How can i use Drag method to resize my application window? - testcomplete

How can i use Drag () method to resize my WPF application window? I am working on TestComplete 9 using Jscript.

The easiest way to resize a window is to call its Position method:
// JScript
var wnd = Sys.Process("notepad").Window("Notepad");
wnd.Position(150, 200, 600, 400); // top, left, width, height


How do I resize a p5.Graphic object?

In p5.js resizeCanvas(x, y) is a function for p5 objects but if I made a p5.Graphics object, can I resize it with a similar function?
Interestingly, p5.Graphics objects can run resizeGraphics() but nothing happens (including no error) and the height and width remain the same in the console.
g = createGraphics(50, 50); //creates p5.Graphics
g.resizeCanvas(100, 100); //fails: silently without error
g.resize(100, 100); //fails: resize has not been defined
Is there another function or would I need to actually extract the cooresponding graphics canvas and call a native javascript function instead?
If you want to resize a P5.Graphics, you can just create a new one, then draw the old one to the new one.
Here is an example:
var pg;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1000, 1000);
pg = createGraphics(100, 100);
pg.ellipse(pg.width/2, pg.height/2, pg.width, pg.height);
function draw() {
image(pg, 0, 0);
function mouseClicked(){
var newPG = createGraphics(mouseX, mouseY);
newPG.image(pg, 0, 0, newPG.width, newPG.height);
pg = newPG;
Using resizeCanvas on a graphics object created with "createGraphics" seems to stretch the graphics rather than resize the buffer.
Right now the best way to resize a graphics object is to simply set the width and height properties directly.
// Some graphics object
let graphics = createGraphics(w,h);
// Now simply resize like this
graphics.width = gWidth;
graphics.height = gHeight;
As suggested here:

Gtk.window get window width and height with VALA

I am trying to create a small program which displays an Image. This image will be resized to fit the window size.
Until now you can already see the image on the screen but to make it change its size when resizing the window I have to know how to get the window width and height of my Window.
The problem is, I havent found a good way to do this... and would like to know if somebody could help me with that.
(I am programming with vala in elementary os if that is necessary to know)
I can also post my code if that would help
Here is a simple example to get the width and Height of the window when it resizes. On the signal you can do stuff like resizing the child image pixbuf/image or whatever. Hope it helps.
using Gtk;
public void main (string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
var window = new Gtk.Window ();
window.configure_event.connect ((event) => {
print ("Width: %d Height: %d\n", event.width, event.height);
return false;
window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
window.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();

Trying to move UIView off screen and use autolayout

I have a UIView that I would like to animate off the screen and then bring another view into the screen. I'm using auto layout and I have a IBOutlet set up for the left and right NSLayoutConstraint. Its seem that with out a width set for the UIView that the view actually doesn't animate off the screen.
I'm trying to use this code to pus the UIView off:
self.gameViewConstraintLeft.constant = -400
UIView.animateWithDuration(1, animations: { () in
self.gameViewConstriantRight.constant = -400
UIView.animateWithDuration(1, animations: { () in
I have constraints set up on the top(0), left(0) and right(0). Maybe this is my issue that I'm pinning the view to the edge of the screen, but I want this to work on multiple screen sizes, so I'm just not sure the best method of achieving my goal.
You are going to have problems moving the views if they're pinned on multiple sides horizontally or vertically.
I would suggest the following:
Set up width, height, centerX, and centerY constraints for your two views. The width and height can be set to "Equal Widths" and "Equal Heights" with the superview to allow it to work with multiple screen sizes.
Add an IBOutlets to the centerX constraint. Animate by modifying the constant property of this constraint:
self.gameView1ConstraintCenterX.constant = -400
UIView.animateWithDuration(1) {
self.gameView2ConstriantCenterX.constant = 0
UIView.animateWithDuration(1) {

KineticJS cancel drag instead of stop drag?

I have a kinetic stage and some objects that each are draggable. (See fiddle for example.)
My goal is to allow the user to always be able to middle click to pan the entire stage whether or not he middle clicks on empty space or on any shape drawn to the stage. I need to do this in a way that doesn't break the drag events of existing shapes. Meaning I need the shape dragStart and dragEnd events to be processed normally, but only on left click drag.
I'm able to detect the middle click event on the stage and call dragStop() on the shape if the drag was initiated on one, but calling dragStop() means that the dragstop event is fired and processing occurs on the shape.
// let's pretend that a mouse doesn't have more than 9 buttons
var mouseDown = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var mouseDownCount = 0;
document.body.onmousedown = function(evt) {
document.body.onmouseup = function(evt) {
stage.on('dragstart', function(e){
// Left mouse button drag
if ( == 'Stage'){
// stop the drag for left click;
} else if (mouseDown[1]){
// Middle mouse button drag
if ( != 'Stage'){
// stop the drag of the object for left click;;;
// start the stage drag
Is there a way to cancel the dragStart event after it has been fired, or in some other way tell dragEnd to not fire? I've tried setting prior to calling dragStop, but that doesn't seem to be working.
Any ideas?
Try to use latest version from GitHub. It has functionality only with left mouse button.

With HTML5 drag and drop, how can I change the drag image when it's over the drop zone?

So here's what I want to do. I would like to be able to drag an element, and have it dynamically change it's default drag image to a different image when it's over the drop zone.
You are able to set the drag image using dataTransfer.setDragImage method. It exists in the event objects of all of the drag events, including the dragover event.
Some basic code would be:
dropElem.ondragover = function(e) {
if (e.stopPropagation) {
e.stopPropagation(); //Stops some browsers from redirecting.
var dragIcon = document.createElement('img');
dragIcon.src = 'image.png';
dragIcon.width = 100;
e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragIcon, 0, 0);
