omit commas from echo output in bash - bash

Hi I am reading in a line from a .csv file and using
echo $line
to print the cell contents of that record to the screen, however the commas are also printed i.e.
where I actually want
1 2 3 a b c
checking the echo man page there isn't an option to omit commas, so does anyone have a nifty bash trick to do this?

Use bash replacement:
$ echo "${line//,/ }"
1 2 3 a b c
Note the importance of double slash:
$ echo "${line/,/ }"
1 2,3,a,b,c
That is, single one would just replace the first occurrence.
For completeness, check other ways to do it:
$ sed 's/,/ /g' <<< "$line"
1 2 3 a b c
$ tr ',' ' ' <<< "$line"
1 2 3 a b c
$ awk '{gsub(",", " ")}1' <<< "$line"
1 2 3 a b c

If you need something more POSIX-compliant due to portability concerns, echo "$line" | tr ',' ' ' works too.

If you have to use the field values as separated values, can be useful to use the IFS built-in bash variable.
You can set it with "," value in order to specify the field separator for read command used to read from .csv file.
while read f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
echo "Follow fields of record as separated variables"
echo "f1: $f1"
echo "f2: $f2"
echo "f3: $f3"
echo "f4: $f4"
echo "f5: $f5"
echo "f6: $f6"
done < test.csv
On this way you have one variable for each field of the line/record and you can use it as you prefer.
NOTE: to avoid unexpected behaviour, remember to set the original value to IFS variable


Read lines from a file and output with specific formatting with Bash

In A.csv, there are
How should I read this file and create variables $B and $C so that:
echo $B
echo $C
1 2 3 4
So far I am trying:
cat A.csv | while read A;
echo $A
It only returns
Assuming bash 4.x, the following is efficient, robust, and native:
# Read each line of A.csv into a separate element of the array lines
readarray -t lines <A.csv
# Generate a string B with a comma after each item in the array
printf -v B '%s,' "${lines[#]}"
# Prune the last comma from that string
# Generate a string C with a space after each item in the array
printf -v B '%s ' "${lines[#]}"
As #Cyrus said
B=$(cat A.csv)
echo $B
Will output:
1 2 3 4
Because bash will not carry the newlines if the variable is not wrapped in quotes. This is dangerous if A.csv contains any characters which might be affected by bash glob expansion, but should be fine if you are just reading simple strings.
If you are reading simple strings with no spaces in any of the elements, you can also get your desired result for $C by using:
echo $B | tr ' ' ','
This will output:
If lines in A.csv may contain bash special characters or spaces then we return to the loop.
For why I've formatted the file reading loop as I have, refer to: Looping through the content of a file in Bash?
while read -u 7 curr_line; do
if [ "$B$C" == "" ]; then
B="$B $curr_line"
done 7<A.csv
echo "$B"
echo "$C"
Will construct the two variables as you desire using a loop through the file contents and should prevent against unwanted globbing and splitting.
B=$(cat A.csv)
echo $B
1 2 3 4
With quotes:
echo "$B"
I would read the file into a bash array:
mapfile -t array < A.csv
Then, with various join characters
b="${array[*]}" # space is the default
echo "$b"
c=$( IFS=","; echo "${array[*]}" )
echo "$c"
Or, you can use paste to join all the lines with a specified separator:
b=$( paste -d" " -s < A.csv )
c=$( paste -d"," -s < A.csv )
Try this :
cat A.csv | while read A;
printf "$A"
Try This(Simpler One):
b=$(tr '\n' ' ' < file)
c=$(tr '\n' ',' < file)
You don't have to read File for that. Make sure you ran dos2unix file command. If you are running in windows(to remove \r).
Note: It will modify the file. So, make sure you copied from original file.

Space between a path is not working when read line by line in Shell [duplicate]

When I use "cat test.file", it will show
When I use the Bash file,
cat test.file |
while read data
echo "$data"
It will show
How could I make the result just like the original test file?
cat test.file |
while read data
echo "$data"
I realize you might have simplified the example from something that really needed a pipeline, but before someone else says it:
while read data; do
echo "$data"
done < test.file
Actually, if you don't supply an argument to the "read" call, read will set a default variable called $REPLY which will preserve whitespace. So you can just do this:
$ cat test.file | while read; do echo "$REPLY"; done
Maybe IFS is the key point as others said. You need to add only IFS= between while and read.
cat test.file |
while IFS= read data
do echo "$data"
and do not forget quotations of $data, else echo will trim the spaces.
But as Joshua Davies mentioned, you would prefer to use the predefined variable $REPLY.
Just to complement DigitalRoss's response.
For that case that you want to alter the IFS just for this command, you can use parenthesis. If you do, the value of IFS will be changed only inside the subshell.
Like this:
echo ' word1
word2' | ( IFS='' ; while read line ; do echo "$line" check ; done ; )
The output will be (keeping spaces):
word1 check
word2 check
read data will split the data by IFS, which is typically " \t\n". This will preserve the blanks for you:
var=$(cat test.file)
echo "$var"
Alternatively, use a good file parsing tool, like AWK:
awk '{
# Do your stuff
}' file

How can I 'echo' out things without a newline?

I have the following code:
for x in "${array[#]}"
echo "$x"
The results are something like this (I sort these later in some cases):
Is there a way to print it as 1 2 3 4 5 instead? Without adding a newline every time?
Yes. Use the -n option:
echo -n "$x"
From help echo:
-n do not append a newline
This would strips off the last newline too, so if you want you can add a final newline after the loop:
for ...; do ...; done; echo
This is not portable among various implementations of echo builtin/external executable. The portable way would be to use printf instead:
printf '%s' "$x"
printf '%s\n' "${array[#]}" | sort | tr '\n' ' '
printf '%s\n' -- more robust than echo and you want the newlines here for sort's sake
"${array[#]}" -- quotes unnecessary for your particular array, but good practice as you don't generally want word-spliting and glob expansions there
You don't need a for loop to sort numbers from an array.
Use process substitution like this:
sort <(printf "%s\n" "${array[#]}")
To remove new lines, use:
sort <(printf "%s\n" "${array[#]}") | tr '\n' ' '
You can also do it this way:
array=(1 2 3 4 5)
echo "${array[#]}"
If, for whatever reason, -n doesn't fix this for you, you can also add \c to the end of the thing to be echo'd:
echo "$x\c"

BASH - Reading Multiple Lines from Text File

i am trying to read a text file, say file.txt and it contains multiple lines.
say the output of file.txt is
$ cat file.txt
this is line 1
this is line 2
this is line 3
I want to store the entire output as a variable say, $text.
When the variable $text is echoed, the expected output is:
this is line 1 this is line 2 this is line 3
my code is as follows
while read line
done < file.txt
echo $test
the output i get is always only the last line. Is there a way to concatenate the multiple lines in file.txt as one long string?
You can translate the \n(newline) to (space):
$ text=$(tr '\n' ' ' <file.txt)
$ echo $text
this is line 1 this is line 2 this is line 3
If lines ends with \r\n, you can do this:
$ text=$(tr -d '\r' <file.txt | tr '\n' ' ')
Another one:
line=$(< file.txt)
line=${line//$'\n'/ }
test=$(cat file.txt | xargs)
echo $test
You have to append the content of the next line to your variable:
while read line
test="${test} ${LINE}"
done < file.txt
echo $test
Resp. even simpler you could simply read the full file at once into the variable:
test=$(cat file.txt)
test=$(tr "\n" " " < file.txt)
If you would want to keep the newlines it would be as simple as:
I believe it's the simplest method:
text=$(echo $(cat FILE))
But it doesn't preserve multiple spaces/tabs between words.
Use arrays
while read line
a=( "${a[#]}" "$line" )
done < file.txt
echo -n "${a[#]}"
this is line 1 this is line 2 this is line 3
See e.g. tldp section on arrays

File content into unix variable with newlines

I have a text file test.txt with the following content:
And I want to assign the content of the file to a UNIX variable, but when I do this:
testvar=$(cat test.txt)
echo $testvar
the result is:
text1 text2
instead of
Can someone suggest me a solution for this?
The assignment does not remove the newline characters, it's actually the echo doing this. You need simply put quotes around the string to maintain those newlines:
echo "$testvar"
This will give the result you want. See the following transcript for a demo:
pax> cat num1.txt ; x=$(cat num1.txt)
line 1
line 2
pax> echo $x ; echo '===' ; echo "$x"
line 1 line 2
line 1
line 2
The reason why newlines are replaced with spaces is not entirely to do with the echo command, rather it's a combination of things.
When given a command line, bash splits it into words according to the documentation for the IFS variable:
IFS: The Internal Field Separator that is used for word splitting after expansion ... the default value is <space><tab><newline>.
That specifies that, by default, any of those three characters can be used to split your command into individual words. After that, the word separators are gone, all you have left is a list of words.
Combine that with the echo documentation (a bash internal command), and you'll see why the spaces are output:
echo [-neE] [arg ...]: Output the args, separated by spaces, followed by a newline.
When you use echo "$x", it forces the entire x variable to be a single word according to bash, hence it's not split. You can see that with:
pax> function count {
...> echo $#
...> }
pax> count 1 2 3
pax> count a b c d
pax> count $x
pax> count "$x"
Here, the count function simply prints out the number of arguments given. The 1 2 3 and a b c d variants show it in action.
Then we try it with the two variations on the x variable. The one without quotes shows that there are four words, "test", "1", "test" and "2". Adding the quotes makes it one single word "test 1\ntest 2".
This is due to IFS (Internal Field Separator) variable which contains newline.
$ cat xx1
$ A=`cat xx1`
$ echo $A
1 2
$ echo "|$IFS|"
A workaround is to reset IFS to not contain the newline, temporarily:
$ IFS=" "
$ A=`cat xx1` # Can use $() as well
$ echo $A
To REVERT this horrible change for IFS:
Bash -ge 4 has the mapfile builtin to read lines from the standard input into an array variable.
help mapfile
mapfile < file.txt lines
printf "%s" "${lines[#]}"
mapfile -t < file.txt lines # strip trailing newlines
printf "%s\n" "${lines[#]}"
See also:
Your variable is set correctly by testvar=$(cat test.txt). To display this variable which consist new line characters, simply add double quotes, e.g.
echo "$testvar"
Here is the full example:
$ printf "test1\ntest2" > test.txt
$ testvar=$(<test.txt)
$ grep testvar <(set)
$ echo "$testvar"
$ printf "%b" "$testvar"
Just if someone is interested in another option:
content=( $(cat test.txt) )
while [ $a -le ${#content[#]} ]
echo ${content[$a]}
The envdir utility provides an easy way to do this. envdir uses files to represent environment variables, with file names mapping to env var names, and file contents mapping to env var values. If the file contents contain newlines, so will the env var.
