Copy war dependency mentioned in maven jar module - maven

The war dependency mentioned in jar project just to get copied from copy-dependency plugin/assembly plugin to use for some custom packaging. But plugin skip the war dependency , Is this plugin behaviour?
or need something else?

Maven assembly plugin works on include and exclude. You would not be including your war file correctly. Check if you are using the correct regular expressions to include the war file in assembly plugin.


Refer a jar which is inside a zip folder in Maven

I am working on maven multi module project and the maven version is 3.0.3.
The parent pom needs a particular jar which is inside a zip folder in Nexus.
So, I have included the dependency as below in the parent pom file.
Looks like it is not working and also, there are other modules in the same project which require that particular jar.
So, can you please help how to refer that particular jar which is inside the zip folder. Thanks a lot for your help.

Dependency packaged as rar but need jar

The XADisk library deployed on Maven Central packaged as 'rar' instead of 'jar'. But i just need the jar (and possibly source) for the project i'm working on. I was wondering what the best (maven style) way is to deal with this dependency.
The jar files are available on Central but not specified in the pom thus type="jar" doesnt work
the pom is here:
and the jars can be found here:
I can't reproduce your issue, maybe they changed something in the repo?
If I add the following dependency to my project:
then the JAR file gets packaged into my project.
By the way, if no "type" is specified (for the dependency), maven uses JAR as default.

maven assembly how to add a zip flie from nexus repository to the build

I am trying to include a zip file from nexus repository to my project during packaging using the maven assembly plugin. This zip file has YAJSW and other custom scripts. The maven assembly can build a tar.gz package now, but how do I include a zip file from nexus repository. There is a pom for that zip file. Should I just include that as dependency? Is this the correct plugin or should I use another plugin.
Add the dependency of the zip file like the following:
The following is an example for archive which has been created by maven-assembly-plugin:
The classifier in those cases is comming from the assembly-decscriptor-id in the project which creates the archive. Apart from that it is important to define the type.
Add a dependency to the zip with the respective GAV (group/artifactId/version).
(Without seeing your pom.xml it's a bit hard to say more).

Maven/Spring: How to add external jar to classpath without installing it as maven dependency?

The common ways of including external non-maven jar in the classpath of your Maven project is to either use "addjar-maven-plugin" (which I have not been able to get to compile maven with) or "mvn install:install-file" and then adding a dependency section for the external JAR. This approach essentially installs client JAR in your repo and makes it available in classpath for maven. But is there a better way to do this (or) are the options mentioned above the only ones available? I just want the external JAR to be added to classpath for component scanning by Spring but do not want the JAR itself to be added to my repo as it is client's JAR? I hope this is a valid case (if not, kindly explain)
You can create lib folder under your project's src folder and reference this folder as maven repository.
Then you should add dependency to your jar in your pom.xml
After that your should rename jar file and place it on following path src/lib/com/company/dependency/1.0/dependency-1.0.jar . This path depends on how you want to reference your jar.

Maven - Unable to resolve dependencies

Im trying to compile a Maven project. The compile fails however due to a "Failure to find" in the repository i have specified in my settings.xml. I have access to this repository and when i navigate to the Url of the repository maven is trying to use i can see a pom file with the name of the jar but no jar. When i open the pom it contains the correct groupid and artificatid and jar name however the jar is not in the same directory.
Maven gives another error saying that "resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of my repo-server has elasped or updated are forced".
What is happening here?
When maven goes to the repo i specify in settings.xml and finds a pom for the jar does it then try and go out to some external site to resolve the dependency or should the jar exist in the same folder as the pom?
What module are you attempting to download?
I discovered something similar with the following Maven central module:|net.sf.json-lib|json-lib|2.4|jar
The Maven POM packaging declaration was jar, but no jar in Maven called "json-lib-2.4.jar"
When I looked at the files actually stored, I discovered that the author is providing two versions of the jar, each compiled for different versions of the JVM:
