Ruby operator and method invoking - ruby

Assume that we have a class
class Foo
def + (element); end
def add (element); end
Now we can invoke these two methods like:
foo =
And that's resonable. This is the right way of invoking methods.
My question is: Why we can do something like:
foo + 'bar'
but not:
foo add 'bar'
Does Ruby distinguish if method name is actually operator overloading? How does it work?

This is one of the things many people refer to as Ruby's syntax sugar. The language recognizes these mathematical operators as well as other ASCII symbol operators, such as the << insertion operator, and allows them to be called with white space and without the method dot. This allows for a more natural usage of the method.
Your #add method is not recognized by Ruby to be a standard operator and so this syntax help is not performed.

Ruby treats specific method names called also as a (subset of) operators differently. They can be invoked without a dot ., can be prepended to an owning object (do not require an argument, ie. unary operators) and have different precedence order then standard methods.
Here is a fixed list of concrete `operator' methods which are not keywords and can be defined or overloaded (marked with Y).


Ruby - when I should use parenthesis or not when calling a function/method

Is there a clear standard or guide to use or not use parenthesis when calling a function/method?
For example, the following code:
class List < Jets::Stack
Should I or shouldn't I use parenthesis? Other example:
class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
def sqs_event ref(:dead_letter)
class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
def sqs_event ref :dead_letter
Is there a official guideline I can follow?
There isn't an official standard for Ruby code best practices. However, a set of preferred styles has evolved in the Ruby community. It's a good idea to follow those preferred styles, just because it makes your code more easily readable by other Ruby programmers.
Nick Roz has given you a link to the style guide. I would also recommend that you consider installing and using rubocop. It will give you feedback on when and when not to parenthesize arguments, many other formatting matters such as proper indenting, and which of the often several different syntax options to choose in a particular situation.
To answer your specific question about whether or not to use parentheses for method arguments, the answer is yes, in general. Exceptions are, as the guide says, "methods that have 'keyword' status in Ruby." An example is puts (actually the Kernel.puts method). Most people don't use parentheses here, but the guide states that they are optional.
Another example, as Nick has said (although "methods with keyword arguments" isn't quite correct; in that case the arguments are symbols that represent methods rather than keywords), is attr_accessor, which is actually Module.attr_accessor.
So, as a general rule, if it looks like a "command" (a "keyword," if you will), but is actually a method, omit the parentheses. Otherwise, use them. And if you're not sure of the difference, get in the habit of using rubocop.
In Ruby it is usually optional.
Ruby tends towards minimalism so they are often avoided.
Sometimes they are required such as in rspec expect where
expect be true
has to be
expect(a).to be true
Using no parens or empty parens when calling a method that has a parameter results in ArgumentError unless you a default for the param, i.e.
def a(x=1)
The other consideration is when you want to call a method on the result of something, when you'll need want that method to clearly be on the final result, i.e.
"br" + "own".upcase
("br" + "own").upcase
Finally, as I'm talking about clarity, sometimes it may be better to have them, even when not strictly needed. This is generally in compound expressions, rather than relying on operator precedence, etc. Or if you want an expression that specifically does not get executed by standard operator precedence and you want your own grouping and order of operations, for example:
irb(main):007:0> 5 + 6 * 2
=> 17
irb(main):008:0> (5 + 6) * 2
=> 22
As Nick indicated, the one complication is super where super or super() pass on parms but super(a,b) calls super with... a,b as params
Yes there is
I suppose you are looking for community guidelines since there is not style guides from Ruby core team.
Well, whenever you call a method you should use parenthesis, otherwise it becomes unclear
# bad
x = Math.sin y
# good
x = Math.sin(y)
# bad
array.delete e
# good
# bad
temperance = 'Temperance', 30
# good
temperance ='Temperance', 30)
However it is recommended to skip them when there is no arguments.
Be careful with super and super() they are different. super without brackets passes all the parameters implicitly. super() with empty brackets omits all the parameters
The only exception that comes to my mind is some kind of custom DSL, there must be some rules or preferences for DSL itself e.g.
validates :name, presence: true
It is also true for methods with keyword arguments:
attr_reader :name, :age
According to Matz:
If arguments are given to a method, they are generally surrounded by
object.method(arg1, arg2)
but they can be omitted if doing so does not cause ambiguity.
object.method arg1, arg2

Iv'e tried defining a function in ruby with constant parameter names, why does it throw an error?

whenever I try doing def foo(CONST1, CONST2)..., it always gives an error, even if only the function name is a constant.
# Error!
def foo (BAR, BAZ)
puts BAR + BAZ
Ruby is an unusually case-sensitive language so you can't do certain things because capital letters have syntactical meaning. Other languages don't care, but Ruby does.
For example your method arguments must be variables. You cannot define constants here. Capital letters at the beginning indicate a constant, no exceptions.
You should define this as:
def foo(const1, const2)
# ..
Some rules:
Method names, variables and arguments are lower_case.
Classes and modules follow ClassName and ModuleName respectively. These are technically constants.
Other constants are defined as CONSTANT_NAME
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by defining "constant parameter names", so if you could explain maybe there's a better answer here.

Why does `gsub` call `to_hash`?

I am writing a DSL. I don't want users to have to quote the arguments to pass strings, therefore I overwrite method_missing to convert an unknown method to a string. In the following example, create is the DSL method, and I wanted user to type arg1 and arg2 without the quotes.
def method_missing(m, *arg)
def create(*args)
arg1.gsub(#do something here)
create arg1 arg2
However, this raises and error when I use gsub on the 'string':
'gsub': can't convert String to Hash (String#to_hash gives String) (TypeError)
I guess the method_missing overwriting is messed it up since it looks like gsub is calling String#to_hash, which is not a method in String, thus it is routed to method_missing.
I am wondering why gsub calls String#to_hash, or whether there is any other way to let users of the DSL not have to type quotes, without overwriting method_missing.
String#gsub does different things depending on the argument count and types, and if a block was given:
gsub(pattern, replacement) → new_str
gsub(pattern, hash) → new_str
gsub(pattern) {|match| block } → new_str
gsub(pattern) → enumerator
The second one is documented as:
If the second argument is a Hash, and the matched text is one of its keys, the corresponding value is the replacement string.
But how to distinguish it from the first? Both take two arguments! That's a little bit complicated but in your case Ruby (well, the reference implementation called CRuby or MRI to be exact) starts with checking if the second argument has the internal type T_HASH (it doesn't as it's most likely T_STRING due to #to_s), then it checks if #to_hash can be called. Either because it responds to it or #method_missing can instead. You have defined it so Ruby calls it. However it doesn't return a T_HASH and that is the cause of the exception you've posted.
A possible solution is defining main.method_missing and not Object#method_missing (as String inherits from Object):
def self.method_missing(m, *arg)
However I recommend sticking to quotes or writing your own small parser for this kind of file if it shouldn't adhere to Ruby's syntax. Using *_missing may be the cause of confusing or unhelpful error messages. Or even none (I guess create arg1 arg2 should've been create arg1, arg2).
gsub probably uses method_missing itself somewhere, so it seems that defining it globally there is causing internal issues with the method call. If you're going to use method_missing make sure you always define it in a module or a class:
module CoolDSL
def self.method_missing(m, *arg)
def self.create(*args)
args[0].gsub(/1/, "2")
def self.do_thing
create arg1 arg2
Naturally, that's not exactly useful as a DSL, so you'll want to learn the power of instance_eval and yield. I like this guide.

What does the end.method do in Ruby?

I've seen code like this:
def some_method
# ...
What does the end.another_method part do?
I believe that your example is wrong, as what you are doing here is defining a method and calling a method on the result of a method definition (not a method call), which is always (usually?) nil.
There's a similar form which fmendez is referring to, but end is the end of a block, not a method definition in that case.
So, for example: do |element|
element * element
would, hypothetically, return a sum of squares of elements of given array.
But, if you are doing method chaining like this, it is more common to use bracket style blocks instead of do..end, so the above example would read:{ |element|
element * element
Blocks in Ruby are method arguments, not unlike any other method arguments (apart from the dedicated syntax), so putting dot after end is not different than putting the dot after ) in
'hello'.concat(' world!').capitalize
Which is also an example of method chaining.
In Ruby, the . is the message sending operator. (In other languages, it would be called a method calling operator instead.) So, when you say
it means "evaluate foo and send the message bar to the result of evaluating foo".
In this particular case, you are sending the message another_method to the result of evaluating
def some_method; end
The Ruby Language Specification says that the value of a method definition expression is undefined and should be ignored; and on most Ruby implementations, method definition expressions simply evaluate to nil, which isn't terribly useful.
However, on some implementations, method definition expressions do evaluate to something more useful than nil. On Rubinius, for example, they evaluate to the CompiledMethod object for the method being defined. And CompiledMethod has a rich API, so sending messages to a CompiledMethod object definitely makes sense.
It has also been proposed that method definition expressions should return a Symbol corresponding to the name of the method being defined or a Method object.
Put simply: the dot in this particular case means the exact same thing it always means in Ruby: send a message, call a method, invoke a member function, whatever you want to call it.

Are "begin" and "end" reserved words or not?

I'm kind of confused about reserved words in Ruby.
"The Ruby Programming Language", co-authored by Matz, says that begin and end are reserved words of the language. They're certainly used syntactically to mark out blocks.
However, range objects in the language have methods named begin and end, as in
=> 10
Now, testing this out, I find that, indeed, I can define methods named "begin" and "end" on objects, though if I try to name a variable "begin" it fails. (Here's a sample of using it as a method name, it actually works...:)
class Foo
def begin
puts "hi"
So, I suppose I'm asking, what actually is the status of reserved words like this? I would have imagined that they couldn't be used for method names (and yet it seems to work) or that at the very least it would be terrible style (but it is actually used in the core language for the Range class).
I'm pretty confused as to when they're allowed to be used and for what. Is there even documentation on this?
Yes, they are reserved words. Yes, they can be used for method names. No, you can't call them without an explicit receiver. It's probably not a good idea anyway.
class Foo
def if(foo)
puts foo
end"foo") # outputs foo, returns nil
Update: Here's a quote from "The Ruby Programming Language", by Matz (the creator of Ruby) himself:
In most languages, these words would be called “reserved words” and
they would be never allowed as identifiers. The Ruby parser is
flexible and does not complain if you prefix these keywords with #,
##, or $ prefixes and use them as instance, class, or global variable
names. Also, you can use these keywords as method names, with the
caveat that the method must always be explicitly invoked through an
When they are given in a form that is unambiguously a method call, you can use them. If you have a period in front of it .begin or have parentheses after is begin(), then it is unambiguously a method call. When you try to use it as a variable begin, it is ambiguous (in principle).
Actually, as Perry, notes, begin() might be tricky. I checked with irb with Ruby 1.9.3, and the following strange thing happens:
irb(main):001:0> def begin(foo)
irb(main):002:1> puts 'a'
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> begin(3)
irb(main):006:1* end
=> 3
It is not defined, and what looks like a method call might be just a block returning the last-evaluated 3. But the lines around def begin(foo) remains mystery.
