Change title of Mac OS X Mavericks app - osx-mavericks

I need to change some aspect of the title bar in a Cocoa App on Mavericks. I don't own the App or have access to the source. The change could be to change the title text, or the color of the bar. I want the change to apply only to this 1 app.
Is this possible?

Go to your Applications folder and highlight the application you wish to change. Then press enter and you'll see it "blinking" and highlighted. Just type what you want to name it to and you're all set. Also you might want to ask here next time.


How to change the Mac OS X dock icon in a wxPython application

When a wx.App is launched through a script (i.e., not bundled with py2app) its icon in the dock is the standard Python rocket. Is it possible to customize that icon? It seems that in the past wx.TaskBarIcon did this (see, but now it adds an icon to the menu bar.
I had the same issue and it seems there is a lack of documentation about this. I found several piece of information in different discussion threads.
You have to use the iconType argument of the wx.TaskBarIcon constructor. there are currently three possible values:
wx.TBI_CUSTOM_STATUSITEM: will create an icon in right part of the menu bar.
wx.TBI_DEFAULT_TYPE: default parameter, similar as TBI_DOCK for wxPython 3.0.
wx.TBI_DOCK: will replace the Python rocket with the selected icon
If you reuse the example from the wx official documentation, you just need to replace this line
with this line
wx.TaskBarIcon.__init__(self, iconType=wx.TBI_DOCK)
The problem with this solution is that you have to choose to put the icon either in the menu bar either in the dock. It does not seem possible to put an icon in the both place while using only one instance of wx.TaskBarIcon.
Here are my current settings:
mac os X 10.11.5
python 2.7.10

Flex Air Application on Mac for accessibility

I'm trying to run my air app on Mac with the accessibility turned on. It seems like, it only detects the menu bar and the name on top. Going through any of the input text field or buttons doesn't seem to work. I'm using the VO+arrow key to go through the elements but it doesn't seem to goto the application's element. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Simple Mac OS development app

What is the app's icon that appears to the right of the menu bar called?(like the twitter one)
When you press it, it's usually a drop down menu..
I want to implement a similar one in my mac app.. any help where can i start?
The menu icon is a status item, represented by the NSStatusItem class. See the question How to create a menubar application for Mac and its answers for more info.

Can a Mac OS X Menu Bar Extra be created in an Adobe AIR application?

I'm building an Adobe AIR 2.5 app that I have working the way I want in Windows in that you can minimize it to the system tray and no icon shows up in the tab order or task bar. What I'm wondering is, can you replicate this in OS X? I want there to be a menu bar extra item to show in the upper right hand corner and also be able to hide it from the Dock when running. I haven't been able find any resources and any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I do not think what you want is possible.
Maybe in AIR 3.0. We'll see.

disable menu bar and dock programmatically in mac

i am new to mac programming and i have to perform a task. I need to make an application that will run at startup and cover the complete screen and will not close until my custom passcode is inserted.
The menu bar and dock needs to be hidden behind this application and the application cannot be closed until the information is given.
So far i have written the code that would run at startup . But i cant seem to disable the menu bar and dock and lock all user actions unless he gives the passcode i want.
What to do !!!!
This article contains some good info and links on creating a full-screen app that hides the Dock and menubar.
If you want to hide the Menu-Bar in Swift (Xcode, Mac OS X Application), you do:
If you want to show the Menu-Bar again:
Please keep in mind, that "setMenuBarVisible" is a class function and does not exist for instances of a class. So the following line is not possible:
And will result in an error, saying, that the func "setMenuBarVisible" is not defined.
