Recognizing additional properties a vb6 app is launched with - vb6

If for example, after I compile myapp.exe with vb6, when I open it as
myapp.exe "something"
(from Run or something), is there anyway of knowing what "something" is when your application opens, so that the application can act differently with every value of "something"?

Sure, it's called a command line argument, and is returned by Command, as in :
Dim commandLineArgs As String = Command


How to give script a name?

I have a script that I run to keep my computer from going to sleep. It's a simple script that presses the Num Lock key. How can I give my script a name so I can see it in Task Manager? I would like to end the process every now and then and not sure which application it is.
Here is the code (idle.vbs):
Dim objResult
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Do While True
objResult = objShell.sendkeys("{NUMLOCK}{NUMLOCK}")
Wscript.Sleep (60000)
Your script is being executed in an interpreter, and in Task Manager you will see the name of the executable : wscript.exe
You cannot change the process name, although you can identify the name of the running script using another script and the property of handles.
But the easiest way would be to make a copy of the executable wscript.exe, rename it with something suggestive for you, and use that executable in cmd to run the script. For example idleEx.exe and run it :
...\idleEx.exe idle.vbs
Or, the other method: create a shortcut for the vbs and change Properties / General / Opens with, browse and choose idleEx.exe.
After that, your process name will apear as idleEx.exe

How to use a process already running in tasklist

Under Windows 7, I need to run a file, say "file_name", with myapp.exe through a command line. When I call myapp and file_name with their full paths, it opens a new instance of myapp (it is not single-instanced). Is it at all possible to use a running instance of myapp, if there is one (as if I just dragged and dropped file_name into myapp's window) ?
I know how to check if myapp.exe is already running using tasklist. But in case there is a running instance, I don't know I can get some kind of application handle through which I can call file_name, without opening a new myapp.exe.

Execute Lua WINAPI code without displaying the shell

I created a simple Lua application using Alien for Lua. It works perfectly, except when you execute it, the Lua Shell shows as well. Is there a way to "hide" this shell, run it in background, turn it off, etc so that I simply see the message box?
require "luarocks.require"
require "alien"
local MessageBox = alien.User32.MessageBoxA
MessageBox:types{ret = "long", abi = "stdcall", "long", "string", "string", "long" }
MessageBox(0, "Hello World!", "My Window Title", 0x00000040)
Current Output:
Desired Output:
Rename your script to hello.wlua so that wlua.exe is used.
While it is likely possible, if verbose, to locate and close the offending console window that Windows provided your process, it would be better if that console never appeared in the first place. If it does appear, then it is likely to flash on screen, and cause some users to be confused.
Windows has, since its earliest days, had the concept of a "subsystem" which each individual executable identifies with. Normal GUI applications are linked with /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS and get the full GUI treatment including the responsibility to create and display their own window(s) if and when needed.
Applications that expect to be run from a command line (or batch file) are linked with /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE, and as a result have standard file handles that are guaranteed to be open and are likely to be connected to some console window (or a pipe, or redirected to a file, but they do exist). That guarantee is strong enough that when a console program is started outside of a console (as when double-clicked from Exporer, or named in the Start|Run box) then the system automatically creates a console window for it, and binds the standard file handles to the new console.
There are other subsystems, but those two are the only important ones for normal users and developers.
lua.exe and wlua.exe
So why does this matter?
The stock lua.exe will be linked for the console, because that makes it possible to use interactively from a command prompt. However, it means that it will always be supplied with a console window even when you don't want one.
The Lua for Windows distribution (which from the pathname showing in your console's title bar it looks like you are using) includes a second copy named wlua.exe which only differs by being linked for the Windows subsystem. As a result, it only displays a window if the script explicitly creates one to display. Of course, it also means that it cannot be used interactively at the command prompt.
File types and associations
For convenience, you can associate the file type .wlua with wlua.exe, and name your GUI script with that file type. That will enable launching programs in the usual way without getting the extra consoles. Of course, when debugging them, you can always run them with lua.exe from a command prompt and take advantage of the existence of stdout and the utility of the print function.
On my PC (64-bit Win 7 Pro) I have the following associations, which look like they were created by the installation of Lua for Windows:
C:...>assoc .lua
C:...>ftype lua.script
lua.script="C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe" "%1" %*
C:...>assoc .wlua
C:...>ftype Wlua.script
Wlua.script="C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\wlua.exe" "%1" %*
Extra credit: PATHEXT
You could also add .lua to the PATHEXT environment variable to save typing the file type at the command prompt. I'm not configured that way presently, but have in the past done that. I found that the standard practice of naming both modules and scripts with the same file type made that less useful.
The PATHEXT environment variable lists the file types that will be searched for in the PATH when you name a program to run without specifying its file type. Documentation for this is rather hard to locate, as there does not appear to be a single MSDN page listing all the "official" environment variables and their usage. This chapter of a book about Windows NT has a nice description of the interaction of PATH and PATHEXT, and despite being subtly out of date in some respects, it is the clearest detailed explanation of how the command prompt operates that I've come across.
It clarifies that each folder in PATH is searched for each extension named in PATHEXT:
If the command name includes a file extension, the shell searches each directory for the exact file name specified by the command name. If the command name does not include a file extension, the shell adds the extensions listed in the PATHEXT environment variable, one by one, and searches the directory for that file name. Note that the shell tries all possible file extensions in a specific directory before moving on to search the next directory (if there is one).
It also documents how file types and associations interact with the command prompt. Despite its age, it is well worth the read.
Windows executables explicitly list the subsystem they run on. As the windows "lua.exe" is linked for the console subsystem, windows automagically creates a console window for it. Just relink "lua.exe" for gui subsystem, and you won't get to see the output any more unless you run it from a console window. BTW: Gui programs can programmatically create the console.
An alternative is closing the created console on start.
For that, you must first use SetStdHandle to redirect STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR (use a file open to device nul if you don't want it at all), and then call FreeConsole to finally dismiss your unloved console window. No sweat, you have "alien" set up already...
Programmatic solution (run the same script under wlua.exe if possible)
local i, j = 0, 0
repeat j = j + 1 until not arg[j]
repeat i = i - 1 until not arg[i-1]
local exe = arg[i]:lower()
-- check if the script is running under lua.exe
if exe:find('lua%.exe$') and not exe:find('wlua%.exe$') then
arg[i] = exe:gsub('lua%.exe$','w%0')
-- check if wlua.exe exists
if[i]) then
-- run the same script under wlua.exe
os.execute('"start "" "'..table.concat(arg,'" "',i,j-1)..'""')
-- exit right now to close console window
-- Your main program is here:
require "luarocks.require"
require "alien"
local MessageBox = alien.User32.MessageBoxA
MessageBox:types{ret = "long", abi = "stdcall", "long", "string", "string", "long" }
MessageBox(0, "Hello World!", "My Window Title", 0x00000040)
If you can use winapi module or have similar calls in Alien, you can find the handler of the console window and hide the window itself. The code would be similar to this:
require winapi
local pid = winapi.get_current_pid()
local wins = winapi.find_all_windows(function(w)
return w:get_process():get_pid() == pid
and w:get_class_name() == 'ConsoleWindowClass'
for _,win in pairs(wins) do win:show_async(winapi.SW_HIDE) end
You'll need to check if this leave the MessageBox visible or not.

Getting clicked file's name in an exe application

I created an exe application which I want to have as a default program for special file types. Currently I run the program from cmd as follows: "myapp.exe filename" and I got the file from argv. I set myapp.exe to be the default application and double clicked the file. What happened is that myapp.exe was ran without the file as input.
How do I get the file that was double clicked and ran the exe?

VS macro. Getting the title (not name) of the process to attach to

I'm modifying one of the attach to process macro's for VS 2010.
I often have multiple instances of iisexpress running. I usually run them via batch start command and specify a title - so whenever i use VS's attach to process window i can clearly see the title of the instance i'm attaching to. I'm wondering how do I get the title of the process within the macro. I can get process id which could potentially give me access to title I assume... ?
You can use the Process.MainWindowTitle property:
Sub Main()
For Each process In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses()
If process.ProcessName = "cmd" Then
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", process.ProcessName, process.MainWindowTitle)
End If
End Sub
If you execute this command:
start "xyzzy" cmd.exe
The test program produces this output:
cmd: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
cmd: xyzzy
After you get EnvDTE.Process, e.g. process, you can get the tile like this:
