Optimal block size in HDFS - Can large block sizes hurt - hadoop

I understand the disadvantages of small files and small block sizes in HDFS. I'm trying to understand the rationale behind the the default 64/128 MB block size. Are there any drawbacks of having a large block size (say 2GB. I read that larger values than that cause issues, the details of which I haven't yet dug into).
Issues I see with too large block sizes (please correct me, may be some or all of these issues don't really exist)-
Possibly, there could be issues with replicating a 1 Gig file when a data node goes down - which requires the cluster to transfer the whole file. This seems to be a problem when we are considering a single file - but we may have to transfer a lot many smaller files if we had smaller block sizes say 128 MB (which I think involves more overhead)
Could trouble mappers. Large blocks might end up with each mapper thus reducing the possible number of mappers. But this should not be an issue if we use a smaller split size?
It one sounded stupid when it occurred to me that this could be an issue but I thought I'll throw it in anyways - Since the namenode does not know the size of the file beforehand, it is possible for it to consider a data node not available since it does not have enough disk space for a new block (considering a large block size of may be 1-2 Gigs). But may be it solves this problem smartly by just cutting down the block size of that particular block (which probably is a bad solution resulting).
Block size may probably depend on the use case. I basically want to find an answer to the question - Is there a situation/use case where large block size setup can hurt?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I did extensive performance validations of high end clusters on hadoop and we varied the block sizes from 64 Meg up to 2GB. To answer the question: imagine workloads in which oftentimes smallish files need to be processed, say 10's of Megs. Which blocksize do you think will be more performant in that case - 64MEg or 1024Meg?
For the case of large files then yes the large block sizes tend towards better performance since the overhead of mappers is not negligible.


given 10 billion URL with average length 100 characters per each url, check duplicate

Suppose I have 1GB memory available, how to find the duplicates among those urls?
I saw one solution on the book "Cracking the Coding Interview", it suggests to use hashtable to separate these urls into 4000 files x.txt, x = hash(u)%4000 in the first scan. And in the 2nd scan, we can check duplicates in each x.txt separately file.
But how can I guarantee that each file would store about 1GB url data? I think there's a chance that some files would store much more url data than other files.
My solution to this problem is to implement the file separation trick iteratively until the files are small enough for the memory available for me.
Is there any other way to do it?
If you don't mind a solution which requires a bit more code, you can do the following:
Calculate only the hashcodes. Each hashcode is exactly 4 bytes, so you have perfect control of the amount of memory that will be occupied by each chunk of hashcodes. You can also fit a lot more hashcodes in memory than URLs, so you will have fewer chunks.
Find the duplicate hashcodes. Presumably, they are going to be much fewer than 10 billion. They might even all fit in memory.
Go through the URLs again, recomputing hashcodes, seeing if a URL has one of the duplicate hashcodes, and then comparing actual URLs to rule out false positives due to hashcode collisions. (With 10 billion urls, and with hashcodes only having 4 billion different values, there will be plenty of collisions.)
This is a bit long for a comment.
The truth is, you cannot guarantee that a file is going to be smaller than 1 Gbyte. I'm not sure where the 4,000 comes from. The total data volume is about 1,000 Gbytes, so the average file size would be 250 Mbytes.
It is highly unlikely that you would ever be off by a factor of 4 in size. Of course, it is possible. In that case, just split the file again into a handful of other files. This adds a negligible amount to the complexity.
What this doesn't account for is a simple case. What if one of the URLs has a length of 100 and appears 10,000,000 times in the data? Ouch! In that case, you would need to read a file and "reduce" it by combining each value with a count.

Physical memory usage keeps increasing for Spark application on YARN

I am running a Spark application in YARN-client mode with six executors (each four cores and executor memory = 6 GB and Overhead = 4 GB, Spark version: 1.6.3 / 2.1.0).
I find that my executor memory keeps increasing until getting killed by the node manager; and it gives out the information that tells me to boost spark.yarn.excutor.memoryOverhead.
I know that this parameter mainly control the size of memory allocated off-heap. But I don’t know when and how the Spark engine will use this part of memory. Also increasing that part of memory does not always solve my problem. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. It trends to be useless when the input data is large.
FYI, my application’s logic is quite simple. It means to combine the small files generated in one single day (one directory one day) into a single one and write back to HDFS. Here is the core code:
val df = spark.read.parquet(originpath)
.filter(s"m = ${ts.month} AND d = ${ts.day}")
val dropDF = df.drop("hh").drop("mm").drop("mode").drop("y").drop("m").drop("d")
The source file may have hundreds to thousands level’s partition. And the total parquet file is around 1 to 5 GB.
Also I find that in the step that shuffle reading data from different machines, the size of shuffle read is about four times larger than the input size, Which is wired or some principle I don’t know.
Anyway, I have done some search myself for this problem. Some article said that it’s on the direct buffer memory (I don’t set myself).
Some article said that people solve it with more frequent full GC.
Also, I find one people on Stack Overflow with a very similar situation: Ever increasing physical memory for a Spark application in YARN
This guy claimed that it’s a bug with parquet, but a comment questioned him. People in this mail list may also receive an email hours ago from blondowski who described this problem while writing JSON: Executors - running out of memory
So it looks like to be common question for different output format.
I hope someone with experience about this problem could make an explanation about this issue. Why does this happen and what is a reliable way to solve this problem?
I just do some investigation in these days with my colleague. Here is my thought: from spark 1.2, we use Netty with off-heap memory to reduce GC during shuffle and cache block transfer. In my case, if I try to increase the memory overhead big enough. I will get the Max direct buffer exception. When Netty do block transferring, there will be five threads by default to grab the data chunk to target executor. In my situation, one single chunk is too big to fit into the buffer. So gc won’t help here. My final solution is to do another repartition before the repartition(1). Just to make 10x times more partitions than original’s. In this way, I can reduce the size of each chunk Netty transfer. In this way I finally make it.
Also I want to say that it’s not a good choice to repartition a big dataset into single file. This extremely unbalanced scenario is kind of waste your compute resources.
Welcome to any comment, I still don't understand this part well.

Cassandra partition size and performance?

I was playing around with cassandra-stress tool on my own laptop (8 cores, 16GB) with Cassandra 2.2.3 installed out of the box with having its stock configuration. I was doing exactly what was described here:
And measuring its insert performance.
My observations were:
using the code from https://gist.github.com/tjake/fb166a659e8fe4c8d4a3 without any modifications I had ~7000 inserts/sec.
when modifying line 35 in the code above (cluster: fixed(1000)) to "cluster: fixed(100)", i. e. configuring my test data distribution to have 100 clustering keys instead of 1000, the performance was jumping up to ~11000 inserts/sec
when configuring it to have 5000 clustering keys per partition, the performance was reducing to just 700 inserts/sec
The documentation says however Cassandra can support up to 2 billion rows per partition. I don't need that much still I don't get how just 5000 records per partition can slow the writes 10 times down or am I missing something?
Supporting is a little different from "best performaning". You can have very wide partitions, but the rule-of-thumb is to try to keep them under 100mb for misc performance reasons. Some operations can be performed more efficiently when the entirety of the partition can be stored in memory.
As an example (this is old example, this is a complete non issue post 2.0 where everything is single pass) but in some versions when the size is >64mb compaction has a two pass process, that halves compaction throughput. It still worked with huge partitions. I've seen many multi gb ones that worked just fine. but the systems with huge partitions were difficult to work with operationally (managing compactions/repairs/gcs).
I would say target the rule of thumb initially of 100mb and test from there to find own optimal. Things will always behave differently based on use case, to get the most out of a node the best you can do is some benchmarks closest to what your gonna do (true of all systems). This seems like something your already doing so your definitely on the right path.

Spark "ExecutorLostFailure" - how to solve?

I've checked out some of the other answers on "ExecutorLostFailure" and most of them either:
** 1. Don't have an answer**
** 2. Insist on increasing the executor memory and the number of cores **
Here are some of the ones that I'm referring to: here here here
Is there any other solution to this? I've tried both, but it's unclear to me how to correctly gauge how much to allocate for each (memory and cores) in my SparkContext.
The error occurs within a saveAsTextFile action. Thanks.
From my experience, increasing the executor memory can help. But I'd suggest that this is a naive fix, and usually the underlying issue will remain.
The reason I say this is that one of Spark's most important features is that it allows you to perform computations on datasets that are too big to fit in memory. In theory, you could perform most calculations on a 1TB dataset with a single executor with 2GB memory.
In every case that I've encountered an OOM, it has been one of the following two reasons:
1. Insufficient executor memory overhead
This only applies if you are using a resource manager like Mesos or YARN). Check the Spark docs for guidance with this.
2. Something you are doing in your transformations is causing your RDD to become massively "horizontal".
Recall that I said Spark can handle datasets that are too big to fit in memory. The caveat to this is that the datasets must be vertically parallelizable - think a text file with 10^8 rows, where each row contains a relatively small data point (e.g. list of floats, JSON string, a single sentence etc.). Spark will then partition your dataset and send an appropriate number of rows to each executor.
The problem arises when a single row is very large. This is unlikely to occur through normal map-like operations (unless you are doing something quite weird), but is very easy to do through aggregation-type operations like groupByKey or reduceByKey. Consider the following example:
Dataset (name, age):
John 30
Kelly 36
Steve 48
Jane 36
If I then do a groupByKey with the age as key, I will get data in the form:
36 [Kelly, Jane]
30 [John]
48 [Steve]
If the number of rows in the initial dataset is very large, the rows in the resulting dataset could be very long. If they are long enough, they may be too large to fit into executor memory.
The solution?
It depends on your application. In some cases, it may indeed be unavoidable, and you may just have to increase executor memory. But usually it's possible to restructure your algorithm to avoid the issue, e.g. by replacing a groupByKey with a countByKey, or throwing away data points with a very high incidence rate (in one case I observed, it was a bot generating millions of requests that was responsible for the issue. These could be safely discarded without affecting the analysis).

Why does LevelDB needs more than two levels?

I think only two levels(level-0 and level-1) is ok, why does LevelDB need level-2, level-3, and more?
I'll point you in the direction of some articles on LevelDB and it's underlying storage structure.
So in the documentation for LevelDB
it discusses merges among levels.
These merges have the effect of gradually migrating new updates from the young level to the largest level using only bulk reads and writes (i.e., minimizing expensive seeks).
LevelDB is similar in structure to Log Structured Merge Trees. The paper discusses the different levels if you're interested in the analysis of it. If you can get through the mathematics it seems to be your best bet to understanding the data structure.
A much easier to read analysis of levelDB talks about the datastore's relation to LSM Trees but in terms of your questions about the levels all it says is:
Finally, having hundreds of on-disk SSTables is also not a great idea, hence periodically we will run a process to merge the on-disk SSTables.
Probably the LevelDB documentation provides the best answer: (maximizing the size of the writes and reads, since LevelDB is on-disk(slow seek) data storage).
Good Luck!
I think it is mostly to do with easy and quick merging of levels.
In Leveldb, level-(i+1) has approx. 10 times the data compared to level-i. This is more analogous to a multi-level cache structure where in if the database has 1000 records between keys x1 to x2, then 10 of the most frequently accessed ones in that range would be in level-1 and 100 in the same range would be in level-2 and rest in level-3 (this is not exact but just to give an intuitive idea of levels). In this set up, to merge a file in level-i we need to look at at most 10 files in level-(i+1) and it can all be brought into memory, a quick merge done and written back. These results in reading relatively small chunks of data for each compaction/merging operation.
On the other hand if you had just 2 levels, the key range in one level-0 file could potentially match 1000's of files in level-1 and all of them need to be opened up for merging which is going to be pretty slow. Note that an important assumption here is we have fixed size files (say 2MB). With variable length files in level-1, your idea could still work and I think a variant of that is used in systems like HBase and Cassandra.
Now if you are concern is about look up delay with many levels, again this is like a multi-level cache structure, most recently written data would be in higher levels to help with typical locality of reference.
Level 0 is data in memory other levels are disk data. The important part is that data in levels is sorted. If level1 consists of 3 2Mb files then in file1 it's the keys 0..50 (sorted) in file2 150..200 and in file3 300..400 (as an example). So when memory level is full we need to insert it's data to disk in the most efficient manner, which is sequential writing (using as few disk seeks as possible). Imagine in memory we have keys 60-120, cool, we just write them sequentially as file which becomes file2 in level1. Very efficient!
But now imagine that level1 is much larger then level0 (which is reasonable as level0 is memory). In this case there are many files in level1. And now our keys in memory (60-120) belong to many files as the key range in level1 is very fine grained. Now to merge level0 with level1 we need to read many files and make a lot of random seeks, make new files in memory and write them. So this is where many levels idea kicks in, we'll have many layers, each somewhat larger than the previous (x10), but not much larger so when we have to migrate data from i-1 to i-th layer we have a good chance of having to read least amount of files.
Now, since data might change there may be no need to propagate it to higher more expensive layers (it might be changed or deleted) and so we avoid expensive merges altogether. The data that does end up in the last level is statistically least likely to change so is the best fit for most-expensive-to-merge-with last layer.
