Is there anything similar to binfmt-support on mac OS X? - macos

What I wish to know is whether there is something similar to binfmt-support on mac.
I have a nacl binary executable and I wish to make mac aware of the executable format so thatI can run this executable from command prompt directly.
I have seen people using binfmt-support on linux to achieve this.
Just to explain what I want in more simple terms - Say I have a.nexe file. I can run this file on mac terminal with command "../tools/sel_ldr_x86_32 -B ../tools/irt_core_x86_32.nexe a.nexe"
Instead of this big command, I wish to simply run it like "./a.nexe" and my shell file should then get invoked which would eventually call the command like "../tools/sel_ldr_x86_32 -B ../tools/irt_core_x86_32.nexe a.nexe"

If the file itself is binary, so you can not add a #! to the start of the file, then so far as I know you only have one option; create an alias for the command line in your ~/.bashrc file:
alias nacl='/path/to/sel_ldr_x86_32 -B /path/to/irt_core_x86_32.nexe'
which would then let you type nacl a.nexe at the command line.
NOTE: You will want to use absolute paths in your alias for this to work correctly.


Running Octave-cli on Iterm/Zsh/Omgzsh in Mac OSX

It feels impossible to get it to run on any custom terminal. I know that is there but it always opens in the standard terminal. Any ways to execute octave scripts like a compiler (or) run it interactively like an interpreter from Iterm?
Using Mac OSX 10.9+
I know how to export path variables. But having searched the web can't find a way to do it. Is it even possible? I even tried it using homebrew to no avail.
You can see the content of, it's a script. Mine goes like this
open -a /usr/local/octave/3.8.0/bin/octave | logger 2>&1
It specify the terminal application used to open octave. This is the reason of your problem, as I think.
The solution is linking octave-cli in system path, better locates at "/usr/local/bin". like
ln -s /usr/local/octave/3.8.0/bin/octave-cli /usr/local/bin/octave-cli
Finally, octave can be accessed via any terminal(like iTerm) or shell(bash, zsh) by just type "octave-cli" command, which will be searched in system path and found to executed directly.

Cant call PDFtk from Matlab, but can from terminal

For some reason, when I try to call PDFtk from Matlab (pdftk *.pdf cat output combFile.pdf), I get a /bin/bash: pdftk: command not found error, but I can run the same command in terminal in the same directory with no problem. I have restarted my system, but that did not seem to help. I am running Mac OSX 10.9.1 and Matlab 2013b. I do not want to use the absolute path to PDFtk, because it needs to be cross-platform compatible.
EDIT: This may help. When I echo $PATH in Matlab I get /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin. When I do it in terminal, I get /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin. Then I did which pdftkand it returned /usr/local/bin/pdftk Is there anyway to add the /usr/local/bin/ path to Matlab?
I believe that the export PATH idea would probably be better for a single system (note: I have not tested it), but I needed my script to be used on several Mac and Linux machines that are out of my control. This is what I ended up using (yes, I know that this will break on Windows, but that is ok)
system('/usr/local/bin/pdftk myfig[0-9][0-9].pdf cat output myfigCombined.pdf');
system('/usr/bin/pdftk myfig[0-9][0-9].pdf cat output myfigCombined.pdf');
Originally, I was using if(isunix) for the second command, but presumably because of Mac's unix architecture both commands were being executed.
EDIT: I was able to test it on Linux and it worked perfectly. I suppose this would be the syntax for Windows, but I do not have access to a Windows machine with PDFtk and Matlab installed, so no guarantees (also, I am not sure that I did the path quotation marks right...):
elseif (ispc)
system('"C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFtk Server\bin\pdftk" myfig[0-9][0-9].pdf cat output myfigCombined.pdf');
It seems that your $PATH environment variable is not exported to Matlab. Reading
I'd suggest to add a
export PATH=$PATH:<Path-to-your-PDFtk-binary>
in your .bash_profile

Putting links to scripts in my cygwin bin

I have made a few python scripts, but is there an easier way to run them? I am using cygwin.
python "C:\Users\Desk\Dropbox\scripts\" > data11414_unsorted.txt < data11414_sorted.txt
I want something like this (not typing the path name or "python"):
wsort > data11414_unsorted.txt < data11414_sorted.txt
where wsort is a link to my real
Add a
to the script
then invoke like this > data11414_unsorted.txt < data11414_sorted.txt
First, your question has a Windows-style path (backslashes, beginning with C:) rather than a Cygwin path (/cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts/ That implies you're not actually using Cygwin, or if you are, you're ignoring a bunch of warnings.
The below assumes you're using Cygwin Bash (which should be what you get if you start Cygwin Terminal from the Start Menu) and Cygwin Python (which you've installed using Cygwin's setup.exe, not a Windows Python installer). If your not, you're making life more difficult for yourself than you need to.
That out the way, there's a bunch of steps you need to take:
First, make the script executable. Use the chmod command for that, from a Cygwin Bash shell:
chmod +x /cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts/
Second, tell the system how to execute it. Add the following line to the top of the script:
(That's a "shebang". Python sees it as a comment, so doesn't do anything with it, but Cygwin and other Linux-like systems will use that line to see which program to run the script with. In this case, Python.)
Third, make sure your line endings are correct. Cygwin expects Linux line endings and will fail without them. This may not be a problem, but there's no harm in doing this. Run the following command:
dos2unix /cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts/
At this point, you'll be able to call the script by specifying the full path to it in Cygwin. You can't yet run it without specifying where the script is explicitly.
The fourth step is making sure the script is "in your path", ie in one of the folders where Cygwin looks for scripts to run. There are lots of ways to do this, but the most sensible is probably to just add your scripts directory to your path. The following command will add your scripts directory to your path whenever you start a new Cygwin session:
echo 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts:$PATH"' >>~/.bashrc
You will need to restart your Cygwin terminal for that to take effect, however.
At that point, you'll be able to run the script in Cygwin just by typing (and thus use it with redirections and so forth as in your question).
Finally, to be able to call it simply as wsort, there's a number of options. The obvious one is just renaming the file. More usefully (and without copying the file or doing anything liable to break with Dropbox syncing things), try creating an alias:
echo 'alias' >>~/.bashrc
Again, you'll need to restart your Cygwin terminal for that to take effect.
Maybe use an alias ?
alias wsort = "Command_Used"

Equivalent of .bat in mac os

I currently use a .bat file that is utilized to invoke a java file. If I wanted to utilize the same functionality on Mac OS what format changes would I make? (unless the .bat equivalent on Mac OS is the .sh format?)
java -cp ".;.\supportlibraries\Framework_Core.jar;.\supportlibraries\Framework_DataTable.jar;.\supportlibraries\Framework_Reporting.jar;.\supportlibraries\Framework_Utilities.jar;.\supportlibraries\poi-3.8-20120326.jar;D:\downloads\Selenium 2.0\selenium-server-standalone-2.19.0.jar" allocator.testTrack
Any assistance would be appreciated.
May be you can find answer here? Equivalent of double-clickable .sh and .bat on Mac?
Usually you can create bash script for Mac OS, where you put similar commands as in batch file. For your case create bash file and put same command, but change back-slashes with regular ones.
Your file will look something like:
#! /bin/bash
java -cp ".;./supportlibraries/Framework_Core.jar;./supportlibraries/Framework_DataTable.jar;./supportlibraries/Framework_Reporting.jar;./supportlibraries/Framework_Utilities.jar;./supportlibraries/poi-3.8-20120326.jar;PATH_TO_YOUR_SELENIUM_SERVER_FOLDER/selenium-server-standalone-2.19.0.jar" allocator.testTrack
Change folders in path above to relevant one.
Then make this script executable: open terminal and navigate to folder with your script. Then change read-write-execute rights for this file running command:
chmod 755
Then you can run it like any other regular script:
or you can run it passing file to bash:
The common convention would be to put it in a .sh file that looks like this -
java -cp ".;./supportlibraries/Framework_Core.jar;... etc
Note that '\' become '/'.
You could execute as
or set the x bit on the file
chmod +x
and then just call
I found some useful information in a forum page, quoted below.
From this, mainly the sentences in bold formatting, my answer is:
Make a bash (shell) script version of your .bat file (like other
answers, with \ changed to / in file paths). For example:
# File "example.command":
java -cp ".;./supportlibraries/Framework_Core.jar; ...etc.
Then rename it to have the Mac OS file extension .command.
That should make the script run using the Terminal app.
If the app user is going to use a bash script version of the file on Linux
or run it from the command line, they need to add executable rights
(change mode bits) using this command, in the folder that has the file:
chmod +rx [filename].sh
#or:# chmod +rx [filename].command
The forum page question:
Good day, [...] I wondering if there are some "simple" rules to write an equivalent
of the Windows (DOS) bat file. I would like just to click on a file and let it run.
Info from some answers after the question:
Write a shell script, and give it the extension ".command".
For example:
printf "Hello World\n"
- Mar 23, 2010, Tony T1.
The DOS .BAT file was an attempt to bring to MS-DOS something like the idea of the UNIX script.
In general, UNIX permits you to make a text file with commands in it and run it by simply flagging
the text file as executable (rather than give it a specific suffix). This is how OS X does it.
However, OS X adds the feature that if you give the file the suffix .command, Finder
will run to execute it (similar to how BAT files work in Windows).
Unlike MS-DOS, however, UNIX (and OS X) permits you to specify what interpreter is used
for the script. An interpreter is a program that reads in text from a file and does something
with it. [...] In UNIX, you can specify which interpreter to use by making the first line in the
text file one that begins with "#!" followed by the path to the interpreter. For example [...]
echo Hello World
- Mar 23, 2010, J D McIninch.
Also, info from an accepted answer for Equivalent of double-clickable .sh and .bat on Mac?:
On mac, there is a specific extension for executing shell
scripts by double clicking them: this is .command.

Cygwin automatic script launch

Im trying to automatically run a script using Cygwin via CMD. I basically created a BAT file that goes to the directory and executes an .SH file. SH files are accosiated with Cygwin, and I tried something like "cygwin" in the command line. But all it really does is open Cygwin. I want Cygwin to automatically run the script file. Is there any easy way to do this, I've been trying to find but can't. Thank you!
You'll want to call the shell script with a particular shell, e.g. bash.
When having Cygwin open, call which bash to figure out where the binary is located. Cygwin also comes with tools that can convert paths between Cygwin and Win32 form, which is pretty helpful in cases like yours.
There is one other thing that may work, depending on your setup. There is an environment variable named PATHEXT which declares file extensions that are deemed "executable" by CMD. This can be used to your advantage, if Windows is configured so that the shell's "open" verb executes the correct shell for the file extension .sh (in your case).
Good luck.
From Cygwin Terminal, read man mintty. Try something like the following from a Windows Command Prompt:
c:\cygwin\bin\mintty --hold always --exec /cygdrive/c/path/to/bash/
I also found this!
I didn't quite understand it at first, but then it worked as I wanted it. Just if anyone knows, is there a way to make the script run without the CMD window open?? Thanks
