Customize Ruby Guardfile per User - ruby

I am using guard and therefore I have configured my Guardfile with my host's IP address where notifications should be sent.
How can I do this customization outside of the Guardfile so that only I can see it, not the rest of my team members?

From the shared configurations page in the Guard wiki:
If a .guard.rb is found in your home directory, it will be appended to
the Guardfile in your current directory. This can be used for tasks
you want guard to handle but other users probably don't.

You have several options -- you can either read the address from an environment variable or discern it with code. However, you can probably just use '' which is the localhost address and should work for anyone to point to their own machine.


Access Puppet built-in variables from a custom provider

There are built-in global variables, which can be accessed from a manifest or template. Like $serverip for the IP address of the master. I know how to call Facter, but some built-ins are not represented by any Facter's "facts". How can they be accessed from a custom provider?
Yes, the agent transfers fact values to the master, so that during manifest compilations, you can use the values as you described.
The agent itself (and by extension, the types and providers) can access these values directly.
value = Facter.value('serverip')
This should be possible in virtually all contexts on the agent side (including custom facts), because the Puppet agent will always load Facter, making resolution directly available.
With more feedback from the OP it became clear that this is not about master information from global variables, but "implicit facts" with agent configuration instead.
The agent can very simply use its configuration from a global hash.
port = Puppet['masterport']
master_host = Puppet['server']
To wrap it up, the following dumps the 'global' settings into a human-readable commented config-file format, for those wondering which settings are available (those accessible with Puppet['setting']):
irb(main):001:0> require 'puppet'
irb(main):002:0> Puppet.initialize_settings
irb(main):003:0> puts Puppet.settings.to_config

Vagrant - Global Setup among many sites + domain aliases

Coming from a MAMP Pro background, I loved the ability to have a "base" folder (/Sites in this case), have all of my projects underneath it and set custom server names/aliases with it. With Vagrant, it looks like I can accomplish the name/alias part with vagrant-hostsupdater, but if I really did just want to have the Vagrant files in /Sites and then all of them use the same config, what's the best way to specify a subfolder disk location with those custom host names?
I'm most likely over-thinking this, have just been a sucker for GUI interfaces and would love to know how to accomplish this. Thanks as always!
What I'm used to
I used to use MAMP Pro, which allows you to setup custom host additions with their GUI interface. So, within my ~/Sites directory, I have several different projects going on, all in subfolders. The screen shot below shows how I can set a server name and specify a disk location, all from this central location.
What I'd like to do with Vagrant
Now I do know of (and used vagrant-hostsupdater), but what I was wondering is if I can set my Vagrant file in my ~/Sites directory (which is kind of like the root of the server; since all of my projects require the same setup) and then have individual host names setup for each project - so instead of having to access a subfolder like or I could setup server names such` from within that top-level Vagrant file and specify the subfolder it should attach that rewrite rule too.
The reason I'd like to do this is so I only have to run one vagrant up and I can then access all of my projects from one Vagrant instance as well as only keep track of one Vagrant file. Thanks!
You need to tell vagrant what hostnames you would like to use.
Directory based hostnames
Assuming you set you would like to set your hostnames based on the directory name; you can get all of the hostnames with ruby and pass them to the hostsupdater configuration.
SITES_DIR = "~/Sites"
config.hostsupdater.aliases = Dir["#{SITES_DIR}/*/"].map { |d| d.chomp('/') }
Configuration based hostnames
Alternatively you can mock up some sort of configuration that is desirable to you and what you are trying to do and evaluate/process it in ruby within the Vagrantfile.

Where should a gem store log files?

I am building a ruby gem that should output a logfile. Where is it a good practice to store log files?
I am extracting this functionality from a Rails website I am building, and there I could simply log in the log/ directory.
Ideally, make the path configurable (.rc file, switch, rails/rack config, whatever).
If it's a Rack middleware, add the possibility to specify it in the constructor's arguments.
If no log path is provided, fallback to detecting a log directory. (I vaguely remember it being config.paths['log'] in Rails, but be sure that config actually points to something before using that in your gem if it can be used outside of Rails.)
And if all else fails, log to nowhere...
Also, allow to disable logging if you enable it by default. Not everyone wants logs.

How do I get ruby to honor a local hosts file?

I have an rspec testsuite that I use to test our internal and public facing API. Usually all I have to do to test the service is setup my parameters (e.g test urls) and from there the tests connect to the required service and do their thing.
My question is, how to I get ruby to honor my host file entries? In this specific scenario I'm trying to hit our pre-live servers, which use the same urls as our live environment, but obviously are on an entirely different IP cluster.
Unless you are doing some very low-level stuff, Ruby will not perform DNS name resolution by itself, it will simply call the appropriate OS API. So, you need to figure out how to configure your operating system to use a local hosts file.

Codeigniter - Using environments with different hosts

I was wondering if someone could help me.
I have started using version control (git) for my website which is using CodeIgniter.
Everytime i transfer files from my localhost host to my live server, i always have to go through all my files and change the config details.
I came across a post saying i could do all this with the ENVIRONMENT settings in the index.php file automatically based on the SERVER_NAME.
Has anybody done this before? if so, would it be possible to let me know how its done properly?
Try this for a start (index.php):
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == 'devserver1' || $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == 'devserver2')
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');
Then, whenever you need it, you check for the ENVIRONMENT constant (for example, different database settings, etc.). For localhost, simply check if the server is 'localhost' ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == 'localhost'), or whichever virtual host name you might be using.
You could always use environment variables
This will allow you to get the environment instead of hard coding the information in your code
This may also help you out
Not sure if you're still needing help with this, but I had this issue a while ago and released a CodeIgniter module which is designed to automatically handle multiple environments.
I'm shameful to be plugging myself, but it's saved me lots of editing and it might be of use to anyone else that'll read this post in the future.
Here's the link to the Git repo: and this is a brief explanation of why and how I made the module:
