How can I add ICON similar delete ICON in views on CRM 2013 - dynamics-crm

Is it possible to add an icon to a view in CRM – similar to how they now have a delete icon when you hover over a record but we would want the icon to be available all the times based on the status or other factors.

The supported method is to add a ribbon button. I find this tool to be helpful:


How to design the ribbon (tag) within entity in Dynamics 365?

When I choose one entity and one of records, the tags change as following pic. Can they be designed?
What does the icon means?
They are not Tags, they are ribbon buttons/commands. You have to use CRM Ribbon workbench (Managed solution or XrmToolBox) to customize the ribbon/command bar. Read more
The ribbon/command bar button can have display rule/enable rule, based on that rules they will show hide. For ex. If “selected record count rule” triggers then the options are different in view.
To update the icons, you have to upload svg icon in each custom entity. And make sure to update the modern image in ribbon button definition.

Buttons in a view in Dynamics 365

I am new with Dynamics 365 and are not sure of how I can achieve this.
I am looking into having some buttons in a view.
Maybe a view isn't the best way of doing it, but what I want to do is to have a list of records connected to the logged in user (similar to a view)
But on each row/record I want to have multiple buttons. These buttons can be like 'Complete' (Changes status on task and updates the view) , 'Send email'(Starts a workflow) and so on.
What are some of the ways of doing this? Either with Javascript/C#/plugin or something else.
You cannot add buttons in views/subgrids directly.
That’s when we add ribbon/command bar buttons using Ribbon workbench usually.
Create a Workflow Short Cut Ribbon Button (No Code Solution!)
There is a PowerApps Components Framework (PCF - preview) coming out soon, then we can build custom grid control with the layout/buttons we want.
This can be achieved with RibbonWorkbench. My answer does not differ much with #arun vinoth answer but just added few explanation lines.
If you look at view below where I have selected number of contact and then I have a Button at top "Nominieren" which is shown and clicking on it will perform whatever action is needed.
There will be java-script on click of button, from Java script you could call Action or workflow or perform operation in Java script itself.
Link for Adding new Button :
Now when you look at image below I have no contact selected and it does not show button on Ribbon.
It might be possible. I haven't tried this but you can write JavaScript for a view column now (since CRM 2016).
If you go to a view you can double click on a view column to view its properties. There are two properties you might be interested in:
Web Resource
Here's a link to an MS page that explains how to use these options to add an icon. It might be possible to create a clickable button which uses CRM's WebApi to perform some actions: Docs # Microsoft

SiteMap icons not updating in Microsoft Dynamics 365 online

I am trying to update an icon on a Dynamics 365 online SiteMap so that it differs from the icon selected for the entity found in the solution. I have tried to use the standard CRM solution SiteMap editor as well as the SiteMap editor found in the XRM Toolbox. It is a custom entity and the icon is a .png with the correct sizing.
When I try to update the icon on the sitemap the icon does not change and defaults to the icon specified for the entity in the solution. When I download the XML of the sitemap it points to the correct image (the one I want) as seen in this screenshot:
Correct icon image in SiteMap XML,
However, if I debug the Javascript of the SiteMap we can clearly see that the source points to a different icon. This icon is the one specified for the entity in the solution:
Debugging of Javascript of the element containing the icon
Icon as setting up for an entity in solution
Anyone have any idea or run into the same sort of problem?
I had the same issue and was able to resolve this. In the dialog called "Icon as setting up for an entity in solution" click on the Unified Interface tab. Then select your 16x16 icon. Save it and publish it. You should now see your new icon.

Unable to Hide See All Records button from Sub Grid in UCI

I am not able to hide 'See All Records' button from UCI, the button is not available in Ribbon Workbench. Please refer below screenshot for better understanding - Is there any other alternative?
Currently I am working on MS Dynamics CRM online version 9.1. I have searched on internet but couldn't find something related to 'See all records' button on sub-grid. I have checked the forms for any setting while adding sub-grid, but no luck.
If you have associated entity in the navigation then this icon will show up. Remove from form editor to remove this.
Read more
“Open Associated view” may be the right keyword to search.
I verified this in my environments ( - these options are not there.
But in our preview org ( - I can see it. No way to hide it.
Without associated entity in navigation:
With associated entity in navigataion:
Here My solution after I expensed a lot of time ..
Use Ribbon workbench , then select Home and look for NavigatetoHomepageGrid , button doesn't have an icon.
Hope It helps.

where is the specific button on design mode?

how can i find the specific button on design mode where i have several buttons ie: hundered of buttons so that they all like spaghetti and one button may be under another button or a groupbox (i might be playing with the visibilities ) and i want to see my button number 83 on the design. how can i see him? where is he hiding? :) i use visual studio as an IDE. thanks.
MessageBox.Show(" where is the specific button? i know that he is somewhere on the form but cant distinguish it on the design since its somewhere under something i cant find it");
Use Document Outline (View - Other Windows - Document Outline)
Just pick the button from the tree and voila.
PS: this works for other types of designers (WPF/Silverlight, ASP.NET)
You can access it via the Properties Window. There is a drop-down that will list all of the items in your form in design mode.
Then use the drop-down. The drop-down will list all of the items on your form so you will scroll through the list to find Button number 83.
Images were pulled from MS Visual Studio: The properties Window which contains an explanation of the window.
Have you tried using the properties window?
