Same random number and string for each thread - jmeter

I need to generate the same JSON data twice for each thread for an HTTP request. I am having problem setting that up in JMeter.
My structure is:
Test Plan
- HTTP Header Manager
- Thread Group 1 users, 5 loop
- Random Variable,
- HTTP Request
I tried the combination of Per Thread User set to true and using seed for random function, but I can't achieve what I want. It keep on generating new number/string per loop.
Basically for each user, I want the exact same JSON request data.

I see three decisions for your case:
Use User Defined Variables before HTTP Request. Specify variables here. In this case it will be better to use __Random() function instead Random Variable.
Test Plan
- HTTP Header Manager
- Thread Group 1 users, 5 loop
- User Defined Variables, (Name:varName; Value:${__Random(1,100)})
- HTTP Request
Use Loop Controller (loop count=5) before HTTP Request (instead loop=5 in Thread Group)

I can suggest another solution which seems to me verbose and awkward but no other idea.
You create file using BSF (or BeanShell) PreProcessor and write value of random variable into file. Then read file before every request. In the next example I used Groovy and BSF PreProcessor.
import java.util.Random
def out= new File('File1.txt') // create file if it is not exists
Random rand = new Random()
int max = 10
def a = rand.nextInt(max+1)
out << a // write text to file
//then read value of generated variable
String fileContents = new File('File1.txt').text
//then put your variable into User defined Variable that I named HELLO
And in needed request use ${HELLO}


${__fifoPop(sync_tokensqo, gotTokenq_2)} empty the stack, what we supposed to do when we need same token for other request in Jmeter

I summarized my code as given below
User Login -100 times
Jsr233 post-processor put 100 tokens.
While loop
user login-100 times
Jsr 223 preprocessor -pop 100 tokens
On loop count 1, its pops all token, nothing left for count 2. How o handle this?
Just don't use the Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
If Login and While Loop are in the same Thread Group - use vars shorthand for the JMeterVariables class instance like:
vars.put('gotTokenq_2', 'token_value_here') // store the variable
If Login and While Loop are in different Thread Groups - use props shorthand instead:
to set the value:
props.put('token_' + ctx.getThreadNum(), 'token value here')
to read the value:
vars.put('gotTokenq_2', props.get('token_' + ctx.getThreadNum()))
In both cases you wil be able to access the token value as ${gotTokenq_2} where required
More information on these vars, props, and ctx shortcuts: Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy

In JMeter, How do i loop until a result is found

I have a request in Jmeter that I need to loop until I find the result I am looking for. I have read a few bits about a while controller but found them unhelpful as they seem to glance over vital information or are using an older version of Jmeter
I'm currently using Jmeter 5.0, and I have attempted to implement a while controller but failed as I think I do not understand how to properly handle the response, or even grab it, and then use it as a comparison to assert if the item exists.
I get a response from the HTTP request call response that looks a little somthing like this:
{"data":{"getIDs":{"Page": 1,"PageSize": 25,"PageCount": 1,"isFirstPage": true,"batches":[{"id":"b601a257-13fe-4de3-b779-a5922e89765a"},{"id":"b601a257-13fe-4de3-b779-a5922e89765b"},{"id":"b601a257-13fe-4de3-b779-a5922e89765c"}]}}
I need to recall the endpoint until I have found the ID I am looking for or cancel after 10 attempts
So after a bit of fumbling around I, I figured on my own answer that seems to work well. But I would suggest looking at other sources before taking mine as gospel.
The basic structure looks as follows:
Within a thread I set the variables then create the while loop as the next step. Within the While loop I created a counter then added the request I wanted to loop after. To make the loop work for me, I have three items sat under the request.
A Response Assertion: this check for a 200 status as the call should never fail
A Constant Timer: There is a delay between polls of the end point
A JSR223 Assertion: groovy code used ensure the while loop logic is handled
User Defined Variables:
Here i have setup two variables:
DONE: Done is a string value I alter if my JSR223 Assertion finds the values I'm looking for in the HTTP request
MyValue (this is dynamically driven in my actual test, for demo purpose, I’m just declaring a value to look for i.e. 12345)
While Controller:
I still feel i may not understand this correctly, however after some googling I came across the following code that works for me despite some errors in the JMeter console:
${__javaScript(("${DONE}" != "yep" && ${Counter} < 10),)}
This code is saying that the while loop will continue until either of these two conditions are met:
DONE, the variable created earlier, is equal to the value yep
Counter is less than 10 (Counter is declared beneath the while loop)
this was a simple configuration step that just worked once I understood it needed to be within the while loop, i configured the following:
Starting value = 1
Increment = 1
Exported Variable Name = Counter
Ticked 'Track Counter independently for each user'
Ticked 'Reset counter on each thread group iteration'
(Exported Variable Name: you can call this whatever you want, I’ve named it counter for the purpose of this demo)
JSR223 Assertion:
This is a simple script assertion that just uses a Boolean and a couple of if statements to assert the state of the test.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
def done = vars.get("DONE");
String response = prev.getResponseDataAsString(); //retrieves the http request response as text
String MyValue = vars.get("MyValue");
def counter = vars.get("Counter");
//Find Substring within response string and stor result as boolean
String container = response;
String content = MyValue;
boolean containerContainsContent = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(container, content);
//Check if the true condition is met and change the value so the loop exits
if (containerContainsContent == true){"------------------------Got Here");
vars.put("DONE", "yep");
//Force test to fail after 10 loops
if (Counter.toString() == "10"){
assert 1 == 2

vars.put function not writing the desired value into the jmeter parameter

Below is the code which i have been trying to address the below UseCase in JMETER.Quick help is appreciated.
A particular text like "History" in a page response needs to be validated and the if the text counts is more than 50 a random selection of the options within the page needs to be made.And if the text counts is less than 50 1st option needs to be selected.
I am new to Jmeter and trying to solve this usingJSR223 POST processor but somehow stuck at vars.put function where i am unable to see the desired number being populated within the V paramter.
Using a boundary extractor where match no 1 should suffice the 1st selection and 0 should suffice the random selection.
def TotalInstanceAvailable = vars.get("sCount_matchNr").toInteger()"Total Instance Available = ${TotalInstanceAvailable}");
def boundary_analyzer =50;
def DesiredNumber,V
if (TotalInstanceAvailable < boundary_analyzer)
{"I am inside the loop")
DesiredNumber = 0;"DesiredNumber= ${DesiredNumber}");
vars.put("V", DesiredNumber)"v= ${V}");
vars.put("V", "DesiredNumber")"v= ${V}");
def sCount = vars.get("sCount")"Text matching number is ${sCount_matchNr}")
You cannot store an integer in JMeter Variables using vars.put() function, you either need to cast it to String first, to wit change this line:
vars.put("V", DesiredNumber)
to this one
vars.put("V", DesiredNumber as String)
alternatively you can use vars.putObject() function which can store literally everything however you will be able to use the value only in JSR223 Elements by calling vars.getObject()
Whenever you face a problem with your JMeter script get used to look at jmeter.log file or toggle Log Viewer window - in absolute majority of cases you will find the root cause of your problem in the log file:

Jmeter- how to pass a fixed number of values from an array at a time until iterating through all values to a http request

In my get htttp request, I get an array of ids ex: list=[1, 2, 3.....1000]
And then for my next http request, I want to pass all the values in the list 10 at a time, so it will be 100 requests total and each time, it takes 10 values from the list array. I'm using a loop controller to call the http request 100 times. but I dont know how to retrieve 10 values at a time, and then go to the next 10, next 10 until all values are used.
How should I do that?
Add a regular expression extractor to your get request as a child.
Add the following properties shown in the screenshot to extract List
Add a Beanshell sampler/ JSR223 sampler and add the following code.
The code below creates a series of variables and store series of 10 values in a variable starting from Final_0 to Final_99
import java.util.Arrays
String complete_List=vars.get("List");
String[] complete_List_Array = complete_List.split(",");
int i;
int j;
int loopcount=complete_List_Array.length/10;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(vars.get("List_" + i));
if (i < (j+1)*10)
Add a loop counter and mention loop count as ${loopcount} as shown below
You can add HTTP Request as a child of loop counter and to pass series of 1o value at a time use ${__V(Final_${counter})}
Add a beanshell post processor to the http request to that will increment the counter
add the following code to the beanshell sampler
int counter = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("counter")) +1;
You can see in the results its passing series of 10 values at a time and loop will run for 100 times
For more info on beanshell please follow the link
Please let me know if it helps.........
Considering you have the list array available at your disposal by using any extractor.
Extract the sublist from the array and put them in properties. Then, fetch the properties where ever you want it.
In the below I am fetching the sublist from the array and putting it in jmeter properties.
Here, I am fetching the values from the properties. This is just for demonstration and you dont need this. After putting list in properties just fetch in HTTP sampler as shown in the last image.
Now, to fetch it in HTTP sampler you can use loop and counter and fetch the properties using groovy. Loop for iteration and counter for increment the variable mylist_x.
Hope this helps.

How to post the exact number of values which are retrieved from post processor?

I'm landing into a page where some Customers listed out. I'm retriving all the Customer Ids by Regular Expression Extractor Post-Processor.
Now, in a subsequent request I need to pass those Ids. It's being passed as a 'Body Data' by the following format:
Let say, there are 5 Customer Ids retrived, then I can use the variables for each record as follows:
Passing Variables: [${CustomerId_1},${CustomerId_2},${CustomerId_3},${CustomerId_5}]
Posting Variable Values: [19327,15947,14421,18813,20942]
But let say, there are only 3 Customer Ids retrived, and if I pass the variables as above then the sampler will fail because currently it just retrived 3 Customer Id records.
Passing Variables: [${CustomerId_1},${CustomerId_2},${CustomerId_3},${CustomerId_5}]
Posting Variable Values: [19327,15947,14421,${CustomerId_4},${CustomerId_5}]
How to deal with this issue, plz. do help.
Thanks in advance
Add Beanshell PreProcessor as a child of your 2nd request
Put the following code into the Pre-Processor's "Script" area
int customers = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("CustomerId_matchNr"));
StringBuilder requestBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i <= customers; i++) {
requestBuilder.append(vars.get("CustomerId_" + i));
if (i != customers) {
The above code will build required request line depending on number of matches and automatically set request body.
Referenced classes:
vars - shorthand to JMeterVariables
sampler - provides access to the parent sampler, in case of HTTP Request it will be HTTPSamplerProxy
StringBuilder - comes with Java SDK
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more information on Beanshell scripting, explanation of pre-defined variables and some useful examples.
refName_matchNr will return the number of matches. So in your case CustomerId_matchNr will give you number of customerIDs.
Use a beanshell pre-processor to run a loop and construct the BodyData string and save it to a new variable, use that variable in your subsequent sampler.
