BizTalk application fails to install: "newer version of the application installed" - windows

I am having issues installing a BizTalk application using the msi-installer generated by BizTalk deployment framework.
When I run the installer, I instantly get an error telling me that there is a newer version of the application installed on the computer.
I have tried to look for the BizTalk application on the computer, but I am pretty sure that it isn't there.
Does anyone have any similar experiences?
What might cause such error?

Someone had copied the Product Upgrade Code in the Deployment file from another solution. I changed it to a new guid, and the application installed fine.


Blazor: Failed to launch debug adapter

kind of desperate with this problem that I don't know how to fix and I don't know the cause.
Full error when running Blazor app:
It's a WASM application hosted in .net core. Therefore there is a backend and a frontend.
I have set my backend project as Startup project, which will take care of hosting also the frontend.
Both projects are set up on .NET 5.
I have read that multiple factors can cause this error and yet I tried all the possible solutions I have found so far.
I kill manually the app processes that hang running even when I stop debugging, closed VS, deleted the whole .vs folder and then restarted VS.
I disabled script debugging
Also tried enabled and disabled:
Tried also to start it with latest version of Microsoft Edge instead of Chrome, sometimes it works and doesn't give troubles sometimes it doesn't
in a post I have read from the official support that it's a bug that is being solved already in the 16.10 VS preview version. I downloaded and installed it, still nothing.
tried both iisExpress and .net CLI as hosting profile.
Moreover when starting the app a normal blank page only opens on the browser:
Don't know honestly what to try anymore. Could anyone help? Thanks in advance!
I have had the same problem exactly with the same setup, this on a couple times and on both occasions I have deleted the VS folder, did a rebuild and then rebooted my PC.
I know this is not a root cause solution, but it has worked for me.
In my case it was missing the latest ASP.NET Core framework...
Make sure you get the hosting bundle.
.NET location: C:\Program Files\dotnet\
The following frameworks were found:
6.0.9 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Learn about framework resolution:
To install missing framework, download:
I had to restart VS after installing..
Updating to the latest hosting bundle did the trick for me.
I also threw out the .vs folder as well as any obj and bin folders in the solution projects to ensure a nice and clean environment.
Reboot. Rebuild. Rejoice.

How to Deploy a Windows Service using Visual Studio 2017 Community

Working with VS2017 Community I have written a service that works on my local machine. I followed the instruction here:
and installed it successfully using Installutil.exe (as per instructions in above link). All good.
I now want to deploy that across six servers in our organisation. In Microsoft's documentation about installing services ( it says:
If you’re a developer who wants to release a Windows Service that users can install and uninstall you should use InstallShield
and links to a page that applies to VS2012 (can't post any more links as my reputation<10)
I have downloaded and installed the "Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects" package, which allows me to create a Setup Project. When I run it, it installs the project output correctly (i.e. copies the exe & dll files to the correct folder in Program Files) but does not create the service.
There's a detailed post about deploying services on this site (question 9021075) but when I follow those instructions I get a 1001 error on Install.
All the documentation I can find refers to earlier versions of VS or the previous Installer package, so I'm not even certain if I can do it with the software I am using.
So, with VS2017 Community using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects, how to I create a stand-alone Installer to deploy a service that works correctly when installed locally using InstallUtil?
Or can I use InstallUtil on the target machines? I think I'd need to install Visual Studio on them for that, which I'd prefer not to. Is there a quicker way?
I only have 6 servers to install this on, so even some manual work-around might do.
Thank you for the responses. I now have a solution. I found InstallUtil on the Target Server (in my case it was in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 but search will find it). I copied and added that to my project as content so when I now deploy it, I have InstallUtil in the same folder as my EXE.
To install, I run CMD as admin, cd to project folder and issue command:
installutil.exe myService.exe
This is a one-off task. Once the service is working, to update it I just need to stop it, upload the new myService.exe (& any DLLs) to overwrite the old ones and restart it again.
Further information about settings you're using for the serviceProcessInstaller1 and serviceInstaller1 files will be needed to debug this issue, as the 1001 error raised by the installer is a generic error.
An alternative way of doing this is to use Topshelf, which is a framework for hosting services written using the .NET framework. It simplifies the creation of services, allowing developers to create a simple console application that can be installed as a service using Topshelf. The reason for this is simple: It is far easier to debug a console application than a service. And once the application is tested and ready for production, Topshelf makes it easy to install the application as a service.
Alternatively, you could use InstallUtil.exe. It is part of the .NET Framework, so no need to install Visual Studio.

Azure Service Fabric in Visual Studio - hresult : 0x80131500

I'm currently trying to work on Azure Service Fabric in Visual Studio 2015 but I have a general exception (hresult : 0x80131500) when i create a new service fabric project.
For example, I got this error when i create a stateless service project, or anything else coming from service fabric... Can't post screenshots of the process for now... Thing is that when I installed service fabric packages, there were errors (already installed package but not, couldn't access the package)...
Spent hours trying to resolve this problem, I tried to uninstall everything, to change from a version to another, I searched a lot for an answer but not found.
Maybe I didn't understand what is happening there, and maybe someone could help me !
Service Fabric Tools: 1.4
Visual Studio: 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
.NET framework: 4.6.1
Thank you everyone, Microsoft updated their packages, it seems that it was coming from them, i tried to reinstall packages again and it works now !
I don't know how this post can be marked as resolved, if someone could do it, it would be great !
I was able to repro this when the 3.5 .NET Framework was missing. Specifically project creation is looking for targets files under the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 folder triggering the exception. Need to investigate why the tooling has a dependency on the older .NEt framework.
For now to try to fix the issue, can you enable the .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) feature in "Control-Panel->Programs and Features-> Turn Windows features on or off" and see if it also resolves the issue for you.
Microsoft updated their packages, it seems that it was coming from them, i tried to reinstall packages again and it works now !
Launch Web Platform Installer (type it in Windows run menu).
Select Microsoft Service Fabric package.
Install it, or update it.
Should work.

Unable to start/debug program

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 to help me with some exercises for class.
It all worked great in school but when I got home and tried to run and debug the second program I got this error:
Unable to start ...\Kapitel_1\Debug\Kapitel_1.exe
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Review the manifest file for possible errors. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. For more details, please see the application event log.
How can this be solved?
This message generally means that the machine on which you built the application did not have the same redistributables than the system where you run the application.
Redistributables are sets of DLLs needed for your application to run properly.
In your case, I noticed that you are trying to run a debug build. That might just be the problem: you cannot run an application or use a DLL that has been built in debug configuration on a system with no debugger installed. Installing Visual Studio (ideally the same version your school has) should do the trick. You could also rebuild your application in Release configuration to avoid having to install a debugger on the running system.
Another case where this error message might be displayed is if you just installed a new Visual Studio update on the system that built the application and not on the system where you are trying to run it. In that case, you would need to update your system with the latest set of redistributables from Microsoft (at time of writing, here was a good place to look for that).

Can't install ASP.NET MVC3 RTM?

I'm trying to upgrade from ASP.NET MVC3 RC to RTM? I can't get past upgrading the vs10-kb2483190-x86.exe installer. I get this error in the error log:
Do I need to uninstall the Windows Phone SDK first? Should I hunt for GUIDs in the registry?
The installer appears to launch devenv.exe behind the scenes. I decided to launch VS2010 to see if it would "unlock" something. After it launched, I closed it and the installer started progressing.
Actually, it did work - I just ran for the second time...
When you run .msp, it pops a prompt that "the network resource for Visual Studio installation files is not available". Once you update the location of vs_setup.msi everything else works fine. I didn't have to run MSIs in sequence as the post suggests - once location was correct, I just ran MVC3 installation executable, and everything got installed fine.
It looks like platform installer and MVC3 setup just fail and, worse, swallow the root cause problem.
I finally gave up and reinstalled windows when I got a new CPU/Motherboard. Took care of it, not that I suggest this solution for everyone.
