Broadcast Server - algorithm

I am writing a TCP Server that accepts connections from multiple clients, this server gathers data from the system that it's running on and transmits it to every connected client.
What design patterns would be best for this situation?
Put all connections in an array, then loop through the array and send the data to each client one by one. Advantage: very easy to implement. Disadvantage: not very efficient when handling large amounts of data.

An easier way is to use some existing software to do this ... For example use .
In case you want to write on your own you will need a list(linked list) to manage the connections.
Here is an example of a server
If you want to handle large amounts of data, one of the techniques is to have a queue associated with each of the subscribers at the server end. A multi-threaded program can send the data to the clients from those queues.

A number of patterns have been developed for distributed processing and servers, for instance in the ACE project: The design might be focused around the events which announce either that data has been received and may be read, or that buffers have been emptied and more data may now be written. At least in the days when a 32-bit address space was the rule, you could have many more open connections than you had threads, so you would typically have a small number of threads waiting for events which announced that they could safely read or write without stalling until the other side co-operated. This may come from events, or from calls such as select() or poll() terminating. Patterns are also associated with


TCP replication of topics

According to the documentation here: one is able to do pub/sub using maps. This allows one to create a construct similar to topics that are available in middleware such as Tibco, 29W, Kafka and use that as a way of sending events across processes. Is this a recommended usage of chronicle map? What kind of latency can I expect if both publisher and subscriber stay in the same machine?
My second question is, how can this be extended to send messages across machines? How does this work with enterprise TCP replication?
My requirement is to create thousands of topics and use them to communicate across processes running in different machines (in a LAN). Each of these topics would be written by a single source and read by multiple readers running in same or different machines. If the source of a particular topic dies, that source's replica would start writing to the topic and listeners will continue to receive messages. These messages need not be stored for replay.
Is this a recommended usage of chronicle map?
Yes, you can use engine to support event notification across a machine. However, if you want lowest latencies you might need to send a notification via Queue and keep the latest value in a map.
What kind of latency can I expect if both publisher and subscriber stay in the same machine?
It depends on your use case esp the size of the data (in maps case the number of entries as well) The Latency for Map in Engine is around 30 - 100 us, however the latency for Queue is around 2 - 5 us.
My second question is, how can this be extended to send messages across machines?
For this you need our licensed product but the code is the same.
Each of these topics would be written by a single source and read by multiple readers running in same or different machines. If the source of a particular topic dies, that source's replica would start writing to the topic and listeners will continue to receive messages.
Most likely, the simplest solution is to have a Map where each topic is a different key. This will send the latest value for that topic to the consumers.
If you need to recorded every event, a Queue is likely to be a better choice. If you don't need to retain the data for long, you can use a very sort file rotation.

Listening to multiple sockets: select vs. multi-threading

A server needs to listen to incoming data from several sockets (10-20). After some initializations, those sockets are created and do not change (i.e. no new sockets accepted, and none of them is expected to close during the lifetime of the server).
One option is to select() on all sockets, then deal with incoming data per socket (i.e. route to proper handling function).
Another option is to open one thread per socket and let each thread recv() and handle the input.
(The first option has the benefit of setting a timeout, but this is not an issue in this case,
since all the sockets are quite active).
Assuming the following: Windows server, has enough memory such that 20MB (for the 20 threads) is a non-issue, is any of those options expected to be faster then the other?
There's not much in it in you app. Typically, using a thread-per-socket is easier than asynchronous approaches because it's a simpler overall structure and it's easier to maintain state.

Multiple Socket client connecting to a server

I am designing an simulator application where the application launches multiple socket connection(around 1000 connections) to a server. I don't want to launch as many as threads to handle those connections, since the system cant handle that much clients. Using Select doesnt make sense, since i need to loop through 1000 connections which may be slow. Please suggest me how to handle this scenario.
You want to be using asynchronous I/O with an I/O Completion Port (IOCP).
It's too much to explain shortly, but any Windows application that needs to support a large number of concurrent sockets should be using an IOCP.
An IOCP is essentially an Windows-provided thread safe work queue. You queue a 'completion packet' to an IOCP and then another thread dequeues it and does work with it.
You can also associate many types of handles that support overlapped operations, such as sockets, to an IOCP. When you associate a handle with an IOCP, overlapped operations such as WSARecv will automatically post a completion packet to the associated IOCP.
So, essentially, you could have one thread handling all 1000 connections. Each socket will be created as an overlapped socket and then associated with your IOCP. You can then call WSARecv on all 1000 sockets and wait for a completion packet to become available. When data is received, the operating system will post a completion packet to the associated IOCP. This will contain relevant information, such as how much data was read and the buffer containing the data.
Looping through 1000 handles is still significantly faster than sending 1000 packets, so I wouldn't worry about performance here. select() is still the way to go.

Is this a scaleable named pipe server implementation?

Looking at this example of named pipes using Overlapped I/O from MSDN, I am wondering how scaleable it is? If you spin up a dozen clients and have them hit the server 10x/sec, with each batch of 10 being immediately after the other, before sleeping for a full second, it seems that eventually some of the instances of the client are starved.
Server implementation:
Client implementation (assuming call is made 10x/sec, and there are a dozen instances).
The fact that the web page points out that:
The pipe server creates a fixed number of pipe instances.
Although the example shows simultaneous operations on different pipe instances, it avoids simultaneous operations on a single pipe instance by using the event object in the OVERLAPPED structure. Because the same event object is used for read, write, and connect operations for each instance, there is no way to know which operation's completion caused the event to be set to the signaled state for simultaneous operations using the same pipe instance
you can probably safely assume that it's not as scalable as it could be; it's an API usage example after all; demonstration of functionality is usually the most important design constraint for such code.
If you need 12 clients making 10 connections per second then I'd personally have the server able to handle MORE than just 12 clients to allow for the period when the server is preparing for a new client to connect... Personally I'd switch to using sockets but that's just me (and I'm skewed that way because I've done lots of high performance socket's work and so have all the code)...

How to sync a list on a server with many clients?

Consider a poker game server which hosts many tables. While a player is at the lobby he has a list of all the active tables and their stats. These stats constantly change while players join, play, and leave tables. Tables can be added and closed.
Somehow, these changes must be notified to the clients.
How would you implement this functionality?
Would you use TCP/UDP for the lobby (that is, should users connect to server to observe the lobby, or would you go for a request-response mechanism)?
Would the server notify clients about each event, or should the client poll the server?
Keep that in mind: Maybe the most important goal of such a system is scalability. It should be easy to add more servers in order to cope with growing awdience, while all the users should see one big list that consists from multiple servers.
This specific issue is a manifestation of a very basic issue in your application design - how should clients be connecting to the server.
When scalability is an issue, always resort to a scalable solution, using non-blocking I/O patterns, such as the Reactor design pattern. Much preferred is to use standard solutions which already have a working and tested implementation of such patterns.
Specifically in your case, which involves a fast-acting game which is constantly updating, it sounds reasonable to use a scalable server (again, non-blocking I/O), which holds a connection to each client via TCP, and updates him on information he needs to know.
Request-response cycle sounds less appropriate for your case, but this should be verified against your exact specifications for your application.
That's my basic suggestion:
The server updates the list (addition, removal, and altering exsisting items) through an interface that keeps a queue of a fixed length of operations that have been applied on the list. Each operation is given a timestamp. When the queue is full, the oldest operations are progressivly discarded.
When the user first needs to retrive the list, it asks the server to send him the complete list. The server sends the list with the current timestamp.
Once each an arbitary period of time (10-30 seconds?) the client asks the server to send him all the operations that have been applied to the list since the timestamp he got.
The server then checks if the timestamp still appears in the list (that is, it's bigger than the timestamp of the first item), and if so, sends the client the list of operations that have occured from that time to the present, plus the current timestamp. If it's too old, the server sends the complete list again.
UDP seems to suit this approach, since it's no biggy if once in a while an "update cycle" get's lost.
