TeamCity Run build configuration from a different build configuration - teamcity

I'm using team City.
I have a build configuration that actually deploys my build artifacts on a remote machine (for the sake of this question I'll call it the "Deployment" build configuration). this works great.
I want to run the "Deployment" configuration in a loop that deploy the binaries on different machines (each iteration of the loop, deploys the binaries on a single machine). is there a way to achieve this with Team City?

I don't know about a configuration loop, but you could extract a template for your deployment configuration and then add configurations based on that template for each machine you want to deploy to. You'd just want a build parameter in the template to hold the path or connection details for each target machine.


How to set default value for <project>.SetParameters.xml for deployment page

During build msbuild creates deployment packages for several my web projects (and wcf services) which I want to run from command line (as last step of automated build process) to deploy to several different servers.
The structure of IIS application folders is the same on each one.
My problem is that I cannot find how to configure (override default value of IIS application). It is in .SetParameters.xml, like:
which is not what I want.
I read that it is possible to create parameters.xml in the project and put there something like:
or some say
I'm trying this but it does not change content of .SetParameters.xml
Can you advice what am I missing, or/and alternative way to do this.
If you want to deploy the web application package manually—either by running the .deploy.cmd file or by running MSDeploy.exe from the command line—there's nothing to stop you manually editing the SetParameters.xml file prior to the deployment. However, if you’re working on an enterprise-scale solution, you may need to deploy a web application package as part of a larger, automated build and deployment process. In this scenario, you need the Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) to modify the SetParameters.xml file for you. You can do this by using the MSBuild XmlPoke task.
For more information, please refer to:

Jenkins - Build, Deploy and Promote

Recently, I started learning how to use Jenkins CI. So I am a little bit of a noob at jenkins. I am about to start to try and do the following:
I have setup a maven multi-module job on jenkins, which builds, tests, and finally creates 4 seperate war applications. I archive the war artifacts as part of this job. These war files will only ever be built once, they contain multiple environment properties, and the war file along with each environments server will manage the profile it runs in, eg dev, test, staging, prod, etc
I have another job on jenkins which will deal with the deployment to multiple environments.
This second job, uses the copy artifact plugin, and uses a post build action to deploy to a dev environment.
The job in step 2 will hopefully be able to have multiple promotions, allowing deployment to multiple environments: test/staging/performance/production etc.
I have searched stackoverflow and google, and all the posts I see, always use the parameterized plugin, specifying a parameter for the environment. This means there is a seperate build for each env which I don't like.
Can anyone tell me if this is the right way to go? Or direct me to some tutorial on how to do this properly.
Looks like what you need is a matrix-project build.
A good introduction to Jenkins could be found in Jenkins: The Definitive Guide
After playing around with the jenkins configuration. I have this working very nicely now.
In the deployment job, I didn't see the "Add another promotion process" button, which allows me to promote the same build to multiple environments manually or automatically.

Skip deployment steps during automatic octopus deployment from TeamCity

I want to skip certain steps on a Octopus project while doing automated deployment from Teamcity. I have read through the docs on how to set this up, and got it to do the deployment.
How do I go about skipping some Octopus deployment steps while using this ? Or should I create a seperate octopus project for automated deployments that only contain the basic steps, then another project containing all the steps ?
Please any help would be appreciated.
I achieved this (or something similar) with a fake environment.
We have an environment called "live - inactive" which only contains the octopus server machine. This step queries our load balancer and promotes the deployment to one of our real live environments. Our deployment process steps are not configured to run in this fake environment. So the iis config etc is skipped
As you can see in the following documentation
--skip=step name as part of
Additional command line arguments for OctopusDeploy: Create release Step in Teamcity

TeamCity copying artifacts from one agent to another

I'm extremely new to TeamCity and need to copy files from one TeamCity agent to another. I'm basically looking for some conceptual direction so I can start researching on how to accomplish the following:
Currently have a TeamCity Agent which builds program and creates corresponding artifacts. I need to copy these artifacts to another TeamCity Agent machine.
I'm getting acquainted with the build steps, we are using a commandline build runner. So I'll need to setup the build step for copying files via commandline--any hints on how to get started is greatly appreciated.
I apologize for any conceptual or term errors. I guess this is why I'm posting this question.
In case you want to re-use the results of one build in another (e.g., run tests using results of compilation), you should take a look at two things:
Publish your build artifacts to server (more details here)
Download an artifact from server before build starts (more details here)
This will allow TeamCity to ensure that artifacts arrive at correct agent at correct moment of time. Also TeamCity will track usages of such artifacts.

Teamcity build for live after successful CI build?

I have an environmental build system which currently has the following environments:
Just to be clear when I say environmental build I mean there are a set of properties files for each environment and during the build these properties are used to template project files, so a database server may be "localhost" on dev environment but "" on CI. So when starting the build you can give it an environment property and it will build for something other than dev (which is the default environment).
Now the CI build works fine and spits out the artifacts correctly, however as the build is CI all of it is configured to work on that environment, and I am looking at being able to trigger a build for live or uat when a CI build succeeds. This would then run the same build but with a different build argument.
Now I noticed there are a few mechanisms for this, one seems to be doing an automatic trigger on complete which could trigger another build, but this seems to require 2 separate build configurations which are essentially identical other than the build argument being "environment=live" rather than "environment=ci". Then there is adding another build step which would be the same as the first but take different argument and output the live artifacts elsewhere, but this would always happen much like the first option.
The final option I could see was to trigger a manual build once I have a live candidate, but it is unclear as to how to set a build argument, I could make a build parameter however it doesn't seem to get pulled into the build script like a command like build argument would.
I will see if there is a better answer, but after writing this I found that using Build Parameters seems the best option, this then can be embedded within your build configuration anywhere using the %environment% (or %your_parameter_here%).
This can then be setup to create a form element for manual builds so you can easily create a build for a different environments.
