Index Check in OpenEdge 10.2b which uses Oracle schema - oracle

How to know index usage of particular module in Openedge 10.2 which uses Oracle db schema?
I have used XREF but .xrf does not give any index details for my module, so I have run below simple query and then checked in .xrf but no index detail available.
FOR EACH tablename NO-LOCK USE-INDEX indexname:
DISPLAY tablename.field.
Please help me how to get index detail for Progress db using oracle schema.

First I assume you are using Oracle DataServer from Progress.
If that is the case, bear in mind that all USE-INDEX will be translated basically into ORDER BY in the resulting query, so mostly being used to order not to access the data.
If you want a know how your information is accessed you'll need to enable qt_debug when connecting to the schema holder, that will allow you to print many information about how your progress code is translated to SQL to access the Oracle DB. You'll need to analyze those SQL (SQL EXPLAIN as an example) to see the performance of your queries and how they are accessing the DB.


PBI - Direct Query and Oracle table function

Currently having to transfer some existing reports in Cognos into PBI, we have some challenges:
We would need to use direct query + a table function, else we need to redesign everything on DB side, which is not expected.
The main challenge here is that it seems that we are not able to pass dynamically to the query any parameter (like a user's choice or "slicer"), and not even the username of who is currently running the report.
Is there any solution for this?
Any improvement planned in the future in PBI?

GUI to oracle Change data capture

I'm learning how to implement change data capture in oracle. However, not being a DB specialist but rather a DEV, i find the process tedious with respect to other things that i have to do. I end up doing it because my DBA/DEVOP don't want to take care of it.
Hence i was wondering if there is any tool that can help set oracle change data capture. In other words a simple graphical user interface that would write the all code for me. Creation of change table, PL/SQL Script and etc....
Many thanks
topic duplicated in: dba.stackexchange
What problem are you trying to solve?
How (when) will the CDC data be consumed
Are you planning to use something akin to: Oracle 11.1 CDC doc
Be sure to heed: Oracle 11.2 CDC Warning
"Oracle Change Data Capture will be de-supported in a future release of Oracle Database and will be replaced with Oracle GoldenGate. Therefore, Oracle strongly recommends that you use Oracle GoldenGate for new applications."
The company I work for, Attunity, has a pretty slick GUI CDC tool called "Replicate".
It can directly apply changes to a selected target DB, or store changes to be applies.
Many sources (Oracle, SQLserver, DB2...) many targets (Oracle. SQLserver, Netezza, Vertica,...)
Define your source and target DB, Search/Select source table, and one click to go.
Optional transformations such as: table and column names, drop and add columns, calculate values.

Retrieving tables from "Other users" in nHibernate

First of all I won't to say that I'm an expert in database handling, and less so in oracle. However right now I need to get better at it :)
I'm using nHibernate as orm, to my oracle database. It works ok, and is rather simple to use. However now I have run in to a problem that I don't know how to solve.
In the Database theres a kind of tree with the tables, views, indexes and such. At the end there are also a entry called "Other Users" in which there are some users with access to what I'm guessing is other tables. Now I would like to get data from one of those tables (I can read them manually in SQL Developer, so it's not a access problem or anything). Does anyone have any idea how I shall do that?
The account that you use in SQL Developer has at least read privilges to tables in another schema (owned by another user). You can access these tables by prefixing the table name with the schema name. In Hibernate you'll have to define the non-default-schema in the mapping.

ORACLE Computed and Automatic Columns

I found this document on the official ORACLE page while searching for information on Computed/Automatic/Virtual Columns:
(Title: "Guide to Using SQL: Computed and Automatic Columns. A feature of Oracle Rdb")
Can anyone tell of these features really exist in ORACLE (I'm using version 10g, the document says Computed/Automatic is there since 7.1)?
I can't get any of the examples to work. Also the SQL formatting and syntax highlighting with ORACLE SQL Developer (v 3.0.04) does not work on these statements.
The document does not state that it is a tech-preview or something like that and according to the last page it has been around since May 2002.
For me it reads like a very early preview of 11g's VIRTUAL COLUMNS. What do you think?
You're reading the documentation of another product: Rdb (this is not Oracle Database Server)!

Migrating data between 2 databases in Oracle 9i

I am new to Oracle. Since we have rewritten an earlier application , we have to migrate the data from the earlier database in Oracle 9i to a new database , also in 9i, with totally different structures. The column names and types would be totally different. We need to map the tables and columns , try to export as much data as possible, eliminate duplicates, and fill empty values with defaults.
Are there any tools which can help in mapping the elements of the 2 databases , with rules to handle duplicates, and default values and migrate the data ?
If your goal is to migrate data between two very different schemas you will probably need an ETL solution (ETL=Extract Transform Load).
An ETL will allow you to:
Select data from your source database(s) [Extract]
apply business logic to the selected data [Transform] (deal with duplicates, default values, map source tables/columns with destination tables/columns...)
insert the data into the new database [Load]
Most ETLs also allow some kind of automatisation and reporting of the loads (bad/discarded rows...)
Oracle's ETL is called Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB). It is included in the Database licence and you can download it from the Oracle website. As most Oracle products it is powerful but the learning curve is a bit steep.
You may want to look into the [ETL] section here in SO, among others:
What ETL tool do you use?
ETL tools… what do they do exactly? In laymans terms please.
In many cases, creating a database link and some scripts a'la
insert into newtable select distinct foo, bar, 'defaultvalue' from oldtable#olddatabase where xxx
should do the trick
