Exiftool in Rails app running on Heroku not pulling EXIF consistently - heroku

I have a Rails app running on Heroku, using the mini_exiftool and paperclip gems. I've installed the BUILDPACK for the exiftool.
App tests successfully on localhost. But on heroku, photos taken with a camera will scrape EXIF data properly. Photos uploaded with an iPhone (or other smart phones as far as I can tell) the fields are nil.

Can be because Heroku doesn't have the Exiftool Perl Library, try with the mini_exiftool_vendored gem instead.


In Google play console, how to move release from Pre-registration to Internal testing

I have a first version 1.0.2 of an app, in the Internal testing section of the Google Play console. I have successfully downloaded the app via the Google Play app in my Android smartphone.
I am now trying to update the app, but in I get the "Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key." error. There are multiple solutions suggested for this error, I am about to embark on them...
In the meantime, I succeeded in uploading a version 1.0.5 of my app to the Pre-registration tab. It is ONLY in that tab and I can't find any way to share it with other tabs, or to download it to the smartphone. I'm not sure this it the best place for it, for the moment I am testing the app myself, I don't have an army of people to release the app to. That version 1.0.5 is listed at the bottom of the Pre-registration page, under App bundles for supported devices.
I don't see how I can transfer that version 1.0.5 to the other tabs of the console and download it. It does not appear when clicking the Add from Library command in other tabs. In Internal Testing there's a Promote Release command to move the releases there to Closed testing, but in Pre-registration I can't find any such command to move the release anywhere else.

Where can I host my Ionic app (with CouchDB) to run in browsers?

I am developing an Ionic app.
It works both on Android and iOS.
I got a free trial period on a hosting site called Heroku, where I've put the content of the www folder of my project.
The website works but the interaction with the remote couchDB does not work, despite it works good on mobile phone.
Is there a reason?
Maybe Heroku doesn't support couchDB?

Does APK shared from web or xender gets update from playstore?

Many websites providing apk of playstore's apps . and many apps like xender and myappsharer can transfer apk .
in both will they get updates from playstore ?
Yes. all app are downloaded from web can get update from google play store.
Download app from google play store and from the web all are same.
Just difference is you have to install it manually when you download apps and game from websites.

Ruby 2.2.4 on Openshift Online without Docker

I'm using Openshift Online (bronze) to host a rails app and I'd like to upgrade from the standard Ruby 2.0 cartridge to Ruby 2.2.4 so that I can run Rails 5.
I tried following this tutorial Using Openshift S2I docker images to build ruby application containers but it leaves me with a gazillion other things to do (I'm a Docker noob), and plus it's quite a jump to go from using a ready-made Openshift cartidge that takes 10 seconds to provision, to building my own Docker container and doing a ton of other stuff I know nothing about.
Does anyone know of a simple way to get Ruby 2.2 onto my Openshift Online gear or is Docker the only way to go?
Failing that, do any Openshift Online contributers who use this site know if Ruby 2.2.4 will be made available as a default cartridge anytime soon so that we don't have to take such an enormous technical leap to get a Rails 5 app running on Openshift Online?

installing firefox for OpenShift DIY cartridge

I need to scrap websites with python (selenium) so i need to install Firefox or chrome or ... .
with openshift servers how could i install Firefox in an OpenShift DIY cartridge?
Thanks a lot.
Since there is no xwindows system installed on OpenShift, I dont' think that firefox will be able to either 1.) be installed or 2.) run on the platform.
You would be better off using something like the nokogiri gem with Ruby, or a python/php library for scraping web content. You might also consider doing the scraping on your own computer, then upload the information that is needed by your website if you HAVE to go the firefox/chrome route.
There are instructions for running Selenium tests in Firefox on a headless server on the OpenShift blog.
