File upload fails during recording using JMeter - proxy

I attempted to record a file upload in JMeter, using port 8888, but the file failed to upload when using JMeter as the proxy ( Recording Controller and HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder ). I also tried to run this from within JMeter by choosing "Start" and viewing what I had just recorded in the View Results Tree listener. When I ran it this way, I received a 500 error for the file upload line in the View Results Tree listener.
So, I ran Charles network proxy while doing the file upload to see if the same thing happened. It did not. I was able to successfully upload the file going through the Charles network proxy on the same port 8888.
Furthermore, I took out all proxies and did the file upload successfully.
Only when I use JMeter as the proxy do I have a problem uploading the file.
In JMeter, after first running it with no changes, I then tried to change many settings like Implementation, Content Encoding, Browser-campatible headers, Retrieve All Embedded Resources, and many others to see if this would help, but it did not.
So, my gut tells me that there is a setting that is set incorrectly.
I found this post that talks about changing to use "Java" in the HTTP Request Defaults. ( Unable to upload image/file when using Jmeter HTTP Proxy server ) This did not help me though when I tried that.
I found this post also which mentions some other types of things ( Unable to record an upload file scenario in JMeter though it is possible by manual effort with specific browser settings ) . I did check the headers against Charles and they look the same.
Any ideas?
============= Edit below is adding the test plan screen shot===============

During recording you need to put the file you want to upload in jmeter/bin folder.
This is due to some limitations of browsers which do not transmit the full path.

So, apparently, I had to remove the parameters from the "Path" line and move them to the "Send Parameters With the Request:" for the line that I had the 500 error on ( the highlighted line in the screen shot I had attached above ).
In summary, here is what happened. When I recorded the file upload with JMeter using the Recording Controller and HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, JMeter had put all of the parameters in the "Path" field for me on many of the lines that JMeter had recorded for me. I did not even think twice about what JMeter had done automatically for me. So, after I removed all text except "/" in the "Path" field and added each parameter one at a time under "Send Parameters With the request", I received a "200" status code on the line that had given me the problem. I also went into all other lines and made these same changes for the parameters. I still am not sure if the file upload is actually working, but I don't care about that right now since I did get a "200" on the line that was giving me a problem. That is enough progress to keep me moving ahead... :-).


JMeter, In what way could a 20M file upload give an 500 error: "Cannot delete temporary file chunk"?

Context: Trying to upload a file to a web application
Let's assume I'm only using the basic options:
HTTP Request Sampler:
Method: Post
Protocol: http
Path: /api/file/upload
Follow Redirects: checked
Use Keep-Alive: checked
Use multipart/form-data: checked
Files Upload:
File Path: C:\Users\etc...etc
Parameter Name: file
MIME: image/jpeg
Cookies are set with Cookie Manager, Login is also set.
Uploading small files (130KB) works fine like this, Bigger files throw an error 500: "Cannot delete temporary file chunk."
On-website upload works fine and uses resumable.js (which is also the one throwing this error I assume)
I am assuming this is due to chunking, since that's basically the only major difference between what I have tried. Does anyone have any insight on this?
Edit: Using the image photoGood that is "chunked"/split in 2 blocks I can also form POSTs with these parameters:
resumableIdentifier 20702285-photoGoodjpg
resumableFilename photoGood.jpg
resumableType image/jpeg
resumableRelativePath photoGood.jpg
resumableChunkSize 1048576
resumableChunkNumber 1
resumableTotalChunks 2
resumableTotalSize 1859876
resumableChunkSize 887520
However, only the ChunkNumber 1 will be used, as in, the chunks are not joined together on the server.
I think your request is missing some mandatory parameters like:
Check out documentation at website for more details.
If you're able to successfully perform upload using browser you should be able to record the associated request(s) using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just make sure to copy your PDF file to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation before uploading the file and JMeter will generate the relevant HTTP Request sampler(s) under the Recording Controller.
Check out Recording File Uploads with JMeter article for more details.
It would also be good to capture the traffic from JMeter and the real browser using a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark, this way you will be able to identify the differences. Once you configure JMeter to send the same requests as the real browser - the whole transaction will be successful.

JMeter HTTP Request shows a second failed result of a wrong URL

My results tree shows a separate status for a URL connection I have absolutely no idea where it might come from:
The first result with the -0 at the end is that of the request I send willingly. The other connection with the -1 comes out of the void.
In the response body I can see that JMeter fails while trying to resolve the DNS name:
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/$PlatformNameService.lookupAllHostAddr(Unknown Source)
This is my definition of the HTTP Request:
As you can see this goes to a totally different host and protocol (http instead of https).
I checked the defined csv, it does not contain the hostname "aid". Same goes for the JMX file and any environment variables set.
I am using Apache JMeter 5.0
After I read Ubiks answer I checked if there are any redirects in the first request. There are no redirects but in the content there are several script and img resources.
It looks like JMeter parses the first request for resources it has to download. But I didn't enable this setting / don't even know where to activate this.
I guess it’s either a redirect issued from response to the first request or because JMeter tries to download embedded resources.
Check the response of first request.
If the reason is that JMeter downloads (probably missing) resources, make sure you disable Retrieve All Embedded Resources in the Advanced tab.
The error you're getting indicates the problem with the system under test, JMeter cannot resolve an embedded resource - image, script, style, font, iframe, whatever.
You need to raise an issue as not available content is not good i.e. for SEO purposes, moreover it might be essential for your application functionality of LAF
If this is a known issue which is in process of fixing (or considered as won't fix) you can turn JMeter's check for embedded resources presence by adding the next line to file:
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
More information:
JMeter Properties Reference
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Jmeter: File upload Issues while Jmeter scripting

I have a scenario wherein I have to upload a .txt file which inserts records in database, for a batch job operation further. I am using Jmeter scripting to automate this flow. I think I have followed all the rules needed to upload a file but still I face this error:
Response code: 500
Response message: Internal Server Error
Here are the details of scripting the file upload
and the html code showing the paramter name for the input type "file"
<input type="file" size ="40" name="filename" class="textinputgroup_input" title="Use Browse button to select the file.">
I am not sure where I have made the mistake. I have properly used the request attributes in the HTTP sampler as per the Fiddler.
I will not be able to record due to some firewall restrictions
Your config looks good, just make sure that:
File exists under the ${filepath}
${filepath} should contain either full path to the txt file being uploaded or the file needs to live in JMeter's "bin" folder
In case if it doesn't help, check jmeter.log and/or server-side log file to get some clues regarding what's wrong. It may be something like missing header or whatever. As a last resort try comparing the requests which are being sent by JMeter and real browser with a sniffer tool like Wireshark to detect the differences and apply the appropriate JMeter configuration so requests would be identical.
See Performance testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more detailed instructions.

File is not got uploaded in case script run in Jmeter

I recorded a file uploading scenario and successfully saved in web application
now when i try to run recorded script by updating "send file with request" by some other file. there is no error seems in log but file is not getting upload in web application in case i run recorded script
Please Help!
enter image description here
First of all add View Results Tree listener and inspect "Request" and "Response Data" tabs. JMeter automatically considers requests with response code < 400 as successful so even if file upload didn't happen but browser responded with HTTP Code 200 (OK) - you won't see any errors or failed tests.
Usually ability to upload a file somewhere requires being authenticated (logged in). Try adding HTTP Cookie Manager to your test plan
Sometimes application under test uses dynamic parameters which are generated in runtime. So it won't be possible to record and successfully replay scenario. If you record the same request 2 times, inspect recorded requests and see the differences - it means you'll need to perform "correlation" - process of extracting dynamic parameters from previous response and adding them to next request. The most commonly used test element for this is Regular Expression Extractor.

Unable to record an upload file scenario in JMeter though it is possible by manual effort with specific browser settings

I am working on upload file module that works on internet explorer only and it requires following browser setting mandatory:
"Include local directory path when uploading files to server" should be enabled.
A failure message "Unable to upload file" displays when we do not make required setting in browser while manual attempt else it works fine.
Now when I am trying to record the scenario in JMeter, getting same error message even I made required browser settings.
Note: Additionally, I tried to include these calls by copying from browser tools and paste it in JMeter transaction but get the same result in response.
Have any one experience the same or can help me out?
Few things to consider:
Make sure that you use Java implementation of HTTP Request
Make sure that "Use multipart/form-data for POST" is checked
Make sure that you provide a file within "Send Files With the Request" field providing correct path, parameter name and mime-type
If all above has already been applied and you still experience problems I would recommend to capture the data being sent by Internet Explorer with a sniffer (Fiddler, Wireshark, etc.) and compare it to data, being sent by JMeter. They must be the same. If they aren't - you'll need to customize it using HTTP Header Manager, HTTP Cookie Manager, etc. If JMeter is not flexible enough to set all the required parameters via GUI, i.e. still tries to send full path of file instead of just filename or vice versa, you can always go deeper and manually build multi-part post request via Java Request Sampler (see SleepTest and JavaTest source code for details) or via Beanshell which is 100% compatible with Java syntax but may be harder to debug due to it's script nature.
Path to SleepTest and JavaTest files is follows:
JMeter sources are available from JMeter download page
Steps to upload the image using jmeter:
locate the image in bin folder Select Post method and check the "Use
multipart/form-data for POST" in HTTP Request
Provide details of Send files With the Request in HTTP Request
Record the Upload scenario and stop button in Jmeter (Image wouldn't upload while recording in Jmeter)
Now before running the script, Go to upload response and give the full path of image in "Send files with request field"
Now Run the script. You can able to see the image
