Laravel4 Iframe URL with special chartecter throw NotFoundHttpException - laravel

I'm currently using Laravel4 for my project.
It's ok when I use this:
<iframe src="{{URL::to('/'). $video->path}}" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
But when I use this:
<iframe src="{{URL::to('/'). $video->path}}&autoplay=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
The iframe will return Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException.
How can I fix this? Please help me out.
Thanks so much smile

I think you doing the query string wrong.
If the URL of the video is: and you append a &autoplay=0, then the url will be which does not exist.
Change the &autoplay=0 to ?autoplay=0 to see if its works.


laravel how to display pdf in any page

How can I display a PDF in a Laravel View like I can display a normal image?
The code I am using to implement an image is:
<div class="u-img">
src="image/{{ Auth::user()->photo_jpeg }}"
What options/HTML-tags can I use to display a PDF?
you could use an object
<object data="/path/to/pdf.pdf" type="application/pdf">
you could use an iframe
<iframe src="" id="pdf_display_frame" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>

Empty images in wordpress

sorry for my English.
I have installed wordpress theme “Dynamix”. Dynamix uses plugin WPBakery Visual Composer. When I insert “Single Image” in post, then image have empty src. Example:
<a class="fancybox galleryimg blackwhite " style="width:200px" data-fancybox-group="gallerygdgrid_1" title="Controller" href="http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/circle1.png">
<img class="gallery-img " width="200" height="200" alt="Controller" src="" style="visibility: visible; opacity: 1;">
When I insert image using wordpress embedded “insert media” window all works fine.
Where is the problem?
Thanks You!

After iframe, no div value showing in webpage

My application is web based and developed by MVC3 razor. I wanna show SSRS report in my page. For that I have used iframe tag to show SSRS report and its working fine. After the iframe tag I have put a div and included content in that.
<iframe height="100" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" src="http://" />
<div>© 2012</div>
Problem: I facing problem in div i.e. I'm unable to view values inside the div.
I'm using IE8
An iframe is not a self-closing tag. You should change from <iframe /> to <iframe></iframe>:
<iframe height="100" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" src="http://"></iframe>
<div>© 2012</div>
iframe's can be self-closed with HTML5, but IE8 doesn't support this.
Your iframe code is missing the closing, you should change your code to
<iframe height="100" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" src="http://" ></iframe>
<div>© 2012</div><div>
<iframe height="100" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" src="http://" ></iframe>
<div>© 2012</div>

Module padding in Joomla 1.5

I want to put "5px padding" for my banner in a module. I have made a template with artisteer. Simply I have added a module calling "top" in my index.php file like this:
<div class="logo_custom">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="logo" />
It appears the banner with "padding:0 0;". How can I put a 5px padding for my banner? I have tried with div, calling a class with css file. But doesn't work. If anyone has any idea please share it with me.
Thanks in advance. Sorry for my poor English.
.logo_custom { padding: 5px; }

Pinterest pinit button not working on my website the image does not show it appears broken

<a href=""
Pin It
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
your sample code doesn't have the img link which pinterest give you in the code snippet.
Assuming you mis-copied and omitted it, I had the same problem because pinterest give you this:
<img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It" />
I had to add http: to the src to get it to work, ie:
<img border="0" src="" title="Pin It" />
Hope that helps.
The media parameter of your pintrest url should point at your image file, like so:
<a href=""
Pin It
From the pintrest goodies page
