DWR 3 integration in Spring 3 environment without XML - ajax

I started a new Spring project without any XML configuration file. I become a big fan of annotation config. So I tried to include DWR library, which I used in my last projects. But I cannot find any tutorial, how to integrate DWR 3 in an java config spring environment.
Is this already possible, or can somebody recommend another solution where I dont have to use XML configuration files?

You can follow below two links.
Sample codes are also in the link
Spring 3 MVC integration with DWR with Annotation


Spring MVC vs Java EE

So I'm about to learn Spring MVC. But what I don't understand is why should I use Spring MVC if I can implement the MVC pattern using a single servlet conroller and JSPs? What advantages does Spring MVC provide over simple java MVC pattern?
Actually yes, you can do it. Question is if you should do it. Spring MVC gives you better organization of your code.
Pure MVC Frameworks like Spring MVC are obsolete today. When combined with templating engines like Thymeleaf, it lacks functionality and developers usually reinvent JSF. For single-page apps based on some popular JS frameworks that need REST backend, JAX-RS is way cleaner and better than Spring MVC REST.
So no, today you don't need Spring MVC and can stick with pure Java EE. For simple, toy-like applications where servlets are enough, you don't really need it but it may be better to use it. For anything serious, MVC is outdated and Spring has nothing to offer.
Edit 2017: Spring offers JAX-RS integration. However, it has several pitfalls, for example Spring won't automatically register classes annotated with #Path for you. Details can be found in Dzone Article
The best way to realize that it's better to play with these technologies for yourself, if you want to try spring MVC I recommend you start with spring boot because you can create projects with more agility without configuring xml files
Spring Boot
Some Features
Create stand-alone Spring applications
Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven configuration
Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and
externalized configuration
Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration
One of the ideas applied in Spring (not invented by Spring) is
Do not reinvent a wheel.
Having a single controller is not a good idea I'd say - breaking separation of concerns principle.
You can learn more about MVC from Spring documentation.

adding spring-data-rest ontop of spring-data-jpa

i created a maven project, and added all dependencies i need.
i have some repositories using the spring-data-jpa, and i added some integration tests.
now i need to add ontop of it spring-data-rest, if i understand it is based on springmvc.
but all examples i found, i need to add spring boot to start the app.
i noticed also all new spring projects use spring boot.
this means that i have to learn and use it for my projects?
how can i use spring-data-jpa+spring-data-jpa with an existing servlet3 project
The reason all examples are written using Boot is that Boot is indeed the way you should start a new Spring project these days. It free's from a lot of the tedious work of setting up the infrastructure, finding dependencies in the right version etc.
To use Spring Data REST without Boot, simply add the necessary dependencies to your project. The easiest way to do this is to use the Spring Data Release Train BOM (which will help you pulling in the correct matching versions) along side the version-less dependency declarations for Spring Data REST WebMVC and - in your case - Spring Data JPA.
Then go ahead and either register RepositoryRestMvcConvfiguration as Spring bean (either through XML configuration or JavaConfig).
All of this is also documented in the reference documentation.

Can a simple JSp and servlet code be migrated to Spring framework?

I am a newbie in web development. I'm using servlets and JSP for web development.However, I've learnt lately that Spring Framework is apt for that which incorporate servlets, jsp etc. So, my question is that can I now run my program using Spring framework ? Like, I have 2 jsp codes, and 1 servlet class. So, how can I migrate the code in Spring Framework ? what additional things or codes do I need to maintain ?
Migrating an existing J2EE project is easy.
You will get rid of a lot of "boilerplate" code in the process. The easiest way to do it in my opinion will be to use SpringToolSuite.
Import your project in STS and then add "Maven" nature to it. In the pom configuration you can edit all the jars that you need and mention the spring framework. Once all this is setup it will be just a matter of minutes to change the code if it is small.
You can follow these video tutorials about maven and spring to learn about it.
There are more tutorials by "New Circle training" on youtube for the same.
I would also recommend you to read Spring in action 3rd edition-Manning
This book is a must and the best way to learn spring framework. Hope this helps

Spring configuration using Java annotations

I have started working on an inventory management system (web application) using Spring Framework 3.1.1** and would like to configure Spring Framework using Java annotations. I searched Google, but I could not find a suitable example showing how to configure Spring Framework using Java annotations in a web application. Where is there a proper example or tutorial?
Spring Framework references are comprehensive. Refer to the Spring reference material, 3.11 Java-based container configuration.
Another option to consider is to use Java based configuration. It is more readable, and is easier than annotations.
Spring Documentation
Simple Example using Java based configuration

spring mvc created with maven

I have checked a lot of different links for creating spring mvc with maven but I don't understand why everybody have different xml-files, someone create a webapp login/logout with only pom.xml and web.xml and someone else do the same thing but this one has an applicationservice.xml and an application-dispatcher.xml too. So I'm very confused what roles are and what is the best structure for spring mvc with maven (even JPA and JAX-RS and JAX-B included). How many xml-files I need for a project and so on.
Anyone how have any idea about it?
Spring is about choice, lot of solutions are available. you can have zero spring xml files and configure it programmatically or put all spring configuration in several xml files (with <import> for instance). For persistence, you can create a simple META-INF/persistence.xml with mostly nothing and put all the JPA configuration in your xml spring files, or concentrate all JPA configurations in META-INF/persistence.xml.
For my projects my choice is:
One central XML file for main spring configuration (configuration of beans)
It contains lots of <import> to several other XML files wher I put dedicated configurations:
project-persitence.xml (with a mostly empty META-INFO/persistence.xml
