Using devise for more than one models in rails app - ruby

hello I am new to rails and i have installed rails version 4. I would like to know that I am making project for teacher n students. Can I apply devise gem to both the models teachers and students. The main thing in my project is that both teachers and students sign up form need to be different. Then can anyone tell me the procedure of how to apply devise such that sign up forms can be created differently...

Devise can work for you, but you will have to run through some tutorials. Your request for a complete how-to is too broad for an Stack Overflow question.
You may also want to look at a gem to manage permissions, as Devise is more for authentication. My personal favorite is the_role, but others like cancan very much.


Ruby and databases

I am new in programming in Ruby, not to mention databases, so i would like a few pointers to my question. I have a few websites, where i gather information from users by a form, which they fill out (my websites are in Wordpress). The form is made in Contact Form 7 ( and the info is stored in the database with this plugin (
My question is: Is it possible to make a ruby program, that would fetch info from my sites (databases) and show me the information? Is there a better way of doing this (Ruby on rails perhaps)?
It is possible to access your wp data from a ruby app. You will need to familiarise yourself with the wordpress api. This gem might also help. You can build a small sinatra based app to keep it simple or use rails.

OAuth2 Provider gem for non-rails, non-mongo apps?

I need to add OAuth2 authentication to a Sinatra-based API. No ActiveRecord, no MongoDB... but DataMapper.
Does anybody know what gems I can use to achieve this? I added rack-oauth2-server, but it depends on Mongo. I'm trying to understand rack-oauth2, but there is practically no documentation and I can't see how this is supposed to integrate in a real application that provides oauth authentication. Any well-documented gems out there? (Not Rails gems).
omniauth-oauth2 looked like it would work, but again, there's basically no documentation on how to integrate it. Links to articles that outline integration with these gems would also be useful.
I've been searching all day and just keep going around in circles. I'm sure this is a solved problem.
Why you didn't look at

Has anyone created a web-app mix-in for Sinatra and Datamapper with Ruby?

I got sick of rewriting login forms and user account management pages with the usual use-cases of registering a new account, changing password, changing e-mail, w/ associated e-mails. (This is for clients that won't accept an OAuth/OpenID solution). So I am creating a sample site with Sinatra and Datamapper that contains nothing but those features in their most distilled form.
What I'd like to do is package that site into a gem that someone could drop into an existing app and customize. I think it could get tricky because the app defines its own database and web server. So they would have to be redesigned as mix-ins for a Sinatra::App and Datamapper::Model.
Has anyone else tried this?
I created the Ruby gem "accounts" to provide this functionality for web-apps using Sinatra. It can be cloned or forked at

Twitter Boostrap wtih tabs_on_rails or tabulous and devise

Any practical advice or experience on integration of tabs_on_rails or tabulous and devise with Twitter Bootstrap? I'm starting a new project and would like to pick a tab navigation gem. I'v started to experiment with formtastic-bootstrap as well.
I created tabulous and would like for it to work well with devise. I recently threw together an example app with tabulous with devise and didn't come across any obvious incompatibilities between the two. If there are any issues with using devise with tabulous I'd like to know about them so that I can fix them.

Facebook like status update in rails 2.1.0

Facebook like status update of CRUD operation in rails 2.1.0 over different model like Comments, Posts and Reviews over product.
If there is any gem already Available for this purpose or you can suggest me best solution of it. Inshort Activity Update of whole Application
I think this question would be better suited in the Ruby/Ruby-on-Rails group(s):
