Rails 4: Append to a "has_many" relation without saving to DB - ruby

In Rails 3 one can do things like some_post.comments.append(some_comment) where some posts is an instance of a model that "has_many" comments.
The problem I'm facing in Rails 4 is that the append method now saves to DB (like push and << ) and I need to just "append" without saving the appended object to the DB.
How do we achieve that in Rails 4? I can't use some_post.comments.build(some_comment.attributes) because I need to preserve the other relations already present in the some_comment instance.

It's oddly difficult to do this elegantly in Rails. This is the cleanest way I've found:

You could do:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many: comments, autosave: false
Then << will just append and not save.

You can do it without using reflection on the association:
attr_1: value_1,
attr_1: value_2,
# Other comment attributes


Rails Active Admin unpermitted parameter

I have some problem/issues with active admin on rails, specifically unpermitted params error:
existing active admin parameter
here is the existing active admin parameter
model associated with the main model im working with
As per active admin documentation I should be doin right, as the other attributes for dispatch_information model is being accepted by rails and I was able to read and write with out any issues. Just with this recently added attribute "custom_attorney". Associations already set. and with out declaring an attr_accessor on model file it says this error
No method error
as it seems it cannot read or detect the column that I added for dispatch_information model, while in my console its already there.
When I add it with attr_accessor "while it should not, just to proceed on the form page" then I fill in the attributes need, im getting weird stuff in my console
Console view
as you can see it seems it being added inside efile_order hash instead of dispatch_information_attribute hash, and at the bottom part of the image you can see it says unpermitted parameters, even I added it inside the correct attribute block, we can also notice that the other attributes pf dispatch_information works really fine, just this recently added custom_attorney attribute. I already did everything like migration and other stuff.
Form Input
here is my form where we can see that input is on the same block where dispatch_defendant and dispatch_plaintiff is included and those two attribute works fine as well.
I really dont know what I missed here. TIA
The problem is that custom_attorney should be nested under dispatch_information_attributes you have it in the wrong place so it's unpermitted.
The correct way to do that is to add a block for those attributes and nest them.
- f.simple_fields_for :dispatch_information do |d|
- d.input :custom_attorney, :input_html => { id: 'new-attorney' }
It may be a good idea to provide an object for dispatch_information if you care for existing data. Assuming your ivar is named #e_filling_order then you should have the following.
- f.simple_fields_for :dispatch_information, #e_filling_order.dispatch_information || #e_filling_order.build_dispatch_information do |d|

How to find a document in Mongoid by ID without the model?

Is there a way to use Mongoid to find a document by id, without knowing which model it is?
Seeing as how Mongoid is an ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for MongoDB in Ruby, I do not believe this is possible. Knowing the model is a crucial component of Mongoid so that it can appropriately translate between your objects in code and the document representation of the data within MongoDB.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
A possible workaround is to iterate over all the collections, and execute the find method for all of them.
(It can have an impact on performance depending on the number and size of the collections.)
This code assumes, that the naming of the collections follows the convention: the name of the model with lower case in plural form.
def self.find_with_id_in_all_collections(id)
all_collections = Mongoid.default_session.collections
all_models = all_collections.collect{|col| col.name.singularize.camelize}
all_models.each {|model|
found_with_id = eval(model + ".find(id)")
return found_with_id
rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound
#nothing to do: keep on searching in the other collections
# if no such ID has been found in any of the collections:
raise "No document with the ID #{id} found in any of the following collections: #{all_collections}} resp. models: #{all_models}"

User has_many posts. Get all users that have at least 1 post

Users have_many posts.
In a view, I want to get an alphabetized list of all users that have at least 1 post. Here is how I currently do it. Is there a way to make this all one line / using better Rails ActiveRecord conventions?
#users.order("name ASC").each do |user|
if user.posts > 0
Your current solution isn't bad (it's a single query) but it can be improved.
You can use ActiveRecord's built-in counter cache functionality to store the number of associated objects on the parent (in this case, the number of posts associated with a user). Then you can craft a query like this:
User.where('posts_count > 0').order('name ASC')
Here are the docs on :counter_cache (taken from here):
Caches the number of belonging objects on the associate class through the use of increment_counter and decrement_counter. The counter cache is incremented when an object of this class is created and decremented when it's destroyed. This requires that a column named #{table_name}_count (such as comments_count for a belonging Comment class) is used on the associate class (such as a Post class) - that is the migration for #{table_name}_count is created on the associate class (such that Post.comments_count will return the count cached, see note below). You can also specify a custom counter cache column by providing a column name instead of a true/false value to this option (e.g., counter_cache: :my_custom_counter.) Note: Specifying a counter cache will add it to that model's list of readonly attributes using attr_readonly.
We can get all the user ids which have atleast one post using this.
And then we can fetch all the user as follows.
User.joins(:posts).order('users.name asc') will perform an inner join, as described in the documentation here. A counter cache isn't a bad solution either.

Active Record class

I am working on a migration project. Wanna migrate a rails 2.x app to 3.x. I have a problem with active record.
In Rails 2.x:
arr=StorageUnit.find(:all, :conditions =>"type='Drawer'")
The above code will get me all records with type Drawer.
=> Array
In Rails 3.x:
Here the above function is deprecated. So i had to use
The above code will get me all records with type Drawer.
I guess this is because of the change in Active Record.
My problem is i have some code based on this class.
For ex:
if arr.class== Array
do something
do something
So as off now i have changed it to
if arr.class== ActiveRecord::Relation
do something
do something
Just curious to know whether there is any better solution or any alternative way to solve it. I have a lot of place where they have used such stuff.
will provide the class as Array. My objective is to know when the code without suffix can provide you the required records than what is the use of all in the end.? Is it just to change class? Can anyone ecxplain?
StorageUnit.where simply returns the ActiveRecord relation. Tacking on .all will execute the sql and create instances of StorageUnit.
arr = StorageUnit.where(:type => 'Drawer').all
There are many interesting side effects of it being returned as a relation. Amongst other things, you can combine scopes before executing:
StorageUnit.where(:type => 'Drawer').where(:color => 'black')
you can view the resultant sql for debugging:
StorageUnit.where(:type => 'Drawer').to_sql
Imagine this:
class StorageUnit < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :with_drawer, where(:type => 'Drawer')
scope :with_color, lambda { |c| where(:color => c) }
StorageUnit.with_drawer.with_color('black').first_or_create # return the first storage unit with a black drawer
StorageUnit.with_drawer.with_color('black').all # return all storage units with black drawers
The relation allows for underlying query to be built up even saved for later use. all and other modifiers like it have special meaning to the relation and trigger the database execution and building of model instances.

Ignore 'read-only' column in creates and updates in Ruby ActiveRecord

I'm looking for a solution to the following problem: I have an ActiveRecord entity that is backed by an updatable database view (in DB2 via the activerecord-jdbc-adapter gem). This view contains one column that is calculated from other columns and is 'read-only': you cannot set that column in any valid way. When a new record is created for this entity, that field should not be set. However, by default, ActiveRecord does set it with the 'default' (NULL), which is rejected by the database.
attr_readonly isn't a solution, because that only excludes a column from updates and not from creates.
attr_ignore, such as implemented by the 'lincoln' gem, is not a solution either, because then the field is ignored entirely. However, the column still needs to be read and be accessible. It's actually even used as part of a relation.
There are ways to prevent you from setting a certain attribute of an ActiveRecord entity, but that doesn't usually prevent that attribute from being included in create or update statements
Does anyone know if there is a way in ActiveRecord to specify a column as 'never set this field'?
Update, in response to Arsen7:
I've attempted to use the after_initialize hook to remove the attribute from a newly created entity, so it isn't included in the SQL that is built. The trouble with this is that the attribute is completely removed and not available anymore at all, pretty much identical to the 'igonre_attr' situation described above. Due to caching, that's not trivial to get around and would require additional logic to force a reload of entities of these specific tables. That can probably be achieved by overriding create to add a 'reload', in addition to using the after_initialize.
(As pointed out by Arsen7, I forgot to mention I'm at ActiveRecord 3.0.9)
My solution
Since my entities already inherit from a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base, I've opted to add before_create and after_create hooks. In the before_create hook, I remove the 'calculated' columns from the #attributes of the instance. In the after_create hook, I add them again and read the values of the 'calculated' columns from the database to set them to the values they received.
Adding such hooks is almost identical to overriding create, so I consider Arsen7's answer to be correct.
I'm afraid ActiveRecord is not prepared for the use case you need. (By the way: which version of AR are you using?)
But I believe you may apply two possible workarounds.
The first, is to overwrite the 'create' method of your model, executing some other SQL, prepared manually in the worst case. I suppose that the real function which will need to be overwritten will not be the 'create' itself, but looking at the sources you could find the one.
The other solution, and I believe, a more elegant one, would be to create a trigger in the database. I am more in the PostgreSQL world, where I would use a 'CREATE RULE', but looking at the DB2 documentation I see that in DB2 there are 'INSTEAD OF' triggers. I hope this may be helpful.
I have achieved the same result by overriding ActiveRecord::Base#arel_attributes in my model:
Class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
##skip_attrs = [:attr1, :attr2]
def arel_attributes_values(include_primary_key = true, include_readonly_attributes = true, attribute_names = #attributes.keys)
skip_attrs = ##skip_attrs.map { |attr| [self.class.arel_table[attr] }
attrs = super(include_primary_key, include_readonly_attributes, attribute_names)
attrs.delete_if {|key, value| skip_attrs.include?(key) }
The attributes in the ##skip_attrs array will be ignored by ActiveRecord on both insert and update statements, as they both rely on arel_attributes_values for returning the list of attributes of the model.
A better solution would be: a patch on ActiveRecord::Base#arel_attributes along with a 'attr_ignore' macro similar to 'attr_readonly'.
I know this is very old, but I have been struggling with this very same issue. I have a database with a trigger that calculates an index value based on the max value within a key. I, too, want to prevent any ability to set the value in AR as it could throw off the index applied as rows are inserted.
CREATE TRIGGER incr_col_idx
AFTER INSERT ON fl_format_columns
BEGIN UPDATE fl_format_columns
SET idx = (SELECT coalesce(max(idx),-1) + 1
FROM fl_format_columns
WHERE fl_file_format_id = new.fl_file_format_id)
WHERE fl_file_format_id = new.fl_file_format_id AND name = new.name;
I've tried a variety of things, but it always came back to overriding the setter directly.
# #raise ArgumentError when an attempt is made to set a value that is calculated in db
def idx=(o)
raise ArgumentError,'the value of idx is set by the db. attempts to set value is not allowed.' unless o.nil?
This will require catching the exception rather than interrogating the errors array, but that is what I ended up with. It does pass the following inspection:
context 'column index' do
it 'should prevent idx from being set' do
expect{FL_Format_Column.create(fl_file_format_id:-1,name:'test idx',idx:0)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
it 'should calculate idx relative to zero' do
x = FL_Format_Column.create(fl_file_format_id:-1,name:'test_idx_nil')
expect(x.errors[:idx].any?).to be false
expect(FL_Format_Column.last.idx).to be > -1
