suggestion completion across multiple types in an index - elasticsearch

Is it possible to do a suggestion completion on a type? I'm able to do it on an index.
POST /data/_suggest
"data" : {
"text" : "tr",
"completion" : {
"field" : "sattributes",
when I do on a type:
POST /data/suggestion/_suggest
"data" : {
"text" : "tr",
"completion" : {
"field" : "sattributes",
suggestion is the type.
I don't get any results. I need to do suggestion on two different types articles and books. Do I need to create separate indexes to make them work or is there a way in elasticsearch to accomplish this? In case if I have to search on my index data is there way to get 50 results for type article and 50 results for type book.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Lucene has no concept of types, so in Elasticsearch they are simply implemented as a hidden field called _type. When you search on a particular type, Elasticsearch adds a filter on that field.
The completion suggester doesn't use traditional search at all, which means that it can't apply a filter on the _type field. So you have a couple of options:
Use a different completion suggester field per type, eg suggestion_sattributes, othertype_sattributes
Index your data with the _type as a prefix, eg type1 actual words to suggest, then when you ask for suggestions, prepend type1 to the query
Use separate indices
In fact, option (2) above is being implemented at the moment as the new ContextSuggester which will allow you to do this (and more) automatically.


Can I use parent-child relationships on Kibana?

On a relational DB, I have two tables connected by a foreign key, on a typical one-to-many relationship. I would like to translate this schema into ElasticSearch, so I researched and found two options: the nested and parent-child. My ultimate goal was to visualize this dataset in Kibana 4.
Parent-child seemed the most adequate one, so I'll describe the steps that I followed, based on the official ES documentation and a few examples I found on the web.
curl -XPUT http://server:port/accident_struct -d '
"mappings" : {
"event" : {
"details": {
"_parent": {
"type": "event"
} ,
"properties" : {
here I create the index accident_struct, which contains two types (corresponding to the two relational tables): event and details.
Event is the parent, thus each document of details has an event associated to it.
Then I upload the documents using the bulk API. For event:
{values here...}
And for details:
{"index":{"_index":"accident_struct","_type":"details","_id": "1", "_parent": "039c7e18-a24f-402d-b2c8-e5d36b8ad220" }}
The event does not know anything about children, but each child (details) needs to set its parent. In the ES documentation I see the parent being set using "parent", while in other examples I see it using "_parent". I wonder what is the correct option (although at this point, none works for me).
The requests are successfully completed and I can see that the number of documents contained in the index corresponds to the sum of events + types.
I can also query parents for children and children for parents, on ES. For example:
curl -XPOST host:port/accident_struct/details/_search?pretty -d '{
"query" : {
"has_parent" : {
"type" : "event",
"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
After setting the index on Kibana, I am able to list all the fields from parent and child. However, if I go to the "discover" tab, only the parent fields are listed.
If I uncheck a box that reads "hide missing fields", the fields from the child documents are shown as grey out, along with an error message (see image)
Am I doing something wrong or is the parent-child not supported in Kibana4? And if it is not supported, what would be the best alternative to represent this type of relationship?
Per the comment in this discussion on the elastic site, P/C is, like nested objects, at least not supported in visualizations. Le sigh.

Elasticsearch - Extra unmapped fields on geo-shape type index

I have some extra inner fields on a geo-shape type field. For example, "shape" is a geo-shape type field which has the regular required fields like "coordinates", "radius" etc., but it may also have other fields like "metadata" which I want elasticsearch to not parse and not store in the index. For example:
"shape": {
"radius": 500
"metadata": "some value"
Mapping schema looks like this:
How can I achieve this ? By using "dynamic": false on mapping schema does not seem to be working.
Setting dynamic to false in your root mapping, like you did, is the way to go : are your sure it desn't work? Or are you saying that because it appears in your result hit _source?
Actually, by default, the _source attribute will contains the exact same document that you submitted.
However, it doesn't mean the extra metadata field has been indexed and/or stored.
If you want to check this, request specifically that field in your search like this :
POST _search
"fields": ["shape.metadata"]
You should have your search hits but without any fields value.
If it still bother you, disabled the _source attribute in your mapping.

Difference between multi field and copy-to in Elastic Search?

I use multi-fields in a lot of my mappings. In the doc of Elastic Search there is an indication that multi-fields should be replaced with the "fields" parameter. See
This works fine. However, to access a multi-field as a single field the documentation recommends to specify the copy_to parameter instead of the path parameter (see
Can somebody provide an example of such a mapping definition (thus using the "fields" parameter combined with "copy_to").
I have the impression that if you use the fields parameter you still need to specify the path parameter. And if you use copy_to, you no longer need to use a multi-fields approach; the fields just become separate fields and data of one field is copied to another at index time.
Hope somebody can help.
I think that the copy_to option can be viewed as a cleaner variant of the Multi-fields feature (that is, the fields option). Both of these are easy to use when you want to "copy" values of a field to one or more other fields (to apply different mapping rules). However, if you need to "copy" values from multiple fields to the same field (that is, when you want a custom _all field), you must add the path option to the mapping, if you're using Multi-fields. On the other hand, with the copy_to option, you can simply point multiple source fields to the same destination field.
See this:
copy_to would allow you to merge different fields like first_name and last_name into full_name
while multi field is used when you want to define several ways to index your field. For example
// Document mapping
"properties": {
"name": {
"fields": {
"name_metaphone": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "mf_analyzer"
"name_exact": {
"index": "not_analyzed",
"type": "string"
"type": "multi_field"

Using a combined field as id mapping in ElasticSearch

From this question I can see that it is possible Use existing field as id in elasticsearch
My question is, if can do similar thing but concatenating fields.
"RecordID": "a06b0000004SWbdAAG",
"SystemModstamp": "01/31/2013T07:46:02.000Z",
"body": "Test Body"
And then do something like
"your_mapping" : {
"_id" : {
"path" : "RecordID" + "body"
So the id is automatically formed from concatenating those fields.
No you can't, you can only make the _id point to a field that's within the document, using the dot notation as well if needed (e.g. level1,
I'd suggest to have a field that contains the whole id in your documents, or even better to take the id out and provide it in the url, as configuring a path causes the document to be parsed when not needed.

How does elasticsearch facet feature work with async search query?

I am aware of how using the facet feature of elasticsearch, we can get the aggregated value of values for a specified field/s based on search query result data.
I have an application where I am monitoring logs and using elasticsearch to search through the log entries. On UI front I have a paging mechanism in place and hence using async feature of the search to fetch 'n' entries at a time.
So my question is, if I modify my async search query to fetch the facet information for certain fields, will it give the aggregated value for the sub-set of result that is fetched as a result of an async query. or will it get the aggregated value for the entire search result (and not the sub-set which is returned to user).
Many thanks and regards,
Facets are returned for the entire search result. You can even set size to 0 in your request, which will result in not fetching any results and you will still get all facets.
Please refer here for detail documentation. You can give match all query to fetch facet on all documents {
"query" : {
"match_all" : { }
"facets" : {
"tag" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "tag",
"size" : 10
Please post your code gist for more information.
