#EJB dependency injection query regarding Local Stateless Session bean (EJB 3.x) - ejb-3.0

I have 2 EJB projects.
Ejb1 has Stateless Local Session bean.
package p1;
public class CallerNew implements CallerLocal {
Ejb2 has Stateless Remote Session bean.
package p2;
public class MobilePhone implements MobilePhoneRemote {
CallerLocal caller;
I deployed both the projects individually in the same server (JBoss v5.0).
The server registers CallerLocal also in Global JNDI namespace.
The question is even though I have made the CallerLocal as Local session bean, I can still get its reference through the JNDI from a separate EJB project which I thought is only possible if both the EJB projects are packaged into an EAR.
Is this behavior correct? please explain.


Why is injecting a Stateful Session bean in JSF/ CDI managed beans is considered bad?

Pascal Thivent mentions here that -
If you are using SFSB, then you must avoid injecting them into classes
that are multithreaded in nature, such as Servlets and JSF managed
beans (you don't want it to be shared by all clients).
Moving swiftly on, BalusC also put forwards the same thing here-, but indirectly.
....use SFSB only when you want a real stateful session bean
Consider a Session Scoped Managed bean-
public class Bean{
EjbBean ejbBean;
public class EjbBean{
But the above SessionScoped bean will be linked to one client only and as such will have state/ instance variables different from other session scoped bean. Subsequently, any stateful EJB bean will not be shared by other clients.
Please suggest on what the author implies when he says-
you don't want it to be shared by all clients
I do perfectly understand the difference b/w HttpSession & the session word in Stateless Session Bean.

EJB 3.0 , are thread safe?

I am a newbie in EJB. Now I am studying the EJB 3.0 specification. If I have two different JSF managed beans like the next ones:
public class CocheBean {
private ICochesService cochesService = null;
public class UsuarioBean {
private ICochesService cochesService = null;
The injecteds implementations for cochesService are the same in both cases?, I mean, for each annotation, the ejb container gets back a new object or is the same object?
Why do they refer to EJBs as session beans? Are they session scoped? Do they exist till the session of a user expires?
Its said that you dont have to worry if the stateless EJB are thread safe because the container has a pool of different instances for each request but if they are stateless and there is no danger that multiple threads access to just one ejb, why the container creates a pool of them and not just one?
Using JSF managed beans, if this bean is request or session scoped and because we inject the ejbs in this beans, they cannot be called more than once per user or per request at the same time, right?
How to specify the transactional atributes to EJB bean methods, with JPA annotations?
This depends - if ICochesService is stateless than each of them will have different object. If it's stateful or singleton than both beans will have the same object injected
Answer to both questions is no :) See the Oracle docs
You can call as many beans as you want per each request.
See the Oracle tutorial for Java Transaction API.

How to use Spring services in JSF-managed beans?

JSF is very popular technology in Java world, however, cooperation with Spring is still painfull and requires 'nasty' hacks. I have currently the problem with one of this 'hacks'.
Spring services are injected using the SpringBeanFacesELResolver. It is configured in faces-config.xml:
The injection of Spring services is very ugly, but it is working:
CustomerService customerService;
But there are issues. JSF requires from me that the managed bean should be serializable. That means, that the Spring service must also be serializable, or the field should be transient. When the field is transient, the injection is not working (I have null in that field). And making Spring services serializable is in my opinion not a good idea and a potential performance issues - what should happen with Hibernate context, data sources, which all are injected into Spring service?
So, what is the correct and less painfull way of using Spring services withing JSF managed beans?
I experienced a lot of issues with org.springframework.web.jsf.el.SpringBeanFacesELResolver, too. Mostly related to unmatching object scopes (Spring has no equivalent to JSF's view scope and conversation scope). Some people also complain about serialization problems.
I successfully applied the solution proposed in this article: http://www.beyondjava.net/blog/integrate-jsf-2-spring-3-nicely/.
In my case, serialization, was not a problem and I was only concerned with bean scopes. I wished JSF to fully manage the backing beans lifecycle without interference with Spring beans lifecycle.
I made JSF managed beans to load the Spring context and autowire themselves to access Spring-managed beans from the JSF context.
I developed the following JSF bean superclass:
public abstract class AutowireableManagedBean {
protected AutowireCapableBeanFactory ctx;
protected void init() {
ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils
(ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
// The following line does the magic
Then, my concrete JSF backing beans looked like this (I was able to use view scope without problems):
public class MyBackingBean extends AutowireableManagedBean {
private MyDao myDao;

Java EE 6: controlling startup of managed beans with dependencies: CDI, EJB

I just read the very nice explanation of the various managed beans and their relations on Java EE 6 #javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. #javax.inject.Named vs. #javax.faces.ManagedBean and as i face a annoying problem in my application i want to know if it is possible to control or influence the way how and when beans are started.
In my Java EE application I use EJB, CDI and JSF2 as view technology. Via SPI a service from a third party is booted and it configures a job executor which starts jobs and handles other timer relevant stuff. One job is immediately executed when the job executor finished its bootstrapping. This job uses CDI inject to get access to some beans and one of these beans make use of an EJB.
The problem is now that most of the time the Java EE 6 server (JBoss 7.1.1) starts the EJB is still not available then the job tries to access it. An exceptions is thrown and the job fails and the service is build to deactivate that failed job. Well, deactivating a faild job seems to be not too bad. The only solution for the job to get up and running again is to undeploy it and to redeploy it again. Which is a manual task unfortunately and it can not be done programmatically.
And, to make things bad: in rare cases this does not happen.
So, my question now is: can i somehow control the initialisation and deployment of the EJB and CDI beans so that i can ensure that all EJB beans are initialzed before the CDI beans are initialized?
I have set initialize-in-order to true in the EARs application.xml and set the sequence of the EJBs so that they get initialized they way i need them (EJB core, then EJB business, then WAR), but the CDI based service is placed as JAR in the lib folder.
Excerpt from Java EE 6 Tutorial with some modifications:
public class BeanA { ... }
public #interface EjbStarted {}
#DependsOn("BeanA", "BeanB", "BeanC")
public class LastBean {
#Inject #EjbStarted Event<String> event;
public void startService() {
// At this moment PrimaryBean is ready for use
public class CDIService {
public void start(#Observes #EjbStarted String name) {
if("LastBean".equals(name)) {
UPDATE: While thinking about the problem, I somehow forgot that you want the initialization order in CDI beans, so the answer is somewhat out of context, sorry about that :)
UPDATE 2: Added how to make a CDI service start after EJBs

Am I allowed to declare a lifecycle interceptor on an interceptor?

I have my business bean defined thus:
public class MyBean implements SomeBean { ... }
And then I want my BusinessInterceptor to be configured with Spring's SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor:
public class BusinessInterceptor {
private SomeSpringBean someSpringBean;
Is this allowed/legal? I'm getting errors (NPEs, mostly) suggesting that the fields in BusinessInterceptor have not been initialized properly.
I doubt this can work. If I understand well your scenario, you have basically two DI containers, one is Spring and the other the app. server itself. Each one manages different elements. The BusinessInterceptor is created by the app. server which is unaware of Spring -- the #Autowired bean is then not set.
( Note that Spring and EJB3 have become quite similar now. You can have the same functionalities as EJB with Spring. Spring has indeed declarative transactions, dependency injection and AOP facilities similar to EJB3 interceptors (these are the main managed features). On the other hand, EJB3 is now so lightweight that there isn't really a compelling reason to use Spring with with EJB3. See Future of enterprise Java: full stack Spring or full stack Java EE. But this does not answer the question, and is just a little digression of mine :)
