How to correctly use PagedResourcesAssembler from Spring Data? - spring

I'm using Spring 4.0.0.RELEASE, Spring Data Commons 1.7.0.M1, Spring Hateoas 0.8.0.RELEASE
My resource is a simple POJO:
public class UserResource extends ResourceSupport { ... }
My resource assembler converts User objects to UserResource objects:
public class UserResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<User, UserResource> {
public UserResourceAssembler() {
super(UserController.class, UserResource.class);
public UserResource toResource(User entity) {
// map User to UserResource
Inside my UserController I want to retrieve Page<User> from my service and then convert it to PagedResources<UserResource> using PagedResourcesAssembler, like displayed here:
#RequestMapping(value="", method=RequestMethod.GET)
PagedResources<UserResource> get(#PageableDefault Pageable p, PagedResourcesAssembler assembler) {
Page<User> u = service.get(p)
return assembler.toResource(u);
This doesn't call UserResourceAssembler and simply the contents of User are returned instead of my custom UserResource.
Returning a single resource works:
UserResourceAssembler assembler;
#RequestMapping(value="{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
UserResource getById(#PathVariable ObjectId id) throws NotFoundException {
return assembler.toResource(service.getById(id));
The PagedResourcesAssembler wants some generic argument, but then I can't use T toResource(T), because I don't want to convert my Page<User> to PagedResources<User>, especially because User is a POJO and no Resource.
So the question is: How does it work?
My WebMvcConfigurationSupport:
public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
protected void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
public HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver pageableResolver() {
return new HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver(sortResolver());
public HateoasSortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver sortResolver() {
return new HateoasSortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver();
public PagedResourcesAssembler<?> pagedResourcesAssembler() {
return new PagedResourcesAssembler<Object>(pageableResolver(), null);
public PagedResourcesAssemblerArgumentResolver pagedResourcesAssemblerArgumentResolver() {
return new PagedResourcesAssemblerArgumentResolver(pageableResolver(), null);
/* ... */
UserResourceAssembler assembler;
#RequestMapping(value="", method=RequestMethod.GET)
PagedResources<UserResource> get(#PageableDefault Pageable p, PagedResourcesAssembler pagedAssembler) {
Page<User> u = service.get(p)
return pagedAssembler.toResource(u, assembler);

You seem to have already found out about the proper way to use but I'd like to go into some of the details here a bit for others to find as well. I went into similar detail about PagedResourceAssembler in this answer.
Representation models
Spring HATEOAS ships with a variety of base classes for representation models that make it easy to create representations equipped with links. There are three types of classes provided out of the box:
Resource - an item resource. Effectively to wrap around some DTO or entity that captures a single item and enriches it with links.
Resources - a collection resource, that can be a collection of somethings but usually are a collection of Resource instances.
PagedResources - an extension of Resources that captures additional pagination information like the number of total pages etc.
All of these classes derive from ResourceSupport, which is a basic container for Link instances.
Resource assemblers
A ResourceAssembler is now the mitigating component to convert your domain objects or DTOs into such resource instances. The important part here is, that it turns one source object into one target object.
So the PagedResourcesAssembler will take a Spring Data Page instance and transform it into a PagedResources instance by evaluating the Page and creating the necessary PageMetadata as well as the prev and next links to navigate the pages. By default - and this is probably the interesting part here - it will use a plain SimplePagedResourceAssembler (an inner class of PRA) to transform the individual elements of the page into nested Resource instances.
To allow to customize this, PRA has additional toResource(…) methods that take a delegate ResourceAssembler to process the individual items. So you end up with something like this:
class UserResource extends ResourceSupport { … }
class UserResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<User, UserResource> { … }
And the client code now looking something like this:
PagedResourcesAssembler<User> parAssembler = … // obtain via DI
UserResourceAssembler userResourceAssembler = … // obtain via DI
Page<User> users = userRepository.findAll(new PageRequest(0, 10));
// Tell PAR to use the user assembler for individual items.
PagedResources<UserResource> pagedUserResource = parAssembler.toResource(
users, userResourceAssembler);
As of the upcoming Spring Data Commons 1.7 RC1 (and Spring HATEOAS 0.9 transitively) the prev and next links will be generated as RFC6540 compliant URI templates to expose the pagination request parameters configured in the HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers for Pageable and Sort.
The configuration you've shown above can be simplified by annotating the config class with #EnableSpringDataWebSupport which would let you get rid off all the explicit bean declarations.

I wanted to convert list of Resources to page. but when giving it PagedResourcesAssembler it was eating up the internal links.
This will get your List paged.
public class JobExecutionInfoResource extends ResourceSupport {
private final JobExecutionInfo jobExecution;
public JobExecutionInfoResource(final JobExecutionInfo jobExecution) {
this.jobExecution = jobExecution;
add(ControllerLinkBuilder.linkTo(methodOn(JobsMonitorController.class).get(jobExecution.getId())).withSelfRel()); // add your own links.
public JobExecutionInfo getJobExecution() {
return jobExecution;
Paged resource Providing ResourceAssembler telling Paged resource to use it, which does nothing simply return's it back as it is already a resource list that is passed.
private final PagedResourcesAssembler<JobExecutionInfoResource> jobExecutionInfoResourcePagedResourcesAssembler;
public static final PageRequest DEFAULT_PAGE_REQUEST = new PageRequest(0, 20);
public static final ResourceAssembler<JobExecutionInfoResource, JobExecutionInfoResource> SIMPLE_ASSEMBLER = entity -> entity;
public PagedResources<JobExecutionInfoResource> getJobsSummary(#PathVariable String clientCode, #PathVariable String propertyCode,
#RequestParam(required = false) String exitStatus,
#RequestParam(required = false) String jobName,
Pageable pageRequest) {
List<JobExecutionInfoResource> listOfResources = // your code to generate the list of resource;
int totalCount = 10// some code to get total count;
Link selfLink = linkTo(methodOn(JobsMonitorController.class).getJobsSummary(clientCode, propertyCode, exitStatus, jobName, DEFAULT_PAGE_REQUEST)).withSelfRel();
Page<JobExecutionInfoResource> page = new PageImpl<>(jobExecutions, pageRequest, totalCount);
return jobExecutionInfoResourcePagedResourcesAssembler.toResource(page, SIMPLE_ASSEMBLER, selfLink);

Another way is use the Range HTTP header (read more in RFC 7233). You can define HTTP header this way:
Range: resources=20-41
That means, you want to get resource from 20 to 41 (including). This way allows consuments of API receive exactly defined resources.
It is just alternative way. Range is often used with another units (like bytes etc.)
If you wanna work with pagination and have really applicable API (hypermedia / HATEOAS included) then I recommend add Page and PageSize to your URL. Example:
Then, you can read this data in your BaseApiController and create some QueryFilter object in all your requests:
var requestHelper = new RequestHelper(Request);
int page = requestHelper.GetValueFromQueryString<int>("page");
int pageSize = requestHelper.GetValueFromQueryString<int>("pagesize");
var filter = new QueryFilter
Page = page != 0 ? page : DefaultPageNumber,
PageSize = pageSize != 0 ? pageSize : DefaultPageSize
return filter;
Your api should returns some special collection with information about number of items.
public class ApiCollection<T>
public ApiCollection()
Data = new List<T>();
public ApiCollection(int? totalItems, int? totalPages)
Data = new List<T>();
TotalItems = totalItems;
TotalPages = totalPages;
public IEnumerable<T> Data { get; set; }
public int? TotalItems { get; set; }
public int? TotalPages { get; set; }
Your model classes can inherit some class with pagination support:
public abstract class ApiEntity
public List<ApiLink> Links { get; set; }
public class ApiLink
public ApiLink(string rel, string href)
Rel = rel;
Href = href;
public string Href { get; set; }
public string Rel { get; set; }


Spring MVC: Refusing matched mapping

Consider a situation where we can have several mappings with the same regular expression, which should be validated programmatically (for instance against database).
(this is not a valid piece of code, I am trying just to explain what I am trying to achieve. Note the regular expressions in the url path)
// Animal controller
#GetMapping(path = "/{animal-category [a-z-]+}/{animal-name [a-z-]+}")
public void show(#PathVariable String animalCategory, #PathVariable String animalName) {
// if animalCategory is not found in database, continue with next controller
// Plants controller
#GetMapping(path = "/{plant-category [a-z-]+}/{plant-name [a-z-]+}")
public void show(#PathVariable String plantCategory, #PathVariable String plantName) {
// if plantCateogry is not found in database, continue with next controller - as there is no more, it should return 404
You can achieve this problem with a general controller method like this:
// General controller method
#GetMapping(path = "/{category [a-z-]+}/{name [a-z-]+}")
public void show(#PathVariable String category, #PathVariable String name) {
// look in database for the category
if(isAnimalCatagory) {
return showAnimal(category, name);
else if(isPlantCategory) }
return showPlant(category, name);
return "redirect:/404";
public void showAnimal(String animalCategory, String animalName) {
// for animal categories
public void showPlant(String plantCategory, String plantName) {
// for plant categories

Spring DATA REST - How to convert entities to resources in custom controller using default spring implementation

I have created a custom controller which needs to convert entities to resources. I have annotated my repositories with #RepositoryRestResource annotation. I want to know if there is a way I can invoke the default functionality of spring Data REST from my custom controller which serializes the entities to resources with links to other entities embedded in them.
I don't want to return entities from my handler method but Resources.
Very simple, using objects Resource or Resources. For example - in this controller we add custom method which return list of all user roles which are enums:
public class RoleController {
public ResponseEntity<?> getAllRoles() {
List<Resource<User.Role>> content = new ArrayList<>();
new Resource<>(User.Role.ROLE1),
new Resource<>(User.Role.ROLE2)));
return ResponseEntity.ok(new Resources<>(content));
To add links to resource you have to use object RepositoryEntityLinks, for example:
public class ProductController {
#NonNull private final ProductRepo repo;
#NonNull private final RepositoryEntityLinks links;
public ResponseEntity<?> getDto(#PathVariable("id") Integer productId) {
ProductProjection dto = repo.getDto(productId);
return ResponseEntity.ok(toResource(dto));
private ResourceSupport toResource(ProductProjection projection) {
ProductDto dto = new ProductDto(projection.getProduct(), projection.getName());
Link productLink = links.linkForSingleResource(projection.getProduct()).withRel("product");
Link selfLink = links.linkForSingleResource(projection.getProduct()).slash("/dto").withSelfRel();
return new Resource<>(dto, productLink, selfLink);
For more example see my 'how-to' and sample project.

Preferable way between clean session and minimal database-access

consider the following scenario: i have a bean that handles user-searches with a lot of parameters used on many pages with different urls. many users may spent a larger time with custom-searches and currently i am hitting the database to load those static lists everytime.
public class SearchBean extends DefaultBean {
private String searchPath; //seo: build a url-friendly path depending on search-parameters
private List<Currency>currencies;
private List<Country>countries;
private List<Market>markets;
private List<DrugTypes>drugTypes;
private List<Products>products;
* ...15 other lists
private List<ResultData>results;
public void init(){
this.currencies = Currency.getAll(); //jpa-entities
this.countries = Country.getAll(); = Markets.getAll();
this.drugTypes = DrugTypes.getAll();
this.products = Products.getAll();
public String search(){
this.results = ResultData.getByParameters(getSearchParams());
//e.g. localhost:8080/myApp/search/markets/germany/class-alpha-products/rhesus?faces-redirect=true
return searchPath;
public List<Currency> getCurrencies() { return currencies; }
public void setCurrencies(List<Currency> currencies) { this.currencies = currencies; }
public List<Country> getCountries() { return countries; }
public void setCountries(List<Country> countries) { this.countries = countries; }
public void setMarkets(List<Market> markets) { = markets; }
public List<Market> getMarkets() { return markets; }
public void setDrugTypes(List<DrugTypes> drugTypes) { this.drugTypes = drugTypes; }
public List<DrugTypes> getDrugTypes() { return drugTypes; }
public List<Products> getProducts() { return products; }
public void setProducts(List<Products> products) { this.products = products; }
what is the recommend way regarding to the headline? my small gripe is, that i see 20 jpa-queries on the console although the list-data which is build with <h:selectOneMenu> on client-side does not change on new pages but must be included on every subpage.
leave it as it is
put all those lists as session-attributes and remove them in #predestroy when user leaves.
put the whole bean as sessionbean (i already have 2 session-beans ("user" and "language" and i read that having more is not a good design)
store the list-data as a json-string in a cookie and recreate the list if the cookie exists?
other suggestions?
thanks for watching!
None of all. Caching DB entities isn't the responsibility of a front end (UI) framework. That's the responsibility of the persistence (DB) framework, which is thus JPA in your case.
JPA offers 2nd level caching possibilities. Main advantage as compared to all your proposals is that it knows precisely which entities are more queried and thus need to be cached, and when exactly to invalidate a cached entity because of an entity change. JSF as being a dumb HTML form based MVC framework which only delegates user interface events/data to business services knows nothing of this all.
See also:
How to configure L2 cache in Hibernate/JPA2?
Hibernate 5.1 User Guide - Chapter 12: Caching
EclipseLink Wiki - Examples / JPA / Caching

Spring MVC #RequestParam a list of objects

I want to create a page where a person sees a list of users and there are check boxes next to each of them that the person can click to have them deleted.
In my MVC that consumes a REST API, I want to send a List of User objects to the REST API.
Can the #RequestParam annotation support that?
For example:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = "/delete")
public #ResponseBody Integer delete(
#RequestParam("users") List<Users> list) {
Integer deleteCount = 0;
for (User u : list) {
if (u != null) {
return deleteCount;
In the MVC client, the url would be:
List list = new ArrayList<User>();
String url = "http://restapi/delete?users=" + list;
Request parameters are a Multimap of String to String. You cannot pass a complex object as request param.
But if you just pass the username that should work - see how to capture multiple parameters using #RequestParam using spring mvc?
#RequestParam("users") List<String> list
But I think it would be better to just use the request body to pass information.
Spring mvc can support List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> param, but without #RequestParam.
Take List<Object> as example, if your object is, and it like this:
public class User {
private String name;
private int age;
// getter and setter
And you want pass a param of List<User>, you can use url like this[0].name=Alice&users[0].age=26&users[1].name=Bob&users[1].age=16
Remember to encode the url, the url after encoded is like this:
Example of List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> is displayed in my github.
Just a reminder, any List of custom objects might require custom converters to be registered, like:
public Converter<String, CustomObject> stringToCustomObjectConverter() {
return new Converter<>() {
public CustomObject convert(String str) {
return new ObjectMapper().readValue(str, CustomObject.class);
public Converter<String, List<CustomObject>> stringToListCustomObjectConverter() {
return new Converter<>() {
public List<CustomObject> convert(String str) {
return new ObjectMapper().readValue(str, new TypeReference<>() {
So you can cover custom cases like:
/api/some-api?custom={"name":"Bla 1","age":20}
/api/some-api?custom={"name":"Bla 1","age":20}&custom={"name":"Bla 2","age":30}
/api/some-api?custom=[{"name":"Bla 1","age":20},{"name":"Bla 2","age":30}]
where: #RequestParam("custom") List customObjects

Is it possible to map parameters to a path in Spring Rest?

I've a legacy system where query parameters are used to determine the class/method for a request using a simple in-house framework. E.g.
And I'd like map all actions for a product to one class so the plumbing can be greatly simplified, e.g.
public class FooController {
private FooProductService s; // one of many beans that have to be wired into lots of classes
public void bar(#PathVariable String amount, Model model) {
// implementation omitted
public void baz(#PathVariable String amount, Model model) {
// implementation omitted
It's a published API so we can't change the public API -> the URLs cannot change.
I thought that perhaps this could be done using configuration, as aspect or even a custom framework with out own annotations.
I believe you can do something like this for product=foo&action=bar&amount=1.0
#RequestMapping(value = "product={productName}&action={someaction}&amount={value}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
something(#PathVariable String productName, #PathVariable String someaction, #PathVariable String value)
if(someaction.equals("bar")) {
//do bar
if(someaction.equals("baz")) {
//do baz
