Elasticsearch array must and must_not - elasticsearch

I have a documents looking like this in my elasticsearch DB :
"tags" => [
"created_at" =>"2013-07-02 12:42:19 UTC",
"label" =>"Mon super label"
I would like to be able to filter my documents with this criteria :
Documents tags array must have tags-1, tags-3 and tags-2 but must not have tags-A.
I tried to use a bool filter but I can't manage to make it work !

Here is a method that seems to accomplish you want: http://sense.qbox.io/gist/4dd806936f12a9668d61ce63f39cb2c284512443
First I created an index with an explicit mapping. I did this so I could set the "tags" property to "index": "not_analyzed". This means that the text will not be modified in any way, which will simplify the querying process for this example.
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/test_index" -d'
"mappings": {
"docs" : {
"properties": {
"tags" : {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"label" : {
"type": "string"
and then add some docs:
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/test_index/docs/1" -d'
"tags" : [
"label" : "item 1"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/test_index/docs/2" -d'
"tags" : [
"label" : "item 2"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/test_index/docs/3" -d'
"tags" : [
"label" : "item 3"
Then we can query using must and must_not clauses in a bool filter as follows:
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/test_index/_search" -d'
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"terms": {
"tags": [
"execution" : "and"
"must_not": [
"term": {
"tags": "tag-A"
which yields the correct result:
"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "test_index",
"_type": "docs",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"tags": [
"label": "item 2"
Notice the "execution" : "and" parameter in the terms filter in the must clause. This means only docs that have all the "tags" specified will be returned (rather than those that match one or more). That may have been what you were missing. You can read more about the options in the ES docs.
I made a runnable example here that you can play with, if you have ES installed and running at localhost:9200, or you can provide your own endpoint.


Elasticsearch advanced autocomplete

I want to autocomplete user input with Elasticsearch. Now There are tons of tutorials out there how to do so, but none go into the really detailed stuff.
The last issue I'm having with my query is that it should score Results that are not real "autocompletions" lower. Example:
I type: "Bed"
I find: "Bed", "Bigbed", "Fancy Bed", "Bed Frame"
I type: "Bed"
I find: "Bed", "Bed Frame", [other "Bed XXX" results], "Fancy Bed", "Bigbed"
So i want Elasticsearch to first complete "to the right" if that makes sense. And then use results that have words in front of it.
I've tried the completion suggester I doesn't do other stuff I want but also has the same issue.
In German there are lots of examples of words like Bigbed (which isn't a real word in English, I know. But I don't want those words as high results. But since they match closer than Bed Frame (because that is 2 Tokens) they show up so high.
This is my query currently:
POST autocompletion/_search?pretty
"query": {
"function_score": {
"query": {
"match": {
"keyword": {
"query": "Bed",
"fuzziness": 1,
"minimum_should_match": "100%"
"field_value_factor": {
"field": "bias",
"factor": 1
If you use elasticsearch completion suggester, as explained at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters-completion.html, when querying like:
"suggest": {
"song-suggest" : {
"prefix" : "bed",
"completion" : {
"field" : "suggest"
You will get:
"took": 13,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 0,
"max_score": 0.0,
"hits": []
"suggest": {
"song-suggest": [
"text": "bed",
"offset": 0,
"length": 3,
"options": [
"text": "Bed",
"_index": "autocomplete",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 34.0,
"_source": {
"suggest": {
"input": [
"weight": 34
"text": "Bed Frame",
"_index": "autocomplete",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "3",
"_score": 34.0,
"_source": {
"suggest": {
"input": [
"Bed Frame"
"weight": 34
If you want to use the search API instead, you can use 2 queries:
prefix query "bed ****"
with a term starting by "bed"
Here the mapping:
"mappings": {
"_doc" : {
"properties" : {
"suggest" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword"
Here the search query:
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match" : {
"suggest" : "Bed"
"should" : [
"prefix" : {
"suggest.keyword" : "Bed"
The should clause will boost document starting by "Bed". Et voilà!

Cross Field Search with Multiple Complete and Incomplete Phrases in Each Field

Example data:
PUT /test/test/1
"text1":"cats meow",
PUT /test/test/2
"text1":"dog bark",
And an example query:
GET /test/test/_search
"size": 25,
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"fields" : [
"query" : "meow cats toy",
"type" : "cross_fields"
Returns the cat hit first and then the dog, which is what I want.
BUT when you query cat toy, both the cat and dog have the same relevance score. I want to be able to take into consideration the prefix of that word (and maybe a few other words inside that field), and run cross_fields.
So if I search:
GET /test/test/_search
"size": 25,
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"fields" : [
"query" : "cat toy",
"type" : "phrase_prefix"
GET /test/test/_search
"size": 25,
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"fields" : [
"query" : "meow cats",
"type" : "phrase_prefix"
I should get the cat/ID 1, but I did not.
I found that using cross_fields achieves multi-word phrases, but not multi-incomplete phrases. And phrase_prefix achieves incomplete phrases, but not multiple incomplete phrases...
Sifting through the documentation really isn't helping me discover how to combine these two.
Yeah, I had to apply an analyzer...
The analyzer is applied to the fields when creating the index before you add any data. I couldn't find an easier way to do this after you add the data.
The solution I have found is exploding all of the phrases into each individual prefixes so cross_fields can do it's magic. You can learn more about the use of edge-ngram here.
So instead of cross_field just searching the cats phrase, it's now going to search: c, ca, cat, and cats and every phrase after... So the text1 field will look like this to elastic: c ca cat cats m me meo meow.
Here are the steps to make the above question example work:
First you create and name the analyzer. To learn a bit more what the filter's values mean, I recommend you take a look at this.
PUT /test
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1,
"analysis": {
"filter": {
"autocomplete_filter": {
"type": "edge_ngram",
"min_gram": 1,
"max_gram": 20
"analyzer": {
"autocomplete": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "standard",
"filter": [
Then I attached this analyzer to each field.
I changed the text1 to match the field I was applying this to.
PUT /test/_mapping/test
"test": {
"properties": {
"text1": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "autocomplete"
I ran GET /test/_mapping to be sure everything worked.
Then to add the data:
POST /test/test/_bulk
{ "index": { "_id": 1 }}
{ "text1": "cats meow", "text2": "12345", "text3": "toy" }
{ "index": { "_id": 2 }}
{ "text1": "dog bark", "text2": "98765", "text3": "toy" }
And the search!
"size": 25,
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"fields" : [
"query" : "cat toy",
"type" : "cross_fields"
Which returns:
"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": 0.70778143,
"hits": [
"_index": "test",
"_type": "test",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 0.70778143,
"_source": {
"text1": "cats meow",
"text2": "12345",
"text3": "toy"
"_index": "test",
"_type": "test",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 0.1278426,
"_source": {
"text1": "dog bark",
"text2": "98765",
"text3": "toy"
This creates contrast between the two when you search cat toy, where as before the score was the same. But now, the cat hit has a higher score, as it should. This is achieved by taking into consideration every prefix (max 20 characters in this case/phrase) for each phrase and then seeing how relevant the data is with cross_fields.

Search query for elasticsearch when child element is array of string

I created a documents in elasticsearch in the following format
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/" -d'
"specific_location": {
"location_name": "Mumbai",
"location_tags": [
"tags": [
My requirement is to search for location_tags containing one of the given options like ["Mumbai", "Pune"]. How do I do this?
I tried:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/_search" -d '
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"terms": {
"specific_location.location_tags" : ["Mumbai"]
which didn't work.
I got this output :
"took": 72,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 0,
"max_score": null,
"hits": []
There are a several ways to solve this. Perhaps the most immediate one is to search for mumbai instead of Mumbai.
If I create the index with no mapping,
curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/"
then add a doc:
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/doc/1" -d'
"specific_location": {
"location_name": "Mumbai",
"location_tags": [
"tags": [
then run your query with the lower-case term
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/_search" -d'
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"terms": {
"specific_location.location_tags": [
I get back the expected doc:
"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "my_base.main_candidate",
"_type": "doc",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"specific_location": {
"location_name": "Mumbai",
"location_tags": [
"tags": [
This is because, since no explicit mapping was used, Elasticsearch uses defaults, which means the location_tags field will be analyzed with the standard analyzer, which will convert terms to lower-case. So the term Mumbai does not exist, but mumbai does.
If you want to be able to use upper-case terms in your query, you will need to set up an explicit mapping that tells Elasticsearch not to analyze the location_tags field. Maybe something like this:
curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/" -d'
"mappings": {
"doc": {
"properties": {
"specific_location": {
"properties": {
"location_tags": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"tags": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/doc/1" -d'
"specific_location": {
"location_name": "Mumbai",
"location_tags": [
"tags": [
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/my_base.main_candidate/_search" -d'
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"terms": {
"specific_location.location_tags": [
Here is all the above code in a handy place:
[EDIT: by the way, I used Elasticsearch 1.3.4 when testing the above code]

Sort by Date not working for Date type field

I am trying to do a simple sort by date on my search results. but it doesn't seem to work. Please help me in identifying what am I missing.
Mapping -
{"document" : {
"properties" : {
"content" : {
"type" : "string"
"modifiedDate" : {
"type" : "date"
Date is indexed in following format-
"modifiedDate": [
The search query is pretty big, so pasting only the sort part of the query below -
"sort": [
"modifiedDate": {
"order": "desc" , "missing" : "_last" , "ignore_unmapped" : true
tried , just order parm too -
"sort": {"modifiedDate": {"order": "desc"}}
but the results are not sorted.
In the search results result I see following text under sort, I was expecting miliseconds -
"sort": [
Please advise what am I missing, thank you so much for your help !!
There is something going on that is not obvious based on the information you have given. Full curl recreations (https://www.elasticsearch.org/help/) will really help pin point the issue. Here is what I got when I walked through your scenario with the 1.3.0 release:
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/testindex" -d'
"mappings": {
"document": {
"properties": {
"content": {
"type": "string"
"modifiedDate": {
"type": "date"
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/testindex/document/1" -d'
"modifiedDate": [
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/testindex/document/2" -d'
"modifiedDate": [
Then run the search:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/testindex/_search" -d'
"sort": [
"modifiedDate": {
"order": "desc",
"missing" : "_last",
"ignore_unmapped" : true
And here is the response:
"took": 4,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": null,
"hits": [
"_index": "testindex",
"_type": "document",
"_id": "2",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"modifiedDate": [
"sort": [
"_index": "testindex",
"_type": "document",
"_id": "1",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"modifiedDate": [
"sort": [

Analyzers in ElasticSearch not working

I am using ElasticSearch to store the Tweets I receive from the Twitter Streaming API. Before storing them I'd like to apply an english stemmer to the Tweet content, and to do that I'm trying to use ElasticSearch analyzers with no luck.
This is the current template I am using:
PUT _template/twitter
"template": "139*",
"settings" : {
"filter":["lowercase", "en_stemmer", "stop_english", "asciifolding"]
"en_stemmer" : {
"type" : "stemmer",
"name" : "english"
"mappings": {
"tweet": {
"_timestamp": {
"enabled": true,
"store": true,
"index": "analyzed"
"_index": {
"enabled": true,
"store": true,
"index": "analyzed"
"properties": {
"geo": {
"properties": {
"coordinates": {
"type": "geo_point"
"text": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "english"
When I start the Streaming and the index is created, all the mappings I've defined seem to apply correctly, but the text is stored as it comes from Twitter, completely raw. The index metadata shows:
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"uuid" : "xIOkEcoySAeZORr7pJeTNg",
"analysis" : {
"filter" : {
"en_stemmer" : {
"type" : "stemmer",
"name" : "english"
"stop_english" : {
"type" : "stop",
"stopwords" : [
"analyzer" : {
"english" : {
"type" : "custom",
"filter" : [
"tokenizer" : "standard"
"number_of_replicas" : "1",
"number_of_shards" : "5",
"version" : {
"created" : "1010099"
"mappings" : {
"tweet" : {
"text" : {
"analyzer" : "english",
"type" : "string"
What am I doing wrong? The analyzers seems to be applied correctly, but nothing is happening :/
Thank you!
PS: The search query I use to realize the analyzer is not being applied:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_all/_search?pretty' -d '{
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"query_string": {
"query": "_index:1397574496990"
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"exists": {
"field": "geo.coordinates"
"fields": [
"size": 50000
This should return the stemmed text as one of the fields, but the response is:
"took": 29,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 47,
"successful": 47,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": 0.97402453,
"hits": [
"_index": "1397574496990",
"_type": "tweet",
"_id": "456086643423068161",
"_score": 0.97402453,
"fields": {
"geo.coordinates": [
"text": [
"Happy turtle Tuesday ! The week is slowly crawling to Wednesday good morning everyone 🌊🐢🐢🐢☀️#turtles… http://t.co/wAVmcxnf76"
"_index": "1397574496990",
"_type": "tweet",
"_id": "456086701451259904",
"_score": 0.97333175,
"fields": {
"geo.coordinates": [
"text": [
"Tuesday is Twins Day over here, apparently (it's a far too often occurrence) #tuesdaytwinsday… http://t.co/Umhtp6SoX6"
The text field is exactly the same that came from Twitter (I'm using the streaming API). What I expect is the text fields stemmed, as the analyzer is applied.
Analyzers don't affect the way data is stored. So, no matter which analyzer you are using you will get the same text back from source and stored fields. Analyzer are applied when you search. So by searching for something like text:twin and finding records with the word Twins, you will know that stemmer was applied.
