I can able to record mainframe application which contains RTE protocol in Load Runner with terminal window.I do not know how to record the same in J-meter.
Unfortunately JMeter isn't capable of recording RTE protocol.
The closest tool JMeter offers is TCP Sampler but you'll have to figure out what to send via a sniffer tool.
The most powerful free sniffer is Wireshark.
See Telnet 3270 Wireshark wiki page for reference.
UPD August 2018: Although you cannot record RTE protocol in JMeter it is now possible to create a load test using JMeter RTE Plugin so you will be able to simulate connection events, sending keys, etc.
My scenario is given as below :
I login into application and upload a doc file then request send to server where thrid party tool (doc to pdf)is running and convert doc file to pdf and send file conversion status pass\fail on application. Can i Record scenarion in JMETER that access microsoft remote desktop protocol and check third party tool activity and come back to application?
If you want to "record" the RDP protocol the answer is "no", JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder can only record HTTP or HTTPS protocols, other traffic will not be recognized.
If you want to take some screenshots of the remote Windows machine you can use i.e. JavaRDP library from JSR223 Test Elements
If you need to read the conversion log and add it to JMeter test results it might make more sense to consider connecting to the machine using PowerShell Remoting from the OS Process Sampler.
Check out How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter article for more information on the concept and example configurations.
Looking for tool to do performance testing for desktop application.
I was trying to use Jmeter for performance testing but since my application uses UDP protocol so i think i cannot use jmeter record and replay functionality.
How can i record and replay desktop application which uses UDP using JMeter?
You need to add UDP Request plugin
This plugin adds UDP protocol support to JMeter. With this plugin you can load test DNS, NTP, TFTP, Boot servers
JMeter can record and replay only HTTP and HTTPS traffic (both are using TCP protocol as underlying transport) with its HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder therefore you will not be able to record the traffic using JMeter.
So I would recommend capturing raw UDP datagrams using a sniffer tool like Wireshark and building the JMeter test plan by manually adding and populating appropriate UDP Sampler requests. Check out Load Testing UDP - The Ultimate Guide article for detailed information.
We have a legacy application developed in .net windows forms and it uses .net remoting to get the data from database/server.So when I open the winform desktop application and try to record it using recording option in jmeter , then it does not identify it and fails to record any calls.Is is even possible to record such calls using jmeter or any other tool?
Looking into Microsoft .NET Remoting: A Technical Overview
HTTP Channel
The HTTP channel transports messages to and from remote objects using the SOAP protocol. All messages are passed through the SOAP formatter, where the message is changed into XML and serialized, and the required SOAP headers are added to the stream. It is also possible to configure the HTTP Channel to use the binary formatter. The resulting data stream is then transported to the target URI using the HTTP protocol.
TCP Channel
The TCP channel uses a binary formatter to serialize all messages to a binary stream and transport the stream to the target URI using the TCP protocol. It is also possible to configure the TCP channel to the SOAP formatter.
JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is capable of recording only HTTP or HTTPS traffic, if this is the case - you'll need to configure your application to use JMeter as a proxy. If your application doesn't have proxy settings - most probably it respects system-wide proxy settings. See How to Run Performance Tests of Desktop Applications Using JMeter guide for configuration and troubleshooting instructions.
If your application uses TCP Channel - you should be able to record it using a 3rd-party tool like Wireshark and replay with TCP Sampler. Alternatively you can consider Grinder tool which comes with TCPProxy which theoretically should be able to capture requests on lower level.
I have a desktop based(.exe) application used for trading of equities.
1.Developed in VB uses TCP/IP.
2.Uses a database server which is an another server which the exe sends requests on.
3.I want to get the entire response using jmeter for 50 users at a time.
I wanted to record the responses for the transactions.I have worked with web applications where we create Http proxy server and start it and the recording happenes from browser but in this case i cant use browser.
Please guide me how to record the responses in jmeter with .exe applications.
Thanks and Regards,
JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is capable of recording only HTTP or HTTPS traffic so if following conditions are met:
Your .exe application talks to server using HTTP
Your .exe application can be configured to use HTTP proxy or respects Windows global HTTP Proxy settings from registry (or configured in Internet Explorer)
the answer is "yes", you can use JMeter to record the traffic. See Load Testing Mobile Apps. But Made Easy. guide for details on how to do it.
If one of above conditions cannot be satisfied there are following options available:
If you still want to use JMeter there is a possibility to use a sniffer tool like Wireshark to capture requests and manually construct them using JMeter HTTP Request or TCP Sampler.
Consider switching to Grinder tool which offers TCP Proxy
Hope this helps.
we have an application (client/server) which uses a GUI to communicates to the Tuxedo server. it uses TCP, FTP protocols for communication. can we use JMeter or any other open source tool for that?
JMeter does support both FTP and TCP protocol via FTP Request and TCP Sampler elements provided, so the answer is "yes", you can use JMeter.
You can also find How to Send Control Characters Using the JMeter TCP Sampler guide useful as it's rather common problem and frequently asked question.
However I doubt that JMeter can record TCP-based traffic types. You can try pointing your client application to server via JMeter HTTP Proxy server to see what requests it'll catch.