Lotus Notes: view opened from outline in new tab on web - view

I have an outline which contains some outline entries.
Every entry contains a view and in the outline entry properties at Content there is the name of the frame. Also, every view in its properties at Auto Frame (web only), there is the name of the frame.
Even so, when I click another view to open it, it will b open in a new tab of the browser.
I appreciate your time and help!
PS: I observed this problem after I put the suggestion code ( which it works ): Lotus Domino: View pagination on web .
If I remove the code from OnLoad it works quite well, with no openings in new tab. Is there any chance to have the code on OnLoad event and the views to be open in same frame?

By changing the value of window.name, the pagination code is affecting the name of the frame in which the content appears. So when you click a link in the outline, the browser goes to look for the window/frame with the name specified by the outline, and it can't find such a one -- so it opens a new window with the specified name.
For the pagination code to not interfere with your navigation, you would have to change it to not rename the window -- it would have to store its window-identifier elsewhere. For instance, if you know the view will appear in a frameset, you could set a property of top instead of window. Since the top window of the frameset doesn't change when you load new pages within a frame, you can even just keep track of the last Start= parameter there, and not bother with cookies.
I encourage you to look into using XPages for your web design -- this is usually simpler.


Accessible AJAX page transitions for SPA

I have been tasked with building a SPA that has some complex page transitions.
My biggest concern is that these transitions rely on elements expanding on the page to then become the full page (i.e. you click a blue button, the blue background expands to fill the whole page and then the content is displayed.)
Now this is where I am struggling to come up with an accessible solution. I thought about making the text within the original 'button' a link with padding (as the URL will update and the link is for no JavaScript fallback) and then replacing the content of the parent div (the blue background) with the new content.
The problem I have is that I am not sure what would be the best practice for accessibility from the perspective of letting a screen reader user know that a new page has loaded in. Using aria-live is a terrible idea, but with NVDA if I just replace the contents of the div it can have some strange behaviour.
Has anyone ever come across this before? For example this dribble nearly shows what I mean, you click an element and then it opens up into a new page with the content within the element.
For a 'normal' AJAX site when navigating I would simply replace the whole <main> with the new content, make the <h1> programatically focused with a tabindex="-1", update the page <title> and that works fine, but with this type of navigation I am wondering if the same approach is applicable.
I am thinking replacing everything within the <main> element except for the selected 'button' background (including the original link being removed once the new page has loaded) and then loading the content in and managing the focus as described would work, but I am not sure if there is an accepted pattern for this type of navigation as it is so unusual.
I am thinking replacing everything within the element except
for the selected 'button' background (including the original link
being removed once the new page has loaded) and then loading the
content in and managing the focus as described would work, but I am
not sure if there is an accepted pattern for this type of navigation
as it is so unusual
I think this is your best best. The whole visual expanding thing is just eye candy, so as long as it is there you should be able to do this behind the scenes. Make sure you test with screen readers.

NSDocument with multiple windows -- Appkit dialog sheets jump to the wrong window

It is rarely used, but Apple's NSDocument documentation describes how to set up an NSDocument with multiple windows for a single document. I'm working on a database application that does this. Here is an example of a checkbook database document with two windows open. Each window shows a different view of the document, in this case a spreadsheet like view in the back, and a chart summarizing this data set in the front window. This example shows two windows for one document, but the user can create as many windows per document as they want, each displaying the same underlying document in a different way.
Everything works fine, except that if a system dialog sheet is opened (Save As, Print, Page Setup), most of the time (but not every time) the dialog sheet jumps to another window and attaches to that window instead of the current window, as shown in this movie.
Notice that although the dialog sheet attaches to the window containing the chart, it is correctly printing the content in the spreadsheet window. If I press Print, the correct content will be printed.
For printing, all our code does is call the NSDocument printDocument: method.
[NSApplication sendActionToFirstResponder:#selector(printDocument:)];
Page Setup code is also just calling NSDocument.
[NSApplication sendActionToFirstResponder:#selector(runPageLayout:)];
Our code is not customizing any of these dialog sheets, they are completely stock.
For the Save As command there is no code in our application at all, this appears automatically in the menu when the option key is pressed.
This problem appears in all versions of macOS supported by our application, from 10.9 thru 10.13. Perhaps this is an AppKit bug that is rarely seen because multiple windows with a single document is so rarely used?
This problem doesn't cause a crash, or prevent a user from doing what they want, but it is very visibly incorrect and reduces user confidence in the quality of the program.
For my reference this is #221 in the Panorama X issue tracker.
Implement/override NSDocument property windowForSheet.
The value of this property may be nil, in which case the sender should present an app-modal panel. The NSDocument implementation of this property sets the value to the window of the first window controller, or [NSApp mainWindow] if there are no window controllers or if the first window controller has no window.

Getting the current value of a textbox in Access 2013 Custom Web App

in a List view I want a particular control (textbox) to have a red background color if it has a certain value. I have tried the following:
Click on the textbox then click the Data icon in the context sensitive controls that appear. I can then see that the name of the control is First_NameTextBox. I then click anywhere on the List view and click the Actions icon in the context controls that appear to the right of the view. I select "On Current". I then create two steps that should be executed whenever a new record is activated:
If [First_NameTextBox] = "somevalue" Then
Control Name [First_NameTextBox]
Property BackColor
Value #FF0000
End If
However, this turns the textbox red no matter what the value in First_NameTextBox is. How do I reference the CURRENT value of the textbox?
Conditional formatting based on a field value is not available for the List View in a Web App.
If you've built web pages (with or without a templating engine), the design limitations of Access can be frustrating.
Another kind of frustration comes from moving a form in Access from the native Access environment to a browser-based display.
I've felt the first kind of frustration, but so far I've avoided the second kind. I keep MS Access and HTML-rendered forms far away from each other.
Conditional Formatting in the List View of Access Web Apps is Available its just way harder than it should be.
Input "If Statement" under the "Current Macro" by clicking outside any text box or label then traveling to the top right of the view and you will see the Lightning bolt which allows two options, "On Load" and "On Current".
Don't forget You will need to set the control back to the original color by using the else. (also, for some reason I have to flip the Colors so where you would think red would go, Put White.
IF = "" True Then
Summary: your Code is Sound, Just input it under the Views Current Macro Location
This is my first post, i spent DAYS looking for this information and found in the deep google somewhere so i hope this helps you.

How to Put image or image based text on Navigation tab (bar) in Oracle APEX 4?

Got this basic issue..
I have two tab navigation bar in Oracle APEX 4.0. The parent tab and the standard tab.
The standard tab which is below parent tab starting from left, I would like to put a text or image made of text on the right side which describes the overall application.
The Text or Image of made of text will be "BASIC PROGRAM" in a Green color with big font size.
Can anybody guide me how to proceed..
I was thinking using substitution strings such as #tab_cells# may work, but not sure where to put and how to do it?
appreciate your help..
Tabs are long due an overhaul, the customisation you can do on them is extremely limited. Short of completely overhauling your menu system, i'd alter this one tab through javascript/jquery.
Please take care with selectors for tabs. I have no idea which theme you are using, i did this for theme 21 with 2 level tabs, selecting a 2nd level tab. Inspect your HTML and adapt this to your requirement.
$("ul#tabs li").each(function(){
{"background":'url()', "background-color":"green", "text-shadow":"none"}
I wouldn't change the template per se. There is not much you can do there to the tab generation, since you can not use plsql code. Rather, you could put the tab label in an attribute on a higher level than the a-tag, to have an easier jquery selector. Or you can put the javascript code in to run on-load. Or have a dynamic action on page zero to run on-load, and this will affect every tab in each page.

Page State in Windows Phone 7 applications - do I need to save it?

In the following blog post the author describes the need to store page state, e.g. the text within a TextBox control, in the Page State dictionary so that it is restored when navigating between pages:
However, I have created a very simple application that has one page with a Button and a TextBlock and a ListBox of items. The button navigates to a dummy page, via NavigationService.Navigate. Now, if I scroll the list and input some text into my TextBox, navigate to the dummy page, then hit the back-button, I can see that my text is still present in the TextBox and the scroll position was preserved.
My question is, (tombstoning aside) do I ever need to persist the state of UI controls when simply navigating between them? It would appear that the frameowkr does this for me (despite the blog post above!).
You should persist state if it makes sense in the context of your application and will be helpful to the user.
This almost certainly means when tombstoning but probably not when the application is closed via the back button and then restarted.
In your scenario, the scroll position and text will be lost on tombstoning so you probably want to save these details.
Saving state is only relevant in the context of tombstoning and launching new instances of an application so (a tiny number of exceptional cases aside—and it doesn't sound like you are one of them) it doesn't make sense to talk about saving state outside of this.
