How to disable Google Street View dragging / swiping - draggable

How to disable Street View dragging / swiping? This is important especially on mobile devices, where the both the Street View and the whole web page are scrolled by swiping on the screen with a finger. In fact if you try to scroll the page touching with finger a point where you have a Street view, you will scroll the Street view instead of the page.
If the Street view is full-width this may be an usability issue.

Google API does not provide this option, but I managed it to work by placing an invisible div on top of the Street view, preventing the underlying Street View receiving evented. I created a toggle button "Drag Street View / Drag web page). The button can dynamically show/hide Street view controls according to the enabled/disabled state of the Street View.
Example here:
Please see it from a mobile touch device because the toggle button is needed and shown, in my context, only for mobile touch devices. In desktop devices Street View is Always navigable by default because there aren't issues with this.
Outline of the code (here using jQuery and Modernizr):
.draggable-street-view-toggle-button { cursor: pointer; background-color: #fff; border: solid 2px #firstThemeColor; z-index: 1000; position: absolute; right: 40px; padding: 10px; } /* the toggle button appearance. right = 40px to not overlap the close button */
.prevent-dragging { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 400px; z-index: 999; } /* the hidden layer to prevent draggin events reach the underlying Street View */
#directory-main-bar.hide-gmnoprint .gmnoprint { display: none; } /* class dynamically added/removed to toggle controls */
<div id="directory-main-bar">
... Here you have to initialize your Street view via Google API or with your preferred jQuery plugin like GMAP3 ...
I recommend these options: defaultDisableUI = false, enableCloseButton : true, and zoomControl : Modernizr.touch ? false : true,
function toggleStreetViewControls(state) {
mapDiv = $("#directory-main-bar");
if(!state) {
$('<div class="prevent-dragging"></div>').height(400).insertBefore(mapDiv); /* 400 is the Street View height you've chosen when setupping it */
else {
if (Modernizr.touch){
var swDraggableButton = $('<div class="draggable-street-view-toggle-button"></div>').insertBefore(mapDiv);
$('<div class="prevent-dragging"></div>').height({!$themeOptions->directoryMap->mapHeight}).insertBefore(mapDiv);
} () {
$(this).removeClass('active').addClass('inactive').text({__ 'Drag web page'});
} else {
$(this).removeClass('inactive').addClass('active').text({__ 'Drag Street view'});


How to customize the window title bar of an Electron app?

I'm getting started working with Electron to build a desktop app. How can I customize the window title bar (which contains the close, minimize, and full screen buttons) to add custom views? Safari is an example that I am thinking of:
Your only option in Electron would be to create a frameless (aka borderless) window, and then create a "fake" title bar with CSS, including any UI elements you need.
Electron/webkit provides CSS properties that allows you to make any element draggable, like a titlebar:
.titlebar {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-webkit-app-region: drag;
The first, and cross-platform option is to create a frameless window. The second is macOS only, and allows you to hide the title bar, but retain the window controls, allowing for the addition of custom buttons.
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
// This will create a window without titlebar, allowing for customization
let win = new BrowserWindow({ titleBarStyle: 'hidden' })
Then you could use the css properties -webkit-user-select and -webkit-app-region to specify the drag zone.
Hide the default titlebar by creating a frameless window:
// main.js
window = new BrowserWindow({
titlebarStyle: 'hidden',
trafficLightPosition: {
x: 15,
y: 13, // macOS traffic lights seem to be 14px in diameter. If you want them vertically centered, set this to `titlebar_height / 2 - 7`.
Then create your own makeshift titlebar using HTML + CSS:
<!-- index.html -->
<header class="titlebar"></header>
/* styles.css */
.titlebar {
background-color: #f0f0f0;
height: 40px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #d0d0d0;
-webkit-app-region: drag; /* Allow user to drag the window using this titlebar */
-webkit-user-select: none; /* Prevent user from selecting things */
user-select: none;
The result so far:
Notice that the titlebar appears under the scrollbar. It even moves when the user scrolls. We need to separate it from the scrollable content by wrapping everything below the titlebar in a <div class="main-content"> and then adding these styles:
.main-content {
height: calc(100vh - 40px); /* Force the content to take up the viewport height minus the titlebar height */
overflow: auto; /* Allow the main content to be scrollable */
body {
overflow: hidden; /* Make the HTML body be non-scrollable */
Final result:
Now you can add whatever HTML content you want up there.

In firefox, the code in iframe of my website can't be loaded properly, but success to be loaded if the iframe is unhidden and reload the iframe again

Hope my Question is enough clear. I own a website.
My problem is in the tab "Calendar", it run properly in chrome, ie. but not in fixfox.
my design is that when I hover the calendar tab. the page of calendar will show.
but in firefox, when I do that, it don't show properly. developer tool show $bookblock.bookblock is not a function. If I reload the frame, such error message will not show.
If I directly load "
It can show properly and such error message don't appear.
so I guess may be something is not load properly. I already try add $(top.document,document).ready({function(){}); or replace the jquery library to the head or body. the problem still exist.
since the coding is very long. I only write the iframe tag.Please try to use developer tool to view my code.
I tried document.getElementById('CalF').contentWindow.location.reload();
if I already hover the calendar tab, the tab can be reload properly.
but if not, the developer tool display the same error message.
so, I think the major key to the problem is that the jquery tab affect something so that the tab "CalF" can't work properly.
display: none;
<article class='boxoff'> //this article will be hidden until I delete the class.
<iframe id=CalF src="cal.php" style="top: 0;"></iframe>
Update 2
OP explained that the iframe must be invisible initially. While this may seem an impossibility since iframes do not load when it or one of it's ancestor elements are display: none;. The key word is invisible which is a state in which the iframe is not visible.... There are three CSS properties that come to mind and one of them is actually shouldn't be used in this situation.
display: none; This is the property being used by OP and this property actually hinders the iframe's loading. The reason why is when in that state of invisibility, the iframe is not in the DOM according to Firefox's behavior.
opacity: 0; This property renders the iframe invisible as well and Firefox seems to recognize the invisible iframe just fine.
visibility: hidden; This seems to be an acceptable as well....
So try this code that I use to suppress the FOUC:
Child Page
function init(sec) {
var ms = parseFloat(sec * 1000);
setTimeout('initFadeIn()', ms);
function initFadeIn() {
<body style="visibility: hidden;" onload="init(2);">
Update 1
I made an alternative solution because I hate leaving a demo that doesn't completely work★.
Ok this relies on cal.php window.onload event which is basically the slowest but the most stablest phase of loading there is.
Initially, #overlay will block any user interaction while calF is loading.
Once calF is completely loaded, it will call iframeLoaded function that's located on the parent page.
iframeLoaded will remove #overlay (I added a setTimeout for good measure but it's probably not necessary.)
I'm not that familiar with PHP syntax, so you'll have to modify the following code✶ and place it in cal.php
window.onload = function() {
Then on the parent page:
function iframeLoaded() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500);
The code above as well as the required HTML and CSS is in the snippet below.
★ Note: The code in the snippet should work, but this snippet won't of course because there's some code that needs to be on the child page. That's just a shoutout to all the downvoters out there ;-)
Snippet 1
// iframeLoaded will remove the overlay when cal.php has completely loaded
function iframeLoaded() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500); //<========[1 to 2 (1000 - 2000ms) seconds should give you plenty of time]
/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[Code in cal.php]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
// When everything (DOM, script, images. etc...) is loaded on cal.php, call iframeLoaded function that is on the parent's page.
window.onload = function() {
#overlay {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
pointer-events: none;
#CalF {
position: absolute;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="overlay"></div>
<iframe id="CalF" src="" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0" style="top: 0;"></iframe>
✶ Function loadedIframe() inspired by SO5788723
Snippet 2
document.getElementById('CalF').onload = function(e) {
var over = document.getElementById('overlay');
#overlay {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
pointer-events: none;
.hide {
display: none;
#CalF {
position: absolute;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="overlay"></div>
<iframe id="CalF" src="" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0" style="top: 0;"></iframe>
$(document).ready seems to be called too soon, based on parent page instead of iframe content.
here you have solution to a similar problem:
jQuery .ready in a dynamically inserted iframe

IE 8 custom checkbox image

I'm using a custom image for checkboxes and I'm seeing some strange behavior in IE 8. In order to use the custom image I'm using a label with a background-image for checked, checked-focus, unchecked, unchecked-focus, and hiding the checkbox. The issue is that the hidden checkbox is causing IE 8 to incorrectly display the state of the label, i.e., when the label is initially clicked the state of the label is updated correctly, however, upon subsequent click events the label will only update correctly if clicked twice. Any suggestions?
'label[for="remember_me"] mousedown' : function(el, ev){
var rememberMe = $('#remember_me');
rememberMe.attr('checked', !rememberMe.attr('checked'));
$(el).attr('checked', !rememberMe.attr('checked'));
'label[for="remember_me"] mouseup' : function(el, ev){
var rememberMe = $('#remember_me');
rememberMe.attr('checked', !rememberMe.attr('checked'));
$(el).attr('checked', !rememberMe.attr('checked'));
input[type="checkbox"] {
display: none;
#remember_elements > label {
background: url("../../images/checkmark-unchecked-normal.png") 0 0 no-repeat;
width: 22px;
height: 22px;
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
#remember_elements > label:hover {
background: url("../../images/checkmark-unchecked-focus.png") 0 0 no-repeat;
#remember_elements > label[checked="checked"] {
background: url("../../images/test/checkmark-checked-normal-renault.png") 0 0 no-repeat;
#remember_elements > label[checked="checked"]:hover {
background: url("../../images/test/checkmark-checked-focus-renault.png") 0 0 no-repeat;
checked is a bolean attribute.
both and are valid.... for interoperability with xhtml the full checked="checked" is required.... (xhtml conformance checking requires all attributes to be quoted strings).... possibly in IE8 though the full checked="checked" is required.
try #elid[checked] i/o #elid[checked="checked"]
A word of warning..... input elements also accept keyboard events. The space bar can also be used to toggle the checked attribute of an input[type=checkbox] has the framework for switch style checkbox overlays.

Telerik DatePicker - how to change the position of the popup button?

how can I make the position of the popup button in the RadCalendar control ( to be on the other side, eg:
I'm not using Rad Telerik, so I'm not sure if there are other ways to do it, but it's possible to make it look like what you are asking by working with CSS.
I've made some tests on the demo page, and this is a CSS that should help you.
div.RadPicker table.rcSingle .rcInputCell ~ td {
position: relative;
right: 113px;
display: block;
div.RadPicker table.rcSingle .rcInputCell .RadInput {
position: relative;
left: 42px;

jQuery toggle show/hide - div does not expand

I have a little menu that should expand to reveal the HTML below, which is hidden at present.
Following jQuery:
$('.mobileMenu').click(function(e) {
This piece of code works great on this page (click the "hide" feature on the left col)
However I need to utilise the same feature with my menu for "mobile width".
If you resize your browser down to 320 or so and go here you'll see the menu is just +menu (bit smashy at the mo but working). Click it, and the menu does expand to show the links, but they are hanging over the main content area.
All divs in the navigation div are display:block but they still don't push the main div down. I want the entire green navigation div to expand with it's content.
You have a fixed height on the navigation div of 60px and menuWrapper at 30px. You need to make this relative.
change your css from
#rightCol {
width: 72.5%;
width: 25%;
#rightCol {
width: 72.5%;
width: 25%;
it should work. I have tested this on chrome
