Joomla how can i create model from other component - joomla

I'm a beginner in joomla. I create own component and would like to use model from other component (exactly contentbuilder).
I find few different ways how to create model but my problem is that
class ContentbuilderModelEdit extends JModel
use JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR in it. When i create model ContentbuilderModelEdit i get warnings in lines that using JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR constant.
Is it possible to create model using that constant from other component?
Thanks for your answers

Alas no. The JPATH_COMPONENT and JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR are defined constants, and cannot be changed.
Sometimes the developers do this instinctively (it's easy) without realizing the kind of limitation they're putting on other developers. You might consider contacting the developers and propose such a change; if they accept, you won; if they don't, write a sed script that performs the changes (replacing it with JPATH_SITE and JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_contentbuilder', and apply it after each update.
Or, copy their model into your component and rename it if it supports it.

To call a model from another component you need firstly to include the path of this model:
JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPATH_SITE . '/components/comp1/models', 'Comp1Model');
Secondly you have to create an instance of your model:
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Model1', 'Comp1Model');
After that you should be able to use the methods of your model.
ref link


Customizable model file for a Laravel 5 package

I'm developing a Laravel 5 package where I have a "Member" model which currently extends App\User model. I would like to know the best practice to let any developer use a custom "Member" model instead of the one from the package. This is for example to allow a developer use another table.
One approach that seems to work without having done a deep test with it is to make an alias in my package service provider in the register() method:
$MemberModel = 'MyVendor\MyPackage\Member';
$loader = \Illuminate\Foundation\AliasLoader::getInstance();
$loader->alias('MyMember', $MemberModel);
In this case I have to:
Replace all entries in the code from the original class to the alias
Delete all php "use" entries related to it
Get the value of $MemberModel from a config file or the database
But I don't know if it is a good way to solve it or It may cause any conflict.
Is there any other and better approach for this goal? Thanks in advance!
I finally had to test by myself this approach without haven't read the solution anywhere else, but anyway everything seems to work fine in my source code.
If anyone is looking for doing anything similar, the code example in my question works because the $MemberModel is defined with a value. If you want to get that value from a Model instance, as me, you have to add that code in the boot() method of the service provider.

Laravel add custom method for all eloquent models

I am looking for a way to add few custom methods which will be used in all models. I can imagine 3 ways of doing it :
Adding custom method to main Eloquent's Model.php class file(I want to avoid doing this as this is a core file)
Creating a custom model class with required custom methods, which will extend to eloquent's Model class and all the models in the project will extend to custom model class.
Adding a trait which will have my methods and include it inside all models
However, I want to do it more efficiently and best way possible. Is their any other way to do it?
PS I am using laravel 5.2 as its an old project.
Based on the comment discussion and adding my experience in Laravel I would suggest you to go either with #2 or #3 approach as #ceejayoz have specified in the comments
first one is definitely a bad approach as you need to modify the core which is not at all a good practice. Second and third are both good approaches.
But, before that you need to check your requirements if literally all models (including any future ones your app will ever have) need the extra functionality, however you can use traits for all models.
If I have the choice probably I will go for traits over custom models as traits are relatively simple then custom models

Laravel Create Function to be used in different Controllers/in the same Controller

It's more a general question, I want someone to point me to the direction I should go.
1) FUNCTION FOR SAME CONTROLLER: I have two methods: Store and Update in the same controller. They both should contain some complex request validation (which I can't do via validator or form request validation because it's too complex). This means for me now using the same code twice in two methods... How can I take this code, create a function and use it in both Store and Update methods just with a single line, like:
2) FUNCTION FOR DIFF. CONTROLLERS: I have another code which I use in many different Contollers. It transliterates Russian letters into Latin ones ('Сергей' = 'Sergey' and so on). How and where should I register this function to be able using it in different Contollers?
I have read something about helpers. Should I use them? If you an experienced Laravel develper and say so, I will read everything about them. Or, if you advice something else - I'll read about that.:) I just don't want to spend time reading about something useless or "not right way to-do-it".
Appreciate any help!
1) You could create a form request validation or you could just create a private function that would handle the validation and return the result.
2) You can create a helpers.php file, see here, and you put your translation function inside. Then you can call it from anywhere:
In a controller transliterate_this($data);
In a view {{ transliterate_this($data); }}.
You can do complex validation even inside a FromRequest. You can override the getValidatorInstance for example, or any other method from the base class to plug your validation logic on top of the basic validation rules. Else just consider making an external class to handle that complex validation and inject it in your controllers using Laravel's IoC container.
You should create a facade to provide that feature. Then you can easily use it anywhere (and additionally create a helper method for it if that makes you feel better). Something like Transliterate::toLatin($str)
everyone! Thank you all for great answers. But I have discovered that the problem was that I didn't know anything about Object-Oriented Programming.
(Ans I was working in Laravel:)).
After I took an Object Oriented Bootcamp from Laracasts, I started 'seeing' how Laravel actually works and I know can easily create methods inside classes and use them in other classes.
(of course, you can read something else on OOP, but Jeffrey Way has really outstanding explanation talent!)

Laravel: conflict between model name and built-in facade

I have a Model in my Laravel app called Event. As I just discovered, this creates a conflict between my model and Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event, a built-in facade. The obvious solution here is to either change the name of my Model, which is not ideal because there is really no other name I could give my Model that makes any sense, or to rename the alias in app.php for Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event, which I'd like to avoid for fear of breaking anything that may rely on that alias in the future (I'm afraid I may forget).
It's been suggested that perhaps I could use namespaces, which I attempted as follows:
namespace Models; #<-- I've also tried using "\Models" here
class Event extends \Eloquent{
Models\Event::create(); #<-- again, I've also used "\Models\Event"
All 4 combinations above have yielded a Class 'Models\Event' not found error when I run php artisan db:seed.
Perhaps I simply don't understand namespaces properly, but the more pressing issue is how to solve my problem. If it can be solved using namespaces as suggested, great, but I'm open to any other ideas as well.
I made this mistake early on as well, not necessarily understanding the role of namespace throughout the entire app.
The namespace should mark the business logic within the domain or responsibility of the app itself, so giving a namespace of Models isn't necessarily useful. Instead create a root namespace named after the app, your company, you, or whatever you like, then provide a Model sub-namespace.
For example:
namespace MyGreatApp\Models;
class Event extends \Eloquent{ }
Then you would reference this model under:
use MyGreatApp\Models\Event;
$event = new Event();
In the long run this is a cleaner and more organized approach. This does mean moving your models into a different folder, though. But there's nothing wrong with that. At least that way you know you have all your custom code in your MyGreatApp namespace. :)

No need to extend class/library in codeigniter

I would like to check if my assumption about codeigniter is right ?
We would normally extend a class when we are trying to include more functionality to the core, such as MY_Controller extends Controller, MY_Model extends Model etc...
But for example, if we are in the checkout library retrieving some checkout info(eg, product_id), we can just $this->load->library('product_lib',array('product_id'=>$product_id)) and we can easily $this->product_lib->product_name etc... from the checkout library right?
The $this->load thing is kind of equivalent to "hard code" checkout library to extend product_lib(class checkout_lib extends product_lib) to be able to use whatever methods/variables there is in the product_lib.
Please enlighten me.
In CodeIgniter $this->load is like having a resource manager (e.g. resourceManager->load("path/to/file")) and it takes care of loading the library, and passing any arguments you specify and such, easily allowing you to quickly get to using it.
So if you have a variable named product_name in your product_lib then yes calling $this->product_lib->product_name will be accessing that variable.
Really it just places the library into an array with the library name as the key and the instance of the library as the value so calling $this->product_lib is really calling something similar to $loadedLibraries['product_lib'] and returning the instance.
I hope that answers what you are asking, I'm quite tired and could have miss understood you question.
I think you misunderstood the OO paradigm and the way CI work.
$this->load is same with instantiate an object of the library/model, or load the helper file. CI have some sort of management to see if the helper/library/model already uploaded or not.
In other hand, the extends is used when defining a class, to tell PHP that the class will be inherit the parent class properties and method. A class is a blue print of object it will produce.
Maybe you can start by understanding the OO concept first. You can read this as a start, and see the reference used there.
