Bash script to scan sub-directories and copy contents of file to another file - bash

I need to do a bash command that will look through every home directory on a system, and copy the contents of the .forward file to a single file, along with copying the name of the directory it just copied from. So for example the final file would be something like forwards.txt and listeings would be
I've used this to list them to screen.
find /home -name '*' | cat /home/*/.forward
and it will print out the forward in each file but I'm not getting it to prefix it with which home directory it came from. Would I need to use a loop to do this? I had this test loop,
for i in /home/*
if [ -d $i ]
pwd >> /tmp/forwards.txt
cat /home/*/.forward >> /tmp/forwards.txt
But it went through the four home directories on my test setup and the forwards.txt file had the following listed four times.

There is corrected version of your script:
for i in /home/*
if [ -f "$i/.forward" ]
echo "$i" >> /tmp/forwards.txt
cat "$i/.forward" >> /tmp/forwards.txt
Some points:
we checks for presents of .forward file inside home directory instead of existence of home directory itself
on each iteration $i contains name of home directory (like /home/user1). So we use its value instead of output of pwd command which always returns current directory (it doesn't change in our case)
instead of /home/*/.forward we use "/home/$i/.forward" because * after substitution gives to us all directories, while we need only current
Another, shortest version of this script may looks like this:
find /home -type f -name '.forward' | while read F; do
dirname "$F" >>/tmp/forwards.txt
cat "$F" >>/tmp/forwards.txt

I would write
for fwd in /home/*/.forward; do
dirname "$fwd"
cat "$fwd"
done > forwards.txt

A one liner (corrected):
find /home -maxdepth 2 -name ".forward" -exec echo "{}" >> /tmp/forwards.txt \; -exec cat "{}" >> /tmp/forwards.txt \;
This will output:


Do actions in each folder from current directory via terminal

I'm trying to run a series of commands on a list of files in multiple directories located directly under the current branch.
An example hierarchy is as follows:
| |-a.txt
| |-b.txt
| |-c.txt
| |-a.txt
| |-b.txt
| |-c.txt
From the /tmp directory I'm sitting at my prompt and I'm trying to run a command against the a.txt file by renaming it to d.txt.
How do I get it to go into each directory and rename the file? I've tried the following and it won't work:
for i in ./*; do
mv "$i" $"(echo $i | sed -e 's/a.txt/d.txt/')"
It just doesn't jump into each directory. I've also tried to get it to create files for me, or folders under each hierarchy from the current directory just 1 folder deep, but it won't work using this:
for x in ./; do
mkdir -p cats
for x in ./; do
touch $x/cats.txt
Any ideas ?
Place the below script in your base directory
# Move 'a.txt's to 'd.txt's recursively
CUR_DIR=$(dirname "$1")
mv "$1" "$CUR_DIR/d.txt"
export -f mover
find . -type f -name "a.txt" -exec bash -c 'mover "$0"' {} \;
and execute it.
If you wish be a bit more innovative and generalize the script, you could accept directory name to search for as a parameter to the script and pass the directory name to find
> for i in ./*; do
As per your own description, this will assign ./1 and then ./2 to i. Neither of those matches any of the actual files. You want
for i in ./*/*; do
As a further aside, the shell is perfectly capable of replacing simple strings using glob patterns. This also coincidentally fixes the problem with not quoting $i when you echo it.
mv "$i" "${i%/a.txt}/d.txt"

Unix shell script to find a file and replace name by pattern

I have a folder called /input/temp. Inside the folder I have lot of files. I need to find the file of pattern Article_????_test_?????????.txt and replace by format below.
Below is the code I tried and which doesn't work:
echo "Please provide the file name Corresponding to DC..."
read file
ls $HOME/*.txt | grep $file
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
find . $file '*_Test_*' -exec bash -c 'mv $0 ${0/_Test/ }' {} \;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
find . $file -name "*.txt" -exec bash -c "mv {} \`echo {} | sed -e 's/[_TEST_]/_/g'\`" \;
I Got below error:
find: 0652-083 Cannot execute bash:: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
find: 0652-083 Cannot execute bash:: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
bash can't be executed on my platform.
Unless the file name is a regular expression you can use if [ -e "$file" ] instead of ls + grep + test.
When you do find . $file '*_Test_*' the last three parameters are actually taken as files or directories to search underneath! It will return
all files in the current directory,
all files in the directory $file or the path $file if it's not a directory, and
all files in any directories matching *_Test_* or their paths if they are not directories.
There's no need for bash - you can run mv directly in -exec. This is just extra complexity for no gain.
Use $(command) instead of command for much easier quote handling. Each $() has a separate quoting context, so you can do for example echo "$(command "$(c2 "argument with spaces")")".
According to the link here:
This should work
ls -1 Article_????test?????????.txt|awk '{old=$0;gsub(/test/,"_",$0);system("mv \""old"\" "$0)}'
Also try the 'rename' command.
rename 's/_test_/_/' *.txt
You can fine tune the regular expression...
Update from your code:
cd $HOME
find . -name '*_Test_*' |while read line
echo mv ${line) ${line/_Test/}
If you need search the pattern Article_????test?????????.txt, try this
cd $HOME
find . -name 'Article_????_test_?????????.txt' |while read line
echo mv ${line) ${line/_Test/}

command line find first file in a directory

My directory structure is as follows
I'm trying to use the command line in a bash shell on ubuntu to take the first file from each directory and rename it to the directory name and move it up one level so it sits alongside the directory.
In the above example:
file1.jpg would be renamed to Directory1.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory1
anotherfile1.jpg would be renamed to Directory2.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory2
yetanotherfile1.jpg would be renamed to Directory3.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory3
I've tried using:
find . -name "*.jpg"
but it does not list the files in sequential order (I need the first file).
This line:
find . -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec ls "{}" +;
lists the files in the correct order but how do I pick just the first file in each directory and move it up one level?
Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: When I refer to the first file what I mean is each jpg is numbered from 0 to however many files in that folder - for example: file1, file2...... file34, file35 etc... Another thing to mention is the format of the files is random, so the numbering might start at 0 or 1a or 1b etc...
You can go inside each dir and run:
$ mv `ls | head -n 1` ..
If first means whatever the shell glob finds first (lexical, but probably affected by LC_COLLATE), then this should work:
for dir in */; do
for file in "$dir"*.jpg; do
echo mv "$file" "${file%/*}.jpg" # If it does what you want, remove the echo
break 1
Proof of concept:
$ mkdir dir{1,2,3} && touch dir{1,2,3}/file{1,2,3}.jpg
$ for dir in */; do for file in "$dir"*.jpg; do echo mv "$file" "${file%/*}.jpg"; break 1; done; done
mv dir1/file1.jpg dir1.jpg
mv dir2/file1.jpg dir2.jpg
mv dir3/file1.jpg dir3.jpg
Look for all first level directories, identify first file in this directory and then move it one level up
find . -type d \! -name . -prune | while read d; do
f=$(ls $d | head -1)
mv $d/$f .
Building on the top answer, here is a general use bash function that simply returns the first path that resolves to a file within the given directory:
getFirstFile() {
for dir in "$1"; do
for file in "$dir"*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "$file"
break 1
# don't forget the trailing slash
getFirstFile ~/documents/
NOTE: it will silently return nothing if you pass it an invalid path.

Finding text within files with filenames

I have a number of clients running a piece of software within their public_html directory. The software includes a file named version.txt that contains the version number of their software (the number and nothing else).
I want to write a bash script that will look for a file named version.txt directly within every user's /home/xxx/public_html/ and output both the path to the file, and the contents of the file, i.e:
/home/matt/public_html/version.txt: 3.4.07
/home/john/public_html/version.txt: 3.4.01
/home/sam/public_html/version.txt: 3.4.03
So far all I have tried is:
for file in 'locate "public_html/version.txt"'
echo "$file"
cat $file
But that does not work at all.
find /home -type f -path '*public_html/version.txt' -exec echo {} " " `cat {}` \;
Might work for you, but you can go without echo and cat ("tricking" grep):
find /home -type f -path '*public_html/version.txt' -exec grep -H "." {} \;
Or do it using find:
find /home -name "*/public_html/version.txt" -exec grep -H "" {} \;
for i in /home/*/public_html/version.txt; do
echo $i
cat $i
will find all the relevant files (using shell wildcarding), echo the filename out and cat out the file.
If you want a more concise output, you should investigate grep and replace the echo/cat with an appropriate regular expression e.g.
grep "[0-9]\.[0-9]" $i

How to copy and rename files in shell script

I have a folder "test" in it there is 20 other folder with different names like A,B ....(actually they are name of people not A, B...) I want to write a shell script that go to each folder like test/A and rename all the .c files with A[1,2..] and copy them to "test" folder. I started like this but I have no idea how to complete it!
for file in `find test/* -name '*.c'`; do mv $file $*; done
Can you help me please?
This code should get you close. I tried to document exactly what I was doing.
It does rely on BASH and the GNU version of find to handle spaces in file names. I tested it on a directory fill of .DOC files, so you'll want to change the extension as well.
#The last path we saw -- make it garbage, but not blank. (Or it will break the '[' test command
#Let us find the files we want
find $SRC -iname "*.doc" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' i
echo "We found the file name... $i";
#Now, we rip off the off just the file name.
FNAME=$(basename "$i" .doc)
echo "And the basename is $FNAME";
#Now we get the last chunk of the directory
ZPATH=$(dirname "$i" | awk -F'/' '{ print $NF}' )
echo "And the last chunk of the path is... $ZPATH"
# If we are down a new path, then reset our counter.
if [ $LPATH == $ZPATH ]; then
# Eat the error message
mkdir $DEST/$ZPATH 2> /dev/null
echo cp \"$i\" \"$DEST/${ZPATH}/${FNAME}${V}\"
cp "$i" "$DEST/${ZPATH}/${FNAME}${V}"
## Find folders under test. This assumes you are already where test exists OR give PATH before "test"
folders="$(find test -maxdepth 1 -type d)"
## Look into each folder in $folders and find folder[0-9]*.c file n move them to test folder, right?
for folder in $folders;
##Find folder-named-.c files.
folder_named_c_files="$(find $folder -type f -name "*.c" | grep "${leaf_folder}[0-9]")"
## Move these folder_named_c_files to test folder. basename will hold just the file name.
## Don't know as you didn't mention what name the file to rename to, so tweak mv command acc..
for file in $folder_named_c_files; do basename=$file; mv $file test/$basename; done
