How to set runtime parameter from NUnit GUI? - refactoring

Currently I am working on a large scale refactoring task where WinForms controls are affected. So practically I would like to change 3rd party controls with our custom controls. I extracted an interface from the 3rd party component, and now I am implementing our custom controls. I wrote tests against the extracted interface, and created a bunch of unit tests which runs against both the old implementation (the 3rd party one) and the new implementation.It would be fine for me if I could use some runtime switch for the tests. What I mean is that I d like to call ShowDialog() at the end of the tests to provide visual feedback on what I did. It would be strictly an option for the developers. Obviously on build servers it would be not used at all.
Is there any way to do this with NUnit? Can I provide runtime parameters on NUnit GUI?

Yes you can. If you run nunit.exe /? you'll see the list of options you can pass to the GUI executable.
NUNIT-GUI [inputfile] [options]
Runs a set of NUnit tests from the console. You may specify an assembly or a project file of type .nunit as input.
Options: /fixture=STR Fixture to test
/include=STR List of categories to include
/exclude=STR List of categories to exclude
/config=STR Project configuration to load
/noload Suppress loading of last project
/run Automatically run the loaded project
/runselected Automatically run selected tests or all tests if none are selected
/console Create console display for viewing any unmanaged output
/lang=STR Language to use for the NUnit GUI
/cleanup Erase any leftover cache files and exit
/help Display help (Short format: /?)
In regards to providing feedback to developers, I would suggest using /console and sending output to Console.WriteLine() instead of using ShowDialog(). Hope this helps.


$(shell some-command) equivalent for Visual Studio project macros?

With Makefiles I'm used to being able to write things like:
includedir=$(shell pg_config --includedir)/server
to run an external program, pg_config, with argument(s) --includedir, and include the result in a variable or as part of a variable. So if pg_config --includedir output /usr/include to stdout, the value of includedir would become:
Is there any way to do the equivalent with a Visual Studio project? Run a command, get the result, and substitute it into a property?
I find myself having to edit properties pages all over the place - changing the include directories and library directories for both the x86 and x64 configurations of a project whenever I want to build an extension against a different PostgreSQL version. It is intensely frustrating.
I want to be able to put something like this into Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories:
%(shell pg_config --includedir)
or even better:
%(shell %(PG_CONFIG) --includedir)
where %(PG_CONFIG)'s location is defined in a single place for each platform in the project.
So I'm looking for at least user-defined macros, and preferably the ability to invoke a command line tool and replace the macro with the resulting standard output.
(Preferably in a way that doesn't involve delving into semi-documented UI elements that move and get renamed in every VS version, and that appear and disappear from the various Express editions).
This has been possible in Makefiles for 20 years, there must be a way to do it in VS, right? Or do "Real Windows Developers" generate their VS projects with scripts and build them using MSBuild?
I've looked at some similar questions without finding much of use, e.g.:
Visual Studio - Where to define custom path macros?
In particular, I'm aware of property sheets (View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager), but they don't seem to provide a way to set a value in just one place, they're still per-configuration and per-architecture, so if you have four configurations and two architectures it gets awkward. Unlike with the normal project property editor you can't even apply a change across a group of architectures/configurations, either.
I could use a VS extension, but they require installation into the user's VS, can be version-specific, and seem like a very big hammer for a small problem.
I find myself having to edit properties pages all over the place
That bugged me to no end as well. Property sheets to the rescue! When setting up a major solution in VS10, for example, I had every project pull in a settings.props that contained the common settings, made in only one place. Then go through all the generated or imported projects and kill any explicit value (even if blank) for everything possible. That way things will inherit from property sheets. Select "all configurations" and on each properly use the drop-down to "inherit from...".
I have property sheets for each special library too, just defining the proper #define, include paths, lib paths, etc. Projects that use that particular external lib simply use that property sheet. Users are told, in the worst case, to “edit the XML to change the path to where you have Boost”.
As for setting such a properly to a dynamic determined value, you can do that too. There are property functions you can use.
It sounds like you're going down the same path as I did.
More notes: “prop sheets are per configuration/platform”: If you include a prop sheet at the top-level node for the project itself (not the Debug|Win32, etc. child nodes) it will include it into all current configurations at once. If you edit the properly page, you can choose Multiple or All configurations on the Property dialog box, just as with the usual project use of the Property dialog.
“Custom user macros are well hidden” A property page shows up for that when in a property sheet you created, but not when opening property dialog on a proj file as in the normal File View. The macro will be set in one place (the prop page) and usable as a $(name) in all projects that include it, and even in other property pages that come later in the evaluation sequence.
Let me know how it goes. You should be able to do everything you asked.
In addition to #jdlugosz's answer:
It looks like the traditional way to do this with Visual Studio, before the advent of property functions, was to write a new MSBuild Task. The task can potentially do things like modify a property sheet.
MSBuild supports "inline tasks" where the task code is in the MSBuild project file, rather than a separate assembly, so it might not be neccessary to create a new subproject just for the task.
There are a bunch of built-in tasks, like Exec and CreateProperty that may be useful.
The docs say that:
[The Exec task] is useful when a specific MSBuild task for the job that you want to perform is not available. However, the Exec task, unlike a more specific task, cannot gather output from the tool or command that it runs.
... but that seems to be outdated/wrong so you don't need horrible workarounds.
So, prior to .NET 4.5 I'd probably have to write a custom task for this simple job, because there's no way to feed the command stdout/stderr into the CreateProperty task or have Exec create a property directly. But in 4.5 it looks like I can do it directly. At least in VS Express support for tasks etc is very limited so you'll probably land up editing the XML.

Is there option to run some .exe when starting MSTest tests?

I'm writing tests using MSTest. I need to run executable from another project (in solution) before tests starts.
Is there other option beside invoking exe directly under [ClassInitialize]? In this case I'm loosing debugging capabilities.
Something like Multiple startup projects in solution properties.
If it is in the same solution, can't you add a reference to it in your test project and call it directly from [ClassInitialize]. This shouldn't cause you to lose debugging capabilities. Do you not have access to the source code of the executable?

Developing Reg-Free COM application with VB6

I'm maintaining a VB6 application with many COM components (DLLs and OCXs). In order to streamline development and deployment I'd like to use reg-free com. The problem with development is that the application runs within the VB6.EXE instance. How can I trick VB6 to use my (unregistered) components? It is very important for me to not have to go through registering/unregistering components when switching between branches. Generating a .manifest file for VB6 is not out of the question but is there some other, more optimal way, to specify a .manifest file when launching VB6.EXE?
Note: The Activation Context API doesn't seem to help, even if used from within the development environment.
Solutions I've thought:
A utility application that activates a context from a manifest and launches VB6 as a child process (doesn't work; processes don't inherit activation context)
Injecting context activation into the VB6 process at startup (too complicated; must hack the executable to do this)
Hosting VB6 in my own process after activating the right context (can't even find out if this is possible)
Using a VB6 Add-In or other utility that runs within VB6 to activate a context (tried that but it doesn't seem to work)
Update Jan. 16
As suggested by wqw, I did some testing with a VB.exe.manifest. The VB6.exe.manifest worked, with some caveats:
The SxS dll specified in the manifest would not appear in the references window on projects that didn't actually reference the component
On projects that did reference the component it would be shown to reside in the directory according to the following order:
The pathname recorded in the project file (if the file was still present)
A pathname as if it resided in the same folder as the project (vbp)
If the file was not in any of these folders, the project would not compile (just running the code causes an internal compile in VB6) with the message "Can't find project or library".
Obviously, VB6 actualy scans the registry to find COM components and verifies, during compilation, that they exist where they say they exist. I'm not sure what that might mean if I actually want to use VB6.exe.manifest to redirect COM component instantiation. Perhaps having dummy component files at some predefined location might trick VB6 into believing that everything is as it should be, although an entirely different set of components got loaded for use.
Further update:
I did a test on that last assumption and it proved to be false. The component has to actually be there in order for the project to compile. It must even properly load (no dummy, zero-length files accepted!). Now I'm not even sure if the manifest works. That's a more time-consuming test (requires a component with two versions that produce different results, one with the project, and one for the manifest).
Our approach to this problem was to write a build assist program that registered and unregistered components, run the VB6 compiler, and would even rewrite project files with updated GUIDs when interfaces changed. You would hand it a VBG project group and it would do the rest.
I suppose we could also have added a mode that unregistered components when you switched branches.
Are you following the practice of using "compatibility" binaries? You shouldn't use the binary at your build location for compatibility references - you should commit a separate copy to version control and configure your project to consider that the "compatible" version - only change this file when you break interfaces.

VB6 Integration with MSBuild

So this is a question for anyone who has had to integrate the building/compilation of legacy projects/code in a Team Build/MSBuild environment - specifically, Visual Basic 6 applications/projects.
Outside of writing a custom build Task (which I am not against) does anyone have any suggestions on how best to integrate compilation and versioning of legacy VB6 projects into MSBuild builds?
I'm aware of the FreeToDev msbuild tasks at CodePlex but they've been withdrawn at the moment.
Ideally I'm looking to version and compile the code as well as capture the compilation output (especially errors) for the msbuild log.
I've seen advice on encapsulating this functionality in a custom task, but really wondered if anyone has tried another solution (aside from executing shell commands) -
In essence, does anyone have a "cleaner" solution?
Ideally, executing commands using would be a last resort..
The VB6 task will be back on Monday. With regards to versioning, there is no explicit vb versioning task in the pack, however you could make use of the TfsVersion (TaskAction="GetVersion") and the File (TaskAction="Replace") tasks. If you think there is value in creating a new task to encapsulate / provide other functions, then please let me know and I will add it to the pack for the benefit of the whole community.
Apologies for the withdrawal, but come Monday I'm sure all will understand.
I am using Nant to build VB6 projects daily. This does resort using the Nant execute command to do the builds (we build 4 projects as part of one "solution").
It also allows you to label versions in your source control repository, get latest code, check in, check out, all the normal requirements, compile the update/setup programs copy the files to required locations and send emails of the results.
The logged results are fairly minimal though as you only get the output provided by a VB6 command line compile.
For versioning, I had to write a small app to extract the version number of my compiled executable and write it to a text file that Nant could then read and use (for labels, file names etc. (A bit of a pain but VB generated version numbers don't comply anyway).
For help with other non-core tasks see NAntContrib - from the NAnt link above.

How do I run (unit) tests in different folders/projects separately in Visual Studio?

I need some advice as to how I easily can separate test runs for unit tests and integration test in Visual Studio. Often, or always, I structure the solution as presented in the above picture: separate projects for unit tests and integration tests. The unit tests is run very frequently while the integration tests naturally is run when the context is correctly aligned.
My goal is to somehow be able configure which tests (or test folders) to run when I use a keyboard shortcut. The tests should preferably be run by a graphical test runner (ReSharpers). So for example
Alt+1 runs the tests in project BLL.Test,
Alt+2 runs the tests in project DAL.Tests,
Alt+3 runs them both (i.e. all the tests in the [Tests] folder, and
Alt+4 runs the tests in folder [Tests.Integration]. have an option of running just the test in the selected folder or project by right-clicking it and select Run Test(s). Being able to do this, but via a keyboard command and with a graphical test runner would be awesome.
Currently I use VS2008, ReSharper 4 and nUnit. But advice for a setup in the general is of course also appreciated.
I actually found kind of a solution for this on my own by using keyboard command bound to a macro. The macro was recorded from the menu Tools>Macros>Record TemporaryMacro. While recording I selected my [Tests] folder and ran ReSharpers UnitTest.ContextRun. This resulted in the following macro,
Sub TemporaryMacro()
End Sub
which was then bound to it's own keyboard command in Tools>Options>Environment>Keyboard.
However, what would be even more awesome is a more general solution where I can configure exactly which projects/folders/classes to run and when. For example by the means of an xml file. This could then easily be checked in to version control and distributed to everyone who works with the project.
This is a bit of fiddly solution, but you could configure some external tools for each of group of tests you want to run. I'm not sure if you'll be able to launch the ReSharper test runner this way, but you can run the console version of nunit. Once you have of those tools setup, you can assigned keyboard shortcuts to the commands "Tools.ExternalCommand1", "Tools.ExternalCommand2", etc.
This wont really scale very well, and it's awkward to change - but it will give you keyboard shortcuts for running your tests. It does feel like there should be a much simpler way of doing this.
You can use a VS macro to parse the XML file and then call nunit.exe with the /fixture command line argument to specify which classes to run or generate a selection save file and run nunit using that.
I have never used this but maybe it could help....
"Project Description
This project is about running all unit test inside multiple .NET Unit tests assembly coded with Visual Studio 2008."
