Just tried (several times) to install ADT bundle for Win 7 64 bit.
It downloads and unpacks OK, and Eclipse runs, but it has trouble finding Java imports and some of the ADK subdirectories seem to be in the wrong place or have the wrong name.
I expect it's my fault, but I can't seem to figure it out. The web page it comes from warns against moving the directories around, so I'm reluctant to mess with them.
I've been developing for about a year on a 32 bit XP, but I've had to change desktop to a win 7 64bit machine, and the errors occur when I open the project I had been building on the 32 bit version. I get errors on all the #import lines, and a 'cannot find {directory-name}'.
As I write this, it occurs to me that the previous version of ADT probably had built in assumptions about paths, and I may have to start the project anew, and import the source and xml files from the old project. Groan...
Is this likely?
Ah! Having checked the version inconsistency question, I found that I had to
1 Start Eclipse with a new Workspace
2 IMPORT the existing project.
File > New > Project... > Android Project from Existing Code [Browse]
3 Check 'copy in existing Workspace’ i.e. the new workspace I defined in 1.
There were still a few inconsistencies with graphics, but I can fix these.
When I go to verify or compile any script, an error saying, "The system cannot find the file specified."
Error code when I verify a blank script
I am coding for a robot and began getting this error after installing the "LIDAR-Lite_v3" library. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Arduino and cleared the "C:\Users\Ryano\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino" folder so that the LiDAR library was not in the libraries folder.
There is still an issue after doing this. When I first create a new sketch it verifies. When I save it, then it throws this error. It says that it is having issues compiling to the mega, but if I change the board type it gives exactly the same error with that particular board. This leads me to believe that the board is not the issue.
Also, it is only the sketches in "C:\Users\Ryano\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino" that don't work. Example sketches work just find and finish compiling.
I've looked at other questions concerning this type of issue, but none of them are particular to my case.
The error is caused by using the Arduino IDE with files located under the Windows OneDrive folder.
Arduino IDE 1.6.6 and newer use a tool named arduino-builder which is written in the Go programming language. Go does not correctly handle files in OneDrive, which resulted in this bug in arduino-builder.
A. Use a version of the Arduino IDE that has the bug fixed
That bug has now been fixed in the hourly build of the Arduino IDE so if you use that IDE version the problem will not occur:
You should be aware that the hourly build is primarily intended for beta testing so you might encounter bugs that aren't present in the Arduino IDE production releases. However, since you're already encountering a bug in the production release, going from an IDE with a known show-stopper bug to one that might have some minor bugs seems like a good trade.
B. Don't use the Arduino IDE with files in OneDrive
You can work around the bug by not using the Arduino IDE with any files in OneDrive.
In this case it looks like you have your sketchbook located under OneDrive. You can change the location of the sketchbook folder via the Arduino IDE's File > Preferences > Sketchbook Location. Change that setting to any convenient folder on your computer as long as it's not in the OneDrive. The Arduino IDE does not automatically copy the contents of the previous sketchbook folder to the new location so you will need to do this manually.
If you're using the Windows App Store version of the Arduino IDE this solution will be a big more difficult since that IDE version stores some files in the OneDrive.
C. Other solutions
Other possible workarounds are described in the issue report thread:
I am trying to run the Q# Teleportation sample. I cloned from the official Microsoft GitHub Repository, restored all dependencies, I have the Q# Development SDK installed also. The problem is when i run it the first time it worked now i tried running it again and i get this error.
TeleportClassicalMessage' does not exist in the current context. I run it for the last time and it worked even with the Error. I have by the way set up TeleportationSampleas my startup project.Is there any reason for this behaviour?. I am new to Q#
Even with the red Squiggly the Application run after another try.
I solved this by deleted the bin and obj directories then run again.
my experience: Quantum Program The name 'BellTest' does not exist in the current context
From my experience (playing with slightly modified sample BellTest code), Q#-generated classes are properly referenced in C# only after you rebuild project (meaning dotnet build). So if you make some changes in names that are visible on the C# side, try building it and reference issues should go away.
This was tested using VSCode on Windows 10 x64, .NET Core v 2.1.103
I've recently bought a new tower and used third-party software to port across all my development tools (another story in itself), including VB 6.0, all my third-party tools, and Btrieve. The only problem I have with Btrieve is more an annoyance than anything. On this new tower, I have to remember to run my compiled application once before attempting to run it from inside the IDE or else it will not load, and subsequently return a corresponding error when it attempts to open the first file.
If anyone else has encountered this and knows how to fix it, I'd much appreciate it.
After checking this page on Wikipedia I realized that I needed to focus on two files: w32mkde.exe and wbtrv32.dll
By manually running the exe file, it would load the engine and my application would then run in the IDE, but I still had to manually start the exe. The desired and original behavior on my older machine was that running my program in the IDE would automatically launch the sever exe. From the Wiki page, I learned that it was wbtrv32.dll that was actually called by the program, which in turn would call the exe if needed.
I had recentl ported over my old machine to a new tower, and many of the ocx and dll files in \windows\syswow64 did not make it. There seems to be no pattern to which ones, but I had to re-register those as I found them. There must be some link there, because when I copied-over the W*.exe and W*.dll files from my production backup folder to the syswow64 folder, it suddenly worked again. Likely just a corrupt copy of the dll file. I believe the reason that the compiled version ran correctly is because those dll and exe files were installed to the application folder, and were apparently okay, but not being invoked when run from the IDE.
Hope this might help someone else some day.
One of the vb6 project which worked fine in XP machine is not working on Windows 7 64 bit.
When I tried compiling the vb6 project on win7 machine it compiles forever and generates enormous .tmp files.
Update #1: When I tried building the exe using command prompt it worked.Not sure why it happens when I build from VB6 IDE
Update #2: Tried all the alternates like running application in administrator privileges,registered dlls in SYSWOW, etc.
Update #3: When I started with a fresh copy of the application I get mscomctl.ocx could not be loaded error.
I suspect permission issues. Download the excellent SysInternals NTFILMON utility to see where exactly it fails to process files. Set the filter to only show the processes that belong to VB6.
I found the issue,
There appears to be conflict in DSR files on the project.After removing the dsr files in the project I can able to compile the project.
I'm trying to deploy my app to a device and i get the following error
Error 27 An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
the odd thing is that the file and project this error relates to are both blank.
It was a WP7 app but i tried converting it to WP8 app in hope of fixing it but that didn't help. Anyone got any ideas how to figure out what's wrong?
the only thing i could find for this error talks about a specific assembly being compiled for the wrong platform. but this is not an option in the Windows Phone project settings
Check the files in your project. Files that are not part of the project should be marked as "Buid Action = none" and "Copy to Output Directory = Do not copy". Some examples are file files "text". Try this, worked for me.
Did you get any conversion warnings when you converted the project? I've worked around problems like this in the past by creating a new Windows Phone solution, re-creating the same projects in the new solution, creating any needed sub-folders into those projects, and then copying over the code and content files. This is usually quick if there aren't a lot of projects & folders.
Not sure if this is the case with you, or if you've already solved the issue (since it is an old thread), but this happens sometimes when you target the wrong CPU type. For example, your project targets x86 while you have a 64-bit machine.
Follow these steps to (hopefully) fix the issue:
Go to project properties
Go to Build tab
Select Any CPU from Platform dropdown
Save and recompile