Division Algorithm - algorithm

I've just started with a Design Analysis and Algorithms course and we've begin with simple algorithms.
There is a division algorithm which I can't make any sense of.
function divide(x,)
Input: 2 integers x and y where y>=1
Output: quotient and remainder of x divided by y
if x=0: return (q,r)=(0,0)
(q,r)=divide(floor (x/2), y)
q=2q, r=2r
if x is odd: r=r+1
if r>=y: r=r-y, q=q+1
* floor is lower bound
We were supposed to try this algo for 110011%101 ( binary values )...I tried something and I got a weird answer...converted into decimal values and it was wrong.
So I tried it using simple decimal values instead of binary first.
x=25, y=5
This is what I'm doing
1st: q=x,r= 12,5
2nd: q=x,r= 6,5
3rd: q=x,r= 3,5
4th: q=x,r= 1,5
5th: q=x,r= 0,5
How will this thing work? Everytime I will run it, the last value of last x will be 0(condition) it will stop and return q=0,r=0
Can someone guide me where I'm going wrong...

I implemented your algorithm (with obvious correction in the arg list) in Ruby:
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> def div(x,y)
irb(main):002:1> return [0,0] if x == 0
irb(main):003:1> q,r = div(x >> 1, y)
irb(main):004:1> q *= 2
irb(main):005:1> r *= 2
irb(main):006:1> r += 1 if x & 1 == 1
irb(main):007:1> if r >= y
irb(main):008:2> r -= y
irb(main):009:2> q += 1
irb(main):010:2> end
irb(main):011:1> [q,r]
irb(main):012:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):013:0> div(25, 5)
=> [5, 0]
irb(main):014:0> div(25, 2)
=> [12, 1]
irb(main):015:0> div(144,12)
=> [12, 0]
irb(main):016:0> div(144,11)
=> [13, 1]
It's working, so you must not be tracking the recursion properly when you're trying to hand-trace it. I find it helpful to write the logic out on a new sheet of paper for each recursive call and place the old sheet of paper on top of a stack of prior calls. When I get to a return statement on the current sheet, wad it up, throw it away, and write the return value in place of the recursive call on the piece of paper on top of the stack. Carry through with the logic on this sheet until you get to another recursive call or a return. Keep repeating this until you run out of sheets on the stack - the return from the last piece of paper is the final answer.

The function has a recursive structure, which might be why it's a bit tricky. I'm assuming there's a typo in your function declaration where divide(x,) should be divide(x, y). Given that the desired result is x/y with the remainder, let's continue. The first line in the function definition claims that IF the numerator is 0, return 0 with a remainder of 0. This makes sense: while b != 0 and a = 0, a / b = 0 for all integers. Then we set the result to a recursive call with half the original numerator and the current denominator. At some point, "half the original numerator" turns into 0 and the base case is reached. There's a bit of computation at the end of each recursive call in what seems to be tail recursion. Because we divided by 2 on each deepning, multiply by 2 to get the original result and add 1 to the remainder if it's odd. It's hard to visualize in text alone so step through it on paper with a given problem.
Mathematically, the division algorithm (it's called that) states that the remainder must be less than or equal to 5 when you input 25,5.
The algorithm gives 0, 5. This might mean to NOT consider the remainder when the quotient is 0 or there needs to be a check on the size of the remainder.
function divide(x,) Input: 2 integers x and y where y>=1 Output: quotient and remainder of x divided by y
if x=0: return (q,r)=(0,0)
(q,r)=divide(floor (x/2), y)
q=2q, r=2r
if x is odd: r=r+1
if r>=y: r=r-y, q=q+1
* floor is lower bound

If I remember correctly, this is one of the most basic ways of doing integral division in a simple ALU. It's nice because you can run all the recursive divisions in parallel, since each division is based on just looking at one less bit of the binary.
To understand what this does, simply walk through it on paper, as Chris Zhang suggested. Here's what divide(25,5) looks like:
divide(12, 5)
divide(0,5) // x = 0!
x is odd, so (q,r)=(0,1)
r < y
x is odd, so (q,r)=(0,3)
r < y
x is even
r >= y, so (q,r)=(1,1)
x is even
r < y
x is odd, so (q,r)=(4,5)
r >= y, so (q,r)=(5,0)
As you can see, it work - it gives you a q of 5 and an r of 0. The part you noticed, that you'll always eventually have a 0 term is what Chris properly calls "the base case" - the case that makes the recursive call unfold.
This algorithm works with any base number for the division and the multiplication. It uses the same principle as the following: "123 / 5 = (100 + 20 + 3) / 5 = 20 + 4 + r3 = 24r3", just done in binary.


Given integers X and Y, how do you find the largest permutation of X that is less than or equal to Y?

Given two positive integers X and Y, find the largest permutation of X
that is less than or equal to Y. Return the largest permutation that is
less than or equal to Y as an integer. If there is no permutation of X
that is less than or equal to Y, return -1.
Example 1:
Input: X = 123, Y = 321
Output: 321
Example 2:
Input: X = 1733, Y = 3311
Output: 3173
Example 3:
Input: X = 999, Y = 111
Output: -1
Got this problem for an online assessment earlier yesterday, couldn't find an efficient solution for it and have been thinking about it but still can't think of the right approach. I first tried greedy, in which I would iterate Y from left to right and I create a permutation of X by appending the largest digit in X that is less than or equal to the digit in Y. But for X = 1733 and Y = 3311, my implementation would return -1 because the greedy algorithm rearranged X to 3317. So I turned to recursion, but as you'd expect this very quickly reached stack limit.
I've read this thread that seems to discuss a similar problem, but I believe the top solution fails for example 2. How do you approach this problem?
A recursive solution.
Sort the digits of X decreasingly. Then, as long as you find no solution
take in turn every digit in X that is not larger than the leading digit of Y;
if those digits are equal, recurse on X less this digit and the tail of Y;
if the digit of X is smaller (or X is empty), you are done;
if there is no such digit, you reached a dead-end.
This works because you are trying the permutations of X by decreasing value.
321 vs. 321
3 21 vs. 3 21
21 vs. 21
1 vs. 1
7331 vs. 3311
3 731 vs. 3 311
3 71 vs. 3 11
1 7 vs. 1 1
Dead end
1 73 vs. 3 11
999 vs. 111
Dead end
A non-recursive efficient solution, hinted by #Stef.
The permutations of X can be ordered increasingly by sorting the digits then picking every first digit and recursing on the remaining ones. This established a bijection between the permutations and the integers in [0, d!) for d digits.
For an integer m, you can retrieve the corresponding permutation using a conversion from the factorial basis (take the quotient by (d-1)! and proceed recursively with the remainder). This takes d operations, and you can compare the permutation to Y in O(d) operations.
Now just implement a dichotomic search on the d! permutations, which takes O(d.log(d!)) = O(d².log(d))) operations.
Update: the second solution only works for distinct digits otherwise the permutations do not yield increasing numbers. I hope that there is a workaround.
If X has more digits then there is no solution. If Y has more digits then a descending sort of the digits of X is the solution. Assuming X and Y have the same number of digits:
Put the digits of X in a counting hash.
For each digit of Y going in descending order (left-to-right), take the max digit of X that isn't greater than it and use that in your permutation.
If you ever place a digit lower than its counterpart in Y, place all remaining digits in descending order.
If there ever isn't a non-greater digit available then do the following: repeatedly unwind your prior move until you get to a digit where a lower digit was available. Select the max such lower digit. Then, all remaining digits can be placed in descending order from the map. If there is no such digit (where a lower digit could have been chosen) then there is no solution.
If you get through all the digits then you've produced the max solution.
This is linear in the number of digits if this is limited to base 10. If your base can vary, this is O(num_digits * base)
Here's Ruby code for this.
def get_perm(x, y)
# hist keeps a count of each of the digits of x
hist = Hash.new 0; x.digits.each { |d| hist[d] += 1 }
# output_digits is the answer we're building
output_digits = []
y_digits = y.digits
x_digits = x.digits
# If x has fewer digits then all permutations are good so pick the largest
if x.digits.length < y.digits.length
9.downto(0) do |digit|
output_digits += [digit] * hist[digit]
return output_digits
# If y has fewer digits then no permutation is good, return -1
if y.digits.length < x.digits.length
return -1
# parse the digits of y
(y_digits.length - 1).downto(0) do |i|
cur_y_digit = y_digits[i]
# use the current digit of y if possible
if hist[cur_y_digit] > 0
hist[cur_y_digit] -= 1
return output_digits if i == 0
# otherwise, use the largest smaller digit available if possible
(cur_y_digit - 1).downto(0) do |smaller_digit|
if hist[smaller_digit] > 0
# place the smaller digit, then all remaining digits in descending order
hist[smaller_digit] -= 1
9.downto(0) do |digit|
output_digits += [digit] * hist[digit]
return output_digits
# If we make it here then no digit was available; we need to unwind moves until we
# can replace a digit of our solution with a smaller digit
smallest_digit = hist.keys.min
while i < (y.digits.length - 1) do
i += 1
cur_y_digit = y_digits[i]
cur_unwound_digit = output_digits.pop
hist[cur_unwound_digit] += 1
smallest_digit = [smallest_digit, cur_unwound_digit].min
if cur_y_digit > smallest_digit
(cur_y_digit - 1).downto(smallest_digit) do |d|
if hist[d] >= 1
hist[d] -= 1
9.downto(0) do |digit|
output_digits += [digit] * hist[digit]
return output_digits
return -1
Outputs for OP sample cases:
> get_perm(123, 321)
=> [3, 2, 1]
> get_perm(1733, 3311)
=> [3, 1, 7, 3]
> get_perm(999, 111)
=> -1
If Z is the answer, and the numbers have n digits, you can show that there is an index i such that Z[:i] = Y[:i], Z[i]<Y[i], and Z[i+1:] is as large as possible given digits of X \ Z[:i+1] (I use python array slice notation, and the last expression means "the set of digits of X minus those already chosen in Z up to i+1").
Given this, you can easily loop over each candidate i, and efficiently check if it's feasible to chose such i as in above. The solution is with the largest possible i.
The solution should be O(n*log(n)).
I'll leave the proof and implementation details, as I understand it's a homework :)

Loop invariant proof on multiply algorithm

I'm currently stuck on a loop invariant proof in my home assignment. The algorithm that I need to prove correctness of, is:
I've tried to look at several examples of loop invariants and I have some sense of idea of how its supposed to work out. However in this algorithm above, I have two exit conditions, and I'm a bit lost on how to approach this in a loop invariant proof. In particular its the termination part I'm struggling with, around the IF and ELSE statements.
So far what I've constructed is simply by looking at the termination of the algorithm in which case if x = 0 then it returns the value of y containing the value of n (number of iterations in the while loop), where as if x is not 0, and x < b then it returns -1. I just have a feeling I need to prove this some how.
I hope someone can help share some light on this for me, as the similar cases I've found in here, have not been sufficient.
Thanks alot in advance for your time.
Provided that the algorithm terminates (for this let's assume a>0 and b>0, which is sufficient), one invariant is that at every iteration of your while loop, you have x + by = a.
at first, x = a and y = 0 so that's ok
If x + by = a, then (x - b) + (y + 1)b = a, which are the values of x and y for your next iteration
// x + by = a, is true
// x + by = a, is true
x=x-b // X = x - b
y=y+1 // Y = y + 1
// x + by = a
// x - b + by + b = a
// (x-b) + (y+1)b = a
// X + bY = a, is still true
// x + by = a, will remain true when you exit the loop
// since we exited the loop, x < b
// 0 + by = a, and 0 < b
// y = a/b
This algorithm returns a/b when b divides a, and -1 otherwise. Multiply does not quite sound like an appropriate name for it...
We can't prove correctness without a specification of exactly what the function is supposed to do, which I can't find in your question. Even the name of the function doesn't help: as noted already, your function returns a/b most of the time when b divides a, and -1 otherwise. Multiply is an inappropriate name for it.
Furthermore, if b=0 and a>=b the "algorithm" doesn't terminate so it isn't even an algorithm.
As Alex M noted, a loop invariant for the loop is x + by = a. At the moment the loop exits, we also have x < b. There are no other guarantees on x because (presumably) a could be negative. If we had a guarantee that a and b are positive, then we could guarantee that 0<=x<b at the moment the loop exits, which would mean that it implements the division with remainder algorithm (at the end of the loop, y is quotient and x is remainder, and it terminates by an "infinite descent" type argument: a decreasing sequence of positive integers x must terminate). Then you could conclude that if x=0, b divides a evenly, and the quotient is returned, otherwise -1 is returned.
But that is not a proof, because we are lacking a specification for what the algorithm is supposed to do, and a specification on restrictions on its inputs. (Are a and b any positive integers? Negative and 0 not allowed?)

Can we write an algorithm which gives me two whole numbers X and Y when I want to get a desired fraction F such that F= X/Y?

I am working to prepare a test data set in which I have to check rounding. Suppose I want to check round, round_up and round_down is working correctly at 10 th decimal place or not.
if, X=100 and Y = 54 so, X/Y = 1.8518518518518518518518518518519 (test round equidistant)
if, X= 10 and Y = 7 so, 1.4285714285714285714285714285714 (test round_up)
if, X= 10 and Y = 3 so, 3.3333333333333333333333333333333 (test round_down)
Can we write an algorithm in which
input will be rounding mode (round_up, round, round_down) and decimal place I want to round at(in our example 10)
output will be X and Y like above?
If the required location is p (=10 in your example), then y=10^p and then you can choose any x you want.
Depending on the language you are using, p might be too big for you to do 10^p, so in the worst case just divide the result from x/y by 10, 100 or whatever is necessary.
Or you can do like this
# n = number of fraction you want to return
def getFraction(a, b, n):
result = ""
for i in range(n):
f = int((a % b) * 10 / b)
result += str(f)
a = a * 10 - b * f
return result
getFraction(10, 7, 11) # return 42857142857 which 10/7 = 1.42857142857...
What I do is like what you have learnt in elementary school on how to do division by pen and paper.
Actually, if the required digit is d, then if d is not 9, the answer would be x=d,y=9 regardless of p which is the position of the digit. If d is 9, then if p is odd, the answer is x=10,y=11 and if p is even, x=1,y=11. If a trivial answer for d=0 won't do, the mirror answer for d=9 is suitable, that is, if d=0 and p is odd, the answer is x=1,y=11, and if p is even, x=10,y=11. A lot shorter than an answer with y=10^p and certainly fitting in nearly any architecture.

Simple recursion problem

I'm taking my first steps into recursion and dynamic programming and have a question about forming subproblems to model the recursion.
How many different ways are there to
flip a fair coin 5 times and not have
three or more heads in a row?
If some could put up some heavily commented code (Ruby preferred but not essential) to help me get there. I am not a student if that matters, this is a modification of a Project Euler problem to make it very simple for me to grasp. I just need to get the hang of writing recursion formulas.
If you would like to abstract the problem into how many different ways are there to flip a fair coin Y times and not have Z or more heads in a row, that may be beneficial as well. Thanks again, this website rocks.
You can simply create a formula for that:
The number of ways to flip a coin 5 times without having 3 heads in a row is equal to the number of combinations of 5 coin flips minus the combinations with at least three heads in a row. In this case:
HHH-- (4 combinations)
THHH- (2 combinations)
TTHHH (1 combination)
The total number of combinations = 2^5 = 32. And 32 - 7 = 25.
If we flip a coin N times without Q heads in a row, the total amount is 2^N and the amount with at least Q heads is 2^(N-Q+1)-1. So the general answer is:
Flip(N,Q) = 2^N - 2^(N-Q+1) +1
Of course you can use recursion to simulate the total amount:
flipme: N x N -> N
flipme(flipsleft, maxhead) = flip(flipsleft, maxhead, 0)
flip: N x N x N -> N
flip(flipsleft, maxhead, headcount) ==
if flipsleft <= 0 then 0
else if maxhead<=headcount then 0
flip(flipsleft - 1, maxhead, headcount+1) + // head
flip(flipsleft - 1, maxhead, maxhead) // tail
Here's my solution in Ruby
def combination(length=5)
return [[]] if length == 0
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:h] + c if c[0..1]!= [:h,:h]}.compact +
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:t] + c }
puts "There are #{combination.length} ways"
All recursive methods start with an early out for the end case.
return [[]] if length == 0
This returns an array of combinations, where the only combination of zero length is []
The next bit (simplified) is...
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:h] + c } +
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:t] + c }
So.. this says.. I want all combinations that are one shorter than the desired length with a :head added to each of them... plus all the combinations that are one shorter with a tail added to them.
The way to think about recursion is.. "assuming I had a method to do the n-1 case.. what would I have to add to make it cover the n case". To me it feels like proof by induction.
This code would generate all combinations of heads and tails up to the given length.
We don't want ones that have :h :h :h. That can only happen where we have :h :h and we are adding a :h. So... I put an if c[0..1] != [:h,:h] on the adding of the :h so it will return nil instead of an array when it was about to make an invalid combination.
I then had to compact the result to ignore all results that are just nil
Isn't this a matter of taking all possible 5 bit sequences and removing the cases where there are three sequential 1 bits (assuming 1 = heads, 0 = tails)?
Here's one way to do it in Python:
#This will hold all possible combinations of flipping the coins.
flips = [[]]
for i in range(5):
#Loop through the existing permutations, and add either 'h' or 't'
#to the end.
for j in range(len(flips)):
f = flips[j]
tails = list(f)
#Now count how many of the permutations match our criteria.
fewEnoughHeadsCount = 0
for flip in flips:
hCount = 0
hasTooManyHeads = False
for c in flip:
if c == 'h': hCount += 1
else: hCount = 0
if hCount >= 3: hasTooManyHeads = True
if not hasTooManyHeads: fewEnoughHeadsCount += 1
print 'There are %s ways.' % fewEnoughHeadsCount
This breaks down to:
How many ways are there to flip a fair coin four times when the first flip was heads + when the first flip was tails:
So in python:
HEADS = "1"
TAILS = "0"
def threeOrMoreHeadsInARow(bits):
return "111" in bits
def flip(n = 5, flips = ""):
if threeOrMoreHeadsInARow(flips):
return 0
if n == 0:
return 1
return flip(n - 1, flips + HEADS) + flip(n - 1, flips + TAILS)
Here's a recursive combination function using Ruby yield statements:
def combinations(values, n)
if n.zero?
yield []
combinations(values, n - 1) do |combo_tail|
values.each do |value|
yield [value] + combo_tail
And you could use regular expressions to parse out three heads in a row:
def three_heads_in_a_row(s)
([/hhh../, /.hhh./, /..hhh/].collect {|pat| pat.match(s)}).any?
Finally, you would get the answer using something like this:
total_count = 0
filter_count = 0
combinations(["h", "t"], 5) do |combo|
count += 1
unless three_heads_in_a_row(combo.join)
filter_count += 1
puts "TOTAL: #{ total_count }"
puts "FILTERED: #{ filter_count }"
So that's how I would do it :)

Can I reduce the computational complexity of this?

Well, I have this bit of code that is slowing down the program hugely because it is linear complexity but called a lot of times making the program quadratic complexity. If possible I would like to reduce its computational complexity but otherwise I'll just optimize it where I can. So far I have reduced down to:
def table(n):
a = 1
while 2*a <= n:
if (-a*a)%n == 1: return a
a += 1
Anyone see anything I've missed? Thanks!
EDIT: I forgot to mention: n is always a prime number.
EDIT 2: Here is my new improved program (thank's for all the contributions!):
def table(n):
if n == 2: return 1
if n%4 != 1: return
a1 = n-1
for a in range(1, n//2+1):
if (a*a)%n == a1: return a
EDIT 3: And testing it out in its real context it is much faster! Well this question appears solved but there are many useful answers. I should also say that as well as those above optimizations, I have memoized the function using Python dictionaries...
Ignoring the algorithm for a moment (yes, I know, bad idea), the running time of this can be decreased hugely just by switching from while to for.
for a in range(1, n / 2 + 1)
(Hope this doesn't have an off-by-one error. I'm prone to make these.)
Another thing that I would try is to look if the step width can be incremented.
Take a look at http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/ent/ent_py .
The function sqrtmod does the job if you set a = -1 and p = n.
You missed a small point because the running time of your improved algorithm is still in the order of the square root of n. As long you have only small primes n (let's say less than 2^64), that's ok, and you should probably prefer your implementation to a more complex one.
If the prime n becomes bigger, you might have to switch to an algorithm using a little bit of number theory. To my knowledge, your problem can be solved only with a probabilistic algorithm in time log(n)^3. If I remember correctly, assuming the Riemann hypothesis holds (which most people do), one can show that the running time of the following algorithm (in ruby - sorry, I don't know python) is log(log(n))*log(n)^3:
class Integer
# calculate b to the power of e modulo self
def power(b, e)
raise 'power only defined for integer base' unless b.is_a? Integer
raise 'power only defined for integer exponent' unless e.is_a? Integer
raise 'power is implemented only for positive exponent' if e < 0
return 1 if e.zero?
x = power(b, e>>1)
x *= x
(e & 1).zero? ? x % self : (x*b) % self
# Fermat test (probabilistic prime number test)
def prime?(b = 2)
raise "base must be at least 2 in prime?" if b < 2
raise "base must be an integer in prime?" unless b.is_a? Integer
power(b, self >> 1) == 1
# find square root of -1 modulo prime
def sqrt_of_minus_one
return 1 if self == 2
return false if (self & 3) != 1
raise 'sqrt_of_minus_one works only for primes' unless prime?
# now just try all numbers (each succeeds with probability 1/2)
2.upto(self) do |b|
e = self >> 1
e >>= 1 while (e & 1).zero?
x = power(b, e)
next if [1, self-1].include? x
loop do
y = (x*x) % self
return x if y == self-1
raise 'sqrt_of_minus_one works only for primes' if y == 1
x = y
# find a prime
p = loop do
x = rand(1<<512)
next if (x & 3) != 1
break x if x.prime?
puts "%x" % p
puts "%x" % p.sqrt_of_minus_one
The slow part is now finding the prime (which takes approx. log(n)^4 integer operation); finding the square root of -1 takes for 512-bit primes still less than a second.
Consider pre-computing the results and storing them in a file. Nowadays many platforms have a huge disk capacity. Then, obtaining the result will be an O(1) operation.
(Building on Adam's answer.)
Look at the Wikipedia page on quadratic reciprocity:
x^2 ≡ −1 (mod p) is solvable if and only if p ≡ 1 (mod 4).
Then you can avoid the search of a root precisely for those odd prime n's that are not congruent with 1 modulo 4:
def table(n):
if n == 2: return 1
if n%4 != 1: return None # or raise exception
Based off OP's second edit:
def table(n):
if n == 2: return 1
if n%4 != 1: return
mod = 0
a1 = n - 1
for a in xrange(1, a1, 2):
mod += a
while mod >= n: mod -= n
if mod == a1: return a//2 + 1
It looks like you're trying to find the square root of -1 modulo n. Unfortunately, this is not an easy problem, depending on what values of n are input into your function. Depending on n, there might not even be a solution. See Wikipedia for more information on this problem.
Edit 2: Surprisingly, strength-reducing the squaring reduces the time a lot, at least on my Python2.5 installation. (I'm surprised because I thought interpreter overhead was taking most of the time, and this doesn't reduce the count of operations in the inner loop.) Reduces the time from 0.572s to 0.146s for table(1234577).
def table(n):
n1 = n - 1
square = 0
for delta in xrange(1, n, 2):
square += delta
if n <= square: square -= n
if square == n1: return delta // 2 + 1
strager posted the same idea but I think less tightly coded. Again, jug's answer is best.
Original answer: Another trivial coding tweak on top of Konrad Rudolph's:
def table(n):
n1 = n - 1
for a in xrange(1, n // 2 + 1):
if (a*a) % n == n1: return a
Speeds it up measurably on my laptop. (About 25% for table(1234577).)
Edit: I didn't notice the python3.0 tag; but the main change was hoisting part of the calculation out of the loop, not the use of xrange. (Academic since there's a better algorithm.)
Is it possible for you to cache the results?
When you calculate a large n you are given the results for the lower n's almost for free.
One thing that you are doing is repeating the calculation -a*a over and over again.
Create a table of the values once and then do look up in the main loop.
Also although this probably doesn't apply to you because your function name is table but if you call a function that takes time to calculate you should cache the result in a table and just do a table look up if you call it again with the same value. This save you the time of calculating all of the values when you first run but you don't waste time repeating the calculation more than once.
I went through and fixed the Harvard version to make it work with python 3.
I made some slight changes to make the results exactly the same as the OP's function. There are two possible answers and I forced it to return the smaller answer.
import timeit
def table(n):
if n == 2: return 1
if n%4 != 1: return
def inversemod(a, p):
x, y = xgcd(a, p)
return x%p
def xgcd(a, b):
x_sign = 1
if a < 0: a = -a; x_sign = -1
x = 1; y = 0; r = 0; s = 1
while b != 0:
(c, q) = (a%b, a//b)
(a, b, r, s, x, y) = (b, c, x-q*r, y-q*s, r, s)
return (x*x_sign, y)
def mul(x, y):
return ((x[0]*y[0]+a1*y[1]*x[1])%n,(x[0]*y[1]+x[1]*y[0])%n)
def pow(x, nn):
ans = (1,0)
xpow = x
while nn != 0:
if nn%2 != 0:
ans = mul(ans, xpow)
xpow = mul(xpow, xpow)
nn >>= 1
return ans
for z in range(2,n) :
u, v = pow((1,z), a1//2)
if v != 0:
vinv = inversemod(v, n)
if (vinv*vinv)%n == a1:
vinv %= n
if vinv <= n//2:
return vinv
return n-vinv
pri = [ 5,13,17,29,37,41,53,61,73,89,97,1234577,5915587277,3267000013,3628273133,2860486313,5463458053,3367900313 ]
for x in pri:
t=timeit.Timer('q=table('+str(x)+')','from __main__ import table')
tt +=t.timeit(number=100)
print('total time=',tt/100)
This version takes about 3ms to run through the test cases above.
For comparison using the prime number 1234577
OP Edit2 745ms
The accepted answer 522ms
The above function 0.2ms
