"Tracking" (debugging) what is happening in a Firebird 2.5 database - debugging

I need some advice in how to handle the following:
Firebird 2.5 (I use Delphi XE2).
I have 2 structure identical database.
I have some triggers and SP on the table that I copy.
I copy 1-2-3 records from one table database to another.
trigger After Insert (execute one stored procedure that recompute some other records from the same table).
The database are identical but in one database the after insert work ok and in the other one no.
Also both trigger ARE working. (for testing purpose I raise an exception and is fire the exception).
So i want to find a way to track what is happening and to find the problem.
How to monitor/debug this situation.
also how to track deadlock?
any advice?

Check whether the not working trigger is active.


Is it possible in oracle to trigger a SAS program after an insert or update on oracle table?

I'm new to oracle and I saw Oracle triggers can trigger some action after an update or insert is done on oracle table.
Is it possible to trigger a SAS program after every update or insert on Oracle table.
There's a few different ways to do this but a problem like this is an example of the saying "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should".
So sure, your trigger can be fired on update or insert and that can call a stored procedure in a package which can use the oracle host command to call an operating system command which can call SAS.
Here are some questions:
do you really want to install SAS on the same machine as your Oracle database?
do you really want every transaction that inserts or updates to have to wait until the host command completes? What if SAS is down? Do you want the transaction to complete or.....?
do you really want the account that runs the database to have privileges to start up or send information to other executables? Think security risks.
if an insert does one record the action is clear. What if an update affects a thousand records? What message do you want to send to SAS? One thousand update statements? One update statement?
There are better ways to do this but a complete answer needs more details from you as to the end goal and business logic involved. Some ways I have used include:
trigger inserts data into an Oracle advanced queue. At predetermined intervals take the changes off the queue and write them to a flat file. Write a file watcher to look for the files and send the info to SAS.
write a Java program to take the changes and ship them
use the APEX web service and expose the changes as a series of JSON or REST packets.

Dynamically Evaluate Pseudo Records (:OLD, :NEW) in Oracle Trigger

Problem: I have a table to which a customer may add columns. This table might have hundreds of columns of varying data types depending on how insane the customer is. I need to deploy an AFTER UPDATE trigger against this table to insert a row in another table for each column value that has changed.
Table_A, Row 1: Key_Value=1, Col1=123, Col2="foo"...Coln="bar"
Table_B, Row 1: Key_Value=1, ColName="Col1", ColValue=123
Table_B, Row 2: Key_Value=1, ColName="Col2", ColValue="foo"
Table_B, Row 3: Key_Value=1, ColName="Coln", ColValue="bar"
Since I do not know what columns they may create and this trigger must be deployed with the application, I need to evaluate the OLD vs NEW pseudo records dynamically (if :new.columns[1] != :old.columns[1] then...) to see what has changed and log only the changed columns. The only examples I have been able to find require referencing the columns in the pseudo records explicitly (if :new.col1 != :old.col1 then...).
Question: Is there a way to do this in Oracle?
Caveats: No, this is not for auditing purposes, so I cannot use Oracle's built-in auditing. No, we are not going to rewrite our app because you know how to do it better, this is the way it needs to work for better or worse.
Any helpful comments are welcome. All snarkey DBA drivel is not. Thanks in advance.
No. You can't dynamically reference columns in the :new or :old pseudorecord.
The closest you're likely to come is to write code that dynamically generates the entire trigger body by querying the data dictionary and making static references to columns in the pseudorecord. That code, however, would need to be run every time a column was added or removed from the table. Normally, that would be done as part of normal release management. If you are saying that people are adding and removing columns from this table without going through a release process, you could write a DDL trigger that submitted a job via dbms_job that called the procedure that rebuilt the trigger. That would be a lot of moving pieces and it would be a pain to troubleshoot when something inevitably goes wrong but if you're not open to alternate ways of implementing the functionality, that's complexity you'll have to live with.

Oracle Package erroring when a table doesn't exist

I'm using Oracle 9g at the moment and writing a package, which I'm fairly new to. I have some procedures in the package that load data into tables from external tables. It drops those tables first, recreates it with some transformations from the external table, and then creates the indexes for it. I can't just reference the external tables as I need indexes and a few changes to the data.
I then have some other procedures later on in the package that reference these temporary tables to do their work. It all works fine, except if, when running the procedures in order, the procedure that creates the table gets interrupted after it drops it, but before it creates it.
No if I make a change to the package body it compiles with errors as the later procedure that reference that table inform me that the table does not exist. Nor can I now run any of the procedures due to this validation error.
Can anyone advise of any best practices or how best to do these without getting these validation errors? Or is there a way to turn off this validation somehow?
Many thanks,
Make two packages. One that drops and creates the tables and the other with the data manipulation code. The second package will become invalid once you drop the tables but the first one will still be usable.

Keeping tables consistent during trigger execution?

I have a trigger that checks another couple of tables before allowing a row to be inserted. However between the time I check the other tables and insert the row the other tables may get updated.
How do I ensure the tables I'm checking remain in a consistent state until after the new row is inserted? I was thinking of taking locks out but everything I've read boils down to if you are not leaving locking to Oracle you're almost certainly doing it wrong.
Oracle is already doing this for you, when you perform a select it will look at all tables as of the time the transaction started ( the time of the first DML ). This wont stop the data from being changed under you though, your transaction just wont see it being changed. If you want to stop that data from being changed then you can use "SELECT FOR UPDATE" as Justin Cave suggests.
I would seriously question what you are doing though, triggers, except in the most trivial cases, almost always lead to unexpected side effects.

Monitoring which statement updates (and when) a certain table row with Oracle 10

I'm using (have to) a badly designed Oracle(10) DB, for which I don't have admin rights (although I can create tables, triggers, etc in my scheme).
Now I had run into a problem: this DB connected with several users/programs. I must find out who updates a certain row, when, and if possible: with what kind of statement. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance!
It would be easier to do this if you had admin rights to enable auditing. Without the power of auditing you are left with the use of triggers to handle the logging of inserts/updates/delete. In your case since you are interested in only update, you can put a trigger on the table to fire after the update which logs to another table what was changed, by whom, from where and to what and on what day.
I would create a journal table for the table you are working with. It will show you the operation type and the oracle user...as well as a bunch of other data if you need it.
