Lotus Domino: View pagination on web - view

I read on many forums about how to implement a solution for view pagionation, but I didn't solve it.
I created $$ViewTemplateDefault containing some personalized hotspotbuttons for Next, Previous and a text field $$ViewBody. ( or, alternatively, an embedded view ).
Any tips and help will be really appreciated.
I will explain in a couple words, just to be clear:
So, initially: the first 30 lines will appear => in a right corner: Page 1.
If Next is clicked => the next 30 lines => Page 2. and so on.

Here is a working solution for categorized views too. It calculates the current page number based on the previous page number and uses cookies.
Add to your form a Path-Thru HTML text <span id="pageNumber"></span > for the page number:
and add following code to form's onLoad event as Web/JavaScript:
function getURLParameter(parameter) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + parameter + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search) || [, ""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i].trim();
if (c.indexOf(name)==0) return c.substring(name.length,c.length);
return "";
function compareStart(start1, start2) {
var list1 = start1.split(".");
var list2 = start2.split(".");
for (i=0; i <100; i++) {
var value1 = list1[i];
var value2 = list2[i];
if (value1 == null) {
return value2 == null ? 0 : -1;
} else if (value2 == null) {
return 1;
value1 = Math.round(value1);
value2 = Math.round(value2);
if (value1 !== value2) {
return value1 < value2 ? -1 : 1;
var start = getURLParameter("Start");
var page = "1";
if (start == null || start === "1") {
window.name = Math.floor((Math.random()*10000)+1);
start = "1";
} else {
page = getCookie("page" + window.name);
var oldStart = getCookie("start" + window.name);
page = Math.round(page) + compareStart(start, oldStart);
document.getElementById('pageNumber').innerHTML = page;
document.cookie = "page" + window.name + "=" + page;
document.cookie = "start" + window.name + "=" + start;
How does it work?
The commands #DbCommand("Domino"; "ViewNextPage") and #DbCommand("Domino"; "ViewPreviousPage") return an URL with parameter "&Start=". This is the row number in view where the current page starts. For categorized views they return a hierarchical number like "&Start=". That means that the view starts at the first main topic, subtopic 2, subsubtopic 4, document 2.
This parameter "&Start=" gives us the possibility to recognize if user pressed "prev" or "next": we just compare the URL "&Start=" parameter of current and former page.
For that, we have to remember the URL "&Start=" parameter and put it into a cookie "start".
We also need to save the current page number. We put it into a cookie "page".
At onload event we calculate the current page number based on previous page number:
if "&Start=" parameter is larger now then we add 1
if "&Start=" parameter is smaller now then we subtract 1
if "&Start=" parameter didn't change then we keep the former value
If "&Start=" parameter is empty we know we are on page 1.
Here is one other thing we have to deal with: cookies are saved per user session not per browser tab. That means, if we have two views open in browser same cookies "start" and "page" would be used. To avoid that, we have to add to cookie name something tab specific. I use for that a random four digit number and save it in window.name which is tab specific.

I understand your question that you have a working form $$ViewTemplateDefault and now looking for a possibility to show the current page number "Page nn" in that form.
I assume that you use #DbCommand("Domino"; "ViewNextPage") for getting next page and #DbCommand("Domino"; "ViewPreviousPage") for getting previous page.
Those next and prev functions working the way that always one document will "overlap". If you have 30 lines per page and click next, then last document will be first in next page and next 29 show up in addition. You can watch that in used URL parameter "&Start=": 1 ... 30 ... 59 ... 88 ...
Knowing this you can count the current page number this way:
_start := #ToNumber(#Replace(#UrlQueryString("start"); ""; "1"));
_count := #ToNumber(#Replace(#UrlQueryString("count"); ""; "30")) - 1;
#Integer((#ToNumber(_start) / _count) + 1)
Be aware that this will work for non-categorized and non-collapsible views only.
A more sophisticated solution you can find here. It has additional features like GoTo page and Documents per page.
If you have the chance for your project then use XPages instead. You can do pagination much easier as it is available "out of the box".
You won't find a reasonable solution for categorized views. If you don't want to use Domino Data/Access Services REST API you have to live with the Domino view URL parameters (look here for "OpenView"). You aren't able to tell from "&Start=" or any other parameter on which page you are currently on.
The easiest way to get a good working pagination is using XPages. Hope you are allowed to use it in your project...


trying to figure out why a for each statement worked with an if statement, but throws an exception when i switch it to a for loop

Sorry in advance, as I have only been working with C# for about a month with limited history in VB years ago. It's a Mail merge kind of loop that I am trying to create for work to make their life easier. I have the dates figured out. I have a NumUpDown control setting the int myInt, and a formCount int starting at 0.
The code worked fine when I used if(formCount==0), when I switched it to
it now throws a
"System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.'"
I know there is probably another way to do what I am working on which is to just add sequential dates to forms a month at a time. I have the dates stored in an array myDate[31].
I am using the numUpDwn(min 1 max 31) to get myInt so we can select how many days in the month, or only print a couple days if we need to replace pages, so we can print anywhere from 1 to 31 pages.
With the if statement it would create the first page from the template (.dotx) to doc(var) copy the contents of doc to doc2 and add a new page to receive the next content paste.
I am sure this is a silly question, that someone will have a simple answer too. The loop is supposed to open the template, add the date, copy to doc2. close the original, and restart until it reached the number of pages/dates selected. Thanks for any help, this is the last section I need to finish and I am stumped. Oh, and I used the != because it was skipping the merge field, but with only 1 field not equal to anything worked.
private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
var doc = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document();
var doc2 = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document();
//app.Visible = true;
doc = null;
doc2.PageSetup.Orientation = WdOrientation.wdOrientLandscape;
doc2.PageSetup.TopMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.6f);
doc2.PageSetup.BottomMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.17f);
doc2.PageSetup.LeftMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.5f);
doc2.PageSetup.RightMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.5f);
String fileSave;
fileSave = ("OTSU" + "_" + myDate[0].Month + "_" + myDate[0].Year + ".docx");
int formCount;
//formCount = 0;
var filepath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + outfile;
doc = app.Documents.Add(filepath);
Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
for (formCount = 0; formCount<myInt;formCount++)
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Field field in doc.Fields)
Range rngFieldCode = field.Code;
String fieldText = rngFieldCode.Text;
if (fieldText.StartsWith(" MERGEFIELD"))
Int32 endMerge = fieldText.IndexOf("\\");
Int32 fieldNameLength = fieldText.Length - endMerge;
String fieldName = fieldText.Substring(11);
fieldName = fieldName.Trim();
if (fieldName != "M_2nd__3rd")
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range dRange = doc.Content;
doc2.Range(doc2.Content.End - 1, doc2.Content.End - 1).PasteSpecial(DataType: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdPasteOptions.wdKeepSourceFormatting);
doc2.Range(doc2.Content.End - 1, doc2.Content.End - 1).InsertBreak(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdBreakType.wdPageBreak);
doc2.SaveAs2("OTSU" + myDate[0].Month + "_" + myDate[0].Year + ".docx");
app.Documents.Open("OTSU" + myDate[0].Month + "_" + myDate[0].Year + ".docx");
I haven’t run your code, but as far as I can see, this code would probably fail even without the formcount loop in the situation where you have more than one MERGEFIELD field because you close doc As soon as you have processed such a field, and yet the foreach loop is processing each Field in doc.Fields.
Even if that foreach loop terminates gracefully, in the next iteration of the formCount loop you are using doc.Activate(), but doc has closed so that will fail.
So I suggest that the main thing to do is consider which documents need to be open at which point for the process to work.
Some observations (not necessarily to do with your primary question)
where is myInt set?
is having a formCount++ loop and using formCount++ within the loop for every MERGEFIELD in doc Really your intention?
you might be better off testing field.Type() when filtering MAILMERGE fields rather than matching the text, at least if such fields can be set up by end users
when you process collections in Word and you are either adding or deleting members of the collection, you sometimes have to consider using a loop that starts with last member of the collection and works back towards the beginning. Not sure you need to do that in this case but since you may be “deleting” when you do your field.Select then Typetext, please bear that in mind
It may seem like a complication when you are mainly trying to sketch out the logic of your loops, but I generally find it very helpful to start using try...catch...finally blocks sooner rather than later during development.
I did find a solution for now. Since there is only one MERGFIELD, instead of trying to open doc, insert date, copy to new doc2, close doc, repeat I found I can open, insert date, copy to new doc2, undo edit on doc and repeat. At least it works for now, and I can get back to the books and learn some more while I map out the big project I have planned. I am sure I will be on here a bit with more questions. Without #slightly-snarky asking the questions he did, I wouldn't have thought of this so I have to give them credit for the answer. I did have to put the doc.Undo(); at the top of the loop and it will only work with one field. But its a start.
private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
String fileSave;
fileSave = ("OTSU" + "_" + myDate[0].Month + "_" + myDate[0].Year + ".docx");
int formCount;
formCount = 0;
var filepath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + outfile;
var doc = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document();
doc = app.Documents.Add(filepath);
app.Visible = true;
var doc2 = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document();
doc2.PageSetup.Orientation = WdOrientation.wdOrientLandscape;
doc2.PageSetup.TopMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.6f);
doc2.PageSetup.BottomMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.17f);
doc2.PageSetup.LeftMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.5f);
doc2.PageSetup.RightMargin = app.InchesToPoints(0.5f);
Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
for (formCount = 0; formCount < myInt; formCount++)
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Field field in doc.Fields)
Range rngFieldCode = field.Code;
String fieldText = rngFieldCode.Text;
if (fieldText.StartsWith(" MERGEFIELD"))
Int32 endMerge = fieldText.IndexOf("\\");
Int32 fieldNameLength = fieldText.Length - endMerge;
String fieldName = fieldText.Substring(11);
fieldName = fieldName.Trim();
if (fieldName != "M_2nd__3rd")
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range dRange = doc.Content;
doc2.Range(doc2.Content.End - 1, doc2.Content.End - 1).PasteSpecial(DataType: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdPasteOptions.wdKeepSourceFormatting);
doc2.Range(doc2.Content.End - 1, doc2.Content.End - 1).InsertBreak(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdBreakType.wdPageBreak);
doc2.SaveAs2("OTSU" + myDate[0].Month + "_" + myDate[0].Year + ".docx");
app.Documents.Open("OTSU" + myDate[0].Month + "_" + myDate[0].Year + ".docx");

when provided a value, looking to have the row number of the cell where that value resides

Please take a look at the following googleapps script code. the spreadsheet it references has 4 values in it. in a2 is the value "Two". I want that when I run this code, i receive an email with "2" in the subject line. I seem to keep on receiving a "4". Any ideas?
function rowofspecificvalue(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1rMUrZFie94RLFDKaWVBPsQ-jebL8wNA6qsZWivMBDTk").getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getRange("a1:a4").getValues();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == "Two"){
return i+1;
} MailApp.sendEmail ("fake_email#gmail.com", i, "");
MailApp.sendEmail("fake_email#gmail.com", i-2, "")
and you will "2" have in subject. Second argument of MailApp.sendEmail() function set up subject of email.

Protractor/Jasmine : match with <quantity to be determined>

I'm writing a protractor test for angular code that adds an item to a list displayed with ng-repeat.
I want to check that when the user clicks a button, another item is added to the list within a few hundred milliseconds.
The initial count of items is unknown.
The test pseudocode is like this :
var e = element.all(by.repeater(...))
getButtonPromise().click() // -> XHR to server, which adds item to list
Constraints :
1) the initial number of items must be measured BEFORE the click is executed
2) the expected value is (the initial value + 1)
3) expect(...) must be run periodically until timeout or list count has reached the expected value
4) the control flow for the rest of the test must be stopped until expect(...) resolves to success or timeout
I have tried various approaches but nothing works.
Your help in solving this common testing pattern is appreciated.
var e = element.all(by.repeater(...))
e.count().then(function(oldCount) {
browser.wait(function() {
return e.count().then(function(newCount) {
return newCount === oldCount + 1;
expect(e.count()).toEqual(oldCount + 1); // this is optional because if this isn't true, it would have timed out already.

Angular.js - Data from AJAX request as a ng-repeat collection

In my web app i'm reciving data every 3-4 seconds from an AJAX call to API like this:
$http.get('api/invoice/collecting').success(function(data) {
$scope.invoices = data
Then displaying the data, like this: http://jsfiddle.net/geUe2/1/
The problem is that every time i do $scope.invoices = data ng-repeat rebuilds the DOM area which is presented in the jsfiddle, and i lose all <input> values.
I've tried to do:
deep version of jQuery.extend
some other merging\extending\deep copying functions
but they can't handle the situation like this:
On my client a have [invoice1, invoice2, invoice3] and server sends me [invoice1, invoice3]. So i need invoice2 to be deleted from the view.
What are the ways to solve this problem?
Check the ng-repeat docs Angular.js - Data from AJAX request as a ng-repeat collection
You could use track by option:
variable in expression track by tracking_expression – You can also provide an optional tracking function which can be used to associate the objects in the collection with the DOM elements. If no tracking function is specified the ng-repeat associates elements by identity in the collection. It is an error to have more than one tracking function to resolve to the same key. (This would mean that two distinct objects are mapped to the same DOM element, which is not possible.) Filters should be applied to the expression, before specifying a tracking expression.
For example: item in items track by item.id is a typical pattern when the items come from the database. In this case the object identity does not matter. Two objects are considered equivalent as long as their id property is same.
You need to collect data from DOM when an update from the server arrives. Save whatever data is relevant (it could be only the input values) and don't forget to include the identifier for the data object, such as data._id. All of this should be saved in a temporary object such as $scope.oldInvoices.
Then after collecting it from DOM, re-update the DOM with the new data (the way you are doing right now) $scope.invoices = data.
Now, use underscore.js _.findWhere to locate if your data._id is present in the new data update, and if so - re-assign (you can use Angular.extend here) the data-value that you saved to the relevant invoice.
Came out, that #luacassus 's answer about track by option of ng-repeat directive was very helpful but didn't solve my problem. track by function was adding new invoices coming from server, but some problem with clearing inactive invoices occured.
So, this my solution of the problem:
function change(scope, newData) {
if (!scope.invoices) {
scope.invoices = [];
jQuery.extend(true, scope.invoices, newData)
// Search and update from server invoices that are presented in scope.invoices
for( var i = 0; i < scope.invoices.length; i++){
var isInvoiceFound = false;
for( var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++) {
if( scope.invoices[i] && scope.invoices[i].id && scope.invoices[i].id == newData[j].id ) {
isInvoiceFound = true;
jQuery.extend(true, scope.invoices[i], newData[j])
if( !isInvoiceFound ) scope.invoices.splice(i, 1);
// Search and add invoices that came form server, but are nor presented in scope.invoices
for( var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++){
var isInvoiceFound = false;
for( var i = 0; i < scope.invoices.length; i++) {
if( scope.invoices[i] && scope.invoices[i].id && scope.invoices[i].id == newData[j].id ) {
isInvoiceFound = true;
if( !isInvoiceFound ) scope.invoices.push(newData[j]);
In my web app i'm using jQuery's .extend() . There's some good alternative in lo-dash library.

JQGrid Grouping GroupText formatting and modification

I have a grid that implements grouping but would like to expand on the details that display in the groupText: area. Ideally I would be able to take data about that grouping and display in that group row with the group name ({0} default value).
In other words what I am trying to achieve is a way to display not only the group name but also some other data items contained in the JSON feed to the grid.
My searching seems to be coming up short on anyone being able to achieve this but I'm hoping someone can shed some light on expanding this setting and providing access to formating this area.
I find your question interesting, but the implementation is not simple. In the answer I showed before how one could use custom formatter in summary rows of the grouping.
In the demo you can see how to implement custom formatting of the grouping text. The demo display the following:
The implementation consist just from the implementation of the custom formatter which can be used for both purpose: formatting of the content of the corresponding column and formatting of the grouping text in case of grouping by the column. The code is a little tricky, but I hope that all will be able follow it. The code use the differences of the input parameters to define whether the formatter will be called to format the column content or to format the grouping text.
One part of the code which get the texts like "(test4,test7)" is not so effective in case of the usage of large number of rows, but it works.
Below is the code of formatter of the "Date" column which would by typically used with the predefined formatter: 'date'. I called in the part of the code the original Date-formatter, but used for the the grouping text more sophisticated code:
formatter: function (cellval, opts, rowObject, action) {
var fullOpts = $.extend({}, $.jgrid.formatter.date, opts),
formattedDate = $.fmatter.util.DateFormat('Y-m-d', cellval, 'd-M-Y', fullOpts),
groupIdPrefix = opts.gid + "ghead_",
groupIdPrefixLength = groupIdPrefix.length,
month = Number(cellval.split('-')[1]), // input format 'Y-m-d'
names = [], data, i, l, item;
// test wether opts.rowId start with opts.gid + "ghead_" and integer
// and rowObject is the array and action is undefined.
if (opts.rowId.substr(0, groupIdPrefixLength) === groupIdPrefix && typeof action === "undefined") {
// custom formating of the group header
// we just simulate some login by testing of the month > 9
// the next code fragment is not effective, but it can be used
// in case of not so large number of groups and the local data
data = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "data");
for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
item = data[i];
if (item.invdate === cellval) {
return (month > 9 ? ('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float: left;"></span>' +
'<span style="color:tomato; margin-left: 5px;">') : "<span>") +
formattedDate + ' (' + names.join() + ')</span>'
return formattedDate;
UPDATED: The fixed version of the demo is here. It uses $.fn.fmatter instead of currently removed from jqGrid method $.fmatter.util.DateFormat.
