How can I create desktop ikons on remote machines to the remote programs? - windows-7

I've copypasted a application out to several machines on our network here at work, and the (god damn stupid :-)) users are complaining that they can't find it due to the lack of a desktop icon.
Is there a way I can remotely add a desktop icon for a application that is copypasted in to the file directory of the remote machine?


Where is program running when shared through a folder?

I do have a (server) Windows machine running a Java app and a DB. The Java app has an UI and it is wrapped in an .exe. Now I share the .exe's folder with client machines. From such client machines I click the .exe, where does the program run? If it is running on the remote machine how can it be that I see the UI on my machine? What's happen when many client users click on the .exe contemporarly?
ok, I think it gets executed on the client/local machine (local copy).

Working on Xcode project on multiple computers

I currently have my project stored on my laptop but I also occasionally want to work on it on my desktop. (Both have Xcode installed). If I connect my laptop to my desktop so that I can access my laptop's files from my desktop, is it safe to simply open the files and edit, or are there hidden files deep in my computer that will get messed up? If this isn't a good idea, are there ways to work on Xcode projects from another computer?
If I connect my laptop to my desktop so that I can access my laptop's files from my desktop, is it safe to simply open the files and edit
Yes. But I don't know what you mean by "open the files". The only thing you should ever open from the Finder is the Xcode project. That being said, there's absolutely no bar to opening an Xcode project located on another volume. (I do it all the time.)
Moreover, a project folder is usually a self-contained world, so there's no issue with copying the whole folder to another machine, working on it there, and copying it back.
Still, the soundest and simplest approach (as long as you'll always have Internet access) is to get yourself a remote git repository and use it to synchronize the work done on different machines. That way, you avoid the "connect my laptop to my desktop" part of the story entirely.

Error: "Smalltalk / V" "Virtual machine stack overflow" when I try to access application

We have an application called Labware LIMS which is developed with SmallTalk. It is installed on a virtual server (VMware) with OS Windows Server Standard SP2.
Problem: When attempting to enter remote access to the application or from the server itself, a small window "Smalltalk / V" "Virtual machine stack overflow".
Image of error
The provider says he has not had problems at other facilities, so let us think that must be some server settings in the VMware system or on the same server.
I appreciate all the help offered.
After revisions, we come to the solution. It was the user did not have permissions on a user's folder on the server where the application writes information concerning what has been done by each connected user. coopropietario permissions to the folder the user is then granted, and the error disappeared.
When you try to log in to the application from remote computer, it creates a folder in C drive on the application server with remote computer name. On that folder you need to provide the permissions to users who are tyring to access from remote computer.

software/solution for direct booting machine will 'wake on lan' another computer and log in virtual PC

I have two computers (Window OS) in two different location but in same network. One is very old. I hope the user of that old computer can be very easy to access newer computer.
Ideally, the user turn on the old computer. Then the old computer will send wake on lans message to new computer. The old computer will automatically open the virtual PC in new computer. It will be best if the whole step is automatic. Or it is ok if there can be a shortcut or bat file that can perform all above step.
When the user shut down computer, both computer will be shut down if new computer is not logged in by a window user. Or else, only old computer will be shut down.
I guess that is not such solution? Anyway, I am curious to know.
Separate the steps:
Start remote computer using Wake-on-Lan (tools available)
Start VM on remote computer (tools available, too, but might need a bit of manual scripting)
Log in to VM on remote computer (easy)
Shut down VM on remote computer (done by user)
On remote computer, shut down if no VM running (can be achieved by a simple script).
Step 2 is probably requiring the most manual work, but in general, this shouldn't be all too difficult.

Remotely control a computer and display on remote computer

I have a desktop with Windows server 2008 and I want to be able to remote in to my desktop from my laptop and control it, but still display on the desktop monitor (as well as laptop monitor). I know I can accomplish this with some VNC, but is there some way to accomplish this using remote desktop connection or any other standard features of windows server 2008 r2?
I don't think it is possible with Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol. However, sharing display on both systems is possible using other tools like Remote Assistance and Desktop Sharing (via Net Meeting).
Previous poster is correct, this is not possible with stock windows remote control software. It is, however, possible with proxy networks software, as well as a long list of similar sofware, such a logmein. Proxy is linked to above.
