ElasticSearch... Not So Elastic? - elasticsearch

I have used this method to build Elastic Search Clusters in the cloud. It works 30%-50% of the time.
I start with 2 centos nodes in 2 servers in Digital Oceans Cloud. I then install ES and set the same cluster name in each config/elasticsearch.yml. Then I also set (uncomment):
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
as well as set and uncomment:
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ['', '']
in each of the 2 servers. SO Reference here
Then, to give ES the benefit of the doubt, I service iptables stop, then restart the service on each node. Sometimes the servers see each other and I get a """cluster""" out of elasticsearch, sometimes if not most, the servers dont see each other even though multicast is disabled and specific ip addresses are given in the unicast hosts array that have NO firewall on, and point to each other.
WHY ES Community? Why does a hello world equivalent of elastic search prove to be inelastic to say the least (Let me openly and readily admit this MUST be user error/idiocy else no one would use this technology).
At first I was trying to build a simple 4 node cluster, but goodness gracious the issues that came along with that before indexing a single document were ridiculous. I had a 0% success rate. Some nodes saw some other nodes (via head and paramedic) while others had 'dangling indices' and 'unassigned indexes'. When I googled this I found tons of relevent/similar issues and no workable answers.
Can someone send me an example of how to build an elastic search cluster, that works?
#Ben_Lim's Answer: Did everyone who needs this as a resource get that?
I took 1 node (This is not for Prod) Server1 and changed the following
in /config/elasticsearch.yml settings:
uncomment node.master: true
uncomment and set network.host: 192.XXX.1.10
uncomment transport.tcp.port: 9300
uncomment discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
uncomment and set discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["192.XXX.1.10:9300"]
That sets the master, okay, then in each subsequent node (example
above) that wants to join --
uncomment node.master: false
uncomment and set network.host: 192.XXX.1.11
uncomment transport.tcp.port: 9301
uncomment discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
uncomment and set discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["192.XXX.1.10:9300"]
Obviously make sure all nodes have same cluster name and you iptables
firewalls etc are setup right.
NOTE AGAIN -- This is not for prod, but a way to start testing ES in Cloud, you can tighten up the screws from here

The most probable problem you met is the 9300 port is used by other application or the master node is not started at port 9300 , therefore they can't communicate with each other.
When you start 2 ES nodes to build up an cluster, one node must be elected to Master node. The master node will have a communication address: hostIP:post. For example:
[2014-01-27 15:15:44,389][INFO ][cluster.service ] [Vakume] new_master [Vakume][FRtqGG4xSKGbM_Yw9_oBLg][inet[/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
When you need to start another node to build up a cluster, you can try to specific the master IP:port, like the example above you need to set
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [""]
Then the second node can find the master node and join the cluster.


Problem with elasticsearch tribe node not discovering index

I have a number of clusters running elasticsearch 5.2 and a tribe cluster for cross-cluster search which is all hosted on GCP.
I also have an alias setup on the one index on one of the clusters.
In the process of making changes to the masters of the clusters, I have updated the tribe config on one of the tribe nodes and restarted elasticsearch service , the new config looks like this
cluster.name: name of the cluster
project_id: Project ID
zone: [zones]
type: gce
tags: network-tag
write: true
metadata: true
cluster.name: cluster_1_name
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["new_master_1.1", "new_master_1.2"]
cluster.name: cluster_2_name
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["new_master_2.1", "new_master_2.2"]
action.search.shard_count.limit: XXXX
Now when I try to run curl localhost:9200/alias/_search it says index not found exception but when I run
curl localhost:9200/index_name/_search i get the expected output.
The old tribe node that I still haven't updated the config for is working fine with both previous curl commands which is intriguing. The only difference in the config is the masters for the clusters.
So I don't know how to fix it. I appreciate all the help I can get in solving this issue.
Thanks a lot.
When I inspect the tribe log it discovers the index the cluster that does not belong to but it doesn't discover it for the cluster that owns it. I'm not sure how this can help identifying the issue and resolving it.
I managed to fix it because there was a conflict of indices: two clusters had the same index name so when one of them adds it the tribe node fails to add the second one. All I had to do was add a prefer on conflict.

How to set up a highly available elasticsearch cluster locally?

I am new to Elasticsearch and I want to set up a highly available Elasticsearch cluster on one machine to test and learn how to use Elasticsearch. I hope that when the master node fails, one of the other nodes will take over and become the master node. On my machine, I set up an Elasticsearch cluster consisting of 3 nodes, a master node and two data nodes, but when I stopped the master node, none of the other nodes took over and became the master node, here is my config for the three nodes (used version of elasticsearch is 7.9.2):
# master node config.
node.name: "es-node-1"
node.master: true
node.data: false
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
# data node 1 config.
node.name: "es-node-2"
node.master: false
node.data: true
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
# data node 2 config.
node.name: "es-node-3"
node.master: false
node.data: true
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
Does anyone have an idea please?
Only one of your nodes has the config node.master: true, so only this node is eligible to master, if this node fails you won't have another master and your cluster will not work.
You need to set all of your three nodes as node.master: true, this way if the master node fail the two remaining nodes in the cluster will choose who will be the new master.
Also, you are using version 7.X, in this version the discovery settings changed and discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes is deprecated, you should use discovery.seed_hosts and cluster.initial_master_nodes, as described in the documentation.
discover.seed_hosts: ["es-node-1", "es-node-2", "es-node-3"]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["es-node-1", "es-node-2", "es-node-3"]
And for this to work all your nodes should have node.master: true in the config file. This will allow your cluster to work if you lose one node.

ElasticSearch start up error - the default discovery settings are unsuitable for production use;

I have tried giving the following configurations in the elasticsearch.yaml file
network.host: aa.bbb.ccc.dd that being my IPv4 Address
and http.port: 9200
The response to this is as follows when I try to run elasticsearch.bat on my windows machine:
the default discovery settings are unsuitable for production use; at least one of [discovery.seed_hosts, discovery.seed_providers, cluster.initial_master_nodes] must be configured
I am really not quite sure what to configure for the cluster initialization. The default values are discovery.seed_hosts: ["host1", "host2"] and cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1", "node-2"]
In short, if you are running Elasticsearch locally(single node) or just with a single node on the cloud then just use below config in your elasticsearch.yml to avoid the production check, and to make it work, more info about this config in this SO answer:
discovery.type: single-node
This is the configuration I did since I had only one machine that had the Elastic Search db in it (1 node Only).
node.data : true
network.host :
discovery.seed_hosts : []
cluster.initial_master_nodes : []
Elasticsearch 7 requires information to form a cluster. This is provided by the following two properties in elasticsearch.yml
cluster.initial_master_nodes : This is used to provide the initial set of nodes whose vote will be consider in master election process.
discovery.seed_hosts : This is used to provide the set of nodes which are master eligible. This should contain the name of all nodes which are master eligible.
So for example you are forming a cluster with three nodes : n0, n1, n2 which are master eligible then you config will look something like this:
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["n0", "n1", "n2"]
discovery.seed_hosts: ["n0", "n1", "n2"]
Note: cluster.initial_master_nodes is used only once by elastic which is very first time of cluster formation.
For more detailed information read this guide.
I have also faced the same issue with the elastic-search 7.6.2 version. The solution of the above-mentioned problem is, you just need to either add "discovery.seed_hosts :" or set discovery.type: single-node in eleasticsearch.yml file to avoid the production use error.
Click here for discovery and cluster formation settings.
I have provided the detailed answer here.
I am adding my answer from docker container perspective. I initially tried running 3 nodes of elasticsearch in a same cluster and then tried running only 1 and faced same issue. To resolve, I deleted docker volumes. Please note, my docker elasticsearch nodes had no data so there was no data loss due to docker volume deletion.

Elasticsearch "observer: timeout notification from cluster service" debug message

We have had a cluster with two nodes (running ES version 1.5.2), all within the same subnet, and recently added a third. When we added the third node, the master node started logging this message every 30s:
[2016-03-10 16:34:25,584][DEBUG][action.admin.cluster.health] [<master-node>] observer: timeout notification from cluster service. timeout setting [30s], time since start [30s]
The cluster health is green, and all nodes are connected. Everything seems fine except for that debug message.
Our config settings in each node are identical except node name:
cluster.name: "tmes"
node.name: "tmes1.<subnet>"
node.master: true
node.data: true
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
discovery.zen.ping.timeout: 3s
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["tmes1:9300", "tmes2:9300", "tmes3:9300"]
Has anyone come across this before? Or see what we are doing wrong?
I've seen other people talking about this message, but most seem to have the cluster not connecting at all, or the message only happening intermittently.

Elasticsearch clustering on multiple machines - master election

I am trying to implement elasticsearch cluster. I have 2 machines with 2 nodes each. I have following configuration in yml file. I have given unique node name on each node, all of them are master and data nodes.
cluster.name: elasticsearch
node.master: true
node.data: true
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["machine1", "machine2"]
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 3
the four nodes are working correctly in the cluster. I would like to bring one of the nodes down, and have other 3 run in the cluster. When I try to bring one of first three, cluster goes down, I get this error
"error": "ClusterBlockException[blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/1/state not recovered / initialized];]",
"status": 503
If I bring down the last node that joined cluster, the cluster works fine. my understanding is, if I have 4 masters and one of the master (any) goes down, other three masters should run in the cluster. is there any issue with my configuration?
If you are running to nodes on one machine, it is probably better to add ports to your configuration.
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["machine1:9300", "machine2:9300", "machine2:9301"]
Than also configure the ports yourself so you know which node has which port:
transport.tcp.port: 9300
http.port: 9200
