How to set image in axes in matlab GUI? - image

i have a code which gives several images as ouput and i want to set all these images in particular axes in GUI in matlab. I'm trying to make a GUI of the code.
For eg.
and i want to set the output image of first command in, say axes3, output image of second command in axes4 and similarly last output image in axes5.
Although i know i need to use
command but i don't know the exact syntax on how to make the image be shown in particular axes.
Please give explain on how to make this happen with any suitable example. Thanks in advance.

One line solution (for each image) is to set the axis as the parent of the image within the imshow command;
There should be no need to open the additional figure windows ( assuming the axes are with the gui...)
So specifically for the question above:

First you should create an axes box in your gui, then in tag section get a name i.e. (original) and finaly in editor when you want to use it code something like this
A = imread (Path);
I hope to help you...


MATLAB: overwriting images using print function

I'm using the print function in MATLAB to write images of plots, something like that
But apparently the images are not overwritten, and the original images stay. I was using saveas before, which seems to overwrite the images, but print gives me more output options. Any ideas?
UPDATE: I ended up deleting the files before the printing with a different function.
You can use this:
im = frame2im(getframe(gcf,rec)); %Grabs image of plot as an image
imsave(im, filename); %save image
That syntax may not be 100%, its a while since I've used it.
Also be aware that this isn't perfect - I remember having issues with it grabbing a grey border around the edge of the plot. Also, I think the image may be based on a matlab screenshot.... just something to be aware of
Saving figures in matlab is rather troublesome, especially if the saved image should look like the original figure.
For myself i found the solution in using export_fig.
It's one of the most downloaded fileexchange files - maybe you should give it a try:
A small introduction to export_fig can be found at:

How do I save the whole matlab gui panel?

I can save a particular figure or an axes by using export_fig procedure. The command used is like the following:
export_fig(handles.Myfigure, filename). % This code is available on line
But I am trying to save a copy of the main gui (like a screen shot of the whole for record keeping). I guess this could work if I knew the handle of the main panel.
Can anyone help?
Get coords of window and dimensions and pass it to this function.

image() modifies actual image content in MATLAB

I am displaying an image in figure window in MATLAB using following code.
im = imread('Image02.tif');
hImage = image(im);
But problem is that the third line above makes the image changed for some reason I don't know. Is there any way to get image handle without the modification?
UPDATE: Resolved the problem. Please refer to my answer below.
The image graphical command cannot change the image. I can only guess that it shows the image in a way you don't want it. Inspect the range of the image -
and also the type:
and try to figure out what is wrong
Perhaps you could modify processAndDisplayImage so that it returns a handle to the displayed image as an output variable?
Instead of
hImage = image(im);
I used following to solve my problem.
[hImage hfig ha] = imhandles(gcf);
But I still don't understand image command does to the actual image displayed on figure.

Matlab: How to clear the previous output image

I define values for the variables and call the function, it returns the output image in the figure. But when i want to test another set of data, the output image will come out, it's together with the previous output image. How can i solve it, do i need to add what code at the end of the function file?
Either close all before your generate the new figure if you're not interested in the old output figure, or make a figure call before creating the new image to ensure it pops up in a new figure window. Or, you can overwrite the current open figure by setting hold off first, although that's specifically for graphs.

Matlab Image Processing

I'm facing a problem when displaying an image and using hold on to then plot hough lines on top of it. I want to store this image in a variable including lines on it and use it further. How can I do that?
You can use the copyobj for this. Or the getframe function if you're making a movie.
