Querying a one to one relationship from a collection - laravel

The problem is I need to pull a collection from a collection. I have already set up the models and database so these relationships work:
A User can have many Negotiations
A Negotiation has one RiderNegotiation
However I can't perform this query:
I thought I could get around this in my view file if I just passed off $user->negotiation and then parse through the negotiations. I discovered I can't use isEmpty() this way however.
Is there some kind of nifty trick in Laravel to do this kind of relationship querying? I feel like this is a common issue.

hasMany returns a Collection of elements and you can't call hasOne on a Collection.
You should be able to do:
$negociations = User::find(1)->negotiations;
#foreach($negociations as $negociation)
echo get_class($negociation->riderNegotiation); //riderNegotiation

$negotiations = User::find(Auth::user()->id)->negotiations;
$temp = array();
foreach($negotiations as $negotiation ) {
$temp = array_merge($temp,$negotiaton->riderNegotiation->toArray());
A little resource expensive but $temp should contain all rider negotiations for that user.


Best approcah for getting the object in the foreach loop in laravel using eloquent?

I have some properties and i want to get the object for each property, currently, I am using the eloquent in the foreach loop like this as shown in the image that will describe the best..
but it is really not a good approach because if I have 100 published property I will making 100 calls to the DB... and that is not correct?
I need a suggestion and a proper solution to this query?
Thanks in advance
Before foreach you can get all the RentalProperty items from db like this:
$allRentalProperties = RentalProperty::all();
and in foreach loop you can get those items without connecting database like this:
$propertyObj = $allRenatalProperties -> where('id', $property['id']) -> first();
Also, you can use array shorthand.
$newArray = [];
it's much simple and readable.
You can do array pluck before loop:
$propertyIds = Arr::pluck($published_properties, 'id');
Then you can make a whereIn query to get only those data which are in $published_properties object
$propertyObj = RentalProperty::whereIn('id', $propertyIds);
Then you can access that object with id if you change array key with record id.

How to dissociate elements from a HasMany relation?

There's the save and saveMany methods on the HasMany relation class, but where are the dissociate(Many)/detach(Many) methods? There's also no built-in way to get the inverse relationship method, so what's the best way to dissociate an array of id's/models from a HasMany relationship object.
Currently I'm using:
$hasMany = $parent->theRelationship(); // Get the relationship object.
$child = $hasMany->getRelated(); // Get an empty related model.
$key = $hasMany->getForeignKeyName(); // Get the name of the column on the child to set to NULL.
$child->findMany($IDs)->each(function($model) use ($key) {
$model->$key = NULL;
This could be alot shorter with something like:
$hasMany = $parent->theRelationship();
Bonus points if you have any official answers from Taylor as to why he hasn't implemented this, I've seen him close feature requests of this kind on GitHub.
I am not sure why there isn't a function, but to be more performant than your example, you could use the DB class like:
\DB::table('child_table')->where('parent_id', $parent->id)->update(['parent_id' => null]);
You could use detach like so;
Where you pass an array of IDs.
From Laravel documentation:
"For convenience, attach and detach also accept arrays of IDs as input"
The performatic way (1 db update):
$partent->theRelationship()->update(['parent_id' => null]);
The readable way (multiple db updates):

ManyToMany with and whereIn

I have a ManyToMany relationship between AdInterest and AdInterestGroup models, with a belongsToMany() method in each model so I can use dynamic properties:
I can find all the "interests" in a single group like this:
$interests = AdInterestGroup::find(1)->interests->pluck('foo');
What I need is a merged, deduplicated array of the related 'foo' field from multiple groups.
I imagine I can deduplicate with ->unique(), but first, as you'd expect, this:
Property [interests] does not exist on the Eloquent builder instance.
The advice seems to be to use eager loading via with():
Firstly, as you'd expect that's giving me an array of two values though (one for each ID).
Also, if I try and pluck('foo') again, it's looking in the wrong database table: from the AdInterestGroup table, rather than the relationship (AdInterest).
Is there a nice, neat Collection method / pipeline I can use to combine the data and get access to the relationship fields?
Use pluck() and flatten():
$groups = AdInterestGroup::with('interests')->whereIn('id', [1, 2])->get();
$interests = $groups->pluck('interests')->flatten();
$foos = $interests->pluck('foo')->unique();

Is it possible to eager load arbitrary queries in Eloquent?

I'm working in Laravel 4, and I have a Child model with multiple EducationProfiles:
class Child extends EloquentVersioned
public function educationProfiles()
return $this->hasMany('EducationProfile');
If I wanted to get all the EducationProfiles for each kid under age 10 it would be easy:
But say (as I do) that I would like to use with() to grab a calculated value for the Education Profiles of each of those kids, something like:
SELECT `education_profiles`.`child_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(`education_profiles`.`district`) as `district_list`
In theory with() only works with relationships, so do I have any options for associating the district_list fields to my Child models?
EDIT: Actually, I was wondering whether with('educationProfiles') generates SQL equivalent to:
or whether it's actually equivalent to
The reason I ask is that in the former I'm getting models, if it's the latter I'm getting unmodeled data, and thus I can probably mess it up as much as I want. I assume with() generates an additional set models, though. Anybody care to correct or confirm?
Ok, I think I've cracked this nut. No, it is NOT possible to eager load arbitrary queries. However, the tools have been provided by the Fluent query builder to make it relatively easy to replicate eager loading manually.
First, we leverage the original query:
$query = Child::where('date_of_birth','>','2004-03-27')->with('educationProfiles');
$children = $query->get();
$eagerIds = $query->lists('id');
Next, use the $eagerIds to filterDB::table('education_profile') in the same way that with('educationProfiles') would filter EducationProfile::...
$query2 = DB::table('education_profile')->whereIn('child_id',$eagerIds)->select('child_id', 'GROUP_CONCAT(`education_profiles`.`district`) as `district_list`')->groupBy('child_id');
$educationProfiles = $query2->lists('district_list','child_id');
Now we can iterate through $children and just look up the $educationProfiles[$children->id] values for each entry.
Ok, yes, it's an obvious construction, but I haven't seen it laid out explicitly anywhere before as a means of eager loading arbitrary calculations.
You can add a where clause to your hasMany() call like this:
public function educationProfilesUnderTen() {
$ten_years_ago = (new DateTime('10 years ago'))->format('Y-m-d');
return $this->hasMany('EducationProfile')->where('date_of_birth', '>', $ten_years_ago)

Laravel Eloquent and combing data to send to View

I'm trying to figure out a way to combine data from two tables into a single variable that I can then send to my view. I'm using Authority as my authentication bundle and so I have the following tables set up: users, roles, role_user. I want to get the following data into a single variable.
From the users table:
id, name, email
From the roles table:
The following returns all the user data in the users table:
$users = User::all();
But, I want to make a chain that can get the related data stored in the roles table? I want all users and all of each users roles together.
And while I can find examples that help get related data for a single record I haven't been able to find any reference to retrieving entire tables with related data.
$users = User::with('roles')->get()
Eager loading is what you are looking for, read the docs :)
Im not 100% sure what you are after, I think you should make relations with Eloquents methods. But if you are looking for a way to just merge the data returned by two models you could do the following:
$users = User::all();
$roles = Roles::all();
$array = array_merge($users->toArray(), $roles->toArray());
return Response::json($array);
You could make the model calls so that they return exactly what you are after and then merge them together. If you want one Model to return something specific just make a function for it.
You need to use something like that:
$user = User::get();
$roles = Roles::get();
$user .= (object) $roles; //because of that both them are object array and we have to combine them as object array...
than you can pass the data to View
return View:make('templatefile')//or Redirect to_route whatever
->with('user', $user);
But the best way is belongs_to in your case. Please read the documentation:
