Ruby challenge: experienced developers opinions - ruby

I'm working on some ruby problems geared towards new developers, but I would like the opinions of experienced developers on this. Sorry for the long post, and I really appreciate your time and opinions.
Problem Question
Write a function, nearest_larger(arr, i) which takes an array and an
index. The function should return another index, j: this should
(a) arr[i] < arr[j], AND
(b) there is no j2 closer to i than j where arr[i] < arr[j].
In case of ties (see example below), choose the earliest (left-most)
of the two indices. If no number in arr is larger than arr[i],
return nil.
Difficulty: 2/5
Rspec Test
describe "#nearest_larger" do
it "handles a simple case to the right" do
nearest_larger([2,3,4,8], 2).should == 3
it "handles a simple case to the left" do
nearest_larger([2,8,4,3], 2).should == 1
it "treats any two larger numbers like a tie" do
nearest_larger([2,6,4,8], 2).should == 1
it "should choose the left case in a tie" do
nearest_larger([2,6,4,6], 2).should == 1
it "handles a case with an answer > 1 distance to the left" do
nearest_larger([8,2,4,3], 2).should == 0
it "handles a case with an answer > 1 distance to the right" do
nearest_larger([2,4,3,8], 1).should == 3
it "should return nil if no larger number is found" do
nearest_larger( [2, 6, 4, 8], 3).should == nil
def nearest_larger arr, idx
diff = 1
loop do
l = idx - diff
r = idx + diff
return l if (l >= 0) && (arr[l] > arr[idx])
return r if (r < arr.length) && (arr[r] > arr[idx])
return nil if (l < 0) && (r >= arr.length)
diff += 1
How would you go about working towards a solution for this problem? (what's your process?)
In your opinion do find the Problem Question clear and easy to understand?
How long should it take you to solve this problem? (10min, 20min, ...?)
Do agree with the level of difficulty? (Keep in mind this is geared towards new developers)
If willing: please post your own solution, showcasing your style of solving this problem.
I decided to post this question because I know how easy it can be for new developer to get stuck on a problem and not know what to write first. I'm hoping your responses will give an insight on how you would work through a problem that you perceive as a challenge.

I have not an experienced developer, or even an inexperienced one, but I will give you my thoughts anyway.
1 How would you go about working towards a solution for this problem? (what's your process?)
I would look to break into pieces, but surely everyone does that. For example, here the values in the array are only used to pull out the indices of elements that are larger, so I'd see the first problem as pulling out the indices and the second problem as dealing with the indices alone. I'd further simplify the latter by subtracting i from each index so that j and be compared to k like so: if j.abs < k.abs ..., rather than if (j-i).abs < (k-i).abs.... In choosing among different approaches, I tend to look for the one that is most easily understood ("reads best").
2. In your opinion do find the Problem Question clear and easy to understand?
3. How long should it take you to solve this problem?
I refuse to answer on the grounds that it would surely incriminate me.
4. Do you agree with the level of difficulty?
It seems about right. It would be a "beginner" problem at
5. If willing: please post your own solution, showcasing your style of solving this problem.
def nearest_larger(arr, i)
ret = nearest_to_zero( arr.each_with_index
.select { |e,j| e > arr[i] }
.map { |_,j| j-i } )
ret ? ret + i : nil
I looked at two ways of writing nearest_to_zero(). The first is short, direct and clear, but inefficient, using sort!:
def nearest_to_zero(a)
a.sort! { |j,k| (j.abs == k.abs) ? j <=> k : j.abs <=> k.abs }
a.any? ? a.first : nil
More efficient, but not as pretty:
def nearest_to_zero(a)
neg, pos = a.partition { |e| e < 0 }
when neg.empty?
pos.empty? ? nil : pos.first
when pos.empty?
pos.last.abs < neg.last.abs ? pos.first : neg.last
For arr = [2,5,4,8,10], i = 2, the following steps are performed by nearest_larger():
a = { |e,j| e > arr[i] } # => [[5,1],[8,3],[10,4]]
b = { |_,j| j-i } # => [-1,1,2]
ret = nearest_to_zero(b) # => -1
ret ? ret + i : nil # => 1
In the first nearest_to_zero(), if two indices have equal absolute value (meaning they are equally close to i before the transformation), the tie goes to the index with the lower vlaue; else it is the index with the smaller absolute value.
In the second nearest_to_zero():
neg, pos = [-1,1,2].partition {|e| e < 0} # => [[-1],[1,2]]
The rest should be self-explanatory.
I had read about rspec, but had not used it before. It was about time that it did. My code passed.

How would you go about working towards a solution for this problem? (what's your process?)
Start with a simple example, e.g. one of the tests. It is discovered that if the array element arr[i-1] is greater than arr[i] then you can immediately return i-1 as the answer. So you can just check in succession: i-1, i+1, i-2, i+2, i-3, i+3 etc. and return the first index that satisfies the inequality.
In your opinion do find the Problem Question clear and easy to understand?
Yes; the tests help but it only confirmed my understanding from the worded problem.
How long should it take you to solve this problem? (10min, 20min, ...?)
For a student in a test/classroom environment, no more than 10min. Depending on how much preparatory material they have had before this, maybe even less.
Do agree with the level of difficulty? (Keep in mind this is geared towards new developers)
Yes, 2/5 seems right.
If willing: please post your own solution, showcasing your style of solving this problem.
def nearest_larger( a, i )
2.upto([i,a.length-i].max << 1) do |k|
j = (k&1).zero? ? i - (k>>1) : i + (k>>1)
return j if 0 <= j && j < a.length && a[i] < a[j]
return nil
Addendum: Thinking in Bits
This addendum will go through in greater detail the problem solving that went into the above solution for the benefit of new programmers.
As was mentioned in the answer to Question #1 above, the return value of nearest_larger is the first index j for which a[i] < a[j] as j iterates through the sequence
i-1, i+1, i-2, i+2, i-3, i+3, ...
This opens the way to a sub-problem, which is how to generate this sequence of numbers. When actually writing the program, I used comments as a "scratch pad", and in the code had something like this:
# -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, ... (Sequence G)
from which the prior sequence is constructed by just adding i to each term. Call this Sequence G. Now this is where a "binary intuition" would come into play. Consider a simple sequence of binary numbers that increases by one after each term, shown in Column A, and the familiar decimal representation is shown in Column B:
0000 0 000 0 0 0
0001 1 000 1 0 0
0010 2 001 0 1 -1
0011 3 001 1 1 1
0100 4 010 0 2 -2
0101 5 010 1 2 2
0110 6 011 0 3 -3
0111 7 011 1 3 3
Now split the bits in each number into two groups: all the bits other than bit 0 (the right-most bit) as shown in Column C, and bit 0 shown in Column D. In other words, concatenate C and D to get A. The decimal representation of C is in column E. Notice that column D conveniently flips between 0 and 1, just as in Sequence G the numbers flip between negative and positive. We will use this to construct column F, which is the same as E, except when D is 0 make F negative. Finally, if we just start in the above table at A=0010 (or B=2) then Column F gives us the above Sequence G.
So now how do we get Column F from A in code? This is where bit operations come in to play.
C = A >> 1 - The >> right-shift operator shifts the bits on the LHS (left-hand side) by RHS (right-hand side). In this case, each value A is shifted to the right one place. The right-most bit is lost. Mathematically, it is the same as dividing by 2 and dropping the remainder in this case (B/2 == E with remainder dropped.)
D = A & 1 - The & is the bitwise AND operator. By "anding" A with 1, we select only bit 0; see the link in the prior sentence for more detail. This gives us Column D.
Putting this together in the code, we'll have k be the iteration variable that starts at 2 and increments by 1 each time. Then the above analysis gives us j:
j = (k&1).zero? ? i - (k>>1) : i + (k>>1)
The first value for j which is both in bounds and for which a[i] < a[j] holds is automatically the answer, so it can be returned immediately:
return j if 0 <= j && j < a.length && a[i] < a[j]
Finally, if there are no valid values for j then return nil. Other than calculating a lower upper-bound for k, which is left as a homework problem, that is the entirety of the nearest_larger function.
In actual practice, for a problem like this, a readable solution as posed in the OP is preferable since it is more clear and accessible to a wider group of programmers. This present approach was motivated by an opportunity to demonstrate the use of bit operations.


What is the logic behind the algorithm

I am trying to solve a problem from codility
"Even sums"
but am unable to do so. Here is the question below.
Even sums is a game for two players. Players are given a sequence of N positive integers and take turns alternately. In each turn, a player chooses a non-empty slice (a subsequence of consecutive elements) such that the sum of values in this slice is even, then removes the slice and concatenates the remaining parts of the sequence. The first player who is unable to make a legal move loses the game.
You play this game against your opponent and you want to know if you can win, assuming both you and your opponent play optimally. You move first.
Write a function:
string solution(vector< int>& A);
that, given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers, returns a string of format "X,Y" where X and Y are, respectively, the first and last positions (inclusive) of the slice that you should remove on your first move in order to win, assuming you have a winning strategy. If there is more than one such winning slice, the function should return the one with the smallest value of X. If there is more than one slice with the smallest value of X, the function should return the shortest. If you do not have a winning strategy, the function should return "NO SOLUTION".
For example, given the following array:
A[0] = 4 A[1] = 5 A[2] = 3 A[3] = 7 A[4] = 2
the function should return "1,2". After removing a slice from positions 1 to 2 (with an even sum of 5 + 3 = 8), the remaining array is [4, 7, 2]. Then the opponent will be able to remove the first element (of even sum 4) or the last element (of even sum 2). Afterwards you can make a move that leaves the array containing just [7], so your opponent will not have a legal move and will lose. One of possible games is shown on the following picture
Note that removing slice "2,3" (with an even sum of 3 + 7 = 10) is also a winning move, but slice "1,2" has a smaller value of X.
For the following array:
A[0] = 2 A[ 1 ] = 5 A[2] = 4
the function should return "NO SOLUTION", since there is no strategy that guarantees you a win.
Assume that:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000]. Complexity:
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N); expected worst-case space complexity is O(N), beyond input storage (not counting the storage required for input arguments). Elements of input arrays can be modified.
I have found a solution online in python.
def check(start, end):
if start>end:
res = str(start) + ',' + str(end)
return res
def trans( strr ):
if strr =='NO SOLUTION':
return (-1, -1)
a, b = strr.split(',')
return ( int(a), int(b) )
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 2.7
odd_list = [ ind for ind in range(len(A)) if A[ind]%2==1 ]
if len(odd_list)%2==0:
return check(0, len(A)-1)
odd_list = [-1] + odd_list + [len(A)]
res_cand = []
# the numbers at the either end of A are even
count = odd_list[1]
second_count = len(A)-1-odd_list[-2]
first_count = odd_list[2]-odd_list[1]-1
if second_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+1, len(A)-1-count )))
if first_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+count+1, len(A)-1 )))
twosum = first_count + second_count
if second_count < count <= twosum:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+(first_count-(count-second_count))+1, odd_list[-2] )))
count = len(A)-1-odd_list[-2]
first_count = odd_list[1]
second_count = odd_list[-2]-odd_list[-3]-1
if first_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( count, odd_list[-2]-1 )))
if second_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( 0, odd_list[-2]-count-1)) )
twosum = first_count + second_count
if second_count < count <= twosum:
res_cand.append( trans(check( count-second_count, odd_list[-3])) )
res_cand = sorted( res_cand, key=lambda x: (-x[0],-x[1]) )
cur = (-1, -2)
for item in res_cand:
if item[0]!=-1:
cur = item
return check( cur[0], cur[1] )
This code works and I am unable to understand the code and flow of one function to the the other. However I don't understand the logic of the algorithm. How it has approached the problem and solved it. This might be a long task but can anybody please care enough to explain me the algorithm. Thanks in advance.
So far I have figured out that the number of odd numbers are crucial to find out the result. Especially the index of the first odd number and the last odd number is needed to calculate the important values.
Now I need to understand the logic behind the comparison such as "if first_count >= count" and if "second_count < count <= twosum".
Hey guys I found out the solution to my question and finally understood the logic of the algorithm.
The idea lies behind the symmetry of the array. We can never win the game if the array is symmetrical. Here symmetrical is defined as the array where there is only one odd in the middle and equal number of evens on the either side of that one odd.
If there are even number of odds we can directly win the game.
If there are odd number of odds we should always try to make the array symmetrical. That is what the algorithm is trying to do.
Now there are two cases to it. Either the last odd will remain or the first odd will remain. I will be happy to explain more if you guys didn't understand it. Thanks.

Number of Paths in a Triangle

I recently encountered a much more difficult variation of this problem, but realized I couldn't generate a solution for this very simple case. I searched Stack Overflow but couldn't find a resource that previously answered this.
You are given a triangle ABC, and you must compute the number of paths of certain length that start at and end at 'A'. Say our function f(3) is called, it must return the number of paths of length 3 that start and end at A: 2 (ABA,ACA).
I'm having trouble formulating an elegant solution. Right now, I've written a solution that generates all possible paths, but for larger lengths, the program is just too slow. I know there must be a nice dynamic programming solution that reuses sequences that we've previously computed but I can't quite figure it out. All help greatly appreciated.
My dumb code:
def paths(n,sequence):
t = ['A','B','C']
if len(sequence) < n:
for node in set(t) - set(sequence[-1]):
if sequence[0] == 'A' and sequence[-1] == 'A':
print sequence
Let PA(n) be the number of paths from A back to A in exactly n steps.
Let P!A(n) be the number of paths from B (or C) to A in exactly n steps.
PA(1) = 1
PA(n) = 2 * P!A(n - 1)
P!A(1) = 0
P!A(2) = 1
P!A(n) = P!A(n - 1) + PA(n - 1)
= P!A(n - 1) + 2 * P!A(n - 2) (for n > 2) (substituting for PA(n-1))
We can solve the difference equations for P!A analytically, as we do for Fibonacci, by noting that (-1)^n and 2^n are both solutions of the difference equation, and then finding coefficients a, b such that P!A(n) = a*2^n + b*(-1)^n.
We end up with the equation P!A(n) = 2^n/6 + (-1)^n/3, and PA(n) being 2^(n-1)/3 - 2(-1)^n/3.
This gives us code:
def PA(n):
return (pow(2, n-1) + 2*pow(-1, n-1)) / 3
for n in xrange(1, 30):
print n, PA(n)
Which gives output:
1 1
2 0
3 2
4 2
5 6
6 10
7 22
8 42
9 86
10 170
11 342
12 682
13 1366
14 2730
15 5462
16 10922
17 21846
18 43690
19 87382
20 174762
21 349526
22 699050
23 1398102
24 2796202
25 5592406
26 11184810
27 22369622
28 44739242
29 89478486
The trick is not to try to generate all possible sequences. The number of them increases exponentially so the memory required would be too great.
Instead, let f(n) be the number of sequences of length n beginning and ending A, and let g(n) be the number of sequences of length n beginning with A but ending with B. To get things started, clearly f(1) = 1 and g(1) = 0. For n > 1 we have f(n) = 2g(n - 1), because the penultimate letter will be B or C and there are equal numbers of each. We also have g(n) = f(n - 1) + g(n - 1) because if a sequence ends begins A and ends B the penultimate letter is either A or C.
These rules allows you to compute the numbers really quickly using memoization.
My method is like this:
Define DP(l, end) = # of paths end at end and having length l
Then DP(l,'A') = DP(l-1, 'B') + DP(l-1,'C'), similar for DP(l,'B') and DP(l,'C')
Then for base case i.e. l = 1 I check if the end is not 'A', then I return 0, otherwise return 1, so that all bigger states only counts those starts at 'A'
Answer is simply calling DP(n, 'A') where n is the length
Below is a sample code in C++, you can call it with 3 which gives you 2 as answer; call it with 5 which gives you 6 as answer:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int dp[500][500], n;
int DP(int l, int end){
if(l<=0) return 0;
if(end != 'A') return 0;
return 1;
if(dp[l][end] != -1) return dp[l][end];
if(end == 'A') return dp[l][end] = DP(l-1, 'B') + DP(l-1, 'C');
else if(end == 'B') return dp[l][end] = DP(l-1, 'A') + DP(l-1, 'C');
else return dp[l][end] = DP(l-1, 'A') + DP(l-1, 'B');
int main() {
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("%d\n", DP(n, 'A'));
return 0;
To answer OP's comment below:
Firstly, DP(dynamic programming) is always about state.
Remember here our state is DP(l,end), represents the # of paths having length l and ends at end. So to implement states using programming, we usually use array, so DP[500][500] is nothing special but the space to store the states DP(l,end) for all possible l and end (That's why I said if you need a bigger length, change the size of array)
But then you may ask, I understand the first dimension which is for l, 500 means l can be as large as 500, but how about the second dimension? I only need 'A', 'B', 'C', why using 500 then?
Here is another trick (of C/C++), the char type indeed can be used as an int type by default, which value is equal to its ASCII number. And I do not remember the ASCII table of course, but I know that around 300 will be enough to represent all the ASCII characters, including A(65), B(66), C(67)
So I just declare any size large enough to represent 'A','B','C' in the second dimension (that means actually 100 is more than enough, but I just do not think that much and declare 500 as they are almost the same, in terms of order)
so you asked what DP[3][1] means, it means nothing as the I do not need / calculate the second dimension when it is 1. (Or one can think that the state dp(3,1) does not have any physical meaning in our problem)
In fact, I always using 65, 66, 67.
so DP[3][65] means the # of paths of length 3 and ends at char(65) = 'A'
You can do better than the dynamic programming/recursion solution others have posted, for the given triangle and more general graphs. Whenever you are trying to compute the number of walks in a (possibly directed) graph, you can express this in terms of the entries of powers of a transfer matrix. Let M be a matrix whose entry m[i][j] is the number of paths of length 1 from vertex i to vertex j. For a triangle, the transfer matrix is
0 1 1
1 0 1.
1 1 0
Then M^n is a matrix whose i,j entry is the number of paths of length n from vertex i to vertex j. If A corresponds to vertex 1, you want the 1,1 entry of M^n.
Dynamic programming and recursion for the counts of paths of length n in terms of the paths of length n-1 are equivalent to computing M^n with n multiplications, M * M * M * ... * M, which can be fast enough. However, if you want to compute M^100, instead of doing 100 multiplies, you can use repeated squaring: Compute M, M^2, M^4, M^8, M^16, M^32, M^64, and then M^64 * M^32 * M^4. For larger exponents, the number of multiplies is about c log_2(exponent).
Instead of using that a path of length n is made up of a path of length n-1 and then a step of length 1, this uses that a path of length n is made up of a path of length k and then a path of length n-k.
We can solve this with a for loop, although Anonymous described a closed form for it.
function f(n){
var as = 0, abcs = 1;
for (n=n-3; n>0; n--){
as = abcs - as;
abcs *= 2;
return 2*(abcs - as);
Here's why:
Look at one strand of the decision tree (the other one is symmetrical):
B C...
Num A's Num ABC's (starting with first B on the left)
0 1
1 (1-0) 2
1 (2-1) 4
3 (4-1) 8
5 (8-3) 16
11 (16-5) 32
Cleary, we can't use the strands that end with the A's...
You can write a recursive brute force solution and then memoize it (aka top down dynamic programming). Recursive solutions are more intuitive and easy to come up with. Here is my version:
# search space (we have triangle with nodes)
nodes = ["A", "B", "C"]
#cache # memoize!
def recurse(length, steps):
# if length of the path is n and the last node is "A", then it's
# a valid path and we can count it.
if length == n and ((steps-1)%3 == 0 or (steps+1)%3 == 0):
return 1
# we don't want paths having len > n.
if length > n:
return 0
# from each position, we have two possibilities, either go to next
# node or previous node. Total paths will be sum of both the
# possibilities. We do this recursively.
return recurse(length+1, steps+1) + recurse(length+1, steps-1)

questions on binary search in Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition

I am reading Section 9.3 of Jon Bentley's Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition.
On page 94, Jon gave an implementation of an improved binary search algorithm, utilizing the fact that n is 1000 (search 1000 numbers to find the target).
At the end of the program, it is:
if p > 1000 || x[p] != t
p = -1
My question is that, what if p is exactly 1000? It seems like the when p is 1000, it should also error out, like:
if p >= 1000 || x[p] != t
p = -1
Anyway, this part of code is translated from the code on page 93, at the end of wich:
if p >= n || x[p] != t
p = -1
Is my understanding correct? I am just wondering if this is a typo, or it is really not necessary to include the case p is 1000 in the condtion.
Another question is, in lines 5~6 from bottom up on page 94, it says: When the first test fails and l stays zero, the program computes the bits of p in order, most significant bit first.
What does it mean here? And when the first test fails, shoudn't l be -1, rather than 0?
Anyone can elaborate on this statement?
P.S. I can't find Jon's email address, otherwise, I'll field these questions to him. :-(
It is typo. Maxvalue of l is 999 (1000 - 512 + 256 + .. + 1, ), so maxvalue of p = l+1 is 1000. It is clear for hardcoded version of binsearch (listing 9.8).
And we can see real C code (not pseudocode) here (Alg.4) with if (p >= n ||

Algorithm for series

A, B, C,…. Z, AA, AB, ….AZ, BA,BB,…. , ZZ,AAA, …., write a function that takes a integer n and returns the string presentation. Can somebody tell me the algorithm to find the nth value in the series?
Treat those strings as numbers in base 26 with A=0. It's not quite an exact translation because in real base 26 A=AA=AAA=0, so you have to make some adjustments as necessary.
Here's a Java implementation:
static String convert(int n) {
int digits = 1;
for (int j = 26; j <= n; j *= 26) {
n -= j;
String s = "";
for (; digits --> 0 ;) {
s = (char) ('A' + (n % 26)) + s;
n /= 26;
return s;
This converts 0=A, 26=AA, 702=AAA as required.
Without giving away too much (since this question seems to be a homework problem), what you're doing is close to the same as translating that integer n into base 26. Good luck!
If, as others suspect, this is homework, then this answer probably won't be much help. If this is for a real-world project though, it might make sense to do make a generator instead, which is an easy and idiomatic thing to do in some languages, such as Python. Something like this:
def letterPattern():
pattern = [0]
while True:
yield pattern
pattern[0] += 1
# iterate through all numbers in the list *except* the last one
for i in range(0,len(pattern)-1):
if pattern[i] == 26:
pattern[i] = 0
pattern[i+1] += 1
# now if the last number is 26, set it to zero, and append another zero to the end
if pattern[-1] == 26:
pattern[-1] = 0
Except instead of yielding pattern itself you would reverse it, and map 0 to A, 1 to B, etc. then yield the string. I've run the code above and it seems to work, but I haven't tested it extensively at all.
I hope you'll find this readable enough to implement, even if you don't know Python. (For the Pythonistas out there, yes the "for i in range(...)" loop is ugly and unpythonic, but off the top of my head, I don't know any other way to do what I'm doing here)

Simple recursion problem

I'm taking my first steps into recursion and dynamic programming and have a question about forming subproblems to model the recursion.
How many different ways are there to
flip a fair coin 5 times and not have
three or more heads in a row?
If some could put up some heavily commented code (Ruby preferred but not essential) to help me get there. I am not a student if that matters, this is a modification of a Project Euler problem to make it very simple for me to grasp. I just need to get the hang of writing recursion formulas.
If you would like to abstract the problem into how many different ways are there to flip a fair coin Y times and not have Z or more heads in a row, that may be beneficial as well. Thanks again, this website rocks.
You can simply create a formula for that:
The number of ways to flip a coin 5 times without having 3 heads in a row is equal to the number of combinations of 5 coin flips minus the combinations with at least three heads in a row. In this case:
HHH-- (4 combinations)
THHH- (2 combinations)
TTHHH (1 combination)
The total number of combinations = 2^5 = 32. And 32 - 7 = 25.
If we flip a coin N times without Q heads in a row, the total amount is 2^N and the amount with at least Q heads is 2^(N-Q+1)-1. So the general answer is:
Flip(N,Q) = 2^N - 2^(N-Q+1) +1
Of course you can use recursion to simulate the total amount:
flipme: N x N -> N
flipme(flipsleft, maxhead) = flip(flipsleft, maxhead, 0)
flip: N x N x N -> N
flip(flipsleft, maxhead, headcount) ==
if flipsleft <= 0 then 0
else if maxhead<=headcount then 0
flip(flipsleft - 1, maxhead, headcount+1) + // head
flip(flipsleft - 1, maxhead, maxhead) // tail
Here's my solution in Ruby
def combination(length=5)
return [[]] if length == 0
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:h] + c if c[0..1]!= [:h,:h]}.compact +
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:t] + c }
puts "There are #{combination.length} ways"
All recursive methods start with an early out for the end case.
return [[]] if length == 0
This returns an array of combinations, where the only combination of zero length is []
The next bit (simplified) is...
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:h] + c } +
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:t] + c }
So.. this says.. I want all combinations that are one shorter than the desired length with a :head added to each of them... plus all the combinations that are one shorter with a tail added to them.
The way to think about recursion is.. "assuming I had a method to do the n-1 case.. what would I have to add to make it cover the n case". To me it feels like proof by induction.
This code would generate all combinations of heads and tails up to the given length.
We don't want ones that have :h :h :h. That can only happen where we have :h :h and we are adding a :h. So... I put an if c[0..1] != [:h,:h] on the adding of the :h so it will return nil instead of an array when it was about to make an invalid combination.
I then had to compact the result to ignore all results that are just nil
Isn't this a matter of taking all possible 5 bit sequences and removing the cases where there are three sequential 1 bits (assuming 1 = heads, 0 = tails)?
Here's one way to do it in Python:
#This will hold all possible combinations of flipping the coins.
flips = [[]]
for i in range(5):
#Loop through the existing permutations, and add either 'h' or 't'
#to the end.
for j in range(len(flips)):
f = flips[j]
tails = list(f)
#Now count how many of the permutations match our criteria.
fewEnoughHeadsCount = 0
for flip in flips:
hCount = 0
hasTooManyHeads = False
for c in flip:
if c == 'h': hCount += 1
else: hCount = 0
if hCount >= 3: hasTooManyHeads = True
if not hasTooManyHeads: fewEnoughHeadsCount += 1
print 'There are %s ways.' % fewEnoughHeadsCount
This breaks down to:
How many ways are there to flip a fair coin four times when the first flip was heads + when the first flip was tails:
So in python:
HEADS = "1"
TAILS = "0"
def threeOrMoreHeadsInARow(bits):
return "111" in bits
def flip(n = 5, flips = ""):
if threeOrMoreHeadsInARow(flips):
return 0
if n == 0:
return 1
return flip(n - 1, flips + HEADS) + flip(n - 1, flips + TAILS)
Here's a recursive combination function using Ruby yield statements:
def combinations(values, n)
yield []
combinations(values, n - 1) do |combo_tail|
values.each do |value|
yield [value] + combo_tail
And you could use regular expressions to parse out three heads in a row:
def three_heads_in_a_row(s)
([/hhh../, /.hhh./, /..hhh/].collect {|pat| pat.match(s)}).any?
Finally, you would get the answer using something like this:
total_count = 0
filter_count = 0
combinations(["h", "t"], 5) do |combo|
count += 1
unless three_heads_in_a_row(combo.join)
filter_count += 1
puts "TOTAL: #{ total_count }"
puts "FILTERED: #{ filter_count }"
So that's how I would do it :)
