what does `ioctl` do in `struct tty_driver`? - linux-kernel

What does ioctl do in the structure struct tty_driver?
I know the ioctl() function provides the means to control the hardware (Keyboard, Mouse, Print) but for example a driver to control the leds on the keyboard I think that the ioctl is more than enough to do this task...
So why I need a tty_driver? I know tty_driver is a struct
P.D I've never tried to program a Device Driver. I've only read a bit of code in some books.

When developing a new driver, the struct tty_driver structure is used to register a tty_driver (using tty_register_driver() 1). This code creates a new device file and set the file operations to some tty specific functions.
The ioctl entry in the newly created file operations is set to tty_ioctl() 2 which after handling some of the basic commands will call the .ioctl function set in the struct tty_operations 3 referenced in the struct tty_driver.
By defining ioctl (note that it is checked if it is not NULL in 3) the developer can implement ioctl commands specific to its device or simply be notified of some other standard commands.


How does GetCommState populate the DCB struct in Windows 10 when using usbser.sys CDC ACM driver

I am building a embedded device that will communicate to the outside world by virtual COM. I have the descriptor and all the callbacks for the USB set up correctly and COM is working - well kind of. The problem is that when I issue the GetCommState command for the COM I get a semi valid struct back and when one fixes only couple of parameters (like setting the speed and 8N1) and try to reconfigure the port by calling SetCommState the actions fails with: 'A device attached to the system is not functioning.'
If one continues to use the port it just work - all writes and reads - without a problem. But the issue is that most libraries try to reconfigure the port by first issuing the GetCommState and then SetCommState - pyserial and C# both do it in this way.
My question is where do the "default" configuration for COM comes form?
In the USB ACM CDC standard there are (optional) class requests for SET and GET COMM feature but I can see (from USB sniffer) that they are never called (I tried with capabilities for USB ACM CDC set to 0x06 (that is without SET/GET COMM) and 0x07 (with SET/GET COMM) but in no case I get a class request from the driver). So the driver must take the config from somewhere else, does anybody knows from where or how?
I am using an NXP LPC and Windows 10 with usbser.sys driver on other end.
What I already checked is:
compared the USB descriptor to the working one - they are the same
checked the USB traffic - the enumeration and communication looks the same
without doing GetCommState and SetCommState the COM is working without problem
I attached the content of the DCB struct for working sample (left) and my (right). I do not understand where do the marked values come from? Who sets them?
The settings should come from the port driver - you can view and set default values in the Windows Device Manager. In your case, it would seem that flow control with RTS/CTS is enabled (left picture), which might be something that your USB adapter uses internally. If it works, then leave those settings as they were.
I'd advise to do like this:
Always check the result of each API function you call!
Call CreateFile to get the port handle.
Optionally call GetCommTimeouts and store the result in a zero-initialized struct like COMMTIMEOUTS com_timeouts = {0};. Change members of the struct as needed, then call SetCommTimeouts.
Create an (almost) zero-initialized struct DCB dcb = { .DCBlength = sizeof(DCB) }.
Call GetCommState on this struct.
Set baudrate, parity, stop bits etc as required. Leave other members as they were.
Call SetCommState.

How to handle device removal in Linux Kernel Driver?

You have done it a thousand times: you unplug some USB equipment and any device associated with that USB equipment is removed by the driver. Any program that uses some previously opened file handle will get an error. Somehow most Linux drivers take care of that.
I am currently struggling to implement the same in a simple driver. My driver creates a character device. When the device is opened, I set the private_data member of struct file to the address of some management data that exists once per character device. That management data also includes a mutex that I use to synchronize operations like read, write, and ioctl.
The problem now arises when the USB equipment is unplugged. I must not free the memory where that management data lives. First, any currently running read, write, or ioctl should finish. Any such running call will likely also hold a lock on the mutex and will attempt to unlock it. So the memory where the mutex lives will be accessed.
Any read, write, or ioctl call subsequent to unplugging the equipment should fail, so every such call must read some variable telling whether the USB equipment is still plugged in or not. Again, that variable must live somewhere and the memory where it lives must stay allocated as long as there are open file handles.
Long story short, it seems to me that I must do some sort reference counting: The management data must stay allocated until all file handles have been closed. I could implement that myself, but I have the feeling that I would reinvent the wheel. Such a thing must already exist, I'm not the first to have this problem.
Does Linux internally keep track of the number of open file handles? Can I define a callback that is called when all file handles have been closed? Is that even a viable thing? What is the proper way to remove a character device from the system?
Global variables shall not be avoided, since any number of USB devices can be attached.
As suggested by 0andriy, I have used reference counting to track the number of open file handles. Per character device, I have added a new struct containing a mutex, a kref, the cdev struct, and a pointer to further data. I use kref_get to increase the reference counter when a new file handle is opened. Accordingly, I use kref_put when file handles are released or the USB equipment is unplugged.
Since all I/O operations (read, write, ioctl, etc.) use the mutex, I can safely change the pointer to NULL when the USB equipment is unplugged. The I/O operations then start reporting errors.
The kref reference counter only returns to zero when the USB equipment is unplugged and all file handles are closed. So then I can also free the memory of the new struct.
This seems to work. It was a surprise that the cdev struct is referenced by file handles. It seems to be needed as long as there are open file handles.
But I'm still surprised that I had to go down this route. It seems redundant to implement that in every driver.
UPDATE: As it turns out, doing reference counting yourself is dangerous. In particular counting the number of open file handles is wrong. There is a whole reference-count-based garbage collection system in Linux and you need to use it.
For example, Linux calls cdev_get when a process opens a character device and cdev_put when the process exists and the file handle is still open. Unfortunately, the call to cdev_put would occur after the file handle's release function. As we would free the memory after the last file handle has been released, we would end up freeing the underlying memory of the cdev and the mutex before cdev_put is called.
The solution is to assign a parent to the cdev via cdev_set_parent. The parent kobject will have its reference counter increased whenever cdev_get is called and decreased after cdev_put is called. The kobject then can have its own release function which frees any memory required by the cdev. Basically I replaced the kref in my struct with a kobject.
Lesson learned: don't do reference counting on your own. Use the existing hierarchy of kobjects, which is the kernel's way of doing garbage collection.
UPDATE2: It turns out, we reinvented the wheel again. The device struct includes a release hook, which is called when the internal kobject reached a reference count of zero. This is the mechanism typically used in the kernel to release resources associated with an device - including the device struct itself.
I was looking for a release hook in the cdev struct. There was none. But it turns out I should have looked one step up in the hierarchy for such a hook.
Long story short: Use cdev_device_add in combination with the device release hook. cdev_device_add will internally call cdev_set_parent, so the device becomes the parent of the cdev. Those are the mechanism other kernel drivers (e.g. evdev) use to release their resources.

How to send Notification from Kernel to user space application using SYSFS

I'm working in an USB ACM driver, "where i need to send notification from kernel space to user space application for invoking a call back function". I'm not much aware of using kernel to user interfaces in code. how well can sysfs help for this scenario. Please send some sample code to use sysfs so that I'll get an idea to implement in my code. I could not find it anywhere. Also pls tell anyother easy way to achieve kernel to user space notification. Thanks in advance.
My suggestion would be to create a sysfs interface to your kernel driver that userspace can access. Each sysfs attribute if created with the correct properties can be read like a file from userspace. You can then use the poll function from userspace to poll for an action on that file. To trigger this action from Kernel space, you can use the sysfs_notify function on your attribute and it will cause your userspace code to wake up. Here is how I would do it
1. Create Kobject or attach an attribute to a previous kobject
2. When you want to signal userspace call sysfs_notify on the kobject and attribute
Create a new thread that will block while waiting for the sysfs_notify
Open the sysfs attribute from this thread
poll the attribute, once sysfs_notify from the kernel is called it will unblock your poll
call your event handling function
Another alternative would be to use eventfd. You create eventfd, pass the integer file descriptor to kernel space (e.g. through sysfs, or ioctl), then convert the file descriptor you got from user space to eventfd_ctx in kernel space. This is it - you have your notification channel.
User space
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
int efd = eventfd(0, 0);
// pass 'efd' to kernel space
Kernel space
#include <linux/eventfd.h>
// Set up
int efd = /* get from user space - sysfs/ioctl/write/... */;
struct eventfd_ctx* efd_ctx = eventfd_ctx_fdget(efd);
// Signal user space
eventfd_signal(efd_ctx, 1);
// Tear down

How linux drive many network cards with the same driver?

I am learning linux network driver recently, and I wonder that if I have many network cards in same type on my board, how does the kernel drive them? Does the kernel need to load the same driver many times? I think it's not possible, insmod won't do that, so how can I make all same kind cards work at same time?
The state of every card (I/O addresses, IRQs, ...) is stored into a driver-specific structure that is passed (directly or indirectly) to every entry point of the driver which can this way differenciate the cards. That way the very same code can control different cards (which means that yes, the kernel only keeps one instance of a driver's module no matter the number of devices it controls).
For instance, have a look at drivers/video/backlight/platform_lcd.c, which is a very simple LCD power driver. It contains a structure called platform_lcd that is private to this file and stores the state of the LCD (whether it is powered, and whether it is suspended). One instance of this structure is allocated in the probe function of the driver through kzalloc - that is, one per LCD device - and stored into the platform device representing the LCD using platform_set_drvdata. The instance that has been allocated for this device is then fetched back at the beginning of all other driver functions so that it knows which instance it is working on:
struct platform_lcd *plcd = to_our_lcd(lcd);
to_our_lcd expands to lcd_get_data which itself expands to dev_get_drvdata (a counterpart of platform_set_drvdata) if you look at include/linux/lcd.h. The function can then know the state of the device is has been invoked for.
This is a very simple example, and the platform_lcd driver does not directly control any device (this is deferred to a function pointer in the platform data), but add hardware-specific parameters (IRQ, I/O base, etc.) and you get how 99% of the drivers in Linux work.
The driver code is only loaded once, but it allocates a separate context structure for each card. Typically you will see a struct pci_driver with a .probe function pointer. The probe function is called once for each card by the PCI support code, and it calls alloc_etherdev to allocate a network interface with space for whatever private context it needs.

Accesing block device from kernel module

I am interested in developing kernel module that binds two block devices into a new block device in such manner that first block device contains data at mount time, and the other is considered empty. Every write is being made to second partition, so on next mount the base filesystem remains unchanged. I know of solutions like UnionFS, but those are filesystem-based, while i want to develop it a layer lower, block-based.
Can anyone tell me how could i open ad read/write block device from kernel module? Possibly without using userspace program for reading/writing merged block devices. I found similar topic here, but the answer was rather unsatysfying because filp_* functions are rather for reading small config files, not for (large) block device I/O.
Since interface for creating block devices is standarized i was thinking of direct (or almost direct) acces to functions implementing source devices, as i will be requested to export similar functions anyway. If i could do that i would simply create some proxy-functions calling appropriate functions on source devices. Can i somehow obtain pointer to a gendisk structure that belongs to different driver?
This serves only my own purposes (satisfying quriosity being main of them) so i am not worried about messing my kernel up seriously.
Or does somebody know if module like that already exists?
The source code in the device mapper driver will suit your needs. Look at the code in the Linux source in Linux/drivers/md/dm-*.
You don't need to access the other device's gendisk structure, but rather its request queue. You can prepare I/O requests and push it down the other device's queue, and it will do the rest itself.
I have implemented a simple block device that opens another block device. Take a look in my post describing it:
stackbd: Stacking a block device over another block device
Here are some examples of functions that you need for accessing another device's gendisk.
The way to open another block device using its path ("/dev/"):
struct block_device *bdev_raw = lookup_bdev(dev_path);
printk("Opened %s\n", dev_path);
if (IS_ERR(bdev_raw))
printk("stackbd: error opening raw device <%lu>\n", PTR_ERR(bdev_raw));
return NULL;
if (!bdget(bdev_raw->bd_dev))
printk("stackbd: error bdget()\n");
return NULL;
if (blkdev_get(bdev_raw, STACKBD_BDEV_MODE, &stackbd))
printk("stackbd: error blkdev_get()\n");
return NULL;
The simplest example of passing an I/O request from one device to another is by remapping it without modifying it. Notice in the following code that the bi_bdev entry is modified with a different device. One can also modify the block address (*bi_sector) and the data itself.
static void stackbd_io_fn(struct bio *bio)
bio->bi_bdev = stackbd.bdev_raw;
trace_block_bio_remap(bdev_get_queue(stackbd.bdev_raw), bio,
bio->bi_bdev->bd_dev, bio->bi_sector);
/* No need to call bio_endio() */
Consider examining the code for the dm / md block devices in drivers/md - these existing drivers create a block device that stores data on other block devices.
In fact, you could probably implement your idea as another "RAID personality" in md, and thereby make use of the existing userspace tools for setting up the devices.
You know, if you're a GPL'd kernel module you can just call open(), read(), write(), etc. from kernel mode right?
Of course this way has certain caveats including requiring forking from kernel mode to create a space for your handle to live.
