Spring Profile conditional prop files multiple environment - spring

I have a question, with Spring Profiles. I understand the reason for not using maven profiles because each environment would require another artifact. That makes since. I modified my code to use Spring Profile but the problem I have with Spring Profiles is that it requires you to have a database.property file for each environment, on the server. I have this setup, same setup everyone has seen a hundred times.
- main
- resources
The problem I think with this setup is that, each server would have all the files in the env dir (i.e. dev would have prod.db.properties and test.db.properties files on its server). Is there a way to only copy the files that are needed during the build of maven without using profiles? I haven't been able to figure out a way. If that is the case, then this would seem like a reason to use maven profiles. I may have missed something. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

This seems like a chicken and egg problem to me. If you want your artifact to work on all these 3 environments you need to ship the 3 configurations. Not doing so would lead to the same issue you mentioned originally. It's generally a bad practice to build an artifact with certain coordinates differently according to a profile.
If you do not want to ship the configuration in the artifact itself, you could externalize the definition either through the use of system property or by locating a properties file at a defined place (that you could override for convenience).

You should first point out what your application really is: If you are running "an application in different environments" or if you are running "different applications in their own propritary environments". This are two slightly different concepts:
If you are running an application in different environments its better to put all property files into your jar. Bring it into mind by imagine that you buy a new SUV; you first drive it on a test track, then after on ordinary highways before going offroad to finally enjoy its offroad capabilities. You always use one and the same car in different environments with all its capabilities and driving characteristics. In each environment the car adapts its behaviour and driving characteristics. If you use one application to drive it through different environment, so use the first approach to build all environment-characteristics into one jar.
On the other hand you can also use slightly different cars in different environments. So if you need different cars with its own special driving characteristics for different environments, maybe 4WD or special flood ligths because you are driving by night, you should take the second approach. Back to application: If you need different applications with far different characteristics in different production environments its better to build each application only with the properties it really needs.
Finally you can also merge the two approaches:
my-fun-application-foo.jar for customer foo with properties for test, integration and production environment.
my-fun-application-2047.jar for customer 2047 with properties for test, pre-integration, integration, pre-production and production environment.
Now you should get also an understanding why you shouldn't using profiles for building an application with different flavours.


Managing configuration files for multiple instances of the same application (same environment)

I have multiple instances of the same engine running as windows services on the same environment and system that just have slightly different connection strings as they point to different queues. Other than a couple of lines in the conifg (XML) the rest of the application is exactly the same (config and binaries). When config changes are made this is done to all instances which is time consuming so I am doing some research into the best method of managing the config files in a scalable and version controlled way. Currently I use a batchfile to copy the default engine directory and config over and then find and replace the individual strings. I'd prefer to have a template config that can be updated that pulls in set variables for the connection strings depending on the instance and environment. I understand that this may be possible using chef, puppet or ansible but to my understanding these are more for system configuration as opposed to individual application files? Does anyone know if this is possible with gitlab or AWS? Before committing to the learning curve I'm trying to discern if one of the aforementioned config management tools would be overkill for this scenario or a realistic solution?
I understand that this may be possible using chef, puppet or ansible but to my understanding these are more for system configuration as opposed to individual application files?
Managing individual files, including details of their contents, is a common facet of configuration management. Chef, Puppet, and Ansible can all do this with relative ease.
Does anyone know if this is possible with gitlab or AWS?
No doubt, someone does. And I anticipate, but cannot confirm, that the answer is "yes" for both.
Before committing to the learning curve I'm trying to discern if one of the aforementioned config management tools would be overkill for this scenario or a realistic solution?
A configuration management system would almost certainly be overkill if the particular task you describe is the only thing you are considering them for.
Currently I use a batchfile to copy the default engine directory and
config over and then find and replace the individual strings. I'd
prefer to have a template config that can be updated that pulls in set
variables for the connection strings depending on the instance and
In the first place, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. On the other hand, if it is broke, and switching to a template-based approach is a reasonable method to resolve the issue, then you can certainly implement that with a for-purpose local script without bringing in all the apparatus of a configuration management system.
In the event that you do decide that the current mechanism needs to be replaced, do, for goodness sake, ditch batchfile. It's one of the worst scripting languages ever inflicted on humanity. PowerShell would be a natural replacement on Windows, but you might also consider Python, or pretty much any programming language you know.

How do you release Microservices?

The question is tied more to CI/CD practices and infrastructure. In the release we follow, we club a set of microservices docker image tags as a single release, and do CI/CD pipeline and promote that version.yaml to staging and production - say a sort of Mono-release pattern. The problem with this is that at one point we need to serialize and other changes have to wait, till a mono-release is tested and tagged as ready for the next stage.A little more description regarding this here.
An alternate would be the micro-release strategy, where each microservice release in parallel through production through the CI/CD pipeline. But then would this mean that there would be as many pipelines as there are microservices? An alternate could have a single pipeline, but parallel test cases and a polling CD - sort of like GitOps way which takes the latest production tagged Docker images.
There seems precious little information regarding the way MS is released. Most talk about interface level or API level versioning and releasing, which is not really what I am after.
Assuming your organization is developing services in microservices architecture and is deploying in a kubernetes cluster, you must use some CD tool (continuous delivery tool) to release new microservices services, or even update a microservice.
Take a look in tools like Jenkins (https://www.jenkins.io), DroneIO (https://drone.io)... Some organizations use Python scripts, or Go and so on... I, personally, do not like this approch, I think the best solution is to pick a tool from CNCF Landscape (https://landscape.cncf.io/zoom=150) in Continuous Integration & Delivery group, these are tools test and used in the market.
An alternate would be the micro-release strategy, where each microservice release in parallel through production through the CI/CD pipeline. But then would this mean that there would be as many pipelines as there are microservices?
It's ok in some tools you have a parameterized pipeline thats build projects based in received parameters, but I think the best solution is to have one pipeline per service, and some parameterized pipelines to deploy, or apply specific tests, archive assets and so on... Like you say micro-release strategy
Agreed, there is little information about this out there. From all I understand the approach to keep one pipeline per service sounds reasonable. With a growing amount of microservices you will run into several problems:
how do you keep track of changes in the configuration
how do you test your services efficiently with regression and integration tests
how do you efficiently setup environments
The key here is most probably that you make better use of parameterized environment variables that you then look to version in an efficient manner. This will allow you to keep track of the changes in an efficient manner. To achieve this make sure to a.) strictly paramterize all variables in the container configs and the code and b.) organize the config variables in a way that allows you to inject them at runtime. This is a piece of content that I found helpful in regard to my point a.);
As for point b.) this is slightly more tricky. As it looks you are using Kubernetes so you might just want to pick something like helm-charts. The question is how you structure your config files and you have two options:
Use something like Kustomize which is a configuration management tool that will allow you to version to a certain degree following a GitOps approach. This comes (in my biased opinion) with a good amount of flaws. Git is ultimately not meant for configuration management, it's hard to follow changes, to build diffs, to identify the relevant history if you handle that amount of services.
You use a Continuous Delivery API (I work for one so make sure you question this sufficiently). CDAPIs connect to all your systems (CI pipelines, clusters, image registries, external resources (DBs, file storage), internal resources (elastic, redis) etc. They dynamically inject environment variables at run-time and create the manifests with each deployment. They cache these as so called "deployment sets". Deployment Sets are the representation of the state of an environment at deployment time. This approach has several advantages: It allows you to share, version, diff and relaunch any state any service and application were in at any given point in time. It provides a very clear and bullet proof audit auf anything in the setup. QA environments or test-feature environments can be spun of through the API or UI allowing for fully featured regression and integration tests.

SonarQube 6.7.5 - Api to retrieve all rules applied to a project

I need to compile every rule applied to each of SonarQube's projects.
I could not find a direct way to do this so I am doing the following:
Retrieve the projects. We have over 1000 projects. (Don't ask me why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Then I retrieve the languages because if I try to retrieve the Quality Profiles directly without setting the language, I get every profile, even for different languages.
After that, I retrieve the Quality profiles
Finally, I retrieve the rules
Now, given the sheer amount of projects and http requests, this process takes a LONG time.
Am I missing an easier way to do this?
To know the rules that were applied you need the
project's languages
profile used for each language
rules in each profile
There are a couple different ways to go at this. You've found one. Let's look at others.
(I'm looking at a more recent copy of SonarQube but I believe the APIs in question should still be the same.)
I know that the profiles used in a project's most recent analysis are listed on the homepage. Using the developer console, I see that that data comes in response to a call to api/navigation/component. That web service is marked internal, meaning you probably shouldn't use it. So we can't go from project directly to Quality Profile.
However, api/measures/component is not internal, and with it the front page requests the ncloc_language_distribution among other things. That's a DISTRIB metric and it gives the project's lines of code per language. For the project I'm looking at, the returned value is "css=11473;java=235467;js=2549;ts=95516". As you see, from there we can get to the languages in the project. Now, let's set that aside for a moment.
Let's say you start by getting the list of Quality Profiles, (api/qualityprofiles/search). From that you know which profile is the default for each language. Now use api/qualityprofiles/projects to get the list of projects explicitly assigned to each profile. This is probably also a good point to retrieve and store locally the rules per profile.
Now you can iterate your projects, look at the languages for each one and figure out which profiles are used for each project. (Is there an explicit profile assignment for this language? No? Then the default!) Then you can pull your rules-per-profile out of memory and you've got your list for the project.
*dusts hands*

NIFI - Dev to Test to Prod

We are struggling with trying to figure out the best approach for updating processor configurations as a flow progresses through the dev, test, and prod stages. We would really like to avoid manipulating host, port, etc. references in the processors when the flow is deployed to the specific environment. At least in our case, we will have different hosts for things like ElasticSearch, PostGres, etc. How have others handled this?
Things we have considered:
Pull the config from a properties file using expression language. This is great for processors that have EL enabled, but not the case for those where it isn't.
Manipulate the flow xml and overwrite the host, port, etc. configurations. A bit concerned about inadvertently corrupting the xml and how portable this will be across NIFI versions.
Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. There is a good chance that there is an obvious solution we have neglected to consider.
We are going with the templates that Byran suggested. They will definitely meet our needs and appear to be a good way for us to control configurations across numerous environments.
This discussion comes up frequently, and there is definitely room for improvement here...
You are correct that currently one approach is to extract environment related property values into the bootstrap.conf, and then reference them through expression language so the flow.xml.gz can be moved from one environment to the other. As you mentioned this only works well with properties that support expression language.
In order to make this easier in the future, there is a feature proposal for an idea called a Variable Registry:
An interesting approach you may want to look at is using templates. There is a GitHub project that can be used to help with this:
You can loook at this post automating NIFI template deployment
For automating NIFI template deployment, there is a tool that works well : https://github.com/hermannpencole/nifi-config
Prepare your nifi development
Create a template on nifi
and download it
Extrac a sample configuration with the tools
Deploy it on production
undeploy the old version with the tools
deploy the template with the tools
update the production configuration with the tools

What parts of application you prefer to be externalized as configuration and why?

What parts of your application are not coded?
I think one of the most obvious examples would be DB credentials - it's considered bad to have them hard coded. And in most of situations it is easy to decide if you want something to be externalized or coded.For me the rules are simple. Some part of the application should be externalized if:
it can and should be changed by non-developer, but not so often to be included in application settings defined in UI (DB credentials, service URLs, etc)
it does not require programming language and seems unnatural being coded (localization)
Do you have anything to add?
This is a little related to this question about spring cfg.
Spring configuration seems less obvious example for me, because in my practice it is never modified by anyone except the developer. And the road of externalizing can take you far away, to the entire project being "configured", not coded - so where to stop?
So please post here some examples from your experience, when you got benefit from having something configured, not coded - like dependency injection configuration in spring, etc.
And if you use spring - how often is configuration changed without recompiling?
Anything that needs to differ between different deployments of your application. That is, anything specific to the environment.
Examples include:
Database connection strings
URLs for web or WCF services
Logging configuration
Any information your application uses that is "data" and that could change depending on where it is installed. Things like:
smtp mail server used to send e-mails
Database connect strings
Paths to file locations / folders used by the app
FTP servers & connect info
Active Directory servers used for authentication
Any links displayed in the application to external information
Warning limit values
I've even put the RegEx filters used to limit the allowable characters
for data entry fields.
Besides the obvious changing stuff (paths, servers, ports, and so on), some people argue that you should be able to easily change whatever might reasonably change, for instance, say you have a generic engine which operates on the business logic (a rule engine).
You would then define the rules on a "configuration file" which ends up being is no less than programming in a DSL instead of in the generic purpose language. Benefits being it's closer to the domain so it's easier and more maintainable, and that you can easily change things that otherwise would demand a new build.
The main argument behind this is that things you assumed would never change always end up changing nonetheless, so you better be prepared.
paths and server names/addresses come to mind..
I agree with your two conditions, which is why I:
Rarely include a config file as part of a Windows or Windows Mobile application (web apps yes).
If I did include a config file meant to be tweaked by end users, it certainly wouldn't be XML.
Employee emails/names since employees can come and go... (you should typically try to keep them out of an application though)
Configuration files should include:
deployment details
DB credentials
file paths
host names
anything that is used in many places but that may change
contact email addresses
options that aren't in the GUI
The last one is a bit open-ended, but very important. I've found it very useful to foresee variables that the client may, in the future, want to change. If changes are infrequent, I or they can edit the config file. If it becomes a frequent thing, it's trivial to add the option to the GUI, which isn't hardcoded.
I would also add encryption keys (which themselves should be encrypted)...
Basically the rule of thumb is information the application needs BEFORE it's regular, functional operation, data that it MUST have on-hand (i.e. local and not networked).
Note that this data should not be dynamically changing or large amounts of it, otherwise it should be in the database.
With Spring apps I actually distinguish between two types of configuration:
Items externalized into property files which are "deploy time" concerns or "environment-specific": server IP's / addresses, file system locations, etc etc
Spring XML configuration which can do lots of things, like indicate the overall application structure, apply behavior via AOP, etc.
I use Spring to wire all the beans in a J2SE application that has no GUI (a transactional switch). That way it's very easy for me to have different configurations in each deployment (we have this thing running in different countries), without having to code anything different.
Another thing I like to have is to manage all the SQL statements separately from the code, when I use plain JDBC (or Spring JDBC). Like in a properties file or XML or something, sometimes even as String properties in the beans that will use the statement (when there is only one bean that will use the statement, such as a DAO).
I am going to use spring JDBC or vanilla JDBC for data persistence, here we have decided to externalize all the SQL from the Java code, so can be better mangable in terms of SQL query tuning and optimization, we don't need to disturb the java code.
