pwm value not changing - avr

I have written a pwm code for Atmega128. I am using fast pwm mode with non-inverting pulse on compare match and I need to change the OCR0 value at certain times. Yet it doesn't change. Anyone knows what is the problem here ??
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
uint8_t tick_1sec;
void timer1_init(void) // 1 second timer
OCR1A = 15624;
TIMSK |= (1<<OCIE1A);
TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12); //CTC mode
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS12)|(0<<CS11)|(1<<CS10);
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) //1 second interrupt
tick_1sec = 1;
void timer0_init(void) // fast pwm with OC0 non-inverting mode
TCCR0 = (1<<FOC0)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<WGM00);
TCCR0 |= (1<<COM01)|(0<<COM00);
TCCR0 |= (1<<CS02)|(1<<CS01)|(1<<CS00);
OCR0 = 63;
TIMSK |= (1<<OCIE0);
int main(void)
uint8_t t = 0;
DDRB = 0xFF;
if (tick_1sec)
tick_1sec = 0;
if (t == 10){
OCR0 = 127;
else if (t == 20){
OCR0 = 191;
else if (t == 30){
OCR0 = 63;
t = 0;
return 0;

Things to check:
I recommend declaring tick_1sec as volatile to prevent the compiler of hyper-optimizing that register.
What is your clock frequency? Your ISR will deliver 1s calls only if your CPU frequency is 16MHz (==> 16.000.000 / 1024 / 15624)
You might have a LED in your hardware which you can invert from a) the ISR b) within the first if () in main to see if this is ever reached.
update: "volatile"
The link provided by #skyrift in his comment is very worth reading.
When you use Atmel Studio, compile your code once with/without the volatile keyword and compare what the compiler is doing ==> Solution explorer / Output Files / *.lss ... you will see each C statement and how the compiler converts it to machine code ... an exercise worth once in a while when working with micros ...


PORTB's LEDs controlling via input PINA in avr

I'm trying to write a code in Atmel so I can control atmega32 PORTB's pins via switches connected
to PINA, it works but there is only one problem, if one switch is left high and an another switch
turns high the led connected(relates) to the second pin doesn't change, where did i go wrong?
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define F_CPU 1000000UL //Setting the CPU frequency to 1MHz
toggle(void){ //Creating a toggle function to call it within the main function
unsigned char input = 0x00; //Creating an 8-bit variable so we can save the input port
int t = 1; //Loop variable
while(PINA != 0x00){
t = t + 1;
if(t == 100) break;
while(t != 100){
if((PINA != 0x00) && (input !=PINA))
input = PINA;
PORTB = PORTB^input;
t = t + 1;
else if(input == PINA)
t = t + 1;
else if(PINA == 0x00){
t = t + 1;
input = PINA;
int main(void)
DDRA = 0x00; //Setting PORTA as input
DDRB = 0xFF; //Setting PORTB as output
DDRC = 0xFF; //Setting PORTC as output
DDRD = 0x02; //Setting PORTD.2 as output
PORTB= 0x00; //Setting PORTB's output to zero
PORTC= 0x00; //Setting PORTC's output to zero
PORTD= 0x02; //Setting PORTD.2's output to one
while (1)
PORTD= 0x02; //Turning on the PORTD LED
toggle(); //Toggling the PORTB's LEDs
PORTD= 0x00; //Turning off the PORTD LED
toggle(); //Toggling the PORTB's LEDs
Analyze your code
look at this section
while(PINA != 0x00){
t = t + 1;
if(t == 100) break;
while(t != 100){
//your algorithm body processed here
if one of switches (which connected to PORTA) is left high then the first while loop condition PINA != 0x00 is always true the loop finish only when t==100, then, when you go to the second while Loop it will not excite because the condition t != 100 is already false
in other words your toggle() function will not process any data until you release all switches
I have made a simple code for what you try to do
int main(void)
DDRA = 0x00; //Setting PORTA as input
DDRB = 0xFF; //Setting PORTB as output
DDRC = 0xFF; //Setting PORTC as output
DDRD = 0x02; //Setting PORTD.2 as output
PORTB= 0x00; //Setting PORTB's output to zero
PORTC= 0x00; //Setting PORTC's output to zero
PORTD= 0x02; //Setting PORTD.2's output to one
unsigned char currentInput=PINA;
unsigned char previousInput=PINA;
unsigned char changedBitsMusk = 0;
while (1)
currentInput = PINA; //update current reading
changedBitsMusk = currentInput ^ previousInput; // calculate what is changed from previous reading
if (changedBitsMusk) // if there is change happen
if (currentInput&changedBitsMusk) // only process the data if change is HIgh (i.e only when button is pressed)
PORTB^=changedBitsMusk; // toggle the corresponding pins
previousInput = currentInput;
When you are trying to control outputs according to another port inputs, you can simply do something like
Of course, if you don't need the full port you can always mask the bits you need from the entire port.
Also, this is not the way to do it if you don't have the same pin numbers paired in both ports (i.e.: if the pin 3 of one port controls the behavior of the pint 6 of the other, for example)
This way you can avoid a lot of ugly and complex logic
If you want to continue in the path you are going, try removing the "else" from the "else if"s, they are not needed and as far as I can see, the conditions are mutually exclusive

Pulse width modulation (PWM) on Attiny 9

I am using an Attiny 9.
I connected a LED to PB1.
I wrote following code and upload it to the Attiny 9.
#define F_CPU 800000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#define D0 PB1
int main(void)
TCCR0A |= (1<<WGM00)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<COM0B1);
TCCR0B |= (1<<WGM03)|(1<<WGM02)|(1<<CS00);
DDRB |= 1<<D0;
PORTB |= 1<<D0;
PORTB &= ~(1<<D0);
for (uint8_t i = 255; 247 < i; --i)
OCR0B = i;
for (uint8_t i= 247; -1 < i; --i)
OCR0B = i;
return 0;
I want the LED to be lighten and darken. But after I uploaded the code, the LED illuminates continuously. I also read a datasheet of Attiny 9. I followed how to use PWM. But it's not working.
What's wrong?
There are a number of issues with that code.
You're putting the processor in to power down mode, which according to the datasheet, disables the clocks and only asynchronous events can take place.
You're setting it to use fast PWM mode with OCR0A as your top, but you aren't setting OCR0A anywhere. You won't generate any compare matches if you your timer can't count high enough. It would appear from your loops that you are expecting the timer to count to 255.
You only change the duty cycle of the PWM before your while loop, so even if your PWM gets set up correctly, you won't ever be able to see your LED pulse like you want.
Here's a link giving an example of how to set up a PWM and change its duty cycles:
Ty something like this:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define D0 PB1
int main(void)
DDRB |= 1<<D0;
TCCR0A |= (1<<WGM00)|(1<<COM0B1);
TCCR0B |= (1<<WGM02)|(1<<CS00);
while (1) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
OCR0B = i;
for (uint8_t i = 255; i >= 0; i--) {
OCR0B = i;

Is it possible to do interactive user input and output simulation in VHDL or Verilog?

For example, I would like to run a simulation for an interactive game like: without an FPGA, such that:
signals are set by keyboard keys
outputs can be displayed on a window does this, but is uses a simplified custom educational language for it.
VHDL's textio's read(input and write(output get somewhat close, but not quite:
read(input waits for a newline, we'd want something that can detect is a keyboard key is pressed or not
write(output: would need some way to flush data to ensure that the renderer that will emulate, say, a display gets it
we need some way to throttle simulation speed
Of course, I don't need to do everything in VHDL: I just need a minimal way to communicate with VHDL synchronously with other programs, and then I can do the e.g. display with SDL in C.
Also asked at:
Verilator is a perfect solution for this application.
It exposes the Verilog simulation loop to C++ (and transpiles the Verilog to C++), allowing you to set inputs, and get outputs from C++.
See the CONNECTING TO C++ example from the docs:
So you can just plug that into SDL / ncurses / etc. without any IPC.
For a simulator independent solution, it might be worth looking into the foreign language APIs of VHDL (VHPI) / Verilog (DPI) as mentioned in this comment, but there are few examples of how to use those, and you'll have to worry about IPC.
Minimal runnable example:
A related project that implements nand2tetris in Verilator + SDL can be found at:
Install dependencies on Ubuntu 22.04:
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev verilator
.PHONY: all clean run
RUN ?= move
OUT_EXT ?= .out
VERILATOR_DIR = ./obj_dir/
all: $(VERILATOR_DIR)Vmove display$(OUT_EXT)
$(VERILATOR_DIR)Vmove: move.v move.cpp fps.hpp
verilator -Wall --cc move.v --exe move.cpp
make -C obj_dir -f Vmove CXXFLAGS='--std=c++11 -Wall' LIBS='-lSDL2'
display$(OUT_EXT): display.cpp
g++ -o '$#' '$<' -lm -lSDL2
rm -rf obj_dir *'$(OUT_EXT)'
run: all
module move(
input wire clock,
input wire reset,
input wire up,
input wire down,
input wire left,
input wire right,
output reg [1:0] x,
output reg [1:0] y
always # (posedge clock) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
x <= 0;
y <= 0;
else begin
if (up == 1'b1) begin
y <= y - 1;
if (down == 1'b1) begin
y <= y + 1;
if (left == 1'b1) begin
x <= x - 1;
if (right == 1'b1) begin
x <= x + 1;
const char *help = "asdw: move | q: quit";
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include "Vmove.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "fps.hpp"
#define WINDOW_WIDTH 512
#define RECTS_PER_WINDOW (4)
#define FASTEST_TICK_PERIOD_S (1.0 / 4.0)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
SDL_Event event;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Window *window;
double current_time_s, last_tick_time_s;
unsigned int current_time, last_time;
const Uint8 *keystate;
Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
Vmove *top = new Vmove;
SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_WIDTH, 0, &window, &renderer);
SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, help);
top->clock = 0;
top->reset = 1;
top->clock = 1;
while (1) {
current_time = SDL_GetTicks();
current_time_s = current_time / 1000.0;
/* Deal with keyboard input. */
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) == 1) {
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
goto quit;
} else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
switch(event.key.keysym.sym) {
case SDLK_q:
goto quit;
keystate = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
if (keystate[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]) {
top->reset = 1;
if (keystate[SDL_SCANCODE_A]) {
top->left = 1;
if (keystate[SDL_SCANCODE_D]) {
top->right = 1;
if (keystate[SDL_SCANCODE_W]) {
top->up = 1;
if (keystate[SDL_SCANCODE_S]) {
top->down = 1;
if (current_time != last_time) {
if (current_time_s - last_tick_time_s > FASTEST_TICK_PERIOD_S) {
/* Draw world. */
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.w = RECT_WIDTH;
rect.h = RECT_WIDTH;
rect.x = top->x * RECT_WIDTH;
rect.y = top->y * RECT_WIDTH;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &rect);
top->clock = 0;
top->clock = 1;
top->up = 0;
top->down = 0;
top->left = 0;
top->right = 0;
top->reset = 0;
/* Update time tracking. */
last_tick_time_s = current_time_s;
last_time = current_time;
delete top;
Test a simple virtual SDL display, without user input.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#define WINDOW_WIDTH 600
#define N_PIXELS_WIDTH 10
#define MAX_COLOR 255
#define PI2 (2*(acos(-1.0)))
#define FREQ (0.05)
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) {
SDL_Event event;
SDL_Rect rect;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Window *window;
const unsigned int max_color_half = MAX_COLOR / 2;
int quit;
double current_time_s;
size_t cur, i , j;
unsigned int
quit = 0;
SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_WIDTH, 0, &window, &renderer);
rect.w = PIXEL_WIDTH;
rect.h = PIXEL_HEIGHT;
last_time = SDL_GetTicks();
while (!quit) {
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) == 1) {
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
quit = 1;
current_time = SDL_GetTicks();
if (current_time != last_time) {
for (i = 0; i < N_PIXELS_WIDTH; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < N_PIXELS_WIDTH; ++j) {
cur = j * N_PIXELS_WIDTH + i;
val = (1 + i) * (1 + j) * PI2 * FREQ * current_time / 1000.0;
rs[cur] = max_color_half * (1.0 + std::sin(1 * val));
gs[cur] = max_color_half * (1.0 + std::sin(2 * val));
bs[cur] = max_color_half * (1.0 + std::sin(3 * val));
for (i = 0; i < N_PIXELS_WIDTH; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < N_PIXELS_WIDTH; ++j) {
cur = j *N_PIXELS_WIDTH + i;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, rs[cur], gs[cur], bs[cur], 255);
rect.x = i * PIXEL_WIDTH;
rect.y = j * PIXEL_HEIGHT;
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &rect);
GitHub upstream.
Connectal connects software running on actual CPUs to RTL (BSV, which can link to VHDL and Verilog) on FPGAs or simulators. BSV is free for academic and research use and for open source projects. In any case, Connectal is open source and the software to simulator connection uses SystemVerilog DPI, which you could use in your project without using BSV.
Connectal has one example that displays the output from the FGPA/simulator on a display. It uses Qt to display on the computer monitor when simulating. From an FPGA it displays directly on an HDMI display.
CPUs simulated in Verilog or VHDL tend to be too slow for interactive use, but I have connected a CPU simulated with qemu to devices or accelerators in verilator or on FPGA. Performance of qemu is quite good. I think it would work for your purposes.
I added a plugin FgpaOps API so that the simulator or FPGA could handle CPU load/store instructions:
struct FpgaOps {
uint64_t (*read)(hwaddr addr);
void (*write)(hwaddr addr, uint64_t value);
void (*close)(void);
void *(*alloc_mem)(size_t size);
In my case, I used connectal to implement the FpgaOps plugin. This code is under hw/riscv but is not specific to riscv, so it could be used with any processor architecture supported by qemu.
No need for anything too clever or customised to interact with your Sim providing you're willing to simulate a real hardware interface like a UART.
The Verilog simuation of my TTL CPU includes a (reasonably) accurate model of a UM245R UART and the UART supports interactive IO via the verilog file interface.
One file for input and the other for output; bidirectional.
I use this for interacting with the simualated hardware so that I can develop the software and test it via automated test without having to mess with the hardware.
I even have CHIP8 games running on the simulated hardware and the CHIP8 GUI is drawn by sending control codes from the UART back to a graphics terminal.
The UART is here ...
At some point I'll do a write up on it.

SDCC integer comparison unexpected behavior

I'm trying to get started on a project using a PIC18F24J10. Attempting to use SDCC for this. At this point I've reduced my code to simply trying to nail down what is happening, as I've been seeing bizarre behavior for a while now and can't really proceed until I figure out what is going on. Not sure if this is my only problem at this point, but I have no idea why this is happening. Timer interrupt fires off, coupled with a #defined for loop causes LEDs on PORTC to blink maybe twice a second. If I just do a PORTC=0xFF and PORTC=0 this works fine. But it gets weird when I try to go much beyond that.
#define _RC0 31
#define _RC1 32
#define _RC2 33
#define _RC3 34
#define _RC4 35
#define _RC5 36
#define _RC6 37
#define _RC7 38
#define HI 1
#define LO 0
void why(unsigned char p, int z)
if(z == HI)
if(p == _RC0) PORTCbits.RC0 = 1;
else if(p == _RC1) PORTCbits.RC1 = 1;
else if(p == _RC2) PORTCbits.RC2 = 1;
else if(p == _RC3) PORTCbits.RC3 = 1;
else if(p == _RC4) PORTCbits.RC4 = 1;
else if(p == _RC5) PORTCbits.RC5 = 1;
else if(p == _RC6) PORTCbits.RC6 = 1;
else if(p == _RC7) PORTCbits.RC7 = 1;
else if(z == LO)
PORTC = 0b11110000;
PORTC = 0b10101010;
void timer_isr (void) __interrupt(1) __using (1)
why(_RC0, LO);
why(_RC1, LO);
why(_RC2, LO);
why(_RC0, HI);
why(_RC1, HI);
why(_RC2, HI);
void main(void)
TRISC = 0b00000000;
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1;
T0CONbits.T08BIT = 0;
T0CONbits.T0CS = 0;
T0CONbits.PSA = 1;
TMR0H = 0;
TMR0L = 0;
T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;
In the code above, four of the LEDs should blink, while the other four stay on. Instead, the LEDs stay on in the 10101010 pattern that happens in the "else" block, which should happen when "why" is called with any value other than HI or LO. I never call it with anything else, so why does it ever reach that?
UPDATE - Further reduction, no more interrupts or unspecified includes/defines. This is now the entirety of the program, and I am still seeing the same behavior. Changed the pattern from 10101010 to 10101011 so that I could verify the chip is actually being programmed with the new code, and it appears to be.
#include "pic16/pic18f24j10.h"
#define WAIT_CYCLES(A) for(__delay_cycle = 0;__delay_cycle < A;__delay_cycle++)
int __delay_cycle;
#define HI 1
#define LO 0
void why(int z)
if(z == HI)
PORTC = 0b11111111;
else if(z == LO)
PORTC = 0b11110000;
PORTC = 0b10101011;
void main(void)
TRISC = 0b00000000;
Once the interrupt is asserted it is never cleared. That results in timer_isr() being called repeatedly. No other code is ever reached. The TMR0IF bit must be cleared in software by the Interrupt Service Routine.
Keep in mind you not only need to spend less time in the ISR than the period of the timer - it’s a good practice to spend the minimum amount of time necessary.
Remove the delays and simply toggle a flag or increment a register. In your main while (1) loop monitor the flag or counter and make your calls to why() from there.

printf for p89v664 prints junk characters from actual micro controller

I am trying to print message on serial terminal from p89v664 using following code,
char putchar(char c) {
if (c == '\n') {
while (!TI);
TI = 0;
S0BUF = 0x0d;
TI = 0;
S0BUF = c;
while (!TI);
return c;
int printf(char*str) {
unsigned int cnt = 0;
while(*str != '\0')
void delay(unsigned int i) {
int d = 100;
for(;i!=0;i--) {
d = 100;
int main(void) {
/**Serial init*/
S0CON = 0x50; /* SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable rcvr */
TMOD |= 0x20; /* TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload */
TH1 = 0xF6; /* TH1: reload value for 9600 baud */
TR1 = 1; /* TR1: timer 1 run */
TI = 1;
while(1) {
printf("Hello World\n");
above program works fine till the time printf function definition in this program is not commented.
If printf function in above program is commented to use printf from standard library then junk characters are printed on serial console. (i used putty).
I used Keil uVision V4.14.4.0 compiler.
Is there anything missing?
I dont understand what is wrong with this program.
After some experiments i found that problem was with keil uVision4 evaluation version.
I compiled this code using sdcc and ran it and it worked. May be keil evaluation version's limitation was creating problem. Thank very much you Mellowcandle for all replies.
#include <P89V66x.H>
void putchar(char c) {
TI = 0;
S0BUF = c;
if (c == '\n') {
while (!TI);
TI = 0;
S0BUF = 0x0d;
while (!TI);
int main(void) {
/**Serial init*/
unsigned short int c = 65334;
S0CON = 0x50; /* SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable rcvr */
TMOD |= 0x20; /* TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload */
/**For 11.0592 crystal
value should TH = -3 or
TH1 = FD*/
TH1 = 0xF6; /* TH1: reload value for 9600 baud for
18 Mhz cyrstal */
TR1 = 1; /* TR1: timer 1 run */
while(1) {
printf("Hello %u\n", c);
printf("Hello World %u\n" ,c);
command used to compile this code is,
sdcc {filename}
