1+
If you need to support IE7, then this option isn't for you.

Efficient cross domain web API like Twitter Facebook Google etc

I have recently been experimenting with building a cross domain web api, and wow has it been a bumpy journey. I have not had any problems with modern browsers such as Chrome, FF and Safari. The problem is with IE, which requires you to use XDR as opposed $.ajax when making cross domain calls. First Question: If I was using Backbone.js, what is the recommended way of making cross browser and cross domain ajax calls?
Another problem I had with IE was that when you make cross domain ajax requests, IE has a bunch of restrictions and limitations such as "Only text/plain is supported for the request's Content-Type header" - a link. Therefore in my case, I was unable to bind to my model using the MVC C# framework, unless I bind it manually.
Anyway my second and last question is: How do companies like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter go about building their API's? I am not looking for a complete guide, but just want to know how difficult it is.
The current standard is using JSONP. It is basically a trick to send a JSON payload wrapped in a single JavaScript function, the browser treats it like a script file and executes it.
Moving forward the way to go is CORS. Sadly browser support (IE) isn't there yet and there are still some implementation differences between the modern browsers that do implement it.
HTTP Method Overloading
Some APIs overload GET and POST request using X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT or ?_method=PUT.
A number of API providers implement easyXDM. This tends to be used more when they provide a JavaScript API or widget API where developers load their JS and integrate it directly in to the frontend code.

Google chrome and cache

Merged with Google Chrome cache problem.
I am building a service using Spring 3.0 and i am using spring security for authorization/authentication. I have correctly setup the Apache/Tomcat ajp setup to use SSL and send appropriate cache headers for all static resources (1 week) which Firefox seems to interpret correctly (i can tell from firebug that it doesn't fetch these resources each time). On the other hand, Google chrome will only fetch the static resources (.css, .js) from cache for the login page. For all the rest of the pages/requests it sends a GET to the server and then the server replys with a 304 Not Modified response. If i disable SSL caching works normally but only for the same jsessionid that Spring security uses. I have checked the browsers cache and i actually saw that for plain HTTP resources are getting cached but are bound to a specific jsessionid i.e.
I am confused...can anyone help?

Can you reliably set or delete a cookie during the server side processing of an Ajax (XHR) call?

I have done a bit of testing on this myself (During the server side processing of a DWR Framework Ajax request handler to be exact) and it seems you CAN successfully manipulate cookies, but this goes against much that I have read on Ajax best practices and how browsers interpret the response from an XmlHttpRequest. Note I have tested on:
IE 6 and 7
Firefox 2 and 3
and in all cases standard cookie operations on the HttpServletResponse object during Ajax request handling were correctly interpreted by the browser, but I would like to know if it best practice to push the cookie manipulation to the client side, or if this (much cleaner) server side cookie handling can be trusted.
I would welcome answers both specific to the DWR Framework and Ajax in general.
XMLHttpRequest always uses the Web Browser's connection framework. This is a requirement for AJAX programs to work correctly as the user would get logged out if the XHR object lacked access to the browser's cookie pool.
It's theoretically possible for a web browser to simply share session cookies without using the browser's connection framework, but this has never (to my knowledge) happened in practice. Even the Flash plugin uses the Web Browser's connections.
Thus the end result is that it IS safe to manipulate cookies via AJAX. Just keep in mind that the AJAX call might never happen. They are not guaranteed events, so don't count on them.
In the context of DWR it may not be "safe".
From reading the DWR site it says:
It is important that you treat the HTTP request and response as read-only. While HTTP headers might get through OK, there is a good chance that some browsers will ignore them.
I've taken this to mean that setting cookies or request attributes is a no-no.
Saying that, I have code which does set request attributes (code I wrote before I read that page) and it appears to work fine (apart from deleting cookies which I mentioned in my comment above).
Manipulating cookies on the client side is rather the opposite of "best practice". And it shouldn't be necessary, either. HttpOnly cookies weren't introduced for nothing.
